
Is Desi Ghee Bad For Health? / 如果你还在觉得酥油对健康有危害?那请一起来重新认识酥油吧!

Indians-In-China IICofficial 2019-04-13

Desi Ghee is made with cow's milk and it was usually churned at home by heating white butter. It smells and tastes different but no less than butter. The sweet and nutty flavour is not as assertive as other oils. In fact, the use of desi ghee dates back to ancient India when cooking oils didn't even exist. The Vedas regard this golden liquid as the 'first and the most essential of all foods'. Bengalis and Gujaratis, enjoy it with the quintessential khichdi. Rajasthan pairs it with dal-baati and the Punjabi halwas would never taste as good without a dollop of Desi Ghee. It has a high heat point, so it doesn't burn easily (while other oils may break down and release free radicals when heated at high temperatures) and because Indian food requires a lot of sauteing it's quite sensible to use it.

印度酥油是用牛奶制成的,通常是在家里加热白奶油搅拌而成的。 它和食用油闻起来味道不同,但不亚于黄油。  事实上,使用desi ghee可以追溯到古代印度,没有食用油。 吠陀认为这种黄金液体是“所有食物中首最重要的”。 孟加拉人和古吉拉特邦人,会用典型的khichdi享用它。 拉贾斯坦邦人将它与达尔巴提搭配。 它具有高热点,因此不易燃烧(而其他油在高温加热时可能会分解并释放自由基),并且由于印度食品需要大量煎炸,因此使用它非常合理。

In Ayurvedic wisdom, religions or the kitchens of India, Ghee is central to our culture. I often stood by my grandma, chin on the kitchen table, watching her make a holy drink on festive occasions. Milk, yogurt, honey,sugar and the fifth element of Panchamrit, the Sanskrit word for five elixirs, is ghee. I loved the taste. I still do. If she ever heard me sniffing, she would run into the kitchen and come back with what she'd call a magic potion. A teaspoon of warm ghee mixed with two-three ground blackpeppercorns. It worked wonders. It still does.

在阿育吠陀的宗教或印度的厨房里,酥油是文化的核心。 我经常站在奶奶的旁边,坐在厨房的桌子上,看着她在有节日的时候喝上一杯圣杯。 牛奶,酸奶,蜂蜜,糖和Panchamrit的五个元素,即五种酏剂的梵文词,是酥油。 我很喜欢这种口味。 我记得 如果她听到我有咳嗽,她会跑进厨房,拿出她的秘方良药。 一匙温和的酥油和二三个blackpepper混合。 很神奇的是药到病除!

According to Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, "In Ayurveda, ghee is considered to be very rejuvenating. It is one of the most easily digestible fats used for cooking. Ghee is a natural remedy for balancing the heat element (pitta) of the body. It aids in digestion, prevents constipation and helps in the excretion of toxins. Having half teaspoon of ghee with moong dal khichdi is a great way to detox."

根据Ashutosh Gautam博士的说法,“在阿育吠陀中,酥油被认为是非常活力的,它是用于烹饪的最容易消化的脂肪之一,酥油是平衡身体热量元素(pitta)的天然补救剂。 帮助消化,预防便秘,帮助排泄毒素。酥油是很好的一种清热解毒的排毒方法。“

"As kids we were given a teaspoon of ghee every day - primarily for strengthening our immunity, and for bone development. It's good for bone strengthening and muscle growth because it has fat soluble nutrients like Vitamin A and E. When I developed rheumatoid arthritis my doctor advised me to have a teaspoon of Desi Ghee daily. This keeps the joints lubricated and prevents inflammation," shares Food Writer Priyadarshini Nandy.

“每天给小孩子一匙酥油 - 可以增强免疫力和骨骼发育,它对骨骼强化和肌肉生长有好处,因为它含有像维生素A和E这样的脂溶性营养素。当犯风湿性关节炎时, 医生会建议每天服用一茶匙Desi酥油,这样可以保持关节润滑并防止发炎。

If ghee has such wonderful advantages, why are we (new generation) afraid of using it regularly?


This is the kind of things most people will tell you about ghee (clarified butter):


The big fat debate


- It's fattening

- 它很肥腻

- It's oil, so it's unhealthy

- 它是油,所以不健康

- It's basically heart attack on a plate

- 这吃多基本上会导致心脏病发作

These are nothing but myths. 


Truth is, ghee is god's gift to foodies. It is a magical ingredient that makes everything ten thousand times more delishh. 

真相是,酥油是上帝赐予美食家的礼物。 这是一种神奇的成分,很完美。

Let's get it straight once and for all. Here's the ghee ka ghee, paani ka paani:


Ghee strengthens your bones.


Ghee contains Vitamin K which is responsible for making your bones stronger and helps maintain the calcium in your bones.


So, if you love your bones, you gotta ghee as well.


Ghee actually helps you LOSE weight!


Ghee contains omega-6 fatty acids which help you maintain a lean physique by cutting out your fat mass. 


But don't take our word for it, let Kareena Kapoor Khan and Shilpa Shetty convince you.

Ghee is a great source of vitamins.


Ghee is a rich source of vitamins A, D and E. 


While Vitamin A helps our cells remain healthy and makes our teeth and bones strong, Vitamin E is an effective cancer fighting antioxidant and Vitamin D prevents body inflammation. 


Ghee is easy on your stomach. 


Thanks to the fatty acids it has, ghee helps in acid secretion inside the stomach which helps speed up the digestion process. 


Ghee is the yummiest way to better immunity.


Do you fall sick often?


Do you feel weak? 


Well, maybe it's time to become friends with ghee. Thanks to its numerous antioxidants, ghee makes it impossible for common diseases to fuck your happiness.

那么,也许是时候成为酥油朋友了。 由于其多种抗氧化剂,酥油使常见疾病无法靠近你。

It makes your hair longer, silkier and stronger. 


Trying to grow your hair long? Then love ghee and ghee will love your hair back.


Oh, and as an added bonus, it also helps in fight against dandruff.


It's food for the soul. Quite literally. 

这是灵魂级的食物。 毫不夸张的说。

Let's face it, life can be difficult at times and it's perfectly fine to feel down and out. That's when ghee comes to the rescue. 


Ghee has been proven to be extremely good for the nerves and helps the body and mind chillax.


It's the perfect moisturizer for dry skin.


Want glowing skin? Ghee and it'll glow like a 60 watts ka bulb. Did we mention it's also an effective anti-ageing solution?


Dark circles no more.


Let's face it, those dark circles do look kind of hideous. Ghee hates them too. Which is why, ghee makes sure they're gone in no time.

让我们面对现实吧,那些黑眼圈看起来有点可怕。 酥油也讨厌他们。 这就是为什么,酥油可以确保他们很快就会离开。

 Lactose? What lactose?

乳糖? 什么乳糖?

Ghee is lactose-free, which means, it's very easy to digest. So rejoice, no farty, poopy feels!

酥油不含乳糖,这意味着它很容易消化。 所以尽情的吧,不要任何顾忌!

Ghee is a powerhouse of nutrients and taste. Which is why, the next time someone says it's unhealthy for you, well you know now how to reply them.

酥油是营养素和美味的强大食物。 现在知道为什么了的你,下一次有人说这不健康,那么你知道如何回复他们了吗?

My grandmother's recipe


1. Boil about four litres of full cream milk and let it cool for about 3 - 4 hours.


2. You'll find a layer of thick cream or malai on the top. Scoop it out gently and keep it aside. The milk can then be used for any purpose.


3. This would happen everyday in my house, layer after layer of malai collected in a bowl and refrigerated till enough.


4. On Sunday mornings, all of it was whipped and churned by hand. While you continue, it turns frothy and you will see the milk solids or white butter separate from the liquid called buttermilk. Buttermilk is quite flavour and can be used in bakes, pancakes and even in salad dressings. Drain the liquid and collect the white butter.


5. Melt this white butter over low-heat in a heavy-bottomed pan. As it melts, tiny white particles will be formed. Keep stirring to avoid burning. Let it cook till you see a clear, golden liquid that will float atop. If bubbles appears, skim off and discard. Be careful not to overcook.


6. Once ready, filter the liquid through a sieve to separate the particle which may have turned brown. These were often used to add crunch to barfis. When the liquid cools down, it solidifies. Store it in an airtight jar.


Source: scoopwhoop, ndtv

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