"抱树使我快乐" | 与树为友的5个理由
原作 | Jill Suttie
来源 | GreaterGood
编译 | 一隻鹿
通过对比,研究者发现散步结束后,相比在市区散步的志愿者,散步地点在森林里的志愿者更有活力,焦虑、敌意水平更低,疲惫与抑郁症状也有所缓解。对于那些散步前焦虑水平较高的志愿者来说,森林对他们的安抚效果尤其明显(Song, Ikei, Park, Lee, Kagawa, & Miyazaki, 2018)。
在进行定时15分钟的观测之前和之后,志愿者们填写了一些与他们的情绪与心境有关的心理量表。与另一组相比,在观测结束之后,那些对森林情境进行观测的志愿者,其积极情绪水平更高,心境更平和稳定,个人状态也更有活力(Bielinis, Takayama, Boiko, Omelan, & Bielinis, 2018)。
仰望任务结束之后,当一名实验主持者假装不小心掉了一束笔时,那些仰望树木并体验到敬畏感的学生比那些仰望建筑物的学生更有可能帮忙捡起笔(Piff, Dietze, Feinberg, Stancato, & Keltner, 2015)。
1.Bielinis, E., Takayama, N., Boiko, S., Omelan, A., & Bielinis, L. (2018). The effect of winter forest bathing on psychological relaxation of young Polish adults. Urban forestry & urban greening, 29, 276-283.
2.Donovan, G. H., Michael, Y. L., Gatziolis, D., Prestemon, J. P., & Whitsel, E. A. (2015). Is tree loss associated with cardiovascular-disease risk in the Women's Health Initiative? A natural experiment. Health & place, 36, 1-7.
3.Guéguen, N., & Stefan, J. (2016). “Green Altruism” Short Immersion in Natural Green Environments and Helping Behavior. Environment and behavior, 48(2), 324-342.
4.Jia, B. B., Yang, Z. X., Mao, G. X., Lyu, Y. D., Wen, X. L., XU, W. H., ... & Wang, G. F. (2016). Health effect of forest bathing trip on elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 29(3), 212-218.
5.Kuo, F. E., & Sullivan, W. C. (2001). Environment and crime in the inner city: Does vegetation reduce crime?. Environment and behavior, 33(3), 343-367.
6.Kühn, S., Düzel, S., Eibich, P., Krekel, C., Wüstemann, H., Kolbe, J., ... & Lindenberger, U. (2017). In search of features that constitute an “enriched environment” in humans: Associations between geographical properties and brain structure. Scientific reports, 7(1), 11920.
7.Park, B. J., Tsunetsugu, Y., Kasetani, T., Kagawa, T., & Miyazaki, Y. (2010). The physiological effects of Shinrin-yoku (taking in the forest atmosphere or forest bathing): evidence from field experiments in 24 forests across Japan. Environmental health and preventive medicine, 15(1), 18.
8.Piff, P. K., Dietze, P., Feinberg, M., Stancato, D. M., & Keltner, D. (2015). Awe, the small self, and prosocial behavior. Journal of personality and social psychology, 108(6), 883.
9.Schusler, T., Weiss, L., Treering, D., & Balderama, E. (2018). Research note: Examining the association between tree canopy, parks and crime in Chicago. Landscape and Urban Planning, 170, 309-313.
10.Song, C., Ikei, H., Park, B. J., Lee, J., Kagawa, T., & Miyazaki, Y. (2018). Psychological benefits of walking through forest areas. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(12), 2804.
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