

新华社 北极光翻译 2023-11-03







Since 1949, the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese government and the Chinese people have always unwaveringly taken resolving the Taiwan question to realize China's complete reunification as a historic task, President Xi Jinping said.





Over the 70 years, estrangement between the mainland and Taiwan was ended in line with the common will of compatriots across the Straits, and Taiwan compatriots have made great contributions to the reform and opening-up in the mainland, said Xi.



During the seven decades, the mainland and Taiwan reached the 1992 Consensus based on the one-China principle, and the political exchanges across the Straits have reached new heights, Xi said.



Over the 70 years, the basic principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems" were established, and the basic policy of upholding "one country, two systems" and advancing the national reunification was laid out, according to Xi.



He continued that more and more countries and peoples have understood and supported the cause of the reunification of China over the 70 years.



Furthermore, over the 70 years, a series of major victories in the battles against "Taiwan independence" and separatists have been achieved, Xi said.





The historical and legal facts, that Taiwan is part of China and the two sides across Taiwan Straits belong to one and the same China, can never be altered by anyone or any force, said Xi.



The fact that compatriots across the Straits are all Chinese who share natural kinship and national identity can never be changed by anyone or any force, Xi added.



The peaceful and stable development of cross-Straits situations and the progress of cross-Straits relations are the tide of the time that can never be stopped by anyone or any force, said Xi.





"It is a historical conclusion drawn over the 70 years of the development of cross-Straits relations, and a must for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era," he said.



He called on Chinese people across the Taiwan Straits as well as at home and abroad to work together for the Chinese nation's greater good and go with the tide of history, to jointly push forward the peaceful development of the cross-Strait relations and advance the process toward the peaceful reunification of China.





The Taiwan question originated from national weakness and disorder, and will definitely end with national rejuvenation, Xi said.



The Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits should make joint efforts to seek national reunification, Xi said.



The future of Taiwan lies in national reunification and the wellbeing of Taiwan compatriots is linked to national rejuvenation, Xi said. "Peaceful development of cross-Straits relations is the correct road to maintaining cross-Straits peace, promoting cross-Straits common development, and benefiting compatriots on both sides of the Straits."



Peaceful development of cross-Straits relations should be pushed forward, maintained and shared by compatriots on both sides of the Strait, he said.





The principles of "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems" are the best approach to realizing national reunification, Xi said.



On the basis of ensuring China's sovereignty, security and interests of development, the social system and way of life in Taiwan will be fully respected, and the private property, religious beliefs and legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan compatriots will be fully protected after peaceful reunification is realized, Xi said.



"We are all of the same family. The cross-Straits affairs are domestic affairs and should naturally be addressed through discussion and consultation by ourselves," Xi said.



As long as the one-China principle is upheld, there will be no obstacles in exchanges between political parties and groups in Taiwan and the mainland, Xi said.





President Xi Jinping proposed that the mainland and Taiwan conduct democratic consultation on cross-Straits relations and the future of the nation, and establish institutional arrangement for peaceful development of cross-Straits relations. Political parties and all sectors on both sides of the Straits may recommend representatives to conduct extensive and in-depth democratic consultation on the basis of the common political foundation of upholding the 1992 Consensus and opposing "Taiwan independence," Xi said.





While noting that "Chinese don't fight Chinese," Xi said peaceful reunification is in the best interests of compatriots across the Straits as well as the Chinese nation.



"We make no promise to renounce the use of force and reserve the option of taking all necessary means," he added. This does not target compatriots in Taiwan, but the interference of external forces and the very small number of "Taiwan independence" separatists and their activities, he said.



"Taiwan independence" goes against the trend of history and will lead to a dead end, he said.



"We are willing to create broad space for peaceful reunification, but will leave no room for any form of separatist activities," he added.





Xi called for efforts to deepen the integrated development across the Taiwan Straits to consolidate the foundation of peaceful reunification, adding that "Chinese people should help each other."



Xi also pledged to further institutionalize the cross-Straits economic cooperation and to forge a cross-Straits common market. Both sides should enhance the free flow of trade, connectivity in infrastructure, exchange of energy and resources, and shared industrial standards, said Xi.





There are no problems that cannot be solved between family members, Xi said.



"We sincerely hope all the compatriots in Taiwan treasure peace as much as they treasure their own eyes, and pursue national reunification as much as they pursue happiness."



Xi urged young people across the Straits to shoulder important tasks with courage, be united and friendly with each other, and strive for a better future hand in hand.



"We cordially welcome young people from Taiwan to cherish, pursue and fulfill their dreams on the mainland of our motherland," he said.





The Chinese people's affairs should be decided by the Chinese people, Xi said, stressing that the Taiwan question concerns China's core interests and the national bond of the Chinese people.



China's reunification does not harm any country's legitimate interests, including their economic interests in Taiwan, Xi said. It will only bring more development opportunities to other countries, inject more positive energy into the prosperity and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and the world, and make greater contributions to building a community with a shared future for humanity, to world peace and development, and to the cause of human progress, he added.





Message to Compatriots in Taiwan


January 1, 1979 (The Standing Committee of the Fifth National People's Congress at its Fifth Plenary Session on December 26, 1978 adopted after discussion a message to compatriots in Taiwan.)


Dear Compatriots in Taiwan:


Today is New Year's Day 1979.


We hereby extend our cordial and sincere greetings to you on behalf of the people of all nationalities on the mainland of our motherland.


As an old saying goes, "When festival times come round people think all the more of their loved ones."


On this happy occasion as we celebrate New Year's Day, our thoughts turn all the more to our kith and kin, our old folks, our broth ers and sisters, in Taiwan.


We know you have the motherland and your kinsfolk on the mainland in mind too.


This mutual feeling of many years standing grows with each passing day.


From the day when Taiwan was unfortunately separated from the motherland in 1949, we have not been able to communicate with or visit each other, our motherland has not been able to achieve reunification, relatives have been unable to get together, and our nation, country and people have suffered greatly as a result.


All Chinese compatriots and people of Chinese descent throughout the world look forward to an early end to this regrettable state of affairs.


The Chinese nation is a great nation. It accounts for almost a quarter of the world's population and has a long history and brilliant culture, and its outstanding contributions to world civilization and human progress are universally recognized.


Taiwan has been an inalienable part of China since ancient times.


The Chinese nation has great vitality and cohesion.


Throughout its history, foreign invasions and internal strife have failed to split our nation permanently.


Taiwan's separation from the motherland for nearly 30 years has been artificial and against our national interests and aspirations, and this state of affairs must not be allowed to continue.


Every Chinese, in Taiwan or on the mainland, has a compelling responsibility for the survival, growth and prosperity of the Chinese nation.


The important task of reunifying our motherland, on which hinges the future of the whole nation, now lies before us all; it is an issue no one can evade or should try to.


If we do not quickly set about ending this disunity so that our motherland is reunified at an early date, how can we answer our ancestors and explain to our descendants? This sentiment is shared by all. Who among the descendants of the Yellow Emperor wishes to go down in history as a traitor?


Radical changes have taken place in China's status in the world over the past 30 years.


Our country's international prestige is rising constantly and its international role becomes ever more important.


The people and governments of almost all countries place tremendous hopes on us in the struggle against hegemonism and in safeguarding peace and stability in Asia and the world as a whole.


Every Chinese is proud to see the growing strength and prosperity of our motherland.


If we can end the present disunity and join forces soon, there will be no end to our contributions to the future of mankind.


Early reunification of our motherland is not only the common desire of all the people of China, including our compatriots in Taiwan, but the common wish of all peace-loving peoples and countries the world over.


Reunification of China today is consonant with popular sentiment and the general trend of development.


The world in general recognizes only one China, with the government of the People's Republic of China as its sole legal government.


The recent conclusion of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship and the normalization of relations between China and the United States show still more clearly that no one can stop this trend.


The present situation in the motherland, one of stability and unity, is better than ever.


The people of all nationalities on the mainland are working hard with one will for the great goal of the four modernizations.


It is our fervent hope that Taiwan returns to the embrace of the motherland at an early date so that we can work together for the great cause of national development.


Our state leaders have firmly declared that they will take present realities into account in accomplishing the great cause of reunifying the motherland and respect the status quo on Taiwan and the opinions of people in all walks of life there and adopt reasonable policies and measures in settling the question of reunification so as not to cause the people of Taiwan any losses.


On the other hand, people in all walks of life in Taiwan have expressed their yearning for their homeland and old friends, stated their desire "to identify themselves with and rejoin their kinsmen," and raised diverse proposals which are expressions of their earnest hope for an early return to the embrace of the motherland.


As all conditions now are favourable for reunification and everything is set, no one should go against the will of the nation and against the trend of history.


We place hopes on the 17 million people on Taiwan and also the Taiwan authorities.


The Taiwan authorities have always taken a firm stand of one China and have been opposed to an independent Taiwan.


We have this stand in common and it is the basis for our co-operation.


Our position has always been that all patriots belong to one family.


The responsibility for reunifying the motherland rests with each of us.


We hope the Taiwan authorities will treasure national interests and make valuable contributions to the reunification of the motherland.


The Chinese government has ordered the People's Liberation Army to stop the bombardment of Jinmen (Quemoy) and other islands as from today.


A state of military confrontation between the two sides still exists along the Taiwan Straits. This can only breed man-made tension.


We hold that first of all this military confrontation should be ended through discussion between the government of the People's Republic of China and the Taiwan authorities so as to create the necessary prerequisites and a secure environment for the two sides to make contacts and exchanges in whatever area.


The prolonged separation has led to inadequate mutual understanding between the compatriots on the mainland and on Taiwan and various inconveniences for both sides.


Since overseas Chinese residing in faraway foreign lands can return for visits and tours and hold reunions with their families, why can't compatriots living so near, on the mainland and on Taiwan, visit each other freely?


We hold that there is no reason for such barriers to remain.


We hope that at an early date transportation and postal services between both sides will be established to make it easier for compatriots of both sides to have direct contact, write to each other, visit relatives and friends, exchange tours and visits and carry out academic, cultural, sports and technological interchanges.


Economically speaking, Taiwan and the mainland of the motherland were originally one entity.


Unfortunately, economic ties have been suspended for many years.


Construction is going ahead vigorously on the motherland and it is our wish that Taiwan also grows economically more prosperous.


There is every reason for us to develop trade between us, each making up what the other lacks, and carry out economic exchanges.


This is mutually required and will benefit both parties without doing any harm to either.


Dear compatriots in Taiwan,


The bright future of our great motherland belongs to us and to you.


The reunification of the motherland is the sacred mission history has handed to our generation.


Times are moving ahead and the situation is developing.


The earlier we fulfil this mission, the sooner we can jointly write an unprecedented, brilliant page in the history for our country, catch up with advanced powers and work together with them for world peace, prosperity and progress.


Let us join hands and work together for this glorious goal!


Speech delivered at the forum on the “Message of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress to the Taiwan Compatriots” held by the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference


Put On the Agenda Settlement of the Taiwan Question For the Reunification of the Motherland


January 1, 1979


Today is New Year’s Day 1979, an extraordinary day.


It is extraordinary because it is different from other New Year’s Days in three ways.


First, the focus of the work in the whole country has been shifted onto the four modernizations.


Second, relations between China and the United States have been normalized.


Third, we have put on the agenda the return of Taiwan to the motherland for the reunification of China.


Therefore, on this New Year’s Day we are very happy.


These three things show that since the smashing of the Gang of Four, we have scored substantial achievements in both domestic work and international affairs.


Last year, production in our country was satisfactory, much better than expected.


This is inseparable from our efforts to conscientiously expose and criticize Lin Biao and the Gang of Four and eliminate their pernicious influence.


What is even more gratifying is that since the downfall of the Gang of Four, the people throughout the country have come to enjoy ease of mind and have been united as one.


Last year, the political situation characterized by both centralism and democracy, both discipline and freedom, both unity of will and personal ease of mind and liveliness, as advocated by Chairman Mao as early as 1957, gradually came into being.


This was most clearly reflected at the working conference of the Central Committee and the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee our Party just held.


To sum up, this general mood and situation is a political situation of liveliness.


We should maintain this general mood and situation throughout the country — in the Party, in the government and in the army, and among the people.


This constitutes the political basis for realizing the four modernizations.


Without this political situation, it will be impossible for us to achieve the four modernizations.


Over a fairly long period of time, we failed to properly deal with the relationship of democracy to centralism, and we did not have much democracy.


Therefore, we should promote democracy even more.


Last year we scored many significant achievements in international affairs, which were represented by the signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between China and Japan and the normalization of relations between China and the United States.


We were able to put on the agenda the return of Taiwan to the motherland for the reunification of China just because we had scored significant achievements in domestic work and international affairs.


On this extraordinary day, we should also be soberly aware that it is an arduous task to realize the four modernizations.


There are many things we do not yet understand, and we are inexperienced.


Therefore, we should study and work hard.


We should also recognize that we shall inevitably make mistakes in certain matters and encounter difficulties in some areas.


However, as long as the people throughout the country work with one heart and one mind, are eager to learn, consolidate and maintain the situation of stability and unity and uphold democratic centralism, our cause will be vigorously furthered.


The fundamental policies we followed in handling international affairs last year were formulated by Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou, but they died before they could implement those policies.


We have fulfilled some of their desires.


The signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between China and Japan and the normalization of relations between China and the United States are beneficial to peace and stability in the world and to the international fight against hegemony.


Now as we still face many problems, we must continue to work hard.


In international affairs we should continue to consolidate and develop the gratifying situation we have created.


I am convinced that every member present here is joyful and optimistic about the current situation and will be happy to make his or her own contribution to it.



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