

2017-10-28 引自雷蕾文章 iNature

iNature:在植物学主流专刊中,主要有Plant Cell,Molecular Plant,Plant Journal,PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,NEW PHYTOLOGIST,Plant Biotech J,Plant Cell &Environ,Nature Plants等8种期刊,另外,加一个综合性的杂志,选定标准主要是IF>9(PNAS以上级别)以上。现在经过前期的测试,iNature决定每天遴选8大植物学主刊各1篇再加上综合性的杂志(IF>9,PNAS以上级别)一篇文章,共9篇文章,推送给大家,使大家能及时的了解植物学领域的动态:

Nature Communications:德国海德堡大学Wirtz的人揭示硫可获得性可以调控植物生长,通过葡萄糖-TOR途径;

Plant Cell:韩国首尔国立大学Park等人揭示光抑制COP1介导的ICE转录因子降解,并诱导拟南芥中的气孔发育;

Nature Plants:西北农林大学彭长辉等人揭示植物吸收二氧化碳的通用模型;

Molecular Plant:周道秀等人揭示组蛋白脱乙酰酶AtSRT1调节拟南芥中的代谢通量和应激反应

Plant Journal:中国农业大学赖锦盛等人揭示了玉米种子发育调控新机制;

PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:威斯康星大学Bednarek等人发表进入内化:五年的内吞探索的综述;

NEW PHYTOLOGIST:美国明尼苏达大学Glazebrook等人揭示WRKY70通过直接抑制SARD1来预防植物免疫的无性激活;

Plant Biotech J:荷兰瓦赫宁根大学Thomma等人揭示番茄免疫受体Ve1的转移赋予烟草和棉花中Ave1依赖性轮枝孢属抗性;

Plant Cell &Environ:阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯大学Botto等人揭示拟南芥不同的温度下,种子休眠和发芽的功能

1Nature Communications:德国海德堡大学Wirtz的人揭示硫可获得性可以调控植物生长,通过葡萄糖-TOR途径


Growth of eukaryotic cells is regulated by the target of rapamycin (TOR). The strongest activator of TOR in metazoa is amino acid availability. The established transducers of amino acid sensing to TOR in metazoa are absent in plants. Hence, a fundamental question is how amino acid sensing is achieved in photo-autotrophic organisms. Here we demonstrate that the plant Arabidopsis does not sense the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine itself, but its biosynthetic precursors. We identify the kinase GCN2 as a sensor of the carbon/nitrogen precursor availability, whereas limitation of the sulfur precursor is transduced to TOR by downregulation of glucose metabolism. The downregulated TOR activity caused decreased translation, lowered meristematic activity, and elevated autophagy. Our results uncover a plant-specific adaptation of TOR function. In concert with GCN2, TOR allows photo-autotrophic eukaryotes to coordinate the fluxes of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur for efficient cysteine biosynthesis under varying external nutrient supply.



2Plant Cell:韩国首尔国立大学Park等人揭示光抑制COP1介导的ICE转录因子降解,并诱导拟南芥中的气孔发育


Stomata are epidermal openings that facilitate plant-atmosphere gas exchange during photosynthesis, respiration, and water evaporation. Stomatal differentiation and patterning are spatially and temporally regulated by the master regulators SPEECHLESS (SPCH), MUTE, and FAMA, which constitute a central gene regulatory network along with Inducer of CBF Expression (ICE) transcription factors for this developmental process. Stomatal development is also profoundly influenced by environmental conditions, such as light, temperature, and humidity. Light induces stomatal development, and various photoreceptors modulate this response. However, it is unknown how light is functionally linked with the master regulatory network. Here, we demonstrate that, under dark conditions, the E3 ubiquitin ligase CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) degrades ICE proteins through ubiquitination pathways in leaf abaxial epidermal cells in Arabidopsis. Accordingly, the ICE proteins accumulate in the nuclei of leaf abaxial epidermal cells in COP1-defective mutants, which constitutively produce stomata. Notably, light in the blue, red, and far-red wavelength ranges suppresses the COP1-mediated degradation of the ICE proteins to induce stomatal development. These observations indicate that light is directly linked with the ICE-directed signaling module, via the COP1-mediated protein surveillance system, in the modulation of stomatal development.



3Nature Plants:西北农林科技大学彭长辉等人揭示植物吸收二氧化碳的通用模型


Gross primary production (GPP)—the uptake of carbon dioxide (CO2) by leaves, and its conversion to sugars by photosynthesis—is the basis for life on land. Earth System Models (ESMs) incorporating the interactions of land ecosystems and climate are used to predict the future of the terrestrial sink for anthropogenic CO2. ESMs require accurate representation of GPP. However, current ESMs disagree on how GPP responds to environmental variations, suggesting a need for a more robust theoretical framework for modelling. Here, we focus on a key quantity for GPP, the ratio of leaf internal to external CO2 (χ). χ is tightly regulated and depends on environmental conditions, but is represented empirically and incompletely in today’s models. We show that a simple evolutionary optimality hypothesis predicts specific quantitative dependencies of χ on temperature, vapour pressure deficit and elevation; and that these same dependencies emerge from an independent analysis of empirical χ values, derived from a worldwide dataset of >3,500 leaf stable carbon isotope measurements. A single global equation embodying these relationships then unifies the empirical light-use efficiency model with the standard model of C3photosynthesis, and successfully predicts GPP measured at eddy-covariance flux sites. This success is notable given the equation’s simplicity and broad applicability across biomes and plant functional types. It provides a theoretical underpinning for the analysis of plant functional coordination across species and emergent properties of ecosystems, and a potential basis for the reformulation of the controls of GPP in next-generation ESMs.



4Molecular Plant:巴黎大学周道秀等人揭示组蛋白脱乙酰酶AtSRT1调节拟南芥中的代谢通量和应激反应


How plant metabolic flux alters gene expression to optimize plant growth and response to stress remains largely unclear. Here, we report that Arabidopsis thaliana NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase AtSRT1 negatively regulates plant tolerance to stress and glycolysis but stimulates mitochondrial respiration. We found that AtSRT1 interacts with Arabidopsis cMyc-Binding Protein-1 (AtMBP-1), a transcriptional repressor produced by alternative translation of the cytosolic glycolytic enolase gene LOS2/ENO2. We demonstrated that AtSRT1 could associate with the chromatin of AtMBP-1 targets LOS2/ENO2 and STZ/ZAT10, both of which encode key stress regulators, and reduce the H3K9ac levels at these genes to repress their transcription. Overexpression of both AtSRT1 and AtMBP-1 had synergistic effects on the expression of glycolytic genes, glycolytic enzymatic activities and mitochondrial respiration. Furthermore, we found that AtMBP-1 is lysine-acetylated and vulnerable to proteasomal protein degradation, while AtSRT1 could remove its lysine acetylation and significantly enhance its stability in vivo. Taken together, these results indicate that AtSRT1 regulates primary metabolism and stress response by both epigenetic regulation and modulation of AtMBP-1 transcriptional activity in Arabidopsis.



5Plant Journal:中国农业大学赖锦盛等人揭示基因调控网络揭示了玉米种子发育的拓扑重要基因


The complex interactions between transcription factors (TFs) and their target genes in a spatially and temporally specific manner are crucial to all cellular processes. Reconstruction of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) from gene expression profiles can help to decipher TF-gene regulations in a variety of contexts. However, the inevitable prediction errors of GRNs hinder optimal data mining of RNA-Seq transcriptome profiles. Here we perform an integrative study of maize seed development in order to identify key genes in a complex developmental process. First, we reverse engineered a GRN from 78 maize seed transcriptome profiles. Then, we studied collective gene interaction patterns and uncovered highly-interwoven network communities as the building blocks of the GRN. One community, comprised of mostly unknown genes interacting with opaque2, brittle endosperm1 and shruken2, contributes to seed phenotypes. Another community, comprised mostly of genes expressed in the basal endosperm transfer layer, is responsible for nutrient transport. We further integrated our inferred GRN with gene expression patterns in different seed compartments and at various developmental stages and pathways. The integration facilitated biological interpretation of the GRN. Our yeast one-hybrid assays verified 6 out of 8 TF-promoter bindings in the reconstructed GRN. This study identified topologically important genes in interwoven network communities that may be crucial to maize seed development.



6PLANT PHYSIOLOGY:威斯康星大学Bednarek等人发表进入内化:五年的内吞探索的综述


The plasma membrane (PM) serves as the interface between the cell and its environment. Accordingly, cells have the capacity to modulate their complement of PM-associated receptors,  transporters, channels, lipids, and other membrane components in order to modulate numerous  physiological functions including synthesis of the extracellular matrix, intercellular communication, nutrient uptake, environmental sensing, and directional growth, among others. Exocytosis/Secretion which delivers newly synthesized and recycled cargo from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and endosomes to the PM, and endocytosis wherein PM cargo is internalized and  sorted into early endosomes (EE), are the two complimentary trafficking pathways chiefly  responsible for the maintenance of PM composition. Much of our understanding of these  processes derives from work in yeast and mammalian systems; indeed, only recently has endocytosis been conclusively demonstrated in plants.



7NEW PHYTOLOGIST:美国明尼苏达大学Glazebrook等人揭示WRKY70通过直接抑制SARD1来预防植物免疫的无性激活


SARD1 is an activator of plant immunity that promotes production of the hormone salicylic acid (SA) and activation of defense gene expression. SARD1 itself is strongly inducible by infection. Here, we investigated the transcriptional control of SARD1.We used yeast one-hybrid assays to identify WRKY70. The WRKY70 binding site was defined using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, and its importance was investigated using an Arabidopsis thaliana protoplast system. The effect of wrky70 mutations was studied by measurements of pathogen growth, SA concentrations, and gene expression by RNA-seq. WRKY70 binds to a GACTTTT motif in the SARD1 promoter in yeast and Arabidopsis protoplasts. Plants with wrky70 mutations have elevated expression of SARD1 in the absence of pathogens, but not when infected. Expression profiling revealed that WRKY70 represses many pathogen-inducible genes in the absence of pathogens, yet is required for activation of many other pathogen-inducible genes in infected plants. The GACTTTT motif is enriched in the promoters of both these gene sets, and conserved in SARD1 orthologs within the  Brassicaceae. WRKY70 represses  SARD1 by binding the motif GACTTTT in the absence of pathogens. Conservation of the WRKY70 binding among the  Brassicaceae  suggests that WRKY70 repression of SARD1 is important for fitness.



8Plant Biotech J:荷兰瓦赫宁根大学Thomma等人揭示番茄免疫受体Ve1的转移赋予烟草和棉花中Ave1依赖性轮枝孢属抗性


Verticillium wilts caused by soil-borne fungal species of the Verticillium genus are economically important plant diseases that affect a wide range of host plants, and are notoriously difficult to combat. Perception of pathogen(-induced) ligands by plant immune receptors is a key component of plant innate immunity. In tomato, race-specific resistance to Verticillium wilt is governed by the cell surface-localized immune receptor Ve1 through recognition of the effector protein Ave1 that is secreted by race 1 strains of Verticillium spp. It was previously demonstrated that transgenic expression of tomato Ve1 in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana leads to Verticillium wilt resistance. Here, we investigated whether tomato Ve1 can confer Verticilliumresistance when expressed in the crop species tobacco (Nicotiana tabcum) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). We show that transgenic tobacco and cotton plants constitutively expressing tomato Ve1 exhibit enhanced resistance against Verticillium wilt in an Ave1-dependent manner. Thus, we demonstrate that the functionality of tomato Ve1 in Verticillum wilt resistance through recognition of the Verticillium effector Ave1 is retained after transfer to tobacco and cotton, implying that the Ve1-mediated immune signalling pathway is evolutionary conserved across these plant species. Moreover, our results suggest that transfer of tomato Ve1across sexually incompatible plant species can be exploited in breeding programmes to engineer Verticillium wilt resistance.



9Plant Cell &Environ:阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯大学Botto等人揭示拟南芥不同的温度下,种子休眠和发芽的功能


The relief of dormancy and the promotion of seed germination are of extreme importance for a successful seedling establishment. Although alternating temperatures and light are signals promoting the relief of seed dormancy, the underlying mechanisms of their interaction in seeds are scarcely known. By exposing imbibed Arabidopsis thaliana dormant seeds to two-day temperature cycles previous of a red light pulse, we demonstrate that the germination mediated by phytochrome B requires the presence of functional  PRR7  (PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR 7) and TOC1 (TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION 1) alleles. In addition, daily cycles of alternating temperatures in darkness reduce the protein levels of DOG1, allowing the expression of TOC1 to induce seed germination. Our results suggest a functional role for some components of the circadian clock related with the action of DOG1 for the integration of alternating temperatures and light signals in the relief of seed dormancy. The synchronization of germination by the synergic action of light and temperature through the activity of circadian clock might have ecological and adaptive consequences.




撤稿报道|浙江大学湖州中心医院Qiu Wei捏造数据被撤稿











重磅|植物学新专刊-Plant Direct,将比肩植物学顶尖杂志(推荐)




Science Singaling|白藜芦醇在免疫应答中双重的作用(推荐)



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