

哈尔滨工业大学 会计学术联盟 2023-02-24


The 12th Annual Research Conference 

Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of North America (CAPANA)

June 14 – 15, 2019, Harbin, China▲▲▲

The Chinese Accounting Professors' Association of North America (CAPANA) invites both members and non-members to submit papers to the 12th CAPANA Annual Research Conference. The objective of the conference is to bring together accounting scholars in North America, Asia, and other parts of the world to discuss a small number of high-quality working papers to promote research collaboration and advancement. The conference will be held in the beautiful city of Harbin (China) from June 14-15, 2019. Harbin, the largest city in the northeastern region of China, is well known for its historical Russian legacy and was appointed a “City of Music” by the United Nations in 2010. The conference is sponsored by the School of Management Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). HIT is a prestigious university in China with a long history.

More details of this university can be found at http://som.hit.edu.cn/default.aspx. 

PAPER SUBMISSIONS: Papers in all areas of accounting using all methodologies are welcome. Please submit your paper to capana2019@gmail.com. The submission deadline is February 22, 2019.

In consideration of the international nature of the conference, the working language of the conference is English. Only papers written in English will be considered. While both China-related and non-China-related papers are encouraged, two slots will be reserved for China-related studies to promote research in this area. Papers by current CAPANA officers will not be considered. Papers will be selected by the Program Committee consisting of a panel of renowned scholars. Authors will be notified of acceptance by April 15, 2019.

BEST PAPER and BEST DISCUSSANT AWARDS: There will be a best paper award of $1000 and a best discussant award of $1000 voted by conference participants towards the end of conference.

TRAVEL SUBSIDIES: There will be a travel subsidy of $2000 for each invited discussant.

REGISTRATION: The conference is open to all those who are interested in attending. The conference registration details will be posted on the CAPANA website: (http://info.capana.net) by April 15, 2019. Please visit the website for the program of past conferences.

Except for invited discussants and conference organizers, all conference participants (including presenting authors) are required to pay a registration fee of US$250 for CAPANA member, US$370 for non-members, or RMB700 for participants from China. The registration fee includes conference materials, receptions, and meals. Registration fee is waived for young scholars from China (with less than six years of working experience) and doctoral students.


Xiumin Martin (Washington University in St. Louis)


Huai Zhang (Nanyang Technological University)


Ping Tao (Harbin Institute of Technology)



Daniel Cohen (University of Texas at Dallas)

Mei Feng (University of Pittsburg)

Weili Ge (University of Washington)

Allen Huang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Xuefeng Jiang (Michigan State University)

Scott Liao (University of Toronto) 

Holly Yang (Singapore Management University)

Yong Yu (University of Texas, Austin) 

Qinglu Jing (Shanghai University of Finance & Economics)

Xing Xiao (Tsinghua University)

Yanyan Wang (Michigan State University)

Amy Zang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Luo Zuo (Cornell University)





厦大刘峰教授: 找寻会计的理论基础

会计名家专访: 刘斌教授执于会计、成于学术、用于实践

陆正飞:北上南下 执著前行—“会计名家培养工程 ”系列报道






The Accounting Review 刊发中国会计学者管理会计论文


► 《会计研究》2018年第1-9期目录及摘要





►  会计研究热点:交易所问询函监管研究概述与进展

► 吴世农:公司财务研究历史、现状与展望

► 文化与财务研究:一个文献综述

► 公司金融与创新:一个文献综述

► 基于文献综述和元分析视角『国外审计领域』文献 List (60篇)

► 国际环境会计研究综述及文献List(收藏)


► 研究方法论|文献综述存在的六大通病!

► 如何写文献综述?|听听大咖的建议

► 文献综述写作方法和步骤

► JAE 2001年文献综述

► JAE 2010年文献综述

► 《会计研究》投稿指南|核心期刊投稿系列

► 《财会月刊》投稿指南|核心期刊投稿系列

► 《会计之友》投稿指南|核心期刊投稿系列

► 《财会通讯》最新投稿须知及订阅方式

►  《南京审计大学学报》投稿指南|核心期刊投稿系列

►  《审计与经济研究》投稿指南|核心期刊投稿系列 

►  《会计与经济研究》投稿指南|核心期刊投稿系列


执行编辑 | 佳木斯大学  赵常怡

审核编辑 |  某会计师事务所 万通

终审 |  西北师范大学  杨阳

主编|北京交通大学  水皮(李高波)



