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剖析: 谁才需要靠种族主义活着?(含音频)

保守时评 北美保守评论1 2020-08-18
文 | LEE
朗读 | Wei Liu

您听说过黑卡吗?不,不是Visa或American Express的黑卡,这一张更有价值, 很多组织都是完全建立在它的基础上的,个人利用它可以获得财富和影响力。
如果这听起来像您可能希望拥有的东西,那么您应该知道只有一种方法可以使用它,就是:您必须天生拥有黑皮肤。这是唯一的要求,真的。你可以是穷人或者中产富有,这都不重要,黑卡仍然会落在你的"整个受到压迫"历史上 ,即使你从来没有被压迫过。
以我祖父为例,他从我九岁的时候就抚养我。他出生于1941年,在北卡罗来纳州的皇家市(Royal, North Carolina)工作,5岁时就开始在一个佃农农场的烘干机后面工作。吉姆·克劳(Jim Crow law, 美国种族隔离法)分开式饮水机和KKK都曾真实存在。 
我是第一代大学生,这本来应该是成功的门票,但事实并非如此, 我带着一大堆债务离开了大学,也没有什么实际的技能。我的银行账户中只有80美元,前景渺茫, 

Oh,good rule of thumb is, if you are not a person of color and millions of people of color across this country is saying a thing or a person is racist,it’s really not your place to say that isn’t ........
You heard about the black card,right? 
No, not the one for Visa or American Express. This one is much more valuable. There are entire organizations is been built upon it,and individuals that have used it to acquire both wealth and influence. 
If this sounds like something you might wish to own,you should know that there was only one way you can get your hands on it.
You have to be born with black skin. That’s the only requirement.
Really,you could be poor and middle-class rich doesn’t matter. The black card will still can fall upon you an entire history of oppression even if you’ve never been oppressed. Flash the black card and most white people  will cower. Play the black card expertly and you can win awards, make millions all the while claimming  the people who got you there somehow hate you. With a black card you can sell books full of indecipherable pros,because  the card that powerful who cares if your words make any sense. You can call yourself a civil rights leader and shake down multinational corporation‘s,or you can torch your own neighborhood, because you didn’t like the outcome of a grand jury verdicts. 
Ironically the people you might think have the most legitimate claim to the black card refuse to use it. Take my grandfather for instant. He raised me from the time I was nine years old. Born in 1941 in Royal, North Carolina,he started working at age 5, laying out at the back of the dryer at a sharecropping farm. Jim Crow separate drinking fountains and the KKK were ever present realities. 
He was 17 when he married my grandmother. He made a living cleaning homes and office buildings, until he saved up enough money to open his own cleaning business. The thing is he never played any card nor did my grandmother. If they had problems, they didn’t blame anybody. They just fixed them and they raised me to do the same. Chores were a requirement in their household, so was reading the Bible every morning before school.
I didn’t like the Bible readings and I hated the chores,but I realize now that the small acts of discipline although sometimes stifling had a strong positive impact on my character. 
I was a first generation college student. This was supposed to be the ticket to prosperity, but it wasn’t. I left college with a mountain of debt and no practical skills. I had just $80 in my bank account and very few prospects.
I couldn’t give it up. 
I could’ve dug deep into my history and declared myself a natural product of ancestral oppression. I could’ve played the black card and absolved myself of all responsibility for my own stupid decisions.  
Except I didn’t because I would’ve destroyed my grandfathers legacy. I am proud that he had the fortitude to turn nothing into something and I have no intention of reversing that something back into a nothing. 
My attitude comes with a price, however,because if you are born black and you don’t except your natural status as a victim in the validity of your blackness is immediately called into question. 
Well, so be it.
If believing in myself excepting responsibility for my failure, somehow disqualifies me from owning an imaginary card let me be the first to declare; that I don’t want one.
I also don’t want Cornell West or Al Sharpton or insert anyone else, who uses their skin color to game the system as a role model. 
I already have my grandfather. If there is one thing that my family history has taught me  is, I do not need a black card or an imaginary anything to make something of myself. 
For the record, my grandfather is now retired and lives in a home that he and my grandmother built on a plot of land  purchased in North Carolina on the very same sharecropping farm that he worked on as a small child.
History is unique. History is beautiful,Because it’s American and that’s the only card I’ve ever been interested in playing.
I’m Candace Owens for Prager University.

Keep America Great LYRICS

Keep America Great — Keep America Great Gotta stick to our guns, keep the freedom we’ve won — Keep America Great There will never be another USA — Freedom won’t come back if we give it away It’s time to vote, it’s time to pray — Let’s join as one, let me hear you say Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump 2020 — Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump! Keep America Strong — Keep America Strong Keeping government small, cutting taxes for all — Keep America Strong There will never be another USA — Freedom won’t come back if we give it away It’s time to vote, it’s time to pray — In 100 years may our flag still wave Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump 2020 — Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump! FOUR MORE YEARS | FOUR MORE YEARS | FOUR MORE YEARS | FOUR MORE YEARS There will never be another USA — Freedom won’t come back if we give it away It’s time to vote, it’s time to pray — Let’s join as one, let me hear you say Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump 2020 — Vote Trump 2020 | Go Trump! Keep America Great Keep America Great












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