

2018-02-09 谷雨飞 音乐文献编译组


Yuja Wang interview: 'I can wear long skirts when I'm 40'


推荐阅读:1、外国油腻大叔们眼里的王羽佳;2、王羽佳丨 不光是音乐界,我觉得未来50年,什么领域都会是中国人的天下!3、王羽佳访谈丨恩师凌远给我打下全面音乐基础丨“她会给我启发和支持。她给我一点拨,我就明白了,给她弹琴不光是学东西,还会很开心”;4、野蜂飞舞的王羽佳丨格拉夫曼的中国弟子演奏视频丨演奏家的好坏,无关乎裙子长短丨格拉夫曼不在具体音上细扣,而是给王羽佳风格上的指导;5、王羽佳老师凌远丨“孩子是学音乐的,不是学手型的!” 6、每晚古典音乐访谈丨王羽佳讲述跟阿巴多的合作经历;7、每晚古典音乐访谈丨王羽佳:“唱片曲目自己做主”。编者按:本周六(2月10日)王羽佳的生日,我们会继续推送她的相关文章。🎂

Yuja Wang's short dresses have attracted as much attention as her virtuoso performances at the piano. Ahead of London concerts, she talks to Ivan Hewett.


Ten minutes before we’re due to meet, a tiny slender figure with spiky hair, peering at her iPhone, ambles into the foyer of the Rome hotel where I’m waiting. She looks like a student about to meet up with her mates. In fact it’s the astonishing virtuoso pianist Yuja Wang.





At the age of 26 she has already performed in all the great concert halls, stunned the world with her blazing YouTube performances, made her debut recording with Claudio Abbado and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra, and is now about to undertake a four-concert residency with the London Symphony Orchestra.

I make myself known. “Oh, you’re here already,” she says blearily. “Sorry, I just got up.”



We head out to a traditional pizzeria, where she seizes the menu. “I love Italy more and more,” she says, scrutinising every line. Because of the food? “Yes, and the fashions!” she laughs.

The waiter is mesmerised – not surprisingly, as Wang is scantily dressed, as if for midsummer. It seems as good a moment as any to raise her fondness for riskily short, clingy dresses, which have generated even more comment than her fabulous playing.




After a Hollywood Bowl concert in 2011, the LA Times critic wrote: “Had there been any less of [the dress], the Bowl might have been forced to restrict admission to any music lover under 18 not accompanied by an adult.”

Some young pianists would be stung by that, and quietly moderate their dress sense. Not Yuja Wang. She appeared in a similarly revealing number at Carnegie Hall only two months ago, teetering on high heels just to complete the effect. As the reviewer for New Criterion drily remarked, “A Times Square hooker, in the old days, would have said, ‘For heaven’s sake, put on some clothes!’ ”



This shows a certain determination, not to say stubbornness, which shows in the exasperated shrug that greets my question. “It’s just natural for me. I am 26 years old so I dress for 26. I can dress in long skirts when I am 40. Anyway I have many different styles, I don’t only wear short. I don’t understand why I have to explain this, I just do what is natural for me.”




Wang seems subdued. Something is clearly on her mind. “Oh, I’m such a goldfish today!” she sighs.“ A what?” “Puffy-eyed,” she explains. When I ask why, she looks down for a while, and then out of the window. “Well... I cried a lot yesterday, because of the news of Claudio.” She’s referring to the conductor Claudio Abbado, who had died the day before. “When I played with him, I felt like he was teaching me what music was all about. He was a master of silence in rehearsal. But he was full of joy, too.”




I’m curious to know about her early years. Like other Chinese prodigies, Wang has had to undergo a brutal upheaval in life to achieve her ambitions. Her parents decided that the fabulously gifted young pianist should be trained in the West, so at the age of 14 she was packed off first to Canada, to learn English, and then eventually to the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia. She refuses to say this was any sort of hardship. “I was ready for it,” she says. “I had a very stable childhood, I was very close to my mom, and so I was secure in myself.” One gets the sense her mother was and is the rock in her life.


“She was a dancer, and tried to get me to dance, too. I was a very quiet child – I didn’t talk to any stranger until I was four. My mother was actually worried about me. Later she took me to hear Swan Lake. I absolutely loved the music, but I didn’t want to dance. I was too lazy. That’s why I liked the piano – you get to sit down!”

She started playing the piano aged six, and made such rapid progress she gave her first public performance only six months later.



Was she ever nervous? “Not at that age,” she says. “Later when I was nine I suddenly realised I should be nervous, because of all those people sitting there. My mom told me to imagine I was playing for just one person, which was also Rubinstein’s advice. Now I only have one target, which is the music itself. It’s…” – she searches for the word – “…intrinsic?” I nod.




For someone so young, Wang is keenly aware of time passing. “Sometimes I think I am Benjamin Button, starting wise and then getting younger and younger and more immature!” she says. “When I was young, I only liked minor key music, especially Schubert. Major key music sounded false to me, full of fake optimism.”

Her fondness for the dark Russian music of Prokofiev and Rachmaninov suggests that may still be the case. Now wrapped up against the chilly Rome afternoon, Wang sighs and ponders. “Yes, but I feel I have to explore beyond that. So I have a more open mind, but I’m less in touch with myself. I have to relate to music where I do not know immediately what I feel, like Brahms.”



One composer who’s always been conspicuously absent from her programmes is Bach. Is he one of those composers she doesn’t instinctively warm to? “Oh no, I have always loved Bach, even when I was small. But I only play him in private, for myself. I can’t imagine him in a big space, it seems wrong.”

The ice cream menu arrives, which prompts a “Wow!” But Wang soon pushes it away. “Too much choice. When I was small I remember it was just three choices of ice cream, and that was easy. You could choose one or two and not worry. But now we have 20 choices, so you think: should I have chosen one of the other 19? I don’t think all this ease of choice makes us more happy, or more cultured. My iPod has thousands of tracks, but I don’t have time to hear them!”

Yuja Wang may worry she’s getting younger by the day, but she’s wiser than she knows.











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