




1、【JCR 1】 微笑会发出内在动机的信号

Smiling Signals Intrinsic Motivation

作者:Yimin Cheng, Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Patti Williams

Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 46, Issue5, February 2020, Pages 915-935, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucz023


The nature of a person’s motivation (whether it is intrinsic or extrinsic) is a key predictor of how committed they are to a task, and hence how well they are likely to perform at it. However, it is difficult to reliably communicate and make inferences about such fine nuances regarding another person’s motivation. Building on the social functional view of emotion and the evolutionary and psychophysical characteristics of facial expression of emotions, this research suggests that displayed enjoyment, as evidenced by the size and type of someone’s smile, can serve as a strong nonverbal signal of intrinsic motivation. Taking the perspective of both actors and observers, five studies show that people infer greater intrinsic motivation when they see others display large Duchenne (vs. small) smiles, and that actors intuit this relationship, strategically displaying larger and more Duchenne-like smiles if they have an accessible goal to signal intrinsic (vs. extrinsic or no specific) motivation.



关键词:杜乡微笑或假装微笑(Duchenne smile);情绪(emotion);面部表情(facial expression);内在动机(intrinsic motivation)

2、【JCR 2】 产品的拟人化对比较判断的影响研究

The Influence of Product Anthropomorphism on Comparative Judgment

作者:Feifei Huang; Vincent Chi Wong; Echo Wen Wan

Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 46, Issue5, February 2020, Pages 936-955, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucz028


The present research proposes a new perspective to investigate the effect of product anthropomorphism on consumers’ comparative judgment strategy in comparing two anthropomorphized (vs. two nonanthropomorphized) product options in a consideration set. Six experiments show that anthropomorphism increases consumers’ use of an absolute judgment strategy (vs. a dimension-by-dimension strategy) in comparative judgment, leading to increased preference for the option with a more favorable overall evaluation over the option with a greater number of superior dimensions. The effect is mediated by consumers’ perception of each anthropomorphized product alternative as an integrated entity rather than a bundle of separate attributes. The authors find the effect to be robust by directly tracing the process of participants’ information processing using MouseLab software and eye-tracking techniques, and by self-reported preferences and real consumption choices. Moreover, the effect is moderated by the motivation to seek maximized accuracy or ease. These studies have important implications for theories about anthropomorphism and comparative judgment as well as marketing practice. 



关键词:绝对策略(absolute strategy);拟人化(anthropomorphism);比较判断(comparative judgment);逐维度策略(dimension-by-dimension strategy)

3、【JCR 3】 不确定的自我:自我概念结构如何影响订阅选择?

The Uncertain Self: How Self-Concept Structure Affects Subscription Choice

作者:Jennifer Savary, Ravi Dhar

Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 46, Issue5, February 2020, Pages 887-903, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucz022


Whether it is clothing, meals or an exercise regimen, consumers purchase a wide range of goods on a recurring basis using a subscription model. While past research indicates that people continue to subscribe to these services even when they rarely use them, no work to date has examined how identity considerations affect preferences in this domain. Building on research on signaling and self-concept structure, we propose that quitting an ongoing subscription can threaten the stability of the self-concept by signaling a change in identity. Consumers who are uncertain about their self-concept (i.e., low self-concept clarity) and motivated to maintain a stable self-concept are thus more likely to keep unused subscriptions than those who are more certain. In support of the underlying mechanism, we demonstrate that self-concept clarity affects choices only for identity-relevant subscription choices, and that it affects choices for subscriptions, but not one-shot product choices that are a weaker signal of identity. Finally, because signing up for a new subscription also signals an identity change that can threaten the stability of the self, consumers with low self-concept clarity are also less likely to subscribe to a new service compared to those with more certain self-concepts.



关键词:自我概念清晰度(self-concept clarity);订阅服务(subscription services);自我信号(self-signaling);保留选择(retention choice);自我概念结构(self-concept structure);身份信号(identity signaling)

4、【JCR 4】 忽视或拒绝:零售排斥对解释水平的影响以及消费者对补偿的反应

Ignored or Rejected: Retail Exclusion Effects on Construal Levels and Consumer Responses to Compensation

作者:Jayati Sinha, Fang-Chi Lu

Journal of Consumer Research, Volume 46, Issue4, December 2019, Pages 791-807, http://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucz021


Among the top customer complaints regarding retailers are experiences of exclusionary treatment in the form of explicit condescension or implicit disregard. However, little is known about how consumers respond to different instances of exclusion in retail or service settings. This research focuses on how customers respond cognitively and emotionally when frontline staff reject or ignore them and on how retailers can recover from such service failures. Findings from six studies using exclusion as a hypothetical scenario or a real experience demonstrate that direct negative feedback leads customers to feel rejected and to form concrete low-level mental construals, while a lack of attention leads customers to feel ignored and to form abstract high-level construals. Explicit rejection (implicit ignoring) causes consumers to form more (less) vivid mental imagery of the exclusionary experience and to activate a concrete (abstract) mindset, resulting in preferences for tangible (intangible) and visual (textual) compensation options. Retailers are advised to align their compensation with construal levels to increase post-recovery customer satisfaction, customer reviews, intended loyalty, and brand referral behavior.


消费者对零售商投诉最多的是他们在购物过程中经历了明显的冷落或是隐性的漠视,然而我们对于消费者如何应对零售或服务业中不同的排斥形式知之甚少。这篇文章主要探讨了当一线员工拒绝或忽视顾客时,消费者的认知和情感反应以及零售商该如何弥补他们的服务失误。以排斥作为假设情境或真实经历的6个实验结果表明:直接的负反馈导致消费者感到被拒绝并形成了具体的低心理解释水平,而注意力缺乏会导致消费者感到被忽视并形成抽象的高心理解释水平。明确的拒绝(vs. 隐性的忽视)会导致消费者产生更多(vs. 更少)真实的排斥感,进而激活具象(vs. 抽象)的思维模式,导致消费者对有形(vs. 无形)的和可视(vs. 文本)的补偿选项产生偏好。据此建议零售商采取与解释水平相结合的补偿方式,以提高恢复后的顾客满意度、顾客评价、预期忠诚度和品牌推荐行为。

关键词:解释水平(construal level);匹配补偿(matching compensation);零售业排斥(retail exclusion);服务失误补救(service failure recovery)




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中国高等院校市场学研究会(Chinese Marketing Association of Universities,英文缩写CMAU)成立于1984年元月,是经中华人民共和国民政部批准,由全国各高等院校从事市场营销学教学、研究的专家、学者及企事业单位自愿组成的非营利性学术团体。学会的主管单位是中华人民共和国教育部,现任会长是北京大学光华管理学院符国群教授。




  • 通过定期(如年会)或不定期(如不同专题的研讨会)的形式,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员提供交流的机会;

  • 通过出版物,为全国高校从事市场营销教学、研究的专业人员和社会各界的有关人士提供发表研究成果的园地;

  • 组建全国性的市场营销教学、研究案例库、资料库,建立全国性的市场营销研究信息网络;

  • 通过各种方式为社会各界培训市场营销教学、市场营销管理实践人才;

  • 以各种方式为企业界及其他部门提供市场营销相关的专业援助,如咨询等;

  • 收集国内外的市场营销理论的研究动态,与国外有关市场营销研究的机构、团体建立不同形式的合作、交流关系。






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