
双语 | 习近平主席在二十国集团领导人峰会第一阶段会议上的讲话

新华社 北极光翻译 2023-11-03








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Look Beyond the Horizon and Steer the World Economy in the Right Direction


– Remarks at Session I of the G20 Summit 


H.E. Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China

中华人民共和国主席 习近平

Buenos Aires, 30 November 2018



President Mauricio Macri,

Dear Colleagues,


It’s been ten years since the global financial crisis broke out and the first G20 Summit was convened. Today, the global economy, while maintaining growth on the whole, is still not free from the underlying impacts of the crisis. Old growth drivers are yet to be replaced by new ones. Various risks are rapidly building up. The new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation are triggering profound changes, the wealth gap keeps widening, and social contradictions are growing. The world economy is facing another historical choice.


An ancient Chinese philosopher observed that “Reviewing the past enables us to learn about the law governing the evolution of history.” We G20 members must closely follow the underlying historical trend so as to chart the course for the future. In mankind’s relentless quest for development and progress, the trend toward openness and integration among countries is unstoppable despite ups and downs in the global economy. 


The ever growing and expanding industrial chain, value chain and supply chain have boosted the flow of production factors across the world and led several billion people out of poverty and toward prosperity. Greater coordination and complementarity among countries meet the need of productivity growth. They will also shape the future of relations of production. 


In this process, countries are increasingly becoming a community with shared interests, shared responsibilities and a shared future. Going forward, win-win cooperation is the only choice for us, be it in good times or bad. This is dictated by the law of economics, and it is in keeping with the development of human history. 


Facing various challenges, we must have a stronger sense of urgency, be rational in approach and look beyond the horizon. We must fulfill our responsibility and steer the global economy in the right direction.


The G20 was born out of the international community’s need to maintain stable growth of the global economy. Over the past decade, we have braced difficulties together, navigated the global economy out of recession and brought it back to the track of recovery and growth. Ten years later, let us work with the same courage and strategic vision and ensure that the global economy grows on the right track.


First, we should stay committed to openness and cooperation and uphold the multilateral trading system. Five years ago, when I attended the G20 Summit for the first time, I called for joint efforts to uphold and build an open world economy. Five years on, this has obviously become an even more urgent task for us. 


The number of new trade restrictive measures applied on a monthly basis among G20 members has doubled compared with six months ago. In 2018, the growth of trade in goods may decline by 0.3 percent globally. We should firmly uphold free trade and the rules-based multilateral trading system. 


China supports necessary reform of the World Trade Organization, and believes that it is critical to uphold the WTO’s core values and fundamental principles such as openness, inclusiveness and non-discrimination and ensure the development interests and policy space of developing countries. We need to conduct extensive consultation to achieve gradual progress instead of imposing one’s position on others.


Second, we should forge strong partnership and step up macro policy coordination. Partnership is the most valuable asset of the G20. We G20 members should work together to surmount whatever difficulty that lies ahead. 


We should employ the three tools of fiscal and monetary policies and structural reform in a holistic way to ensure strong, balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth of the global economy. Strengthening policy coordination, which is essential for global growth, is also the due responsibility of major economies. 


Developed economies, when adopting monetary and fiscal policies, should give more consideration to and work to minimize the impact such policies may exert on emerging markets and developing economies. 


The IMF’s 15th General Quota Review should be concluded on schedule. The international monetary system should become more diversified, and the global financial safety net should continue to be strengthened.


Third, we should stay committed to innovation and create new momentum for growth. The global economy is embracing the trend of digital transformation, and the new round of industrial revolution will reshape human society in profound ways. We should encourage innovation and leverage the role of the digital economy in growing the real economy. We need to watch out for risks and challenges brought by the application of new technologies, and strengthen the legal and regulatory framework. And we need to do more to boost education and vocational training. 


We should give priority to achieving development through fully tapping our innovation potential. At the same time, we also need to keep our doors open and encourage the spread of new technologies and knowledge so that innovation will benefit more countries and peoples. To better adapt to and guide technological innovation, I propose that the G20 carry out an in-depth study on the application and impact of new technologies on a priority basis to explore new thinking and new ways of cooperation in this area.


Fourth, we should stay committed to win-win cooperation to promote inclusive global development. Development holds the key to many problems facing the world today. Development also provides a strong guarantee for greater equity and justice. We need to continue to follow a people-centered development philosophy and endeavor to deliver a sense of fulfillment, happiness and security to our people. 


We need to continue to prioritize development in global macro-policy coordination, implement in real earnest the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and give strong support to work in this area under the UN framework. We should protect the development interests and space of developing countries so as to ensure global growth that is truly equitable. We should continue to support Africa’s development by helping Africa with its infrastructure and connectivity building and new industrialization.


Dear Colleagues,


This year marks the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. During the past 40 years, with the support of the international community, we in China have forged ahead with perseverance and made historic achievements in development. In the years since the global financial crisis, China has contributed over 30 percent of global growth. China is firm in its resolve to eradicate poverty. Our goal is to eliminate absolute poverty as currently defined by 2020, and we have every confidence to meet this target. China owes its progress to reform and opening-up, and will continue to advance on this path. 


Earlier this month, the first China International Import Expo (CIIE) was successfully held, which was warmly received by the international community. China will continue to deepen market-oriented reform, protect property rights and IPR, encourage fair competition and do more to expand imports. The CIIE will be held annually as a way to further open China’s market.


In the latest World Bank Doing Business report, China moved up 32 places in the ease of doing business ranking from last year. China will continue to improve its business environment, and hopes that all countries will work together for a free, open, inclusive and orderly international economic environment.


Thank you.


Opening up a New Era in China-Argentina Relations

中华人民共和国主席 习近平

Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China


It gives me great pleasure to attend the G20 Buenos Aires Summit and pay a state visit to the Argentine Republic at the invitation of President Mauricio Macri in the promising season of spring in the southern hemisphere.


As an ancient Chinese poem reads, "If you have a friend afar who knows your heart, distance cannot keep you two apart."


The peace-loving people of China and Argentina have rendered each other mutual understanding and support, the geographical distance between us notwithstanding.


And our bilateral relations have stood the test of changing international circumstances and set an example of solidarity and cooperation for common development between two emerging economies and developing countries.


-- China and Argentina are good friends who trust each other.


During our four meetings in a short span of two years, President Macri and I reached important agreement on ways to grow bilateral relations and we are united in placing enormous importance on China-Argentina relations.


China firmly supports Argentina in exploring a development path suited to its national conditions and has every confidence about its future.


Bilateral mechanisms such as the inter-governmental permanent committee, the strategic dialogue for economic cooperation and coordination, the parliamentary political dialogue committee and the mixed commission on economic and trade cooperation have been operating smoothly, injecting strong impetus into continued progress of bilateral ties.


Our two countries have also supported each other on issues of respecting sovereignty and upholding territorial integrity.


-- China and Argentina are good partners of common development.


China is Argentina's second largest trading partner and largest destination of its agricultural exports.


In 2017 two-way trade reached US$13.8 billion, up by nearly 2,300 times since the establishment of diplomatic relations.


Fresh fruit, beef, red wine and seafood from Argentina are well liked by Chinese consumers.


China has invested over US$10 billion in Argentina in sectors such as infrastructure, energy, communications and agriculture, creating tens of thousands of local jobs.


Chinese products and technologies have contributed to Argentina's pursuit of greater connectivity and competitiveness.


Our two countries have increased the scale of local currency swaps. Chinese financial institutions have opened branches in Argentina. Such financial cooperation has provided support and services for Argentina's economic and social development.


-- China and Argentina are close friends that admire each other's achievements and value mutual learning.


There are two passions for Argentinians, both centering on movements of the feet.


One is football, and the other is tango. Argentine football players and coaches have joined Chinese football leagues.


And groups of young Chinese have received football training in Argentina. There are tango dance associations and clubs in many Chinese cities.


And Chinese dancers have competed and won medals in world tango tournaments.


Among Argentinians, there is an abiding interest in China and the Chinese language.


The literary legend Jorge Luis Borges used Chinese allusions such as the butterfly dream of the philosopher Chuang Tzu and the Great Wall in his works, including The Paint Cane.


And he indeed had a cherished Chinese paint cane in his possession.


More than 800,000 Argentinians participated in Spring Festival temple fairs held in local communities early this year.


The Confucius Institutes and full-time public schools that teach in both Chinese and Spanish languages are packed with students.


Our two sides are also working on ways to make flight connections more convenient for Chinese tourists to travel to Argentina and appreciate the charm of glaciers, waterfalls, and the gaucho culture.


The world we live in today has been undergoing tremendous changes which are unseen in a century.


While the momentum of multi-polarity and economic globalization is unstoppable, rising global challenges have also emerged.


Both China and Argentina are at a crucial stage of development.


The Chinese people are making unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of great national rejuvenation.


And the Argentine people are striving to realize the Argentine dream of development and revitalization.


Let us seize historical opportunities, move forward with the times, and join hands to open up a new era in China-Argentina comprehensive strategic partnership to the greater benefit of our peoples.


First, we need to strengthen strategic communication based on mutual respect and trust.


To grow our bilateral relations, it is important to draw up a blueprint with a broader vision to guide intensified exchanges in various fields between governments, legislatures and political parties and at sub-national levels and to increase the sharing of governance experience.


It is important that we enhance mutual understanding and political trust, and give each other continued firm support on matters concerning core interests and major concerns.


Second, we need to deepen practical cooperation for win-win results.


Efforts need to be made to better synergize our development strategies to take forward the Belt and Road Initiative.


Cooperation will be deepened in such key areas as infrastructure, energy, agriculture, mining and manufacturing. Trade facilitation will be promoted and new cooperation models such as e-commerce leveraged.


China welcomes Argentina's continued participation in the China International Import Expo and hopes to see more Argentine exports to China.


We look forward to more high value-added Argentine products and services in the Chinese market, which will expectedly support Argentina's transformation from the world's granary to supermarket.


Third, we need to expand people-to-people exchanges for mutual learning.


More people-to-people interactions will be encouraged, and cooperation in culture, education, science and technology, sports and tourism and at sub-national levels expanded.


More measures may be introduced to facilitate personnel flows and share development experience.


All this will contribute to stronger public support for China-Argentina friendship.


Fourth, we need to enhance coordination and collaboration for mutual support.


Coordination under multilateral frameworks will be strengthened, including at the United Nations, G20, WTO and the Group of 77, to underline support for economic globalization and the multilateral trading system and safeguard the fundamental interests of emerging markets and developing countries.


Together, we will make our contributions to maintaining world peace and building an open world economy and a community with a shared future for mankind.


The all-round, fast growth of China-Argentina relations is an epitome of the vibrant relations between China and countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.


China and Latin American and Caribbean countries, as important developing countries and emerging markets, all face unprecedented opportunities and challenges.


It is therefore important for us to deepen cooperation and make progress with concerted efforts.


This is why I have called for forging a community with a shared future and formulating a new blueprint for Belt and Road cooperation between China, Latin American and Caribbean countries.


Both initiatives have been warmly received by friends from countries in the region.


Guided by the principle of consultation, collaboration and benefit for all, China is ready to work with Latin American and Caribbean countries to promote connectivity in the five priority areas as policy, infrastructure, trade, finance and people-to-people ties.


All this will help translate our Belt and Road cooperation into more tangible benefits for our peoples, and facilitate cooperation upgrading and the fostering of new growth areas in our relations.


This year marks the 10th anniversary of the G20 Summit.


A decade on, the G20, with its remarkable achievements in coping with the international financial crisis and promoting global recovery, has become an anchor of the world economy and a propeller for global economic governance.


It is vital for the G20 to maintain its role as a premier forum on international economic cooperation, follow through on the consensus of previous summits, and chart the course for the world economy.


Following the theme of "Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable Development", China will give its full support to Argentina in hosting a successful G20 Summit, for which we are full of expectations.


We hope the G20 will stay committed to the spirit of solidarity and partnership.


As it has been instrumental in steering the G20 through the storms of the international financial crisis, this very spirit will continue to inspire the G20 in staying ahead of the curve of the world economy.


Jointly moving the world economy forward on the right track is the founding mission and the primary task of the G20.


We need to strengthen macro policy coordination and cooperation, and more importantly, we need to unequivocally uphold the multilateral trading system and build an open world economy.


We hope the G20 will continue to advance the process of economic globalization.


China highly commends the people-centered vision for G20 cooperation as championed by President Macri.


Economic globalization has provided a robust driving force for global growth and enabled flows of goods and capital, advances in science and technology, progress of civilizations, and interactions between people of different countries.


As for the problems that have arisen in this process, we need to take a proactive and measured approach, act in the interest of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and pursue a more open, inclusive and balanced economic globalization in line with the principle of consultation, collaboration and benefit for all in order to serve the interests of people of all countries.


We hope the G20 will continue to take the lead in shaping paths toward innovation-driven growth and long-term governance.


New technologies and new forms of business have created both opportunities and challenges.


Countries need to foster new drivers for global growth through innovation, and build up the momentum of the digital economy and the new industrial revolution.


As innovation may cause risks and challenges for employment, it is important to better equip our workers with the capacity to adapt to technological transformation.


We need to continue to put development front and center in global macro policy coordination, and keep in mind the need for development throughout our discussions of international cooperation in all areas.


The concerns of developing countries should be accommodated and their development space preserved.


Efforts should be made to support infrastructure connectivity and help developing countries break growth bottlenecks and achieve sustainable development.



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