
组委会欢迎词 || 第九届文学伦理学批评国际学术研讨会

秘书处 文学伦理学批评研究 2022-04-24









 第九届文学伦理学批评国际学术研讨会(The 9th Convention of the International Association for Ethical Literary Criticism)于2019年11月8-10日在浙江大学紫金港校区召开。本次会议吸引了来自30个国家和地区近700位专家学者出席,是文学伦理学批评研究的又一次盛会。







Welcome Address from the Organizing Committee

Distinguished guests, dear colleagues and friends,

The 9th Convention of the International Association for Ethical Literary Criticism is to be held at Zhejiang University on November 8-10, 2019. There will be about 700 participants from over 30 countries attending this year’s conference. It will be another grand meeting in the history of IEALC. A warm welcome to you all.

In traditional Chinese conception, literature must convey as well as interpret truth. To a large degree, the value of literature lies in its ethical expression and illumination of moral truth. Writers produce literature; readers read literature; teachers explain literature, while scholars critique literature, all of which are for the sake of revealing the truth, and telling right from wrong, so as to make us ethical beings. We gather in Hangzhou to exchange our views on how to be human through teaching and learning literature in the conceptual system of ethical literary criticism.It is depressing and stressful to discuss such a philosophic issue as how to be human, but literature can dispel our stress. Paul Valery, a French poet, reveals the mystery in his poem “The Graveyard by the Sea”: “Even as a fruit’s absorbed in the enjoying/ Even as within the mouth its body dying.” I believe that when we finish discussing this serious topic, we will certainly experience the enhancement of our morality, the cultivation of our manners, the consolidation of our friendship, and the joy of our spirit.As an old Chinese saying goes, “Up above there is heaven; down below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.” There are also two lines by Su Shi, a great Chinese poet of Song Dynasty, saying “For varied charms the West Lake well may I compare/ To Xizi, who, adorned or not, alike was fair.” The beauty of Hangzhou varies with seasons. At this time of the year, you will be able to enjoy its beauty of autumn cool, sweet osmanthus, mist and clouds of the West Lake.Zijingang Campus is only a 15-minute drive from the West Lake, so we can safely claim that the meeting is held on the shore of the West Lake. Zijingang Theater is the venue of this conference, with a capacity of accommodating 1,200 people. It’s near the Yangming Lake, which is named after Wang Yangming, a great Confucian scholar of the Ming Dynasty. During the tea break of the conference, you can visit Yangming Lake and perhaps reap inspiration for literature. You can also walk for 500 meters to Nanhua Park on the south. Its original ecology has been preserved ever since Zhejiang University was founded, and it is generally seen as an epitome of the West Lake.Finally, I want to thank everyone participating this conference. I also want to thank Academia Europaea and its representative, Professor Vladimir Biti, and our sponsors and friends for the generous support.

Wish you a pleasant trip in Hangzhou!

Zhenzhao NieProfessor of Literature, Zhejiang UniversityForeign Member of Academia EuropaeaChairperson of the Organizing Committee, the 9th Convention of IAELC

责任编辑 | 任洁

审校 | 汤轶丽


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文学伦理学批评与跨学科研究:第九届文学伦理学批评国际学术研讨会通知(更新版)主旨发言预告(一)|| 傅修延:人与物的伦理关系主旨发言预告(二)|| 殷企平:Eudaimonistic Ethics and Community Building ...主旨发言预告(三)|| Vladimir Biti:Positional Outsiders and the Ethics...
主旨发言预告(四)|| Wolfgang G. Müller:The Happy Ending in Shakespeare..主旨发言预告(五)|| 聂珍钊:从自然选择到伦理选择:文学伦理学批评的基本理论
主旨发言预告(六)|| Lucia Boldrini: Biofiction, Heterobiography...
主旨发言预告(七)|| Seán Hand: Levinas in the Anthropocene
主旨发言预告(八)|| Rodolphe Gasché: Doubly Parricidal...
主旨发言预告(九)|| 吴笛:论文学作品中的科技伦理与科学选择 ——以布尔加科夫“魔幻三部曲”和玛丽•雪莱《弗兰肯斯坦》为例
主旨发言预告(十)|| 尚必武:科学选择与伦理选择的冲突:麦克尤恩《像我这样的机器》中的人工智能与脑文本
分论坛介绍(一)|| 苏晖:文学伦理学批评的理论资源研究
分论坛介绍(二)|| 罗良功:族裔文学的伦理视角
分论坛介绍(三)||  申富英:西方现代主义文学的伦理批评
分论坛介绍(四)|| 陈红薇:中外文学中的科技伦理
分论坛介绍(五)|| 李建中&樊星:风俗为王VS伦理至上:文学伦理学批评古今对谈
分论坛介绍(六)|| 金冰:后现代历史叙事与伦理批评
分论坛介绍(七)|| 朱振武:非洲英语文学的伦理选择
号外||国际比较文学学会第二十二届大会在深澳两地举办 文学伦理学批评备受关注

