

云里峰主 云里阅天下 2022-07-30






The Family-State Relationship in Late Imperial China and Its Modern Reform

Professor Yue Du, Cornell University


9-11 a.m., May 20, 2022 / 北京5月21上午9-11点




May 20, 2022, 9-11 pm, Eastern Time (i.e., May 21, 9-11 am in Beijing)


Zoom conference, preregistration required at the following link 有兴趣的读者请使用以下链接提前注册,以便收到会议链接和密码: http://t.cn/A66RckZb(此前已注册过上次四月份讲座的朋友毋需再次注册)。



Dr. Yue Du 杜乐,Asistant Professor, Department of History, Cornell University 康奈尔大学历史系助理教授



The Familiy-State Relationship in Late Imperial China and Its Modern Reform


Dr. Shuang Chen 陈爽, University of Iowa 爱荷华大学历史系副教授

Dr. Meng Zhang 张萌, Vanderbilt University 范德堡大学历史系助理教授


Dr. Li Chen 陈利, University of Toronto


次讲座以中文为主。This talk will be delivered in Chinese.

Speaker's Bio/主讲人简介

Mara Yue Du 杜乐 is an assistant professor teaching modern Chinese history at Cornell University. Her first book, State and Family in China: Filial Piety and Its Modern Reform, was published by Cambridge University Press in January 2022. Approaching family through the lens of law, this book studies “ruling the empire by the principle of filial piety” (孝治天下) as a governing mechanism that characterized China-based empires across the second millennium c.e. This governing mechanism, which influenced how family relations were perceived by the imperial state and local actors alike, set the stage for state-sponsored family reform in twentieth century China. Her current project, tentatively titled China: From a Nationless State to a Nation Defined by State, explores the evolvement of the notion of sovereignty in China's empire-to-nation transformation. It centers on the multifaceted concept guo 國, which meant a dynastic state in classical Chinese but which came to represent the modern nation state in the twentieth century. She is also collecting materials for her third book-length project, Twice a Stranger: China, the United States, and Trans-Pacific Intellectuals, a narrative that tells the story of the two countries through the life experiences of six transnational figures. Mara Du has published on law, family, empire- and nation-building, and Pan-Asianism in journals such as Late Imperial China, Modern China, Asia Major, International Journal of Asian Studies, NAN NÜ, Journal of Family History, and Frontiers of History in China.

杜乐, 北京大学社会学学士和历史学硕士,纽约大学历史学博士,现任康奈尔大学历史学系助理教授。主要研究领域为法律史,家庭史,及国族概念的建构。2022年剑桥大学出版社英文专著State and Family in China: Filial Piety and Its Modern Reform(国与家:孝道及其近代转型)。目前的新研究主要围绕于近现代中国”国/国家”概念的发展,暂定题目China: From a Nationless State to a Nation Defined by State

Lecture Title / 讲座题目

The Family-State Relationship in Late Imperial China and Its Modern Reform


Professor Du's Monograph 杜老师2022年英文专著封面

  • Abstract of Professor Du's Monograph 杜老师英文新专著内容摘要

  • In Imperial China, the idea of filial piety not only shaped family relations but was also the official ideology by which Qing China was governed. In State and Family in China, Yue Du examines the relationship between politics and intergenerational family relations in China from the Qing period to 1949, focusing on changes in family law, parent-child relationships, and the Chinese state during this period. This book highlights how the Qing dynasty treated the state-sponsored parent-child hierarchy as the axis around which Chinese family and political power relations were constructed and maintained. It shows how following the fall of the Qing in 1911, reform of filial piety law in the Republic of China became the basis of state-directed family revolution, playing a central role in China's transition from empire to nation-state.

  • 中文简介:


  • 剑桥大学出版社链接:https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/state-and-family-in-china/D469744148654641887D01E1A74F2F00#fndtn-information


  • Table of Contents:

    Introduction: Filial Piety beyond Confucianism

    Part I Ruling the Empire through the Principle of Filiality

    1 “Parents Can Never Be Wrong”: Punishing Rebellious Children as a Didactic Show

    2 Policies and Counterstrategies: Negotiating State-Sponsored Filiality in the Everyday

    3 “Parenting All under Heaven on Behalf of Heaven”: State-Sponsored Filiality and Imperial Rulership

    Part II Building the Nation through Restructuring the Family

    4 Reorienting Parent–Child Relations: From Parents’ Authority to Children’s Rights

    5 Reconceptualizing Parent–Child Relations: From Life-Long Parental Privilege to Transitory Guardianship

    6 A Constitutional Agenda: Remaking the Family to Make a New State

    Conclusion: Filial Piety toward the State

  • 目录




    第一章  “天下无不是的父母”:惩戒不孝子孙,规训与教化

    第二章  政策与对策:孝道与日常法律博弈

    第三章  "代天子民":孝道与帝国统治


    第四章  重新定调亲子关系:从强调父母权威到强调子女权利

    第五章  重新定义亲子关系:从终身等级关系到临时抚养关系

    第五章  家国秩序的调整与宪法秩序的变迁


Commentators’ Bios / 评议人简介

‍‍‍‍Shuang Chen 陈爽

Shuang Chen, Ph.D. (Michigan), is Associate Professor of History at the University of Iowa. As a historian of late imperial and modern China, her research interest encompasses social, economic, and legal history, with an emphasis on exploring how the interplay of state and local institutions over the long term shaped the early modern Chinese society. Her book, entitled State-Sponsored Inequality: The Banner System and Social Stratification in Northeast China (Stanford University Press, 2017), utilizes legal cases and household and land registers to explore the social economic processes of inequality in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century rural Manchuria. In addition, she has also published a set of articles and book chapters on family and population history, examining the interaction between demographic behaviors, social stratification, and institutional context under the setting of frontier settlement.

陈爽,北京大学历史学学士和硕士,密歇根大学历史学博士,现任爱荷华大学历史系副教授。  主要研究领域为近现代社会史、经济史和法律史。其研究着重于探讨国家与地方机构的互动及其型塑现代中国社会的过程。著有State-Sponsored Inequality: The Banner System and Social Stratification in Northeast China(斯坦福大学出版社2017年出版)以及关于家庭史和历史人口学的论文多篇。

Peng Zhang 张萌

Meng Zhang is Assistant Professor of History at Vanderbilt University. She received her Ph.D. in History from UCLA in 2017 and B.A. in Economics from Peking University in 2010. She is particularly interested in the economic and environmental transformations in late imperial China and transnational dynamics in the rise of global capitalism. Her first book, Timber and Forestry in Qing China: Sustaining the Market (University of Washington Press, 2021), reveals the complex reality of timber trade and resource management during the flurry of commercial development in Qing China.

张萌现任范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)历史系助理教授,2010年毕业于北京大学光华管理学院金融系,2017年获加州大学洛杉矶分校历史学博士。研究兴趣聚焦于明清时期的经济社会与环境变迁以及全球资本主义兴起过程中的跨国互动。著有Timber and Forestry in Qing China: Sustaining the Market (华盛顿大学出版社2021年出版),上海人民出版社出版将推出中译本。

Moderator / 主持人简介

Li Chen 陈利

Li Chen,J.D.(Illinois)/Ph.D.(Columbia), is Associate Professor of History and Law at the University of Toronto. His research focuses on the intersections of law, culture and politics in Chinese and global history since 1500. His publications include a monograph, Chinese Law in Imperial Eyes: Sovereignty, Justice, and Transcultural Politics (Columbia, 2016). He has been working on a few other book projects.

陈利 现任多伦多大学历史与文化研究系、历史系副教授,法学院兼任副教授。他的研究集中于明清以来中国和全球史中的法律、文化及政治领域间互动关系。其英文专著Chinese Law in Imperial Eyes《帝国眼中的中国法律:主权、正义和跨文化政治》获亚洲研究协会2018年中国领域列文森 (Levenson) 著作奖,其中文版将由浙江大学出版社发行。他的中文学术文集近期计划由商务印书馆出版。他目前正写一本关于清代司法幕友和司法资本的英文专著和其它研究项目。


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