
双语 | 刘晓明大使:“炮舰外交”只会损害中英关系(内有赠品)

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On 26 February 2019, The Guardian published a signed article by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming entitled

Gunboat diplomacy can only harm Britain’s relationship with China


The full text is as follows:


A certain British politician’s hyping up of the “China threat” in a recent speech struck a discordant note with the mainstream view in the UK that the country has a strong and constructive relationship with China.


It has led me to think about how much could be learned from the world-class concerts by London’s leading symphony orchestra that I have attended, the beauty of which comes from the harmony of various sounds and the coordination between the players.


If the China-UK relationship were compared to a symphony, its success would depend on close coordination between the two countries and a firm resistance to interruptions and noises.


In this symphony, China and the UK rely on mutual respect and trust to keep us in tune, and keep out the noise of enmity and confrontation.


This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of a China-UK diplomatic relationship at the level of chargé d’affaires.


The past 65 years have not been all plain sailing: when there was mutual respect and equality, the bilateral relationship leapt forward.


Otherwise, the relationship has had to battle against strong headwinds, or even back-pedal.


In an age when hot and cold wars should be long gone, resurrecting the cold war and gunboat diplomacy from the grave, as this politician did, was anachronistic and risks disrupting the progress of China-UK relations.


Both countries must resist this disruption and keep the larger picture in mind.


To do that, they need to view each other’s development as an opportunity rather than a challenge, still less a threat. In particular, we should respect each other’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, core interests and major concerns; we should build mutual trust, expand strategic consensus and handle differences properly so as to ensure that the China-UK relationship develops in the right direction.


In the symphony of these relations, mutual benefit, not the pursuit of a zero-sum game, creates consonance.


China-UK cooperation has never been deeper and more extensive, and the interests of the two countries have never been more intertwined.


This is not only reflected by the £11bn contracts signed during Prime Minister Theresa May’s visit to China early last year and the first China International Import Expo.


It is also reinforced by the fact that China is the fastest-growing market for UK exports and UK’s second largest trading partner outside the EU.


Last year, our bilateral trade totalled more than $80bn and UK exports to China increased by 6.9%, much higher than its GDP growth rate.


Chinese investment in the UK tops $20bn now and maintains a robust growth momentum, with Chinese companies having invested more over the past five years than the previous 30 years.


The bond between the Chinese and British people has never been closer.


With the opening of seven new direct flight routes between London and Chinese cities last year, the total number of flights linking the two countries increased to 168 a week, facilitating 1.5m mutual visits every year.


Going forward, deeper reform and further opening up in China will create more opportunities for China-UK cooperation, including the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and the second China International Import Expo to be held in China this year.


An open, innovative and inclusive UK is an internationally recognised brand name, and I hope that it will continue to provide a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese companies, including Huawei. This will win more respect, trust and cheers for a global Britain.


The symphony of China-UK relations should also play a rising crescendo of mutual learning and cooperation, and reject the chaotic disruption of rigidity and narrow-mindedness.


Both China and the UK support multilateralism, free trade and rule-based international trade system. Both are permanent members of the UN security council and are countries with global influence.


We have a responsibility to oppose unilateralism and protectionism, and build an open world economy. We should deliver our consensus on addressing global challenges such as climate change, terrorism, cybersecurity and wildlife protection, and promoting reform of the global governance system.


We should enhance exchanges and mutual learning between different civilisations with a view to building a community with a shared future for mankind. I hope and believe that an independent, rationally minded and down-to-earth UK will work with China in the spirit of win-win cooperation to create a better future for our two countries and the rest of the world.


Amid profound changes of a kind the world has not seen in a century, a sound, stable, mutually reinforcing and mutually beneficial China-UK relationship is not only in the interests of the two countries and their people, but also a contribution to world peace and development.


China and the UK have the strategic vision, political wisdom and creative spirit to seize opportunities, resist disruptions and create a China-UK golden era: a symphony both beautiful and harmonious.



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中国驻英国大使刘晓明出席该活动并发表了20分钟的英文演讲,就关于改革开放的三个问题让大家了解中国的改革开放:1. 中国改革开放为什么能够取得成功?2. 新时代中国改革开放对世界意味着什么?3. 中国进一步推进改革开放能给国际社会带来什么?接下来一起听听演讲

Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at "Vision China" Hosted by China Daily: Further Reform and Opening Up Creates a Brighter Future

1 Great George Street, London

13 September 2018





Mr. Zhou Shuchun,

Lord O'Neill,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen:





Good morning!


It is a real delight to join you at China Daily's 5th "Vision China" talks.


As we celebrate the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, the "Vision China" talks could not have been more timely. It gives us a good opportunity to talk about the vision for China and the world 40 Years on.


Let me take this opportunity to share with you my views on three questions:

First, what are the reasons for the success of China's reform and opening up?

Second, what does China's reform and opening up in the new era mean to the world?

Third, what does China have to offer to the international community through its further reform and opening up?


Reform and opening up, which is China's second revolution, has not only profoundly changed the country but also greatly influenced the whole world.


Forty years ago, China's GDP was $175 billion. Today, it is more than $12 trillion, increasing by 68 times. In forty years' time, China has grown from the tenth to the second largest economy in the world.


In forty years' time, China's population living in absolute poverty has dropped from 770 million to a little over 30 million. This means 740 million people have been lifted out of poverty, accounting for more than 70% of world poverty reduction in the same period.


In forty years' time, China has built the world's largest social security network, with a basic pension insurance system covering more than 900 million people and a basic health insurance system covering 1.3 billion.


In forty years' time, China has become the world's largest exporter and second largest importer. It has contributed more than 30% of world economic growth for many years. It has been a stabilizer and powerhouse for world economic recovery.


Such remarkable success in such a short period of time is by no means a matter of luck. I believe it should be attributed to China's down-to-earth approach, undaunted courage, and open and inclusive attitude.


First, China has been down-to-earth in exploring its own development path.


In reform and opening up, China has no precedent to go by. From rural to urban reforms, from pilot projects to wider introduction, and from economic restructuring to deeper reforms across the board, the only benchmarks for China are its national condition and development needs. To use the famous metaphor of Deng Xiaoping, we have "crossed the river by feeling the stones". Over the past 40 years, China has taken solid steps, made concrete progress and blazed a trail of development and reform with Chinese characteristics.


The most valuable lesson we have learned in this process is this: While we must dream big and bear in mind the people's aspiration for a better life, it is equally important to stay down-to-earth, take solid steps and deliver.


Second, China has been courageous in the self-revolutionary reform.


Reform is a process of addressing contradictions and problems. Therefore, it is important to have the courage of self-revolution. Around the world, there is often more empty rhetoric than concrete actions targeting at one's own problems.


The Chinese people believe in concrete actions because we think this is what makes a country prosper. In advancing reform and opening up, nothing is more precious than our courage to face up to bitter contradictions and problems. We have continuously shattered the shackles on thought and removed the hurdles to development. We have the resolve to settle the problems, tackle the risks and carry the reform through to the end.


Third, China has embraced the world with an open and inclusive attitude.


Openness brings progress and isolation results in backwardness. This is a hard lesson that China has learnt from its recent history.


We have learnt this lesson, and we have for 40 years adhered to the basic policy of opening up. We have turned China from a closed and semi-closed country to one that opens up on all fronts.


Such openness has prompted more reforms. From acceding to the WTO and adopting international economic and trade rules to establishing pilot free trade zones and putting in place the system of pre-establishment national treatment plus a negative list, further opening-up has been driving domestic reform.


Moreover, greater openness has facilitated further development in China and around the world. Opening up has given China's development the benefit of foreign capital, experience and expertise. In turn, China has been sharing the benefit of its economic growth with the world through expanding investment overseas.


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Without reform and opening up, China would not have come so far. Without deeper reform and further opening up, China would not be able to create a brighter future.


Now let me turn to the second question: what does China's reform and opening up in the new era mean to the world?


First, it enables China to share its solutions with countries in search of development paths.


As a Chinese saying goes, only the wearer knows whether the shoes fit or not. In reform and opening up, there is no textbook approach. One has to try to see if the relevant measures are suitable. That is what China did. We adhered to the path of our own choice and found the way that worked for us.


China's success expands the road to modernization and contributes to the wealth of social systems and governance experience of mankind. China stands ready to share its success stories in reform and opening up with other developing countries, enhance exchanges on governance and achieve common development.


But China will not ask other countries to "copy" the Chinese way or "export" the Chinese model. Last week, at the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, China made a solemn pledge on China's "five-no" approach in its relations with Africa, namely


No interference in African countries' pursuit of development paths that fit their national conditions;

No interference in African countries' internal affairs;

No imposition of our will on African countries;

No attachment of political strings to assistance to Africa;

And no selfish political interests in investment and financing cooperation in Africa.


Second, continued reform and opening up in the new era will enable China to offer its wisdom to a world of evolving economic landscape.


In this world, new growth drivers are fast replacing the old. Anti-globalization, protectionism and unilateralism are rising.

World economic recovery faces increasing uncertainties and instabilities. Free trade and the multi-lateral trade regime are under severe threat. Where is the way forward for globalization? With renewed commitment to reform and opening up, China is pointing to the right direction.


China's continued reform will focus on the economic structure. This means there will be more emphasis on innovation as a driver of development as well as a focus on tapping the potential, activating the economic vigour and strengthening the domestic impetus for growth. This will enable China to seize the new round of scientific, technological and industrial revolution to achieve development.


China is at the same time committed to open cooperation with the world. Our goal is common prosperity and sustainable development. We would strive for an economic globalization that is more open, inclusive, balanced and win-win for all.


Despite the evolving economic landscape, globalization cannot be turned back, just as it is impossible to channel the water of the ocean back into isolated lakes and creeks. China stands firmly against protectionism and unilateralism. We are ready to work with other countries in the world to safeguard an open world economy and the multi-lateral trade regime.


Third, continued reform and opening up in the new era will enable China to contribute its ideas to the reform of the global governance system.


The world is experiencing profound changes unseen in a century. There is a rising call for reform in the global governance system.


China is not only a beneficiary but also a participant and defender of the existing international system. But we are ready to answer the call of the international community and work to make the global governance system more fair and reasonable.


To this end, China proposed to build a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation. We call for the building of an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful community with a shared future for mankind. It is a community of lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity.


China has also proposed the Belt and Road Initiative. This Initiative is committed to a new type of international cooperation based on extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefit; It has enriched and advanced the practice of global governance; It promotes greater democracy in the international relations; And it contributes to filling in the rules, ideas and development gaps in the global governance.


Ladies and Gentlemen:


Going forward, China will carry out the new round of reform and opening up with greater determination and courage. The pressure for reform can be turned into a driving force. This will in turn lead to concrete actions and firm and steady steps to advance reform and opening up according to its overarching goal and roadmap.


I believe China's reform and opening up will create three big opportunities for the international community.


The first opportunity is a powerful engine for growth.


With further reform and opening up, China's economy will continue to growth steadily. This will enable China to remain as a powerful engine for world economic growth and common development.


In the first half of this year, China's economy grew by 6.8% over the same period last year. This means China has maintained 6.7-6.9% growth rate for 12 consecutive quarters.


This coming November, China will host the first-ever International Import Expo. This is not just another expo. It is an important measure of China to invite all countries in the world to share its development opportunities and benefits. The UK is one of the countries of honour at the Expo. China welcomes a strong presence of British companies in Shanghai to showcase British products and services to the Chinese market.


The second opportunity is a big market.


With the world's largest middle-income population, that is, about 400 million, China has a huge market. In next 15 years, China will import $24 trillion of goods. Take the automobile industry for example. China is now the world's largest consumer market for automobiles. The production and sales of automobiles has topped the world for nine consecutive years. On 1 July this year, China cut import tariffs on automobiles and some consumer goods. This has not only met the upgraded consumer needs in China but also created new opportunities for foreign companies to expand their business in the Chinese market.


China has also been working vigorously on market access in the financial and manufacturing sectors, investment-friendly environment and IPR protection. These measures are all aimed at facilitating foreign businesses and investments in China.


The third opportunity is a major platform.


This major platform is the Belt and Road Initiative. Five year after this Initiative was proposed, the BRI has made enormous progress.


103 countries and international organisations have signed 118 cooperation agreements with China on the BRI. Over 10,000 China Railway Express trains have run between China and 43 cities in 15 European countries. Trade in goods between China and countries along the routes have exceeded $5 trillion. China has invested over $20 billion in economic and trade cooperation zones along the routes. These zones have created over 200,000 jobs locally and contributed billions of dollars of tax to host countries. Born in China, this Initiative is already serving as a platform for cooperation and delivering benefit to the whole world.


Next year, China will host the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation. We welcome the participation from our British friends at this Forum.


Ladies and Gentlemen:


History never favours the complacent who refuses to innovate. Opportunities always belong to the audacious who embraces innovation and change.


I sincerely hope that China and the UK will follow the trend of the times, and seize the invaluable opportunities of China's further reform and opening up in the new era. Together we will create a brighter future.


Thank you!



Humphrys: I am joined in the studio by the Chinese Ambassador to this country, Liu Xiaoming. Good morning to you.


Liu: Good morning.


Humphrys: Isn't it the reality that it is "one country", increasingly,"one system"?


Liu: No. I think "one country, two systems" has been implemented with great success. I can't agree with some of the interviews aired just before me saying that China did not deliver its promises. As a matter of fact, the Central Government of China delivered everything it promises, that is "one country, two systems". I think that basically Hong Kong has maintained its social, economic system, way of life, rule of law, and I think Hong Kong now is much better placed compared with 20 years ago. So this is really an occasion for us to have a grand celebration.


I think in the past 20 years we've seen Hong Kong maintaining prosperity and stability, the GDP doubled, and foreign exchange reserve quadrupled. Hong Kong still remains a global centre of finance, trade and shipping. The life expectancy of its people increased tremendously. They are ahead of many developed countries. So I would say people in Hong Kong are now living longer and living happier.


Humphrys: Nobody I think would argue that there has been economic prosperity in Hong Kong. That is accepted. But listen to what somebody like Anson Chan, the former chief secretary of both the British colonial government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region says. She makes the point that we are seeing now and it has been seen, over the last twenty years, a serious erosion of the rights and the common law, the independent judiciary. The impression we get, she said, is that China is determined to tighten its grip, and there is clear evidence for that, isn't there?


Liu: I don't think so. I don't agree with her. I think if people compare the political governance of Hong Kong today, including democratic governance of Hong Kong today with what was 20 years ago...


Humphrys: A democratic government?


Liu: Democratic governance.


Humphrys: Really?


Liu: Let me say: 20 years ago, did you have election in Hong Kong? Who elected the governor of Hong Kong?


Humphrys: It was a colony. Nobody would argue other than that. It was a colony and there was a governor there and it was fine.


Liu: In the past 20 years there were 5 elections in Hong Kong.


Humphrys: And the last leader was elected with 777 votes, 0.03 percent of the registered electors. That doesn't sound very convincing.


Liu: Number does not tell you everything.


Humphrys: It tells you a lot in a democratic system.


Liu: What about here in the UK? What about UK's national leader? You have 65 million people and your national leaders get elected from their constituency of tens of thousands of voters, by a very small majority. People can challenge that it doesn't represent the population of the entire country.


Humphrys: The number of people who voted for the British Prime Minister ultimately was more than 0.03 percent and there we go. All right, let's...


Liu: Hong Kong's chief executive is elected according to the Basic Law, according to the Election Law in Hong Kong...


Humphrys: But it has to be approved...


Liu: You have to achieve this through incremental, gradual process and step-by-step. As we say, Rome or maybe London is not built overnight and Hong Kong is not built overnight.


Humphrys: This is certainly true but in democracies you don't lock up people and take away people for selling books of which you disapprove. But that has been happening in Hong Kong. And that is disgraceful in something that calls itself at least, democracy...


Liu: I don't know any of this case that...


Humphrys: In 2015 there was the abduction, that you may very well know, of 5 book sellers all of whom were involved in publishing books with gossipy and critical titles about China's elites. We know what happened while they were arrested when one of them, when he was released, he held a press conference in which he expressed that he was forcefully detained by Chinese authorities and was put in solitary confinement for 8 months for selling books.


Liu: But I had different reports that the book sellers went to China to help investigation on their own. There was no ...


Humphrys: Voluntarily? They left their home, left their businesses and they just went off to China on their own? Voluntarily?


Liu: On their own, voluntarily. They expressed this in their press conference. I read some reports about the so-called arrest, they've been taken to China by coercion, by force...There's no truth in it.


Humphrys: No truth in it?


Liu: No truth at all. Whom should I believe? Do we believe them who said this on their own or do we believe in rumors ?

刘大使:不是事实。我要相信谁呢? 我们不应该轻信谣传,我相信当事人自己说的话。

Humphrys: Well in that case you believe in what Lam Wing Kee said. We've spent too much time on this but thankfully he did hold a press conference and he did say he was locked up, put in solitary confinement...Alright, let's move on from that.

汉弗莱斯:在那种情况下,你相信林荣基(Lam Wing-kee)的话。我们在这个话题上聊了很多,不过,他的确作过新闻发布,但他也说过他被拘禁。我们换一个话题。

Liu: And I would say when you look at a society, whether it is free or not free, you should have a big picture. You can not only focus on some discontented people, focus on some complaints...


Humphrys: There are always discontented people but we do not lock them up.


Liu: No, not locked up at all.


Humphrys: Why in that case do you think that the foreign office says... You know there was a report by the foreign office in February 2016 and Boris Johnson, our present Foreign Secretary, has said in the case, going back to the case of booksellers, he talks about the involuntary removal from Hong Kong to the mainland constitutes serious breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration by underming the "one country, two systems" principle. And that is what the British Government fears has happened, that is, the principle has been undermined.


Liu: I think when you read the report, first of all, we disagree with this so-called Report on Hong Kong, which was published twice a year. We think Hong Kong is an integral part of China, and Hong Kong's affairs are internal affairs of China. It's not for foreign governments to interfere. Having said that, even with this report, the British Government commends the Chinese Government for implementing "one country, two systems" and they believe "one country, two systems" is a great success. There are some differences between China and the UK but on the whole we all believe that long-term stability, long-term prosperity in Hong Kong are in the interests of not only China but also in the interests of Britain and the international community. On this so-called book sellers' case, we had quite a few interactions, discussions on the government levels. I personally engaged with British officials from Foreign Office and we told them what we heard and what we believed are the facts.


Humphrys: And many people looking at your country from the outside believe that the facts are the elections are orchestrated, the protesters are locked up and democracy is being weakened rather than strengthened and your response now, in the end, is to say that it's our country.


Liu: When you say "one country, two systems", I think some people forget that this is one framework. You have to remember that Hong Kong is part of China, not part of UK, and not a so-called independent entity.

刘大使: “一国两制”是一个有机整体,有的人讲“一国两制”,只谈“两制”而忽视了“一国”,忘记了香港是中国的一部分,而不是英国的一部分,更不是一个独立实体。

Humphrys: And therefore it has to be a single system?


Liu: Two systems. You told me your last visit to China was 12 years ago. You need to go to Hong Kong, to go to China, to see the changes. Even in the area where we have a difference, on democracy, you have to compare Hong Kong today with Hong Kong 20 years ago. You have to compare Hong Kong now with Hong Kong one year, two years ago.


Humphrys: Can we talk about China's place in the world at large? Do you see the day, perhaps not very far away, when China will be the world's great superpower instead of the United States, as it is today?


Liu: I do not foresee that China will become a superpower in the foreseeable future. I believe China is still a developing country.


Humphrys: Even when China becomes the largest economy in the world?


Liu: Even when China becomes the largest economy in the world, it will take a long way for China to become so-called superpower. China is a large country, and there are great differences between regions. After serving as Ambassador in Egypt, I was seconded to one of the poorest provinces in China, Gansu. It is very poor, much poorer than, the Americans used to call their west "Wild West", I think it's poorer than "Wild West".


Humphrys: So what will it take, as you've said, you are the second largest economy, you may very well very soon become the largest in the world, so what will it take for you to be the world's superpower?


Liu: We are not interested in becoming a superpower...


Humphrys: Oh you are not...


Liu: We are interested in improving the livelihood of the people, and addressing the disparity between regions. When people look at China, they like to focus on the coastal region, the eastern part of China-- Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong. They are very much developed. For example Guandong is the 15th largest economy in the world. It's about the size of Spain. But if you look at other provinces -- Gansu, Ningxia, they are rather backward...


Humphrys: Just a final thought about North Korea and its threat to, potentially, world peace. What would it take for North Korea to so disturb you in Beijing that you will take action against the North Korean regime? What would they have to do for you to say, enough, we are now going to intervene?


Liu: China has done a lot. Before I came here I was Ambassador in North Korea--I'd been there for 3 and half years. China actively engaged with North Korea. We tried to persuade them to give up their nuclear programme?


Humphrys: And it's failed?


Liu: No, I can't say it's failed. Sometimes we make two steps forward, one step backward, and one step forward, two steps backward. But North Korea nuclear programme is a complicated issue. It has to be addressed comprehensively. A comprehensive approach is necessary. That's why China proposed to have this "dual suspension", "double track" approach. That means, on the one hand, we should keep sanctions in place, we should persuade North Korea to give up their nuclear programme and on the other hand...


Humphrys: And if you fail, the United State will intervene...


Liu: On the other hand, the United States, South Korea and other countries should also take steps. They should suspend their military exercises. Each time I tried to persuade North Koreans to give up their nuclear programme, they said, we are threatened by big superpower, the States, joined by their allies. They have done many military exercises directed at North Korea.


So we are calling for "dual suspension": North Korean suspend their nuclear program; Americans, South Koreans, their allies suspend their military exercises. Then we return to the negotiation table and start talks to find solution for a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula and a mechanism for lasting peace. We call it "dual track".


Humphrys: Alright, Ambassador, many thanks for joining us.


Liu: Thank you for having me.











