
肖邦音乐会丨Lukas Geniušas演奏肖邦24首练习曲

2017-01-29 古典音乐放映厅

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=s01574kgt1t&width=500&height=375&auto=0Lukas Geniusas演奏肖邦24首练习曲

“Geniušas plays with a prizewinner’s brilliance, yet with a mature ability to recreate a work’s architecture, and an expressiveness that doesn’t overtly draw attention to itself.”——The Guardian

Born in Moscow in 1990, Lukas Geniušas started piano studies at the age of 5 at the preparatory department of F. Chopin Music College in Moscow, going on to graduate with top honours in 2008.

He was born into a family of musicians which played a major role in Lukas’ swift musical development, in particular the mentorship of his grandmother, Vera Gornostaeva, the prominent teacher and professor at the Moscow Conservatory. This early development helped Lukas become the laureate of several major competitions including the Gina Bachauer Piano Competition in Utah, the Silver medal at the Chopin International Piano Competition in 2010. Two years later he received the German Piano Award in Frankfurt am Main. His most recent victory, and one of the most important, is the Silver Medal at the XV Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow in 2015.

Lukas has appeared with numerous orchestras including the Hamburg Symphony, Duisburg Symphony, BBC Scottish Symphony, St Petersburg Philharmonic, Kremerata Baltica, Mariinsky Theatre Orchestra, Warsaw Philharmonic, and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, under the batons of conductors such as Valery Gergiev, Mikhail Pletnev, Andrey Boreyko, Saulius Sondeckis, Dmitry Sitkovetsky, Antoni Wit, Rafael Payare, Roman Kofman, and Dmitry Liss, to name but a few. His international career has taken Lukas to prestigious venues and festivals throughout the world, including the Rheingau, Ruhr and Lockenhaus Music Festivals, Piano aux Jacobins, the Auditorium du Louvre and Wigmore Hall, as well as to major concert halls in Russia and South America.

Highlights of the 2015/16 season have included triumphant recitals at the Salle Gaveau in Paris and London International Piano Series, with the NHK Symphony Orchestra and Tugan Sokhiev as well as with Mikhail Pletnev and the Russian National Orchestra.  He recently performed at the La Roque d’Anthéron International Piano Festival and made his début at the Verbier Festival with solo and chamber recitals.

In the 2016/17 season he returns to the Sala Verdi in Milan, Mariinsky-3 and the Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory, and performs début recitals at the Montreal Pro Musica series and Washington Phillips Collection. Important forthcoming engagements also include performances with Charles Dutoit and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, with the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra under Alexander Lazarev in Yokohama, as well as with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France.

Lukas’ musical interests are extensive and he explores a wide range of repertoire, from the Baroque to works by contemporary composers. His repertoire spans from Beethoven Piano Concerti through to Hindemith’s ‘Ludus Tonalis’ Cycle, as well as a strong interest in Russian repertoire such as Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov and Prokofiev. Lukas is an avid chamber musician. He is an extremely inquisitive performer and enjoys working on new works by modern composers, as well as resurrecting rarely performed repertoire.

These aspects of his career are reflected in Lukas’ critically acclaimed discography, which includes his most recent recordings of the complete Rachmaninov Preludes (Piano Classics), ‘The Emancipation of Dissonance’ (works by Desyatnikov, Arzumanov and Ryuabov) and a CD of works for violin and piano with Aylen Pritchin (Melodiya) as well as earlier recordings of Chopin Etudes op. 10 and 25, and Brahms and Beethoven sonatas.

At the age of 15, he was awarded a “Young Talents” federal grant from the Russian Federation and two years later received the “Gifted Youth of the 21st Century” award. Lukas has since garnered much praise and many awards in recognition of his talent, also in his native Lithuania, where he gives concerts regularly and is recognized as an outstanding performer. Since 2015, Lukas has been a featured artist of "Looking at the stars" a philanthropy project based in Toronto, whose purpose is to bring classical music to institutions and organizations (prisons, hospitals and shelters) where people may not have an opportunity to experience it live in a traditional setting.

钢琴家系列:1、“你怎么过一天,就怎么过一生”丨灯火中的李斯特是怎么练琴的?2、内田光子的苦瓜脸与莫扎特《第二十钢琴协奏曲》(K.466);3、凌晨四点的济南机场有位不会用手机的外国老头,名叫德慕斯,他要转机去天津;4、预示着浪漫主义到来的莫扎特钢琴幻想曲丨吉列尔斯演奏《d小调幻想曲》(K397);5、听贝多芬如何用音乐歌唱永恒的爱情丨齐默尔曼演绎《第五钢琴协奏曲“皇帝”》;6、弗雷迪·肯普夫(Freddy Kempf)演奏肖邦《降A大调“牧笛”》(Op.25 No.1);7、聆听邓泰山演奏会曾经遗失的两首李斯特传奇曲;8、他的音乐生活就一场冒险性极高的比赛丨古尔达演奏莫扎特《第九、第十二钢琴奏鸣曲》(K.311/K.332);9、“这不是一个钢琴家在演奏,而是上帝在演奏!”丨听席夫弹《平均律》(BWV846-893);10、“指挥在这里,钢琴家也在这里,贝多芬在哪里?”丨施纳贝尔的贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲;11、看落魄的灵魂如何用音乐来抚慰世间的一切丨科奇什、布伦德尔、阿凡纳西耶夫演奏舒伯特《第21钢琴奏鸣曲》D.960;12、王羽佳的三首“第一钢琴协奏曲”丨巴托克、门德尔松、肖斯塔科维奇;13、我能想到最浪漫的事,就是和阿姐一起弹四手联弹;14、阿格里奇的钢琴艺术丨有的钢琴家把活的作品弹死,而她却能把死的作品都弹活;15、游子还乡的悲情演出丨1986年霍洛维茨重回莫斯科视频;16、莫扎特维也纳生涯中的虚假曙光丨波利尼、霍洛维茨、特里福诺夫演绎莫扎特《第二十三钢琴协奏曲》K.488;17、来看陈萨最美的照片丨聆听莫扎特《A大调第二十三号钢琴协奏曲》丨吕嘉指挥国家大剧院管弦乐团;18、佩拉西亚谈巴赫丨他“给与我们力量,同时赐予我们宁静,因为它在精神上把美妙与神圣结为一体!” 19、万圣节不可怕,李斯特《鬼火》最吓人丨来听基辛、张昊辰、鲁岗斯基的演绎;20、陈萨谈德彪西《雪上足迹》丨“人一进去了,就忘记了时间,忘记了小节线”丨吉泽金、傅聪、米开兰杰利演奏《德彪西前奏曲》第一册;21、音乐是发自内心的语言丨聆听斯科达、李赫特、阿格里奇、傅聪演绎海顿《D大调第十一钢琴协奏曲》;22、旷野的呼唤丨傅聪、沈璐演绎斯卡拉蒂《d小调钢琴奏鸣曲》K.213;23、天凉好个秋丨来看李赫特、基辛、张昊辰演奏肖邦练习曲《冬风》Op.25 No.11;24、纪念斯卡拉蒂丨聆听阿格里奇演绎K.141丨皮尔斯演绎K.208丨王羽佳演绎K.247;25、聆听斯卡拉蒂丨傅聪、朱晓玫、普雷特涅夫的斯卡拉蒂键盘奏鸣曲;26、犹太钢琴家古尔达丨一场音乐会结束后,他居然去了夜总会……27、心在告诉他怎样演奏丨13岁基辛演奏肖邦《e小调第一钢琴协奏曲》(Op.11,1985);28、钢琴家基辛丨在他漠然外表后面,总隐藏着神秘不可知的东西……;29、一种天赋神技的恩赐丨基辛演奏老柴《第1钢琴协奏曲》丨卡拉扬、小泽征尔指挥;30、卡蒂雅苹果音乐节演奏视频丨“我的美丽不是物质的”;31、春节音乐会丨卡察里斯演奏巴赫BWV 1054 、莫扎特 K. 467音乐会!32、米开朗杰利独奏音乐会丨贝多芬、舒伯特、勃拉姆斯丨1981年瑞士卢加诺

