《蝶恋花/凤栖梧·伫倚危楼风细细》是宋代词人柳永的词作。上片写登高望远引起的无尽离愁,以迷离的景物描写渲染出凄楚悲凉的气氛;下片写主人公为消释离愁决意痛饮狂歌,但强颜为欢终觉无味,最后以健笔写柔情,自誓甘愿为思念伊人而日渐消瘦憔悴。全词巧妙地把飘泊异乡的落魄感受同怀恋意中人的缠绵情思融为一体,表现了主人公坚毅的性格与执着的态度。下面附上《蝶恋花/凤栖梧·伫倚危楼风细细》原词及Clara M. Candlin、刘若愚、翁显良、许渊冲、海陶玮&叶嘉莹五版英译本,供大家阅读学习。
The Butterfly Loves The Flowers
Clara M. Candlin 译
In solitude
I lean
Against the ruined tower.
Soft breezes blow.
But hope has reached its end
In parting grief.
The border of the sky
Begets dark night.
The glow of hills:
The hue of grass
Have intermingled in the dusk.
My thoughts to none are known
As here I rest
Against the balustrade.
Shall I then madly drink,
And sing before the wine?
The boundary of bliss
Is joyless still.
My girdle grows
Too spacious as my form Diminishes.
Until the end
My love will never change.
For you
I pine.
Tieh Luan Hua
刘若愚 译
Alone, leaning on the high balcony in a soft breeze,
I gaze as far as I can, as parting sorrow
Darkly grows from the horizon.
In the fading sun that lights up the grass and the hills,
No one understands why I stand here, leaning on the rails.
I too would like to be reckless and try to get drunk,
But, facing wine and song,
I find it dull to force myself to be merry,
My sash is getting looser and looser; still I don’t regret:
For her sake, it’s worthwhile pining away!
翁显良 译
Waiting. Still waiting. Here, high on the tower, the spring breeze is soothing; but when I scan the horizon, I see and feel—a mounting gloom. Delusive is the beauty of sunset, of green meadows fading into a golden haze. Ah! Who could read the silence of a stranger musing at the balustrade?
Abandon myself to carousal? For all the wine and song, the mirth would be strained. I know I’m pining away, but love is worth the pain that comes after.
Tune: “Phoenix Perching On Parasol”
许渊冲 译
I lean alone on balcony in light, light breeze;
As far as the eye sees,
On the horizon dark, parting grief grows unseen.
In fading sunlight rises smoke over grass green.
Who understands why mutely on the rails I lean?
I’ll drown in wine my parting grief,
Chanting before the cup; strained mirth brings no relief.
I find my gown too large, but I will not regret;
It’s worth while growing languid for my dear coquette.
To the tune “Phoenix in the Phoenix Tree”
海陶玮&叶嘉莹 译
For long I stand at the window in the gentle breeze
Staring into infinity at spring melancholy
Somberly growing on the horizon.
In the fading light, mist-shimmer on grass—
Who can understand why I lean, wordless, on the balustrade?
I am determined to be reckless, plan a drunk,
Here is wine, here is song.
But in forced mirth is no favor.
It doesn’t matter after all that my girdle grows looser—
She is worth being haggard for.
张若梦 整理