2020年疫情带来的影响不言而喻,国内外众多语言学会议和讲座或无限期推迟,或转为线上进行。一时间,各类公众号和自媒体上的讲座直播通告令人应接不暇。巴西语言学会(Abralin, Associação Brasileira de Linguística)在疫情期间广泛联络世界各地知名语言学家,策划了Abralin Ao Vivo(即 Linguists Online)系列讲座,自5月起通过YouTube频道向全球直播。获邀参加的语言学家已超过百位,可谓大师云集,规模空前。陕西师大语言与认知研究所(CogLing.cn)与Abralin达成合作关系,获得Abralin独家内容授权,通过本微信公号向中国大陆学者同行独家转发该系列讲座的精选内容。今日发布精选集第5期,主讲人为拉波夫 (William Labov, 1927-),讲座题目“Justice as a Linguistic Matter",直播时间为2020年5月19日。视频英文字幕为本公号后期制作,限于精力,未经逐字校对,敬请谅解。 视频时长62分钟
English Introduction
The study of non-standard dialects is a part of the history of a language but also involves their capacity to express complex ideas and strong emotions. The quantitative analysis of linguistic structure can correct unjust views of linguistic limitations as well as fundamental matters of linguistic identity. The presentation will examine the contention of educational psychologists that African-American English lacks the logical structure necessary for the acquisition of Standard written English and the use of linguistic arguments to reject this position in federal court. In a second federal court case, quantitative evidence from dialect geography was decisive in rejecting the prosecution of a workman for a series of telephoned bomb threats. 版权方:Abralin ao Vivo - Linguists Online is an initiative of Abralin - Associação Brasileira de Linguística in cooperation with several linguistics associations.