藤校G5博士书单 | 建筑历史与理论的相关文献阅读推荐 Vol.2
Vol.2 本期书目
建筑博士的必读书目 2
— 安德烈亚·帕拉第奥,克洛德·佩罗, 克劳德·尼古拉·勒杜
藤校G5博士书单 | 建筑历史与理论的相关文献阅读推荐 Vol.1
第四章. Andrea Palladio | 安德烈亚·帕拉第奥
About Andrea Palladio | 关于安德烈亚·帕拉第奥
1.The Four Books on Architecture
2. Paper Palaces
3. Venice and Vitruvius
第五章. Claude Perrault | 克洛德·佩罗
About Claude Perrault | 关于克洛德·佩罗
1. Ordonnance for the Five Kinds of Columns
2. The First Moderns
3. Architecture and the Crisis of Modern Science
第六章. Claude-Nicolas Ledoux | 克劳德·尼古拉·勒杜
About Claude-Nicolas Ledoux | 关于克劳德·尼古拉·勒杜
1. Claude-Nicolas Ledoux
2. The Writing of the Walls: Architectural Theory in the Late Enlightenment
3. Visionary Architects
第四章. Andrea Palladio | 安德烈亚·帕拉第奥
About Andrea Palladio | 关于安德烈亚·帕拉第奥
安德烈亚·帕拉第奥, 为文艺复兴时期北意大利最杰出的建筑大师。帕拉第奥基于对古罗马建筑遗迹的研究,米开朗基罗的设计与维特鲁威的数学比例,著有《建筑四书》。他的设计作品以邸宅、别墅、教堂和宫殿为主,如著名的Villa la Rotonda (圆厅别墅),其建筑平面成完全对称,四面各有六柱的柱廓,中央圆厅有穹窿顶。帕拉第奥的建筑设计和著作的影响在18世纪时达到顶峰,所谓“帕拉弟奥主义”传遍当时的世界各地。
帕拉第奥的部分作品:Palazzo del Capitanio, Palazzo Chiericati, Teatro Olimpico(图片来源:Wikipedia)
帕拉第奥母题(Palladian motive)又称塞利奥拱(意大利语:Serliana)、威尼斯窗(德语:Venezianisches Fenster),是由拱券,柱式、壁柱、墙壁等建筑部件构成的一种组合,具体指对已建大厅进行改造,增建楼厅并加固回廊设计。帕拉第奥母题又常仅仅是指处于两个壁之间的三个窗洞的处理,又称为帕拉第奥式窗——即当中的呈券形,高而且宽;两旁的竖向矩形,低而且狭。
1. The Four Books on Architecture
Andrea Palladio
Dover Publications
《建筑四书》,作为建筑史上最具影响力的理论书籍,主要编写了帕拉第奥的艺术理念和启发他的古代罗马建筑,第一本书主要介绍了五种建筑材料(Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite)和建造技术的特征与建造过程中的细节。第二本书主要讲述帕拉第奥所设计的私人住宅、庄园等的相关概念与理论。展示并描述了他在威尼斯和维琴察及其附近的许多别墅(包括著名的卡普拉别墅或“圆形大厅”,蒂耶内宫和瓦尔马拉纳宫)。每块板都给出了建筑物的正面图和总体平面图。第三本书涉及街道,桥梁,广场和大教堂,其中大多数是古代罗马起源。在第四本书中,帕拉迪奥再现了许多古代罗马神庙的设计。
The Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio was one of the most influential figures that the field of architecture has ever produced. For classical architects, the term Palladian stands for a vocabulary of architectural forms embodying perfection and beauty. Of even greater significance than Palladio's buildings is his treatise I quattro libri dell'architettura (The Four Books On Architecture), the most successful architectural treatise of the Renaissance and one of the two or three most important books in the literature of architecture. First published in Italian in 1570, it has been translated into every major Western language. The First Book discusses building materials and techniques, as well as the five orders of architecture: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite. Palladio describes the characteristics of each order and illustrates them. The Second Book discusses private townhouses and country estates, almost all designed by Palladio. The Third Book discusses streets, bridges, piazzas, and basilicas, most of the ancient Roman origin. The Fourth Book discusses ancient Roman temples, including the Pantheon.
2. Paper Palaces
Vaughan Hart, Peter Hicks
Yale University Press
De Architectura, the ten books by the Roman architect Vitruvius, survives as the only complete architectural treatise from antiquity. Its influence from the early Renaissance on was enormous, and many architects and theorists in Renaissance Italy, following Vitruvius's example, attempted to codify architectural practice and theory by writing their own treatises. In this important collection of essays, leading specialists examine the early editions of Vitruvius's writings and all the major Renaissance architectural treatises. The collection shows how architectural treatises by such authors as Alberti, Di Giorgio, Colonna, Serlio, Palladio, and others have affected the development of the art of building. The contributors offer new insights into the ideas of the treatises and discuss their significance in Renaissance Italy and their long-lasting influence throughout Europe.
Villa la Rotonda的平面与立体效果图 , (图片来源:Archiweb.com)
3. Venice and Vitruvius
Margaret Muther D'Evelyn
Yale University Press
本书以威尼斯为例,通过威尼斯城市的中世纪和文艺复兴时期的街道,宫殿,教堂和塔楼中发现了生活原则,总结了维特鲁威的理论对后世建筑设计与城市规划的影响。同时通过大量相关案例,以及理论说明拉第奥对维特鲁威的理解。作者也同时也加入了其他建筑师,例如莱昂·巴蒂斯塔·阿尔贝蒂(Leon Battista Alberti)和塞巴斯蒂亚诺·塞利奥(Sebastiano Serlio)如何基于维特鲁威的理论,塑造了威尼斯这座城市的形象。
In the mid-16th century, the architect Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) and the humanist Daniele Barbaro (1513-1570) looked to city of Venice in order to understand and interpret Vitruvius's text - still in need of clarification - which would enable them to solve contemporary architectural problems. They found in the city's medieval and Renaissance streets, palaces, churches, and towers living principles that enabled them to interpret the ancient principles. By 1556, Barbaro had incorporated their observations into his "Commentaries" on Vitruvius, and two distinctly new editions for different audiences followed a decade later. Margaret D'Evelyn has gathered evidence to document how Palladio's understanding of Vitruvius influenced Barbaro. This engrossing volume also charts the invention of the illustrated architectural book and how major architect-authors, such as Leon Battista Alberti and Sebastiano Serlio, contributed to its development - demonstrating how Vitruvius shaped the way the city of Venice was viewed.
VITRUVIUS POLLIO, Marcus (c.80-70 BCE- c.15 BCE). De architectura libri decem . Commentary by Daniele Barbaro. Venice: Franciscus Senensis, 1567,lotsearch.com)
-Andrea Palladio & Guido Beltramini, The Private Palladio(Prestel Publication, 2012)
- Kim Williams and Giovanni Giaconi, The Villas of Palladio (Princeton Architectural Press, 2003)
第五章. Claude Perrault | 克洛德·佩罗
About Claude Perrault | 关于克洛德·佩罗
Claude Perrault,17世纪的法国建筑师,由于将维特鲁威的“De Architectura”《建筑十书》翻译成法语并在书中配有自己大量的解释性标注而著称。在1688年所著的“Ordonnance for the five kinds of columns after the method of the Ancients”《克洛德·佩罗:古典建筑的柱式规则》,其中基于维特鲁威的美学与比例概念所提出的相对美理论也被认为是Perrault在建筑学与艺术理论的最大成就之一。卢浮宫的东立面以及柱廊,作为法国建筑古典主义的代表,也是Perrault最著名的建筑作品。其他设计作品还包括St-Benoît-le-Bétourné教堂,Ste-Geneviève教堂, 以及Paris Observatory等。
Perrault的建筑项目(左)Saint-Benoît-le-Bétourné教堂,(右)Paris Observatory (图片来源:Wikipedia)
1. Ordonnance for the Five Kinds of Columns
Claude Perrault
Oxford University Press
“Ordonnance for the Five Kinds of Columns”是17世纪艺术理论的重要文献,在西方建筑学的发展中有着重要意义。作者克洛德·佩罗在书中力图以古典柱式的比例为线索,基于当时的建筑学提出如何理解五种古典柱式,即多立克式(Doric)、爱奥尼式(Ionic)、科林斯式(Corinthian)、和具有罗马特征的塔司干式(Tuscan)和混合式(Composite)与建筑学理论的本质关系。全书分为上下两篇:《柱式通论》和《柱式分论》,其中在上篇,作者分析了不同构件在比例下所达成的效果,如檐部、柱高、基座等的比例规制。而在下篇,佩罗对于不同柱体,样式特征,尺寸比例,给予了作者一系列的分析与评价。
(图片来源:Cyclopædia, 1728)
On the basis of “The Ten Books of Architecture” ,Claude Perrault began to compose the first post-Renaissance treatise on architecture, one in which the rules of architectural design were now to be determined not by apodictic ancient precedents but by reason and—above all—by a variable national taste. The Ordonnance for the Five Kinds of Columns after the Method of the Ancients, 1683, was the culmination of Perrault’s efforts. A relative theory of beauty was proposed: a gage of battle and affront to the absolute premise of the newly founded Académie Royale d’Architecture, headed by François Blondel.
书中部分截图 (图片来源:books.google.com)
2. Architecture and the Crisis of Modern Science
Alberto Pérez-Gómez
The MIT Press
The book leads the reader through the controversy that was generated by Claude Perrault in the seventeenth century. His writings began to cast doubt on the absolute aesthetic value of the classical orders and the "perfect" proportions that were architecture's legacy from Pythagorean times. Thus, the once immutable "invisible" system lost its special status forever. The book focuses in particular on eighteenth-century developments in the science of mechanics and emerging techniques in the structural analysis which slowly entered the architectural treatises and found their way into practice, often by way of civil and military engineers. And by the nineteenth century, the book notes, even architectural rendering and drawing were radically changed through the introduction of new descriptive and projective geometries.
卢浮宫东立面,Perrault绘图与效果 (图片来源:Britannica.com)
3. The First Modern
William Everdell
University of Chicago Press
The First Moderns: Profiles in the Origins of Twentieth-Century Thought is a book on Modernism by historian William Everdell, published in 1997 by the University of Chicago Press. A New York Times Notable Book of 1997, and included by the New York Public Library on its list of "25 Books to Remember from 1997," The First Moderns suggests that "the heart of Modernism is the postulate of ontological discontinuity."
-Paolo Rossi, Philosophy, Technology and the Arts in the Early Modern Era(Harper & Row, First American Edition, 1970)
-E.J. Diksterhuis, The Mechanization of the World Picture (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1961)
第六章. Claude-Nicolas Ledoux | 克劳德·尼古拉·勒杜
About Claude-Nicolas Ledoux | 克劳德·尼古拉·勒杜
克劳德·尼古拉斯·勒杜,法国新古典主义建筑风格早期杰出代表之一,其所用的建筑理论设计了法国部分建筑以及城镇规划,主要作品有两大公共项目:如Royal Saltworks at Arc-et-Senans阿尔克-瑟南的皇家盐场(1982年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产);以及City walls of Paris ,巴黎城墙(为了农民税征收部门收税而建的围墙)。勒杜也同时因Chaux理想城市的计划被誉为乌托邦。
Royal Saltworks at Arc-et-Senan, Ledoux 手稿 (图片来源:Wikipedia)
City walls of Paris手稿与实景 (图片来源:Wikipedia)
1. Claude-Nicolas Ledoux
Anthony Vidler
The MIT Press
本书研究了18世纪末富有争议的建筑师在革命时期内的生活和建筑工作。自法国大革命以来,克劳德·尼古拉斯·勒杜的作品以及个人性格吸引了大量艺术史学家,社会评论家和建筑师,被誉为有远见的空想主义者和激进的新古典主义者。除了讨论勒杜作品中富有现代主义的。作者结合分析了Ledoux的教育程度,早期职业生涯以及Ledoux最重要的几个公共工程,以及城市项目,如Saline de Chaux,当时最著名的工厂镇之一,以及普罗旺斯地区艾克斯正义宫,贝桑松剧院和巴黎周围的收费站等。Ledoux的案例分析整体体现一种“现代古典主义”,即将古老的形式重新投入当代意义,并最终形成一种带有符号学与功能机构的公共领域审美。在本书的最后部分,作者转向了勒杜的“理想之城”,提出建筑中乌托邦式设计的概念,分析其概念引发的源头的同时,也带有对后世影响的评论。
Ledoux的建筑设计项目,(左) Farm Guards House, (右) Chaux
A product of detailed research into late-eighteenth-century cultural and social history, this book examines the controversial architect's life and work in the context of the Revolutionary period. The work of the French architect Claude-Nicolas Ledoux has fascinated art historians, social critics, and architects alike since the French Revolution. It discusses Ledoux's education, early career, and the development of his personal idiom as a domestic architect. Vidler analyzes what was, perhaps, the most significant of Ledoux's public works, the Saline de Chaux, one of the most celebrated factory towns of its time and the only work of Ledoux to survive at the scale of its conception. Ledoux was deeply involved in urban projects as well, and Vidler studies a number of them - most notably, the Palace of Justice of Aix-en-Provence, the Theater of Besançon, and the tollgates around Paris - as examples of Ledoux's attempt to create a "modern classicism" that would reinvest ancient forms with contemporary meaning and ultimately fashion an aesthetic for the representation of the public realm in the book's final section, Vidler turns to the more explicitly utopian designs that Ledoux proposed for the "Ideal City of Chaux," which he imagined growing up around the saltworks in France-Comté. It was an entire city of symbolic and functional institutions, and Ledoux invented an architectural language to express their social and moral significance.
2. The Writing of the Walls: Architectural Theory in the Late Enlightenment
Anthony Vidler
Princeton Architectural Press
A summary of the ideas and buildings of the period before the French Revolution with particular reference to the roots of modern architecture. The author redefines the relationship between architecture and society during the period and looks at the reactions of contemporary architects.
3. Visionary Architects
Jean-Claude Lemagny
Hennessey & Ingalls
在本书中,展现了18世纪的三位法国建筑师Boullee,Ledoux和Lequeu所绘制的科幻建筑系列, 并与他们为法国贵族实际建造的新古典主义作品做对比。除了比较三者之间的差异,也同时体现理想概念与现实落实的相互影响。
The works included here by the three 18th-century French architects Boullee, Ledoux, and Lequeu include architectural drawings of geometric, colossal buildings that verge on science fiction, as well as more mundane neo-classical works built for the French aristocracy. Published first as a catalogue for a travelling exhibition originating at the U. of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas.
- Isabel Knight, The Geometric Spirit(New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968)
-E.J. Diksterhuis, The Mechanization of the World Picture (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1961)
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