
英文版《小猪佩奇》系列第二季08Windy Autumn Day 起风的秋日

关注☞ 小学英语学习帮 2023-02-11





Windy Autumn Day





Windy Autumn Day秋风凛冽Today, Peppa is going to the park.“今天,佩帕要去公园。”Brrr! Lt's freezing cold!布莱尔!冷得要命!It is cold!天很冷!Quick!快点!Let's get ourwarm clothes on!我们穿上暖和的衣服吧!On cold days, Peppa and herfamily在寒冷的日子里,佩帕和她的家人wear their hats and scarves and coats.戴上帽子、围巾和外套。I'll put the roof up.我要把屋顶盖起来。Ooh, And let's get the heating on.“噢,让我们把暖气打开。”Everyone nice and warm?每个人都很好很温暖?Yes, Daddy Pig!“是的,猪爸爸!”Then let's go!那我们走吧!This is the park.这是公园。We're here! Hooray!我们来了!万岁!Mummy,“妈妈,”why are all the leave red and yellow?为什么所有的叶子都是红色和黄色的?It's Autumn time, Peppa.“现在是秋天,佩帕。”In the Autumn, it gets a bit colder“到了秋天,天气变冷了一点”and the leaves change color.叶子也会变色。It's quite windy.风很大。Let's play a game to keep warm.让我们玩个游戏来保暖。My turn!轮到我了!Oh,“哦,”it's not meant to go that away.这不是故意的。The wind is blowing the ball along!风把球吹了!The ball is in the pond!球在池塘里!Hmmm,“嗯,”I'lljust use this stick to reach it.我用这根棍子去拿。Just a bit further, Daddy.“再往前一点,爸爸。”Be careful, Daddy Pig“小心点,猪爸爸”Don't worry!别担心!I. Ve almost got it.我差点就搞定了。Whoa!哇哦!Daddy, is the water cold?“爸爸,水冷吗?”A little bit.一点点。The wind has blown the ball风把球吹动了out of the pond.离开池塘。That's lucky!真幸运!Yes, what a stroke of luck!“是的,真幸运!”It's getting even windier,“风越来越大了,”Hold onto your hats.抓住你的帽子。Oh no!哦,不!The wind has blown George's hat off.风把乔治的帽子吹掉了。Whoa!哇哦!Don't worry George!别担心乔治!Daddy Pig will catch your hat!猪爸爸会抓住你的帽子的!Quick, Daddy!“快,爸爸!”Look!看!It's in that little tree!在那棵小树上!Hmmm.嗯。I'lljust climb up and get it.我爬上去拿。The tree's much too thin to这棵树太薄了take yourweight, Daddy Pig!“别发胖,猪爸爸!”So, how can we get George's hat?“那么,我们怎么才能拿到乔治的帽子呢?”Simple,“简单,”I. II give the tree a little shake.我把树摇一摇。Hmmm, Maybe if I shake it a bit harder.“嗯,也许我再用力一点。”Oooh!哦!I thought that sort of thing我想是这样的only happened to me!只发生在我身上!It's not funny.一点也不好笑。It's a bit funny, Mummy.“有点好笑,妈妈。”I suppose it is a bit funny.我觉得有点好笑。Where's George's hat?乔治的帽子在哪里?It's on your head!在你头上!Here's your hat George!这是你的帽子乔治!Hold onto it this time!这次坚持住!The wind is blowing all the leaves风吹动了所有的树叶off the trees.在树下。Look at me! I'm living into the wind.看看我!我生活在风中。The wind is strong enough风很大to hold Peppa up!把佩帕扶起来!The wind is strong enough风很大to hold George up!把乔治抱起来!Daddy! Have a go!爸爸!去吧!Er. I'm a bit too heavy...呃。我有点太重了…Come on, Daddy!“来吧,爸爸!”It's really fun!真有趣!Oh, all right!“哦,好吧!”The wind is strong enough风很大to hold up Daddy Pig!举起猪爸爸!I say! This is fun!我说这很有趣!Come on, Mummy Pig!“来吧,猪妈妈!”Give it a try!试试看!But if the wind stops.但如果风停了。I'll fall over.我会摔倒的。The wind won't just stop!风不会停下来的!The wind has stopped.风停了。It's not funny!一点也不好笑!It is a bit funny!有点好笑!Now, the wind has stopped.“现在,风停了。”What can we do?我们能做什么?Hmm, What's you favourite game?“嗯,你最喜欢什么游戏?”Jumping up and down in muddy puddles.在泥泞的水坑里跳来跳去。But there aren't any puddles.但是没有水坑。Just lots If boring, dry leaves.“枯燥枯燥的叶子就多了。”And what do you do with dry leaves?你怎么处理干树叶?I don't know.我不知道。Jump up and down in them!在他们身上跳上跳下!Daddy Pig loves猪爸爸爱jumping up and down in leaves.在树叶上跳上跳下。Peppa loves佩帕爱jumping up and down in leaves.在树叶上跳上跳下。Everyone loves人人都爱jumping up and down in leaves.在树叶上跳上跳下。This is the best Autumn day ever!这是有史以来最好的秋天!声明:以上部分内容整理于网络,仅作分享学习,版权属于原出版机构或影像公司,本资源为电子载体,传播分享仅限于家庭使用与交流心得、参考和辅助购买决策,不得以任何理由在商业行为中使用。Thanks♪(・ω・)ノ 。





