
理论与方法专栏 | The Oxford Handbook of Neurolinguistics



《理论语言学五道口站》 (2020年第33期,总第97期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐澳大利亚布里斯班昆士兰科技大学健康学院副院长Greig I. de Zubicaray教授和莱顿大学心理语言学及神经语言学Niels O. Schiller教授2019年在Oxford University Press出版的著作:The Oxford Handbook of Neurolinguistics


Neurolinguistics is a young and highly interdisciplinary field, with influences from psycholinguistics, psychology, aphasiology, (cognitive) neuroscience, and many more. The scope and aim of this new Oxford Handbook of Neurolinguistics is to provide students and scholars with concise overviews of the state of the art in particular topic areas, and to engage a broad audience with an interest in the neurobiology of language.

The chapters do not attempt to provide exhaustive coverage, but rather present discussions of prominent questions posed by a given topic. Part I covers the key techniques and technologies used to study the neurobiology of language today. Part II addresses the neurobiology of language acquisition during healthy development and in response to challenges presented by congenital and acquired conditions. Part III covers the many facets of the articulate brain, and its capacity for language production: written, spoken, and signed. Questions regarding how the brain comprehends meaning, including emotions, at word and discourse levels are addressed in Part IV. The final Part V reaches into broader territory, characterizing and contextualizing the neurobiology of language with respect to more fundamental neuroanatomical mechanisms and general cognitive domains.

作为“跨领域”的新兴学科,“神经语言学”受“心理语言学”、“心理学”、“失语症学”、“认知神经科学”等众多学科影响。本书概述了 “神经语言学” 领域前沿理论发展现状,对 “神经语言学” 领域学生、研究学者及对该领域感兴趣的读者都具有重要参考价值。

本书并未对 “神经语言学” 的方方面面进行详尽概述,而是就某些特定主题进行了集中讨论。第一部分主要介绍了当前“神经生物语言学”领域的核心技术手段;第二部分从神经生物学的角度出发,分别介绍了大脑发育健全、大脑先天发育不足、以及后天大脑损伤三类人的语言习得过程、及后两类人在语言习得过程中遇到的困难和挑战等问题。第三部分主要介绍了口齿清晰、发音正常的人多方面的语言能力:如 “说” 和 “写” 的能力。第四部分介绍了在外部情感参与的情况下,人脑在单词和篇章层面分别对语言进行信息解读的具体过程。第五部分涵盖面最广,对神经生物语言学的具体特性进行了分类描写的同时,还在神经解剖机制认知领域中分别对神经生物语言学进行了多元讨论。

Table of Contents

0. Neurolinguistics: A Brief Historical Perspective

- Sheila E. Blumstein


Section I The Methods

1. Neurolinguistic Studies of Patients with Acquired Aphasias

- Stephen M. Wilson


2. Electrophysiological Methods in the Study of Language Processing

- Michelle Leckey & Kara D. Federmeier


3. Studying Language with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

- Michelle Leckey & Kara D. Federmeier


4. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to Study the Neural Network Account of Language

- Teresa Schuhmann


5. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and the Cortical Dynamics of Language Processing

- Riitta Salmelin, Jan Kujala, Mia Liljeström


6. Shedding light on language function and its development with optical brain imaging

- Yasuyo Minagawa & Alejandrina Cristia


7. What has direct cortical and subcortical electrostimulation taught us about neurolinguistics?

- Hugues Duffau


8. Diffusion imaging methods in language sciences

- Stephanie Forkel and Marco Catani


Section II Development and Plasticity

9. Neuroplasticity: Language and emotional development in children with perinatal stroke

- Judy S. Reilly & Lara R. Polse


10. The neurolinguistics of bilingualism

- David W. Green & Judith F. Kroll


11. Language and ageing

- Jonathan Peelle


12. Language plasticity in epilepsy

- Jeffrey Cole & Marla J. Hamberger


13. Language Development in Deaf Children: Sign Language and Cochlear Implants

- Aaron Newman


Section III Articulation and Production


14. Neurocognitive organisation of the articulatory and motor processes of speech

- Pascale Tremblay, Isabelle Deschamps, & Anthony S. Dick


15. The Neural Organization of Signed Language: Aphasia and Neuroscience Evidence

- David P. Corina and Laurel A. Lawyer


16. Understanding how we produce written words: Lessons from the brain

- Brenda Rapp and Jeremy Purcell


17. Motor speech disorders

- Wolfram Ziegler, Theresa Schölderle, Ingrid Aichert, & Anja Staiger


18. Investigating the spatial and temporal components of speech production

- Greig de Zubicaray & Vitoria Piai


19. The Dorsal Stream Auditory-Motor Interface for Speech

- Greg Hickok

Section IV Concepts and Comprehension

20. Neural representations of concept knowledge

- Andrew J. Bauer & Marcel A. Just


21. Finding concepts in brain patterns: From feature lists to similarity spaces

- Elizabeth Musz & Sharon L. Thompson-Schill


22. The Organization of Manipulable Object Concepts in the Human Brain

- Frank Garcea & Bradford Mahon


23. Neural Basis of Monolingual and Bilingual Reading

- Pedro M. Paz-Alonso, Myriam Oliver, Ileana Quiñones & Manuel Carreiras


24. Dyslexia and its Neurobiological Basis

- Kaja Jasinska & Nicole Landi


25. Speech perception: a perspective from lateralisation, motorisation, and oscillation

- David Poeppel, Greg Cogan, Ido Davidesco, Adeen Flinker


26. Sentence processing: towards a neurobiological approach

- Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky and Matthias Schlesewsky


27. Comprehension of metaphors and idioms: an updated meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies

- Alexander M. Rapp


28. Language comprehension and emotion: Where are the interfaces, and who cares?

- Jos J.A. van Berkum


Section V Grammar and Cognition

29. Grammatical categories

- David Kemmerer


30. Neurocognitive mechanisms of agrammatism

Cynthia Thompson & Jennifer Mack


31. Verbal working memory

- Bradley Buchsbaum


32. Subcortical contributions to language

- David Copland & Anthony Angwin


33. Lateralisation of language

- Lise Van der Haegen and Qing Cai


34. Neural mechanisms of music and language

- Mattson Ogg and L. Robert Slevc


0. 有关神经语言学的简要历史回顾

- Sheila E. Blumstein


第一部分 研究方法


1. 后天失语症患者的神经语言学研究

- Stephen M. Wilson


2. 语言及电生理学方法

- Michelle Leckey & Kara D. Federmeier


3. 语言及功能磁共振现象

- Michelle Leckey & Kara D. Federmeier


4. 经颅磁刺激技术及语言神经网络研究

- Teresa Schuhmann


5. 脑磁图和语言处理的皮层动力学研究

- Riitta Salmelin, Jan Kujala, Mia Liljeström


6. 语言功能及发展的光学脑成像技术研究

- Yasuyo Minagawa & Alejandrina Cristia


7. 皮层及皮层下电刺激的神经语言学启示

- Hugues Duffau


8. 语言科学中的扩散成像方法

- Stephanie Forkel and Marco Catani


第二部分 发展及可塑性


9. 神经可塑性:围产期中风儿童的语言和情感发展研究

- Judy S. Reilly & Lara R. Polse


10. 双语制的神经语言学

- David W. Green & Judith F. Kroll


11. 语言及语言时效

- Jonathan Peelle


12. 癫痫病中的语言可塑性

- Jeffrey Cole & Marla J. Hamberger


13. 失聪儿童的语言发展:手语及人工电子耳蜗

- Aaron Newman


第三部分 发音过程及语言生成


14. 言语表达和运动过程的神经认知组织研究

- Pascale Tremblay, Isabelle Deschamps, & Anthony S. Dick


15. 手势语的神经科学依据:以失语症为例

- David P. Corina and Laurel A. Lawyer


16. 书面语在人脑中的产生过程:大脑研究中的启示

- Brenda Rapp and Jeremy Purcell


17. 运动性言语障碍

- Wolfram Ziegler, Theresa Schölderle, Ingrid Aichert, & Anja Staiger


18. 语言产生的时空因素

- Greig de Zubicaray & Vitoria Piai


19. 语言的背流听觉—运动接口

- Greg Hickok


第四部分 概念系统及理解加工


20. 概念知识的神经表征系统

- Andrew J. Bauer & Marcel A. Just


21. 脑内信息加工模式——从特征到相似空间

- Elizabeth Musz & Sharon L. Thompson-Schill


22. 人脑可操作性对象概念系统的建立和组织

- Frank Garcea & Bradford Mahon


23. 单语和双语阅读的神经生物学基础

- Pedro M. Paz-Alonso, Myriam Oliver, Ileana Quiñones & Manuel Carreiras


24. 阅读障碍及其神经生物学基础

- Kaja Jasinska & Nicole Landi


25. 从脑部偏侧性优势、振动的源头及振动的过程来认识声音的感知机制

- David Poeppel, Greg Cogan, Ido Davidesco, Adeen Flinker


26. 从神经生物学视角看句子的处理和加工

- Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky and Matthias Schlesewsky


27. 隐喻和习语的理解:基于最新功能磁共振成像研究分析

- Alexander M. Rapp


28. 语言理解与情绪感知的界面研究

- Jos J.A. van Berkum


第五部分 语法和认知


29. 语法范畴

- David Kemmerer


30. 语法障碍患者的认知神经机制研究

- Cynthia Thompson & Jennifer Mack


31. 言语工作记忆

- Bradley Buchsbaum


32. 语言加工机制中的神经元细胞的皮质下输入系统

- David Copland & Anthony Angwin


33. 语言加工过程中的脑部偏侧性优势

- Lise Van der Haegen and Qing Cai


34. 音乐和语言加工的神经机制

- Mattson Ogg and L. Robert Slevc


Greig I. de Zubicaray -

Greig I. de Zubicaray is Professor and Associate Dean of Research in the Faculty of Health at Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. His research covers brain mechanisms involved in language and memory and their disorders, neuroimaging methodologies, the aging brain and cognitive decline, and most recently, the emerging field of imaging genetics.

Greig I. de Zubicaray 现任澳大利亚布里斯班昆士兰科技大学健康学院的教授兼研究副院长。研究领域主要包括与语言记忆及语言障碍有关的大脑机制研究、神经影像学方法、大脑衰老和认知能力衰退领域及成像遗传学研究。

Niels O. Schiller -

Niels O. Schiller is Professor of Psycho- and Neurolinguistics at Leiden University. He is Academic Director of the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) and serves on the board of the Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC). His research areas include syntactic, morphological, and phonological processes in language production and reading aloud. Furthermore, he is interested in articulatory-motor processes during speech production, language processing in neurologically impaired patients, and forensic phonetics.

Niels O. Schiller现任莱顿大学心理语言学及神经语言学教授、语言学中心(LUCL)学术主任,莱顿大学大脑与认知研究所董事会成员。研究领域包括语言在人脑生成和发音过程中的句法、形态和音系研究、发音运动中的关节运动过程研究、神经受损患者的语言处理机制研究及司法语音学。


编辑:田英慧 宁静 王秋梅

排版:王秋梅 安镜儒

审校:王丽媛 陈旭


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