
TED | 从今天起努力十年会有哪些变化?









CATTI 英语笔译招人啦!




what I'd like to start off with is anobservation, which is that if I've learned anything over the last year, it'sthe supreme irony of publishing a book about slowness is that you have to goaround promoting it really fast. I seem to spend most of my time these dayszipping from city to city, studio to studio, interview to interview, serving upthe book in really tiny bite-sized chunks. because everyone these days wants toknow how to slow down, but they want to know how to slow down really quickly.


So I did a spot on CNN the other day whereI actually spent more time in makeup than I did talking on air. I think that'snot really surprising though, is it ? because that's kind of the world that welive in now, a world stuck in fast-forward. a world obsessed with speed, withdoing everything faster, with cramming more and more into less and less time.every moment of the day feels like a race against the clock. to borrow a phrasefrom Carrie Fisher, which is in my bio there. I'll just toss it out again-- “these days even instant gratification takes too long.”


And if you think about how we try to makethings better, what do we do? No, we speed them up,  don't me? so we used to dial, now we speeddial. we used to read, now we speed read. we used to walk, now we speed walk.of course, we used to date and now we speed date. and even things that are bytheir very nature are slow-- we try and speed them up too. so I was in new Yorkrecently, and I walk past a gym that had an advertisement in the window for anew course, a new evening course. and it was for, you guessed it, speed yoga.


So this--the perfect solution for times-starved professionals who want to, you know, salute the sun, but only want to give over about twenty minutes to it. I mean, these are sort of the extreme examples, and they’re amusing and good to laugh at, but there's a very serious point, and Ithink that in the head long dash of daily life, we often lose sight the damage that this Roadrunner form of living does to us. we're so marinated in theculture of speed that we we almost fail to notice the toll it takes on everyaspect of our lives-- on our health, our diet, our work, our relationships,  the environment and our community.


And sometimes it takes a wake-up call,doesn't it. to alert us to the fact that we're hurrying through our lives,instead of actually living them, that we’re living the fast life, instead of the good life. and I think for many people, that wake-up call takes the form ofan illness. you know, a burn out, or eventually the body says, “I can't take it anymore,” and throws in the towel. or maybe a relationship goes up in smokebecause we haven't had the time, or the patience, or the tranquility, to bewith the other person, to listen to them.


My wake-up call came when I started reading bedtime stories to my son, and I found that at the end of the day, I would go into his room and I just couldn't slow down-- I’d be speed reading “the cat in the hat”. I’d be skipping lines here, paragraphs there, sometimes a whole page,of course, my little boy knew the book inside out, so we would quarrel. and what should have been the most relaxing, the most intimate, the most tender moment of the day, when a dad sits down to read to his son, became instead this kind of gladiatorial battle of wills, a clash between my speed and his slowness.


And this went on for some time, until I caught myself scanning a newspaper article with time saving tips for fast people. and one of them made reference to a series of books called “the one minute bed timestory” and I wince saying those words now, but my first direction the time was very different. my first reflex was to say, “hallelujah-- what a great idea!this is exactly what I'm looking forward to speed up bedtime even more.” but thankfully, a light ball went on over my head, and my next reaction was verydifferent, and I took a step back, I thought, “whoa-- you know, has it reallycome to this? and I really in such a hurry that I'm prepared to fob off my witha sound byte at the end of the day?”


And I put away the newspaper-- and I wasgetting on a plane-- and I sat there, I did something I hadn't done for a longtime-- which is I did nothing. I just thought,and I thought long and hard. andby the time I got off that plane, I’d decided I wanted to do something about it.I wanted to investigate this whole Roadrunner culture, and what it was doing tome and to everyone else.


And I had two questions in my head.the first was, how did we get so fast? andthe second is, is it possible, or even desirable, to slow down? now, if you think about how our world got so accelerated, the usual suspects rear their heads. you think of, urbanization, consumerism, the workplace, technology. butI think if you cut through those forces, you get to what might be the deeper driver,the nub of the question, which is how we think about time itself.


In other cultures, time is cyclical. it's seen as moving in great, unhurried circles. it's always renewing and refreshing itself. whereas in the west, time is linear. it's a finite resource. it's always draining away. you either use it, or lose it. time is money, as Benjamin Franklin said. And I think  what that does to us psychologically as it creates new equation. time is scarce, so what do we do? Well, we speed up, don't we? we try and do more and more with lessand less time. we turn every moment of every day into a race to the finish line--a finish line, incidentally, that we never reach. but a finish line nonetheless.


I guess that the question is, is it possible to break free from that mindset? and thankfully, the answer is yes,because what I discovered, when I began looking around, that there is a global backlash against this culture that tells us that faster is always better, and that busier is best. right across the world, people are doing the unthinkable.they're slowing down, and finding that, although conventional wisdom tells you thatif you slow down, you’re road kill. opposite turns out to be true: that by slowing down at the right moments, people find that they do everything better.they eat better, they make love better, they exercise better, they work better,they live better.


And in this kind of cauldron of moments andplaces and acts of deceleration, lie what a lot of people now refer to as the “internationalslow movement” now if you'll permit me a small act of hypocrisy, I'll just giveyou a very quick overview of what's going on inside the slow movement. if youthink of food, many of you will have heard of the slow food movement. startedin Italy, but has spread across the world, and now has a hundred thousandmembers in fifty countries. and it's driven by a very simple and sensiblemessage, which is that we get more pleasure and more health from our food when we cultivate,cook and consume it at a reasonable pace.











