


Six Seven Eight Nine · Group Exhibition



Producer: Wang Haiying


Curator: Li Yujun


Exhibition Director: Zhang Changshou

艺术家陈鸿志、戈子馀、蒋宛霖、吕山川、Matt Hope(英国)、钱志鹏、苏艺、苏鹏、Stephen Gleadow(美国)、王波、赵天舜、张春华、张旭东

Artists: Chen Hongzhi, Ge Ziyu, Jiang Wanlin, Lv Shanchuan, Matt Hope (UK), Qian Zhipeng, Su Yi, Su Peng, Stephen Gleadow (USA), Wang Bo, Zhao Tianshun, Zhang Chunhua, Zhang Xudong



Opening: February 19, 2022 (Saturday) 10am


Exhibition Duration: February 19-March 13, 2022



Organizer: Zero Space 


Exhibition location: B01, 798 Art Zone, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing





此次展览共展出艺术家陈鸿志、戈子馀、蒋宛霖、吕山川、Matt Hope(英国)、钱志鹏、苏艺、苏鹏、Stephen Gleadow(美国)、王波、赵天舜、张春华、张旭东等近期的30余幅最新作品,共同见证艺术家们在创作中持之以恒的成果,也诠释了第零空间在未来发展中的彻底转型。

At the beginning of the new year of 2022, Zero Space is honored to launch the first exhibition of the new year —“Six Seven Eight Nine “ to pay tribute to the collectors and artists who have supported and paid attention to us over the years! In order to converge and present once more those artists with their works,who have cooperated or would work closely with the space in the future,we hope to further summarize both artists and their works during the process of operation and transformation of our space in the past decade through this group exhibition.
Zhu Qingsheng, a renown art historian,and the professor from Department of History, Peking University once mentioned while personally gave name to Zero Space:“ ‘The Zeroth’  is an origin, which can extend in all directions along the coordinates, indicating that its development is unconstrained and free.” “The Zeroth" means what we are demanding strictly of ourselves. Although we have done countless things, all work must be re-learned, re-opened, re-accepted, and re-united. "Zero", seemingly nothing, but everything. Zero Space, therefore, which has been to focus on both national and international development trend of contemporary art and latest trend of artistic thoughts and promoting Chinese contemporary art and international culture and art exchanges for its purpose, will make including contemporary painting, sculpture, experimental art, cross media art and other forms of art, etc. as the academic orientation of the space, furthermore,  will actively explore and promote young emerging artists.
"Six Seven Eight Nine" is a group exhibition of artists from different generations, we hoping to reflect the current local state of contemporary art and some miniatures in the collection performance through the different art forms of the artists. 

This group exhibition "Six Seven Eight Nine" features more than thirty works by thirteen young and middle-aged artists, including Chen Hongzhi, Ge Ziyu, Jiang Wanlin, Lv Shanchuan, Matt Hope (UK), Qian Zhipeng, Su Yi, Su Peng, Stephen Gleadow (USA), Wang Bo, Zhao Tianshun, Zhang Chunhua and Zhang Xudong. The exhibition will jointly witness the persistent achievements of the artists in their creation, meanwhile,will interpret the complete transformation of Zero Space in its future development.

第零 · 夜话

第零 · 夜话| 王冲:观看的嬗变——朱羿郎实验作品解读第零 · 夜话|艺术史中的父亲图像
第零 · 夜话|王波的画与十四首诗
第零 · 夜话|魏瑶:写意才是画儿
第零 · 夜话|王波:逃离时空的重围
第零 · 夜话|这可能是最全面的NFT加密艺术入门讲解
第零 · 夜话|清明·踏青正当时《虢国夫人游春图》中的春日出游盛景
第零 · 夜话|本雅明:灵韵消逝中 第零·夜话 |  美术学院的起源第零·夜话 | 美术学院的起源(中国篇)第零·夜话 |美术馆在中国第零 · 夜话|栗宪庭:当代艺术,首先是一种艺术态度和文化立场
第零 · 夜话|物质时代的精神贵族(现当代艺术系列) ——美女、美酒、上帝同时出现的地方
第零 · 夜话|物质时代的精神贵族(现当代艺术系列)——没有斯坦因就没有蒙马特第零 · 夜话|王端廷:我们为什么看不懂抽象艺术

第零 · 展览

第零 · 预告 | 李秋实个展:“三个对象”
第零 · 开幕|李秋实个展「三个对象」开幕现场回顾第零 · 预告|王波个展:「信物」
第零 · 开幕|王波个展「信物」开幕现场回顾
第零 · 预告|魏瑶个展:浸观
第零 · 开幕|魏瑶个展「浸观」开幕现场回顾
第零 · 预告|N/A 朱羿郎实验作品展
第零 · 现场|N/A-朱羿郎实验作品展在第零空间隆重开幕第零·预告|丢失底座的方尖碑·陈鸿志第零·现场|丢失底座的方尖碑·陈鸿志在798第零空间隆重开幕

第零·预告|无垠的絮语·许双双第零 · 预告|许双双个展-线上艺术家分享&导览直播第零 · 现场 | 许双双个展「无垠的絮语」开幕现场回顾第零·预告|“盆中之物-王洋个展”即将开展第零·现场|“盆中之物-王洋个展”在798第零空间隆重开幕

   第零 · 艺访 

第零 · 艺访|陈鸿志工作室艺访手记

   第零 · 艺术家 

第零 · 艺术家|王波最新艺术项目「重读」即将在南岸九号艺术馆开幕!
第零 · 艺术家|孙子垚:我画西藏,也不是西藏
第零 · 艺术家 | 陈鸿志:积极的虚无主义者



 ——— 朱青生

开放时间 Opening Hours:10:00-18:00
(周一公休 Closed on Monday)
电话 Tel: 010-59789121
E-mail: diling_798@163.com



