正如6月14日,彭博社所报道,美国突然宣布对中国500亿美元高科技产品为主商品征收关税。中美贸易战在6月15日这一天正式爆发,请记住: 2018年6月15日。
Statement by the President Regarding Trade with China
Foreign Policy 外交政策
My great friendship with President Xi of China and our country’s relationship with China are both very important to me. Trade between our nations, however, has been very unfair, for a very long time. This situation is no longer sustainable. China has, for example, long been engaging in several unfair practices related to the acquisition of American intellectual property and technology. These practices, documented in an extensive report published by the United States Trade Representative (USTR) on March 22, 2018, harm our economic and national security and deepen our already massive trade imbalance with China. 我与中国领导人之间的深厚友谊和我国与中国之间的关系,这两者对我都很重要。然而,我们两国之间的贸易在很长一段时间内是非常不公平的。这种情况再也不能持续下去了。例如,中国长期以来一直在从事与获取美国知识产权和技术有关的不公平行为。这些做法在美国贸易代表(USTR)于2018年3月22日发表的一份广泛报告中得到了证明,它们损害了我们的经济和国家安全,加深了我们与中国的巨大贸易失衡。
In light of China’s theft of intellectual property and technology and its other unfair trade practices, the United States will implement a 25 percent tariff on $50 billion of goods from China that contain industrially significant technologies. This includes goods related to China’s Made in China 2025 strategic plan to dominate the emerging high-technology industries that will drive future economic growth for China, but hurt economic growth for the United States and many other countries. The United States can no longer tolerate losing our technology and intellectual property through unfair economic practices. 鉴于中国窃取知识产权和技术以及其他不公平的贸易行为,美国将对来自中国的500亿美元产品征收25%的关税;这些产品含有重要的工业技术,这包括与“中国制造2025”战略计划相关的产品,该战略计划目标是主导新兴的高科技产业,从而将推动中国未来的经济增长,但这样会损害美国和其他许多国家的经济增长。美国再也不能容忍通过不公平的经济行为失去我们的技术和知识产权。
These tariffs are essential to preventing further unfair transfers of American technology and intellectual property to China, which will protect American jobs. In addition, they will serve as an initial step toward bringing balance to the trade relationship between the United States and China. 这些关税对于防止美国技术和知识产权进一步不公平地向中国转移至关重要,这将保护美国的就业机会。此外,它们将是实现美中贸易关系平衡的第一步。
The United States will pursue additional tariffs if China engages in retaliatory measures, such as imposing new tariffs on United States goods, services, or agricultural products; raising non-tariff barriers; or taking punitive actions against American exporters or American companies operating in China. 如果中国采取报复性措施,如对美国商品、服务或农产品征收新关税、提高非关税壁垒、或者对美国出口商或对在华经营的美国公司采取惩罚性措施 ,美国将继续征收额外关税。
以上是特朗普的最新声明全文。和白宫以前的相关声明比较,这次声明的最大不同点就是,美国总统特朗普直接明文指出针对“中国制造2025战略计划”。 从此可以看出,贸易战并非仅仅是贸易领域的纠纷,而至少可以理解为是中美在高科技领域领先地位的博弈,中国的兴起离不开科技强国,而美国就是试图从这个角度打压中国的崛起。
所以,中美博弈,不仅仅是在贸易领域的过招; 而为了打压中国的复兴,美国则不仅在贸易领域、科技领域等方面下手;美国所动用的手段也不仅仅是包括关税,甚至还动用了联邦最高法院的大法官。
据新浪财经快讯,美国贸易代表办公室周五表示,中国关税清单包含两个序列,第一批加征关税的产品总计340亿美元,美国将在7月6日开始征收25%的关税; 另外160亿美元正在评估中。美国贸易代表的最终名单包括1102个产品系列,包括机器人、航空航天、工业机械和汽车、而手机和电视的消费品不在名单内。
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USTR Issues Tariffs on Chinese Products in Response to Unfair Trade Practices
Washington, DC – The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) today released a list of products imported from China that will be subject to additional tariffs as part of the U.S. response to China’s unfair trade practices related to the forced transfer of American technology and intellectual property.
On May 29, 2018, President Trump stated that USTR shall announce by June 15 the imposition of an additional duty of 25 percent on approximately $50 billion worth of Chinese imports containing industrially significant technologies, including those related to China’s “Made in China 2025” industrial policy. Today’s action comes after an exhaustive Section 301 investigation in which USTR found that China’s acts, policies and practices related to technology transfer, intellectual property, and innovation are unreasonable and discriminatory, and burden U.S. commerce.
“We must take strong defensive actions to protect America’s leadership in technology and innovation against the unprecedented threat posed by China’s theft of our intellectual property, the forced transfer of American technology, and its cyber attacks on our computer networks,” said Ambassador Robert Lighthizer. “China’s government is aggressively working to undermine America’s high-tech industries and our economic leadership through unfair trade practices and industrial policies like ‘Made in China 2025.’ Technology and innovation are America’s greatest economic assets and President Trump rightfully recognizes that if we want our country to have a prosperous future, we must take a stand now to uphold fair trade and protect American competitiveness.”
The list of products issued today covers 1,102 separate U.S. tariff lines valued at approximately $50 billion in 2018 trade values. This list was compiled based on extensive interagency analysis and a thorough examination of comments and testimony from interested parties. It generally focuses on products from industrial sectors that contribute to or benefit from the “Made in China 2025” industrial policy, which include industries such as aerospace, information and communications technology, robotics, industrial machinery, new materials, and automobiles. The list does not include goods commonly purchased by American consumers such as cellular telephones or televisions.
This list of products consists of two sets of U.S tariff lines. The first set contains 818 lines of the original 1,333 lines that were included on the proposed list published on April 6. These lines cover approximately $34 billion worth of imports from China. USTR has determined to impose an additional duty of 25 percent on these 818 product lines after having sought and received views from the public and advice from the appropriate trade advisory committees. Customs and Border Protection will begin to collect the additional duties on July 6, 2018.
The second set contains 284 proposed tariff lines identified by the interagency Section 301 Committee as benefiting from Chinese industrial policies, including the “Made in China 2025” industrial policy. These 284 lines, which cover approximately $16 billion worth of imports from China, will undergo further review in a public notice and comment process, including a public hearing. After completion of this process, USTR will issue a final determination on the products from this list that would be subject to the additional duties.
USTR recognizes that some U.S. companies may have an interest in importing items from China that are covered by the additional duties. Accordingly, USTR will soon provide an opportunity for the public to request the exclusion of particular products from the additional duties subject to this action. USTR will issue a notice in the Federal Register with details regarding this process within the next few weeks.
评论指出: 树欲静而风不止。回顾改革开放40年,中国是什么样的大风大浪都见识过、承受过。对于白宫再次举起加征关税之箭,中方依然淡定地视为“成长的烦恼”,因为,历史反复证明贸易战本身是逆世界潮流的行为,是过时的、落伍的、低效的。中方不想打贸易战,但也不怕打,如果不让挑起方感受到疼痛,它就不会停止自己的无理行为,所以中方出台同等规模、同等力度的征税措施,对美方损人不利己的短视行为进行坚决还击,而且会不惜付出一定的代价,以维护中国人民的长远利益。
美国白宫: 关于美国贸易代表团访问北京的声明 (中英文全文)
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