
去小酒馆!泡在很多多多多多的故事里|555 Project线下活动

三明治 三明治 2021-12-18

嘿!555 Project在10月的第一场线下活动,将于10月19日在555街区里落地,上海还一直沉浸在夏天里不愿离开,那干脆抓住夏天最后的尾巴(或者凉爽秋夜的开始),和我们在555街区里见面吧。

这一次555线下活动,是由三明治与位于五原路上的Bird小酒馆联合发起,也是Bird Wine Week中的特别单元——「 Drinking Stories in 555」,听名字就知道,有很多好喝的酒,故事自然也就会伴随而来。

一边喝酒,你可以一边听我们的三位555嘉宾,同时也是555资深居民的主题分享。他们是在555街区开了7家店的Happy Place创始人、活力热情的美国姑娘Camden Hauge,百姓网创始人、安福路居民王健硕,三明治创始人、555 Project发起人李梓新。三位和555街区都有长长长长长的故事清单,他们将在现场和大家分享部分故事,为「 Drinking Stories in 555」的Story Night拉开帷幕。

整个晚上,现场还会有几位神秘的Story Hunter,在现场聆听、捕捉你的故事,如果你愿意拿着酒杯和他们聊一聊,无论是你和555街区的故事,还是你和上海这座城市的故事。


The connection between our neighborhood and us is close and subtle. In our neighborhood, there are delicate restaurants, exquisite  buildings, pedestrians passing by and surprises in the corner every day. The connections are happening all the time, so do the stories.

We will jointly hold a special activity with Bird for story hunting in our neighborhood!   We believe that knowing more about Shanghai and our neighborhood  will help us explore more creative possiblities in life and increase the joy of living.   If a group of people get together and get to know each other through sharing and listening stories about neighborhood, what will happen?

You can exchange small secrets with others, sharing what 555 means to you. What's more, You will no longer only use mobile phone navigation or MeiTuan to know the streets and stores in "555 area" , but through other people to know those areas that have never been visited. Step into those missed shops, and meet more interesting friends through stories. In the end, you may discover the streets you missed and the hidden surprises. If the weather permits, we will walk around the street together, observe the things we missed, and talk with strangers.

In October, the weather is getting cooler. Let's meet at Bird. We offer wine and you are only expected to offer a story.



We will wait for your arrival at the Bird Bar on Wuyuan Road.

Walking on Wuyuan Road is like walking on an arched green corridor, with a quiet and lazy atmosphere. Besides the grocery store at the entrance of the lane, the barber stores and other small stores are also settled on the street, too. Wuyuan Road is full of residential buildings, Garden houses and new-style lanes with different architectural styles and the ages. However, compared with the ever-changing buildings in Shanghai,  even the newest houses here have a sense of history.

Bird is a bistro, and the owner Camden is a passionate American girl. The food in the bar is a fusion of dishes from the south to the north, and the wine list includes natural wines that have attracted increasing attention in the past two years.



The founder of Sandwichina. Li Zixin has over twenty years' experience in both journalism and public relations. He has an intensive experience in covering democratic elections in western countries, including the US (2008), UK (2010), Russia (2012) and France (2012). He published a book on UK democracy system in 2011 and another book on disaster journalistic reporting in 2009.

Li Zixin holds a BA degree in Journalism from Renmin University of China and a Msc in International Public Policy from University College London. 


Camden Hauge

Camden is the ‘restaurateuse’ owner-operator of Happy Place Hospitality Group as wellas Founding Partner + Creative Director of experience agency SOCIAL SUPPLY.


Born in New Jersey, Camden moved to Shanghai in 2012 in advertising but quickly worked her way towards her first passion – hospitality. In 2015 she opened her first venueEgg, an all-day breakfast + bakery spot. She has since gone on to found an eclectic portfolio of 7 brands across 10 venues.

Camden是Happy Place餐饮集团的创始人,也是体验机构 SOCIAL SUPPLY的合伙人及创意总监。


Jianshuo Wang 王建硕

A 555 local resident. Graduated from the Automation Department of Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1999. He has experienced the waves of China's Internet from 1.0 up to now . He started his business of Baixing and led it to be listed in the stock market.

国内第一家信息分类百姓网创始人、董事长  ,著名的IT评论者、专栏作家。1999年毕业于上海交通大学自动化系,经历了中国互联网1.0至今的浪潮,历任微软工程师、从eBay中国内部创业,并带领百姓网上市。


Story Hunter


Sue has a passion for other people's everyday life story. She believes a person lives twice, once through their real life experience and the other through one's recall and recreation of stories. Meanwhile she loves dancing and dream to become a drag queen in the far future. Her drag persona's name is Miss. Lava - hot and passionate as she is. So come and tell her your stories and let stories flow!

苏苏对普通人的日常故事很感兴趣。她相信一个人可以活两次,一次是真实的生活经历,另一次是在回忆和书写故事中获得。苏苏超级喜欢跳舞,在很久的将来,她想成为一名变装皇后。她甚至已经有了变装名——Miss Lava,就像她本人一样热辣!快来给她讲故事吧!


She always feels that the stories are hidden in the details of daily life. As long as you are keen and attentive enough, you can capture it. She likes to wander all corners of the world, and it is best to open her eyes every day to remember where she is. She likes to chat with strangers and catch the anomalies and strangeness in the conversation. She always believes that everyone’s brain hides an infinite universe.


More Details

 Time 时间 

Tuesday, Oct 19th, 19:00 to 22:00


 Location 地点 

Bird @ Wuyuan Road, Roof top


 Entrance fee 入场费用 

No. As long as you are willing to share your own stories, we welcome you all. Just be brave and talk to others. If you want to listen to other people's stories quietly, sit in a bar for a drink or listen to a song. You are welcome to share with us your demons, dragons or the darkest wounds-in return, the story hunters will share their own secrets. jokes and dreams are also encouraged!


 Schedule 活动流程 


Meet the speakers, Zixin, Camden and Jianshuo. They will give a brief introduction of the "555 Project" and share about our ongoing projects.



Story-telling of Places. Share your stories with the “555” district.


How to Join in?

Scan the QR code to sign up



How to Share the Stories?

We will set up different sessions for story hunting. You can share relevant stories according to your choice. Storytelling is not a speech. You don't need to pay much attention to instrumentation and words. The only thing you  need to do is recalling the story with your neighborhood and tell it in a relaxing way.  If you are interested in the follow-up of others' stories, you can bring it up or communicate privately. 

About us


We were founded in Shanghai, in March 2011. We engage in personal narratives to investigate the truth. Our projects extend beyond media platforms to nonfiction workshops, fieldwork research, and interactive curations. Our subjects include individual, generational, geographical, and societal documentations and we are still exploring.

In the rapid development of China, the hearts of many Chinese young people are in a state of nowhere to rest. We encourage ordinary individuals around the globe to record and reflect upon their lives so that they may finally recognize and heal themselves. To achieve this goal, we have provided  people with a diversified communication and expression platform through non-fiction writing and tried our best to creat the links between professional writer resources and ordinary people's writing. Specifically, we help individuals sort out their own life memories, realize the creation of life stories.

“555 Project”

555 Project is an eco-anthropological portrait aiming to capture the interconnections between residents and their neighborhoods. The name “555” is inspired by the homophone of three historical blocks in Shanghai: Wulumuqi Rd, Wuyuan Rd, and Wukang Rd. We thrive to sparkle more conversations around space, residency, fluidity, and tangibility through written words, objects, visual, audio, and other medias of expressions.

A good story needs a specific scene to happen. In daily life, everyone is related to their neighborhood in different ways. And there are countless blocks in a city, and different blocks have their own unique cultural and historical memories. The connection between ordinary individuals and neighborhoods is close and subtle. We are trying to use a "localized" research method, Select a specific street or block, and show the uniqueness of a specific area through long-term field research and storytelling, hoping to inspire people to rethink the relationship between neighborhoods and individuals, so that more people can regain their sense of life around them.

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555 Project 是由三明治发起的在地观察计划,取上海三条小马路“乌鲁木齐中路-五原路-武康路”的名称首字谐音。在四年前书写《我们与我们的城市》,记录五原路这个自发形成的文艺美好街区的故事之后,我们希望可以再次回访这片街区,通过历史研究、采访写作、声音采集等方法去呈现这个街区里生动的故事,探索和发现一套全新的方法论去呈现和思考街区和人们之间的关系,启发更多人重拾自己对周边生活的感受力。

📖 阅读 555 Project 项目的其他文章:

01 街区现象研究

02 独立小店和空间

03 住在555的人



04 街区里的市井烟火气

- 近期活动 -

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