
Mango Culture of India / 走不出的芒果梦,印度独特的芒果文化

Indians-In-China IICofficial 2019-04-13

Mangoes have delighted people’s senses with their sweet fragrance and flavour for ages. However, while Indians have been cultivating this juicy fruit for more than 4000 years, the Western world has savoured it only for the last 400!

Mango is national fruit of India.


Mango Tree at Ekambareswarar temple in Kanchipuram is considered as 3500 years old.


A Purnakumbha is a pot filled with water and topped with fresh mango leaves and a coconut. It is considered to be the foundation of a puja, with the mango leaves symbolising life.

There is a popular story : when God came to the earth, he accidentally tasted a fruit called Aam. God was fascinated by its sweet taste, and he sighed with regret. Why can't such delicious food be eaten in the heaven? From then on, the God is willing to stay on the land which has conceived the magic fruit. In hindi it is called 'AAM' & that magical land is India.


Colorful Mango Country


According to statistics, mango is one of the most consumed fruits in the world and is particularly popular among people in South Asia and Southeast Asian countries. Countries such as India, Pakistan and the Philippines have designated mangoes as "national fruits," and Bangladesh has designated mango trees as national trees. Why is Indian mango most famous among the many countries that love the mango?


India is the world's largest producer of mangoes, with an annual output of about 10 million tons of mangoes, accounting for 51% of the world's total production. Of the 35 state (provincial)-level administrative divisions in India, 27 are rich in mangoes. The vast majority of the 1,595 mango varieties known to the world are in India and only 40 in other countries.


India's mango can be bigger than coconut weighing more than 2 kilograms and can be small like a walnut. The color of the mango here is more colorful, bright red such as agate, green like jade, orange race crystal ... colorful like a gem to attract people's attention, a ultimate treat to your taste buds.


Mango is also a culture


21,000 mango baskets offered to Lord Krishna during mango festival 

In addition to high yield, good quality, wide distribution, variety, origin of Indian culture have deep rooted connection with mango.

Legend has it that the Buddha was presented with a mango grove so he could rest under the shady trees.


According to the Hindu “Rigveda”, the god of love held a bow made of sugar cane and shot arrows made of five kinds of flowers. Those who were hit by arrows fell in love. The flowers of mango are the five kinds. One of the flowers that can bring love. In traditional Indian culture, mango also stands for good fortune, which can bring peace to people. Until today, when Indians move into their new homes, they will hung the leaves of mango trees above the door to pray for peace and prosperity.


Early Indian Sanskrit poets sang poems and they believed that eating fresh shoots from a mango tree would make the voice more sweet. In Indian literature, mango is often used to describe beauty. People use mango's sweet and succulent description of the beauty's eyelids, and the delicate reds of the mango skin are hailed as beautiful cheeks. The poets and writers are always praiseworthy for such beautiful things.


Throughout India's history, this ancient civilization was once conquered by numerous foreign invaders, and all the conquerors were invariably conquered by the mangoes on this land. Known as the most brutal and crazy conqueror in history, Alexander the Great loved mango. Babar, the founder of the Mughal dynasty, called the mango "the immortal fruit of Hindustani." Babar’s grandson, the famous Akbar the Great, planted 100,000 mango trees in his own manor. India’s last invaders, the British, were no exception to the love of mangoes. They even invented a special tool for eating mangoes in order to maintain an elegant appearance. 


Indians Use Mango Everywhere


Indians can’t live without mango in daily life. Besides fresh mangoes, people also have pickles, chutneys, candies, fruit juices, preserved fruits, fruit wines, and jams made from mangoes. Mango lassi in a hot day is popular drink.


July to September each year is the best time to eat mangoes in India. This time is known as “Mango Crazy” by Indians. Since 1987, the Mango Festival has been held in New Delhi, India every year, also in July. At the Mango Festival, besides exhibiting and selling various mangoes and numerous mango products, the most attractive activity is the mango contest. In the women's competitions, whether it is an old woman or a beautiful young girl, regardless of the image, it is a cheeky and sucking game. The stadium is full of laughter.


The New York Times stated that India has only two “seasons”: the monsoon season and the mango season, the former adding moisture to India, which nourishes the soul of India. Interestingly, almost every state in India has its own favorite mango, and food expert says that “mango chauvinism” is popular in India. In India, mangoes not only represent love, jealousy, competition, but also a symbol of new rich status.


For Indians, mangoes undoubtedly carry their hometown complex and childhood memories. An Indian friend told reporters that the childhood in his heart had been defined as a picture of a little boy holding a big mango in his hand, his hands full of sweet sap, and all his clothes were splashed with juice. Hey, my mother walked over and touched his head petally, and squeezed his cheek to say: My little Kumar, when will you grow up? Looking at the tears in the eyes of friends, the reporter read: As an Indian, he couldn’t walk out of his dream of mango in his entire life.


In tropical and subtropical India, there are many varieties of fruit produced, but the Indians only love the mango, and not only regard this kind of sweet, nutritious fruit as the "king of fruit", but also as a long-term individual in history. The special tribute to the Kings Room of the Tomb of the State of Turkmenistan, and the recognition of the mango has long gone beyond its natural attributes, sublimated to the height of culture, and formed a unique Indian “mango culture”.


Since the early 1990s, the New Delhi, the capital of India, has held a grand mango festival every year in early July. Fruit producers from across India will bring their proudly-mangoed varieties to the scene for public. Hundreds of booths show casing a variety of fresh mangoes of different shapes, colors, and sizes. Big size like large coconuts, weighing in kilograms; small are comparable to walnuts; "face" of the rough, the surface looks like a not-ripe papaya; "skin" is delicate. Looking at the various types of mangoes on the plate, such as red, green, yellow, gold, black, and charcoal, almost every visitor will be amazed and even is an eye-opener.


Along with hundreds of mangoes, there are pickles, chutneys, candies, fruit juices, preserved fruits, fruit wines, and jams made from mango. This year's Mango Festival also released a free drink made from immature mangoes. It is said that Indian people have the habit of drinking this kind of beverage in midsummer, and many people in the area treat it as a special antidote to eliminate summer heat.

 In the eyes of the sponsors of the Mango Festival, these specialty products represent a variety of Indian traditional cultural information, including food culture, and are valuable cultural heritages that deserve to be vigorously promoted. Therefore, they seized the opportunity to seize the opportunity to organize activities such as various mango knowledge contests, cartoon mango performances, mango cooking forums, mango planting history commentary, etc., highlighting the cultural connotation of Mango Festival and intensifying the public’s understanding of “mango culture”. 


Indians regard mango as part of their cultural heritage. Contemporary Indians believe that mango, an artificially grown fruit, first appeared in the Indo-Burmese region of southern Asia. Based on the images of ancient Indian architecture and Indian early literary works on mangoes, they inferred that their ancestors began planting mangoes at least 4,000 years ago. They are as old as the ancient Indus Valley civilization and local Hinduism. And insisted that all mangoes currently grown in other parts of the world were initially discovered and introduced by a Chinese named Wensang who visited India from 632 to 645 AD. of.


According to statistics from India's agricultural sector, India is currently the world's largest producer of mangoes, with an annual output of about 10 million tons of mangoes, which accounts for about half of world production. The vast majority of 1,595 mango varieties known worldwide are in India and 41 in other countries. It is no wonder that Indians raise mangoes, and they always subconsciously show a sense of pride. Although India did not only set the mango fruit as "national fruit," the fact is that mangoes have long had an irreplaceable position in their minds, and they have special symbolic meanings in both secular cultures and religious cultures.


Indians call mango flowers the soul of spring. They give each mango a specific name, many of which are closely related to religious beliefs or deities. There are tall mango trees in many Buddhist or Hindu temples in India. In the riping season, the monks in the temple will select the mangoes that are of good quality and qualify to worship the Buddha. The men and women who come and pray for pilgrimage often bring mangoes from their hometowns to express homage to the Buddha. Not long ago, the Indian Agricultural Research Institute named a newly cultivated mango variety in the name of a Hindu goddess. A seemingly ordinary fruit is linked to religion and culture in a region.


To this date, mangoes have been given more symbolic significance in the daily lives of the Indian people as an auspicious fruit. Since most of India is suitable for growing mangoes, from the north to the south, the harvest time of mango is as long as six months, so mango has become a daily commodity in people's lives in many areas. In their weddings, they like to use mango twigs to create passages or archways to the wedding shed. If any wedding celebration lacks the decoration of mango tree, it will be considered that the couple's marriage is not satisfactory and the married life will not be happy. People use mangoes to cook and serve as tributes. Fresh water is collected in mango leaves at places where conditions permit, and they are sprinkled in front of the temples at sunrise.


With the ever-expanding contacts with the world, India’s mangoes are gradually becoming known and loved by people in more countries. Some rare mango varieties not only have a prominent reputation in Southeast Asia, but also are increasingly respected by Europeans. After India’s independence, successive government leaders used mangoes as gifts when they interacted with foreign dignitaries. Former Indian Prime Minister Nehru devoted himself to the promotion of Indian Mango and "Mango Culture" to the world. Under his advocacy, leaders and celebrities of many countries in the world have received the best mango, “Alphonso”, presented by Indian leaders.

Source: 中印大同网

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