
Want to Earn Money from Indians? / 想挣印度人的钱?先看看这文章

2018-02-25 Indians-In-China IICofficial




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Chinese Suppliers


Doing Business with Indians







To Do Business With Indians, First Understand Few Basics ▼


印度客人的「Tomorrow」&「No Problem」

Indian Meaning of Tomorrow & No Problem

一提到“tomorrow”这个词大家都知道我要说的是印度人客户的不守时了,这一点和印度交往时是要引起注意的,印度人说“tomorrow”不一定是明天,有时那是敷衍你的说法,一定要好心理准备;印度人客户喜欢大包大揽,实际上印度人客户说No problem 时心里并没有底,并且结果往往也是有问题.

When it comes to the word "tomorrow," we all know what I am trying to say is that Indian customers are not always punctual. This you have to pay attention when interacting with Indian customers. Indians say "tomorrow" is not necessarily tomorrow, and sometimes it is. You should be psychologically prepared for it. Same for 'No Problem' , it can mean there is no problem but it can also mean there is problem for sure.




Indian customers do not care about their own verbal commitments,

Verbal commitments are mostly not confirmed.

印度人客户真正谈事情时,即使最简单的事情,说得好好的,他还会补一句:你给我来封信或来个传真确认一下。国内一些访印团组不了解印度人客户的这个特点,磋商事情中看到印度人客户不断地说“OK”或“No Problem”,以为进展顺利,已马到成功,结果把事情办砸了。实际上,印度人客户满口答应是一回事,给你的书面的东西确认则是另一回事,口头答应常常张嘴就来,给你的书面材料则往往很慎重. 

Indian customers really talk about every detail. Some chinese business delegation visiting india did not understand this characteristic of Indians customers. During the business meeting, they saw Indian customers constantly saying "OK" or "No Problem". They thought it was going very well and they had succeeded in closing the deal. As a result, the matter was just stuck without future progress. In fact, it is one thing for Indian clients to make a plea or verbal confirmation, but it is quite another to give written affirmations or write some contract. It is often the case that the oral promises are often open for future negotiation but it is written confirmation like formal contract which only is taken seriously, so unless you have signed formal contract with your indian client, don't consider deal is closed yet.



Indian customer's "Yes" & "No"


Indian customer's reply "yes" and "no", the Chinese misunderstand, the Chinese generally respond to "No" with nods, while Indian customers nod their heads to express "affirmations" and "no", so sometimes you really do not know whether he said yes or no to you, agree or disagree.



Indian Clients (Bargain)


Indians pay much more attention to price than quality. Even if the price quoted to them is the cheapest in the market, they will not buy without bargaining.


What are the major industries for Chinese companies in India?

➔ 电力行业:电力上下游有输电、配电、发电、电建、主机和一些配套设备与服务,而中国主要是针对中下游,比如山东电建,做电站和电厂的解决方案。再向下游就是电气设备,比如上海电气、东方电气。

➔ Power Sector: There are power transmission, distribution, power generation, mainframe and some auxiliary equipment and services mainly. China mainly targets middle and lower level, such as Shandong Power Construction, which makes power plants. Electrical equipments by, such as Shanghai Electric, Dongfang Electric.

➔ ITC,结合IT、数码和电信产业,这个领域的龙头企业是华为和中

➔ ITC, all IT services, digital and telecom industries, leading players in this area are Huawei and ZTE.

➔ 做路由器、机顶盒、数字电视等的企业。

➔ Routers, set-top boxes, digital television and other businesses.

➔ 中国互联网公司也陆续在印度设立分支,比如UC Web和腾讯的WeChat。

➔ Chinese Internet companies have also set up branches in India, such as UC Web and Tencent's WeChat.

➔ 机械装备制造企业,比如三一重工、中联重科、柳工等;

➔ Machinery and equipment manufacturing enterprises, such as SANY, Zoomlion and Liugong;

➔ 医药和医疗设备企业。中国的生物制药在印度很有优势,而深圳迈瑞等企业在印度医疗设备市场发展得也很好。

➔ Medical and Medical Equipment Business. China's biopharmaceuticals have advantages in India, while companies like Shenzhen Mindray have developed very well in India's medical device market.

➔ 原材料领域,有五矿、中钢等公司在做,它们主要从事原材料的进出口,或者在印度进行初级加工,再供应当地。

➔ Raw materials, there are Minmetals, Sinosteel and other companies, they are mainly engaged in the import and export of raw materials, or primary processing in India, and then supply.


Chinese enterprises to do business, the two well-known obstacles ▼

1. 中间商



If Chinese companies want to make money in India through trade, they must bypass middlemen, and the profits are actually quite big. The same Chinese calculation, in India, the wholesale price is four times more expensive than China. The question is how do you bypass the middlemen in a good way. E-commerce is a good way to bypass traders and get direct access to Indian retailers. Because Indian retailers do not have direct import and export rights, they can only buy goods at high prices from Indian traders. If the Chinese suppliers and retailers in India can be directly connected, it can solve a big problem. E-commerce may be a way, but not websites like Alibaba, but an entity in India that allows retailers without import and export rights to buy Chinese goods.

2. 政府审批繁琐

2. Government approval


The biggest obstacle that limits the development of Chinese companies in India is still government approvals, such as power plant project contracting projects, Chinese companies to get the project needs registered project office in India, with the entity before opening a bank account. If you do not have a bank account, Indian firms can not send you money, either prepayments or engineering payments. However, the process for applying for a project office will take two years or more, so all your expenses in India in two years, whether it is your own operating costs or the subcontracting to Indian suppliers, are paid by the parent company . This creates significant cash flow pressure and financial and tax risks for the parent company.


Indian clients are notoriously "shrewd" and "hard to deal with", so how should do business with Indians?



It would be best to have a translator who has dealt with Indian merchants


India's official language is English, as long as the person have attended school can speak English, but the Indian pronunciation is not which everybody who thinks they can understand English can actually understand.(specially true in china). Most Indian people say t and d can not tell the diffrence, often if including some of the professionals who are for the first time talking to Indian merchants will lead to miscommunication.





Don't think too much forward

All will promise big future orders

几乎每个的印度商人都会告诉你,印度的市场很大很大,当你们合作的第一笔单子完成以后,马上会有很多很多的订单给你,你仿佛已经坐在了金山上一样。这时你千万不要脑袋发热,被印度人忽悠了,有一单说一单,当下的单子能顺利完成就不错了。多数印度人后面的承诺都是幌子。凡是作大生意的印度人都是狡猾的居多, 劝请中国人不好跟他们来什么君子协议, 信用协议,印度商人十成八九都…… 

Almost every Indian businessman will tell you that India's market is very big and big volume. When the first list of your cooperation is completed, there will be many, many orders. At this time you shouldn't be fooled, there is a single order only, the current list can be successfully completed is not bad. The promises behind most Indian clients are often not true. All Indians who make big business are cunning, urging the Chinese not to agree with them on any gentlemen's agreement, credit agreements.



Offer to leave more room, give him a big discount, and then talk


Indians like to bargain, often bargain, really do not understand how they do not have a little cost awareness. Once we talked about the equipment export contract with them, after we repeatedly calculated the price and quoted cautiously, he cut price halfway down, but also he said: We (china) are a developing country, the cost and labor cost are low, how can the price of equipment is comparitive to Japan and Germany, they think china price is very high, but also want to buy in China. They talk about quality, quality requirements must be in accordance with international standards but are not ready to pay for it.



On the price: India clients often negotiate with us at the end, he also wants you to give a special discount, remember, immediately terminate the negotiations, made it clear that we not talked about. If you have the slightest hesitation, your preliminary negotiations may be over.



Negotiations with Indians, there are many times need to sign the bill, and suddenly he will call to tell you the price have gone up and down again, and some simply do not talk to you, wasting a lot of valuable time. I put my troubles to an Indian friend who successfully cooperated with me a few times, saying that some Indian traders are asking for quotations with you and other Chinese companies. Long inquiry and negotiations are usually Indian business practices.



Do not give a formal quotation to an Indian businessman


Negotiations in the offer, it is best to give oral quotes, if need written quotations is also best not to display the company name, not to sign the quote. Indian merchants have a habit of using the price from one supplier and then give it to other supplier, and then take their price and give us back to see, if you see the formal offer of competitors, it is often possible, mostly you will try to lower price than Competitors. you do not know, you have become a card in his hand. This trick is best for China's manufacturers, would have been a very good profit business, after a frustration, I am afraid we have to work for him.



Do not disclose your source


If you are a trader / broker, it is best not to discuss own business with the Indian customers. Once the Indian client knows who the factory is after a single business, that will be your last business transaction with him. Client will directly approach that factory.




Don't start production before receiving advance payment

Even if the contract have clear delivery date


Even if both of you have signed the contract, don't think everything is over. Indian merchants will often ask you to prepare goods immediately, urging you urgently want to ship tomorrow. He will also tell you to pay or open a letter of credit immediately upon his return. Some may often go away and not return, as if nothing happened. If you urge him again, he will tell you some excuse. If it happens that you have already arranged the production of the goods, but not the kind of mainland goods that most people want here, then you will slowly understand what is meant by "hurry / rushing."



be smart to target the customer

因为印度海关实行的是收货人处置货物的规定,东西到了印度,就是收货人说了算了,无单提货也很正常。 印度有多如牛毛的代理商/中间商,他们的工作就是收集情报,撮合贸易,作为生产厂家的你要注意咯:可能和你谈来谈去的印度客商只是个中间商而已,他最终要多少货他都吃不准,虽然他会信誓旦旦告诉你他的工厂一个月需要多少多少,其实他自己一点也不需要,只是他的客户需要罢了。

Because according to rules of indian customs, consignee have the final say in disposing off the goods, no shipment is same and custom problem is common. There are so many agents / brokers in India that their job is to gather information and make trade decisions. As a manufacturer, you have to be careful. The Indian merchant who may talk to you may be  is just an intermediary. How much does he make? He is not sure, though he will vow to tell you how much his factory needs every month, in fact, may be he does not need at all, but his client needs it.




Mostly through the Internet to do foreign trade like children's shoes, you will find that you receive more and more inquiries on email sent from India. In fact, do not be too serious, many are only checking the price. To put it plainly, you are just foolhardy, especially those daily consumer products inquiry, it can be said that basically no order. Do not forget that India is also an emerging manufacturing powerhouse, and the local labor cost is lower than ours. At present, some Indian manufacturers are thinking about exporting conventional products to our country. The ability of Indians to copy sample is staggering, and they belong to the same developing countries with cheap labor and similar industrial structures, so even if you make sample, you can not count on the next order because Indians will take your sample and make themselves.



Want to earn money from Indians?

Really not easy ! ! !

Source: 印度商圈

The above article was widely shared on chinese blogs and posted on wechat account by 印度商圈. 

Being an Indian living and doing business in china for well over a decade now, I don't entirely disagree with the chinese author and have seen most of these secnario, although it feels like too much of generalization.


I think most Indians doing trading or sourcing in china will agree, that dealing with Indian clients is not easy. Specially to match their target price.

我认为大多数在中国进行贸易和采购的印度人都会同意,与印度客户打交道并不容易。 特别是要匹配他们的目标价格.

Let's first talk about Bargaining

印度生意人的 ‘讨价还价’

Indians doing business are famous for negotiating prices. Negotiating price is a business Skill. Let's be honest, anyone who is doing business wants to maximize his profit. Whatever money you saved by negotiating price is your extra profit. Many of my chinese friends who also do business actually told me that they really admire negotiating skills of their Indian clients and wish to learn the same.

做生意的印度人以谈判价格而闻名。 谈判价格是一项商业技能。 说实话,任何做生意的人都想要最大化他的利润。 无论您通过谈判价格节省的钱是您的额外利润。 我的许多做生意的中国朋友实际上告诉我,他们真的很佩服他们印度客户的谈判技巧,并希望学到相同的东西。

Hotmail founder Sabeer Bhatia, a CA transplant from Bangalore, credited the bargaining skills he learned in vegetable markets at home for getting Microsoft to push its acquisition price for his company from $160 million to $400 million. Bill Gates’ eye teeth were floating in tea with that deal.

Hotmail的创始人Sabeer Bhatia是班加罗尔的分公司,他将自己在家庭蔬菜市场上学到的讨价还价技巧归功于微软将其公司的收购价格从1.6亿美元提高到了4亿美元。

That being said, I can understand that many customers from India can be very unreasonable while negotiating price or contract and if i can use the word, i would say 'unprofessional'


1. They do not seem to believe in building a mutual benefitial relationship. It just doesn't occur to them that their suppliers or agent also need to make money.

他们似乎并不相信建立互惠关系。 他们不会想到他们的供应商或代理商也需要赚钱。

2. Their terms of contract are extremely one sided, and these terms are usually non-negotiable.


3. During meeting, its quite pointless talking to them. They will drone on for tens of minutes to get their points across, and the moment you open your mouth for a counter proposal, they cut you off and droned on for another half an hour. This goes on ad infinitum

在会议期间,与他们谈话毫无意义。 他们会静下来几十分钟才能得到他们的观点,而当你提出反建议的时候,他们会将你打断,再熬半个小时。 

4. They are extremely micro-focused.


5. They are somehow under the notion that they are your one and only client, and demands full and immediate attention to any minute problems.


But not all Indian clients are same, many are quite reasonable in their terms and do respect the value of time and efforts of their agents or suppliers.


Indians learn skills of bargaining at home, in India almost every thing you buy (retail or wholesale), you are expected to do bargaining, so it comes very natural to most of them. anyways this can be totally new topic for another article.

印度人在印度学习讨价还价的技巧,在印度几乎所有你买的东西(零售或批发),你都会做讨价还价,所以它对大多数人来说都很自然。 无论如何,这可能是另一篇文章的全新话题。

Indian client checking price with competitor of their suppliers is quite normal business practice, Clients from every country will do that.


Indian client asking quotation from supplier only to check price is very common because indian market is very tough, sometimes retail price in india is lower than quotation you receive from supplier.


If you are trader, it is better to not disclose your source or factory to your customers. I think it is common sense to anyone who is doing business irrespective of your client is indian or not. Since except giving goods, you are not providing any extra special valuable service, 

如果你是交易者,最好不要向客户透露你的来源或工厂。 我认为,无论您的客户是否是印度人,任何经营业务的人都是常识。

It is true that Indian customs can be unpredicatable, so always better to use proffesional service to clear your goods from indian customs, Also many trader who buy from china many times don't make profit in the value of goods, but they make profit in freight charges and custom fee while providing their client convience of delivery to their warehouse without any hassle.

确实,印度的习俗是不可预测的,因此总是更好地使用专业服务来清除印度海关的货物。许多贸易商多次从中国购买商品并不能获利,但他们从中获利 运费和海关费用,同时提供他们的客户轻松交付到他们的仓库没有任何麻烦。

Approaching indian retail client directly can be good idea to maximize profit for chinese supplier, but should also remember that most retailers won't be able to buy in big quanity and small quantity import in india is mostly not cost effective. That is main reason why most retailors in India perfer to buy products locally from wholesalers or importers.

直接接触印度零售客户可能是为中国供应商实现利润最大化的好主意,但也应该记住,大多数零售商无法大量采购,印度的小批量进口大多不具有成本效益。 这是印度大多数零售商倾向于从批发商或进口商那里购买本地产品的主要原因。

I do agree , it is recommended to always start production after you receive the advance payment with written detailed formal contract. Also many Indian clients visiting china do promise for future big order but that is mostly not true, since doing big quanity business profitably is not possible for everyone.

我同意,建议您在收到书面详细正式合同的预付款后才开始生产。 还有许多来中国访问的印度客 56 55706 56 31325 0 0 3751 0 0:00:14 0:00:08 0:00:06 7085户承诺未来的大订单,但大多数情况并非如此,因为做大生意的业务对于每个人来说都是不可能的。

Lastly i just wanna add that older generation indians doing business are not always highly educated, so it is common that they have some diffculty in speaking english or speak with very strong accent, afterall english is not first language for us. It is mostly second or third language.. New generation in India speaks english very well without any funny accent and they use english in their daily life to communicate.

最后,我只想补充说,做生意的前辈印度人并不总是受过高等教育,所以他们在讲英语或讲口音很强时有些困难,毕竟英语不是我们的第一语言。 它主要是第二或第三语言。印度的新一代讲英语很好,没有任何有趣的口音,他们在日常生活中使用英语进行交流。

Trade between India and China is over 80 Billion USD last year and is increasing every year. so it is not right to generalize. I could have easily counter every point that author raised but i do understand that when doing business in big scale, it is normal to also meet some bad customers and have bad experience. Everyone who is doing business, be it supplier, trader, agent, sourcing products or freight forwarder. All are playing a vital role in business chain or else wouldn't have been able to survive till now. 

印度和中国之间的贸易去年超过80亿美元,并且每年都在增加。 所以推广是不对的。 我可以很容易地反驳作者提出的每一点,但我明白,在大规模经营时,遇到一些不好的顾客和不愉快的经历是正常的。以及所有正在做生意的人,无论是供应商,贸易商,代理商,采购产品还是货运代理商。 每个人都在商业链中起着至关重要的作用,否则直到现在才能生存下去。

Bad customer exist and bad suppliers also exist. Every country will have good and bad people in society. All business comes with inherited risk and challenges. 

坏客户存在,坏供应商也存在。 每个国家都有社会上的好人和坏人。所有业务都伴随着风险和挑战。

Wish everyone more success in the year of dog.


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