文献导读 | 二语写作中的协同效应
Effect of Alignment on L2 Written Production
This article aims to uncover how L2 writing isaffected by alignment, a sociocognitive process involving dynamic coordinationand adaptation. For this, two studies were conducted. Study 1 required twogroups of 24 learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) to continue inEnglish two stories with their endings removed, both of which had a Chineseversion and an English version. Each group continued one story following thereading of its Chinese version and the other following the reading of itsEnglish version. Study 2 asked another two groups of 24 EFL learners to write,without an input text, on two topics meant to activate their contextualknowledge. One topic was related to an English film and the other to anL1-based anecdotal experience. Results showed that (i) alignment manifesteditself in the continuation when the learners performed the English-versiontask, as they used more lexical items in the original story and thus committedsignificantly fewer errors in comparison with their performance on theChinese-version task, and (ii) a task that activated the learners’L1 contextualknowledge incurred significantly more L1 transfer errors due toself-alignment.
简介Brief Introduction
其次本研究可以基于研究第一手资料建立小型语料库,通过 AntConc3.3.5, 语料库检索其关键词表(keywordslist)与参 照 库对比,筛选出目标语料库中出现异常高频的词,从而揭示其用词特征。
研究问题 Research Questions
1) When writing follows text reading in a continuation task, does L2learners’writing show alignmentwith the text?
2) Do L2 learners make fewer L2 use errors if the text is provided inL2 as compared with the text in the learners’ native language?
3) In the absence of a text for alignment, how does differentcontextual knowledge or situation model activated affect L2 use?
研究方法 Research Methods
本文通过实证研究,研究的被试为两组英语专业二年级学生,每组 24 人。实验中,被试阅读两个故事的前半段,然后用英语续写后半段。供阅读的故事有英汉两个版本。因此,每组被试用英语完成两个续写任务:读一个故事前半段的英语版然后仍用英语续写,读另一个故事前半段的汉语版然后改用英语续写。
读后感 Comment
1)协同效应不仅仅存在于人际互动中。当输入与产出紧密结合时, 学习者与二语阅读文本的互动也会引发协同, 并影响后续写作中的语言使用。
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