
SSCI一区期刊Tesol Quarterly 专题征稿

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本刊是一份专业性的同行评审期刊,创刊于 1967 年。《季刊》鼓励提交以前未发表过的文章,这些文章的主题对英语教学和学习以及标准英语作为第二方言的相关人员具有重要意义。作为一份代表各种跨学科兴趣(包括理论和实践)的出版物,《季刊》诚邀有关广泛主题的稿件,尤其是以下领域的稿件:

  1. 语言学习与教学的心理学和社会学

  2. 研究和研究方法问题

  3. 测试与评估

  4. 专业准备

  5. 课程设计与开发

  6. 教学方法、教材和技巧

  7. 语言规划

  8. 专业标准

Exploring the Effects of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools on the Teaching, Learning, and Assessment of English Productive Skills

Guest Editor

Xun Yan 

My research broadly focuses on speaking and writing assessment. My specific research interests include scale development and validation, rater behavior and training, psycholinguistic approach to language testing, assessment literacy for language teachers, and test score use in educational settings. In most of my research, I employ a largely linguistic approach to examining characteristics of speaking and writing performances, to help better understand the construct of language proficiency, psychometric qualities of test scores, and validity and fairness evidences for language tests. 

Becky Huang

Dr. Becky Huang is Professor of Multilingual Language Education in the Department of Teaching and Learning at the Ohio State University. Her research areas span across applied linguistics, psychology, and education. Her research program focuses on two interrelated areas that address the goal of promoting language and education outcomes for multilingual students: language/literacy development and assessment of multilingual students. Her research has been funded by the National Institute of Health, the Institute of Education Sciences, and the U.S. Department of Education. 

Special issue

The advent of Generative AI tools has revolutionized various fields and industries. In language education, AI technologies have shown great promise in enhancing language acquisition and productivity. Yet, it also generates heated debate and ethical concerns over how generative AI tools might negatively impact language teaching, learning, and assessment, calling for an urgent need for empirical research on the AI application and consequences in these areas. This special issue aims to explore the real-world impact of generative AI tools on the teaching, learning, and assessment of English productive skills. It intends to bring together empirical investigations into the benefits and challenges of generative AI tools, to foster a comprehensive understanding of how these tools can shape and transform the development of productive skills in English among learners of all proficiency levels, which can advance the field of language education and facilitate informed decision-making for educators and policymakers.

We invite papers on a wide range of topics including, but not limited to:

  • Integration of generative AI techniques to augment instructional and assessment practices

  • Efficacy of generative AI tools in improving productive language skills

  • Strategies leveraging generative AI technology during assessment processes

  • User interface and user experience design in generative AI tools in language education

  • Ethical considerations of generative AI in language teaching and assessment


Deadline for abstract submission: January 31, 2024

Invitation for full paper: February 15, 2024

Full papers due: August 1, 2024

Papers sent to reviewers: August 20, 2024

Reviews sent to authors: October 31, 2024

Final revisions due: January 1, 2025

Final papers to TQ editors: March 31, 2025


For the special issue, we are accepting submissions for Full-Length Articles and Brief Reports. Those interested in potentially contributing to the special issue should send the following information to both guest editors by January 31, 2024

a) the intended manuscript submission type/section, 

b) a title, 

c) an abstract of up to 300 words, and d) author bios (150 words max each) with contact info.

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本文编辑:同济大学 孙雨




Language Governance Alliance





