烤天贝和土豆角 Baked Tempeh with Potato wedges
Baked Tempeh with Potato wedges
Baked Tempeh
200克 天贝
200g tempeh
少许 酱油
A bit of soy sauce
少许 味噌酱
A bit of miso sauce
少许 孜然粉
A small amount of cumin powder
少许 胡椒粉
A small amount of pepper
少许 花椒粉
A small amount of prickly ash powder
1、 烤箱预热180度;
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees;
2、 天贝切片;
Slice the tempeh;
Mix all seasonings in a small bowl and brush onto the tempeh; turn over half-way;
Bake in the oven until golden on both sides.
Potato wedges
300克 土豆
300g potatoes
少许 盐
A small amount of salt
少许 迷迭香
A small amount of dried rosemary
少许 孜然粉
A small amount of cumin powder
少许 胡椒粉
A small amount of pepper
少许 花椒粉
A small amount of prickly ash powder
1、 土豆洗净,切条状;
Thoroughly wash the potatoes, and slice into wedges;
2、 建议先蒸5-10分钟;
I suggest to steam for 5-10 minutes first;
3、 准备一个碗将所有调料拌均匀,加入土豆小心搅拌;
Prepare a bowl to mix all seasonings, add potatoes and stir carefully;
4、 烤箱预热180度,烤至两面金黄即可;
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake until the wedges are golden on both sides;
5、 吃法:粘自制沙拉酱享受。
Enjoy with homemade vegan yogurt dip.
Homemade Vegan Yogurt Dip
200克 自制植物酸奶
200g Vegan yogurt
open the link below to read how to make homeade vegan yogurt
自制纯素“酸奶”揭秘方法大全(收藏版)homemade vegan yogurt methods
一勺 白醋(无酒精)
1 tsp white vinegar (alcohol free)
一勺 柠檬汁
1 tsp lemon juice
一勺 营养酵母
1 tsp nutritional yeast
½勺 盐
½ tsp salt
¼ 勺 胡椒粉
¼ tsp pepper
Stir all the ingredients evenly (or use a mixer), fill in a glass container and refrigerate.
它的蛋白质媲美牛肉,因为经过发酵,蛋白质的吸收率可达到90%以上,而且零胆固醇,富含钙、铁、镁、磷、锌、等矿物质,以及维他命B12(可以帮助脂肪和蛋白的新陈代谢、消除疲劳),堪称完美食物! 天贝和豆腐同样是豆制品,但是从图中可以看出,蛋白质、维生素B12、等微量元素,天贝的含量都大大的多于豆腐。
天贝的益生菌是肠道的好伙伴。有易消化,并且可减少肠道气体。 低脂高蛋白、零胆固醇、高钙、性价比高、全食物、含有B12等等这些特质,让天贝从其他食物中脱颖而出,开始越来越大范围的流行天贝已经悄然成为了欧美网红圈的健康食物代表~
因为天贝经过发酵,所以比一般的豆制品要更好消化。并且,黄豆内的营养成分通过发酵,被进一步的激发出来,比普通黄豆、豆腐营养价值更高。 而且天贝将蛋白质消化吸收率从大豆的 65.3%提高到93.8%以上。发酵产生活性很强的蛋白酶,使天贝游离氨基酸(用于合成蛋白质)和多肽(蛋白质的一部分)明显增多。所以天贝容易消化不涨气,从而满足了老年人、体弱者、消化系统弱的人群对蛋白的需求。
100g黄豆天贝中所含钙为111mg,可以和牛奶中的钙含量媲美。而钙和其他矿物质,如维生素K和维生素D一起,能保持骨骼密度,防治薄弱,骨骼脆,骨折。但是天贝比牛奶更胜一筹,因为牛奶中的钙会导致人的体质酸化,喝多了反而会泻钙。 以美国为例,美国女性平均每天摄取2磅的奶类产品,却仍有约三千万人罹患骨质疏松症;过量地摄取奶制品或增强骨骼药物实际上可能引致脆骨、骨折与癌症。
Tempeh is a plant-based protein source that originated in Indonesia. It’s made from fermented soybeans that have been formed into a block, though store bought tempeh often includes additional beans and grains. Though it’s known for its high protein content, it offers a host of different health benefits. For example, it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals like calcium, manganese, phosphorus, and iron! The protein content in Tempeh is comparable to beef, because after fermentation, the protein absorption rate can reach more than 90%, but in comparison to beef Tempeh has zero cholesterol. Tempeh is rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, etc, also it contains vitamin B12 (helps metabolism of fat and protein, and eliminates fatigue). Both tempeh and tofu are great meat alternatives, but through the fermentation process the content of protein, vitamin B12, and other trace elements is higher than in tofu.
►Easy to digest, easy to absorb, does not lead to bloating Because tempeh is fermented, it is better digested than the other bean products. Moreover, the nutritional components in soybean are further stimulated by fermentation, this is why tempeh is more valuable than that of ordinary soybean and tofu. ►Higher in calcium and safer than milk The calcium content in 100g tempeh is 111mg, which can be compared with that in milk. Calcium, together with other essential minerals like vitamin K and vitamin D, is needed to maintain bone mineral density and prevent weak, brittle bones and fractures. On the contrary, the statistics show that excessive intake of dairy products or bone enhancement drugs may actually lead to brittle bones, fractures and cancer.For example women in the United States consume about 2 pounds of dairy products per day, but about 30 million people are still suffering from osteoporosis.
►Rich in vitamin B group After fermenting, the content of B-vitamins in tempeh is increased significantly. However, although it contains some vitamin B12, the amount is not as high as it is said, therefore it is suggested to supplement B12. ►Rich in probiotics, good for the stomach
The consumption of fermented, probiotic foods has many benefits. The microflora that lives in fermented foods creates a protective lining in the intestines and shields it against pathogens like salmonella and E. coli.Tempeh and other fermented foods can help increase the amount of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can have far-reaching effects on health. Probiotics can help break down sugars and carbohydrates so they’re more easily digested, control harmful bacteria in the body, fight diarrhea, help with indigestion, fight chronic inflammation and even boost immune system function.
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自制纯素“酸奶”揭秘方法大全(收藏版)self made vegan yogurt methods
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