
读诗赏译| 杜秋娘《金缕衣》及7个英译本(有W.J.B. Fletcher等译本)

2016-05-01 杜秋娘 林苑


    《金缕衣》是一首富有哲理、内涵深远、情感单纯却强烈的唐朝七言乐府。该诗作者不详,但因该诗在中唐时乃一首流行词,元和时镇海节度使李锜深爱此诗,并常常命爱妾杜秋娘于酒宴之上演唱此诗,故诸多唐诗选本将杜秋娘列为作者。该诗劝人们莫要追求荣华富贵而迷失方向,而应该珍惜少年时光。最后两句含义更加丰富,可以解读为诗人劝喻人们及时行乐,或碰到自己的爱情勇于追求,或奉劝人们要抓住时机,建功立业。这不禁让人想起了十七世纪英国著名诗人Robert Herrick所写的诗 "To Virgins, To Make Much of Time"中的诗句 ’Gather ye rosebuds while ye may‘ 。真乃异曲同工之妙。

    此次林苑君选取了该诗的7个英文译本。译者分别为许景城、W.J.B. Fletcher、许渊冲、赵彦春、龚景浩、东海仙子。以飨读者。译本各有千秋,具体细节,望读者自赏自析。河北卫视新闻主播红叶、王益豪朗诵原汉诗,双语主播李强朗诵许景城的英译文,录音师张晖进行音频编辑。特此感谢。


中文朗读:红叶、王益豪 英文朗读:李强 音频编辑:张晖 )



[唐] 杜秋娘






Gold-Thread Garments

By Du Qiuniang

Tr. Peter Jingcheng Xu

许景城 译

Not for gold-thread garments, you should care,

But for prime, golden hours, you should spare.

Gather your sweet rosebuds while you may.

Never wait till the bloom is away.


Gold-Thread Garments

By Du Qiuniang

Tr. Peter Jingcheng Xu

许景城 译

Care not for gold-thread garments;

Spare yet for golden moments.

Gather rosebuds while you may.

Wait not till the bloom's away.


1.Du Qiuniang was born in the first year of Zheng Yuan during the reign of Emperor Tang Dezong(唐德宗贞元元年[791年]) in Runzhou(润州) which is now known as Zhengjiang,Jiangsu(江苏镇江). She was a charmingly smart beauty and geisha who could sing, dance, and even write lyrics and notes. She was popular in the southern regions of the Yangtze River in Tang Dynasty. This poem is one of the popular lyrics, frequently sung by Du during the banquets held by her husband Li Qi(李锜) a military governor in Zhenghai during the periods of Yuanhe (元和时镇海节度使).

2.Gold-Thread Garments refer to the clothes stitched with gold threads. It symbolizes wealth and rank.

3. The line "Gather rosebuds while you may" echoes "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may" in the poem "" by Robert Herrick.

Translated in Beijing Forestry University


Revised in Bangor University





By Du Qiuniang

Tr. W.J.B. Fletcher

If you will take advice, my friend,

For wealth you will not care.

But while fresh youth is in you,

Each precious moment spare.

When flowers are fit for culling,

Then pluck them as you may.

Ah! Wait not till the bloom be gone,

To bear a twig away.



The Golden Dress

By Du Qiuniang

许渊冲 译

Love not your golden dress, I pray.

More than your youthful golden hours!

Gather sweet blossoms while you may

And not the twig devoid of flowers!



Clothes of Gold

By Du Qiuniang

赵彦春 译

Cherish not your clothes of gold;

Cherish your time ere you’re old.

Pluck your rosebuds while you may;

Wait not to pluck a bare spray.



Garment Stitched with Gold Threads

By Du Qiuniang

龚景浩 译

Care not so much for expensive clothing;

You should treasure a lot more your prime years.

Pick the flowers while they are blooming.

Soon nothing'll be left save bare boughs and tears.



Gold-Thread Dress

By Du Qiuniang

东海仙子 译

Never treasure a gold-thread dress.

Never idle away your youth in mess.

Pick flowers when they bloom best.

Wait not till empty twigs are left.


1. 读诗赏译| 杜牧《清明》及25个英文译本(目前为止搜集最为全面)

2. 英诗汉译| Landscape With The Fall of Icarus

3. 读诗赏译|《你是人间的四月天》及七个英译本

4. 读诗赏译| 席慕容《乡愁》及两个英译本

5. 金曲英译|《生活不止眼前的苟且》

6. 读诗赏译| 卞之琳《断章》及七个英译文

7. 读诗赏译| 艾青《我爱这土地》及四个英译文

8. 读诗赏译| 徐志摩《再别康桥》及四个英译本(有Edward Connynham译本)

9. 读诗赏译| 徐志摩《偶然》及两个英译本

10. 国际博士后资讯| 2016耶鲁大学人文学科(文学、哲学、历史、政治思想等)博后奖学金申请

11. 歌曲英译| 李健《最美的春天 》

12. 海外高校岗位招聘| 美国加州大学圣克鲁兹分校招聘人文艺术院长

13. 歌曲英译| 李健、孙俪的《风吹麦浪》

14. 英诗原创| Menai Elegies-Words

15. 国际生态专题研讨会| Climate Scepticism,  Anti-Environmentalism

16. 汉诗原创|《一梦一世,唯美不忘》&《一景千情,恬适永恒》

17. 汉诗原创| 茫

18. 国际博士后资讯| 墨西哥蒙特雷科技大学计算机科学专业招全日制博后

19. 海外高校岗位招聘| 美国凯尼休斯学院(布法罗)招聘心理学专业教授助理

20. 歌曲英译| 弘一法师李叔同之《送别》

21. 海外高校岗位招聘| 温哥华岛大学纳奈莫分校招聘生物生态学教授

22. 英诗原创|The Echoes Come Finally

23. 英诗原创| The Spirit of R.S. Thomas

24. 英诗原创| Menai Elegies-The First Elegy

25. 英诗原创| Menai Elegies-The Second Elegy

26. 国际会讯|Translation and Transmission Conference June 1–4, 2017

27. 散文英译| 柯灵《书的抒情》

28. 文学评论| 对当下禅观、意向性、元潮流的解困惑

29. 散文英译| 朱自清《匆匆》及五个英译本(增添葛浩文译本)

30. 国际会讯|Shakespearean Transformations: Death, Life, and Afterlives

31. 国际会讯|ALTA Conference October 6-9, 2016

32. 国际会讯|Twelfth ASLE Biennial Conference

33. 国际会讯|Canada International Conference on Education (6.27-30,2016)

34. 国际会讯|2017 International Conference on Literature and Linguistics

35. 国际会讯|American Comparative Literature Association's AnnualMeeting

36. 金曲英译| 田馥甄《小幸运》

37. 金曲英译| 《琅琊榜》插曲《红颜旧》

38. 班戈风采| 舞动,双龙交相辉映 飞扬,丹青千古流芳

39. 金曲英译| 李宗盛、张艾嘉之《爱的代价》

40. 汉诗原创| 喝火令·除夜

41. 国际生态学术会议| 澳大利亚2016国际生态年会

42. 留学奖学金资讯| 比利时根特大学提供全额博士奖学金(生态小说研究方向)

43. 读诗赏译| 汪国真《告别,不是遗忘》

44. 【读书小札】原型-模型翻译理论的缘起与产生

45. 【读书小札】基于语料库的莎士比亚剧汉译本中“使”字句应用的研究



