

2018-02-10 黄健航 音乐文献编译组


15 Questions to Yuja Wang


推荐阅读:1、外国油腻大叔们眼里的王羽佳;2、王羽佳丨 不光是音乐界,我觉得未来50年,什么领域都会是中国人的天下!3、王羽佳访谈丨恩师凌远给我打下全面音乐基础丨“她会给我启发和支持。她给我一点拨,我就明白了,给她弹琴不光是学东西,还会很开心”;4、野蜂飞舞的王羽佳丨格拉夫曼的中国弟子演奏视频丨演奏家的好坏,无关乎裙子长短丨格拉夫曼不在具体音上细扣,而是给王羽佳风格上的指导;5、王羽佳老师凌远丨“孩子是学音乐的,不是学手型的!” 6、每晚古典音乐访谈丨王羽佳讲述跟阿巴多的合作经历;7、每晚古典音乐访谈丨王羽佳:“唱片曲目自己做主”;8、我们为什么要听王羽佳?9、王羽佳丨拉赫玛尼诺夫《第二钢琴协奏曲》;10、王羽佳专访丨她赢得了没有参加的“比赛”!11、王羽佳访谈丨“穿长裙?待我四十岁!”

It'ssimply unfair: Yuja Wang has performed with conductors like Daniel Barenboim,David Zinman, Lorin Maazel and Michael Tilson Thomas, collaborated with artistsand orchestras like the New York Philharmonics and in a trio with Daniel Hopeand Lynn Harrell and won competition prizes in her native China, her currenthome base of the USA, in Spain, Germany and Japan.


The critics are referring to her in words usually reserved for thegreat and golden names of the past, for the likes Rachmaninoff and Cortot (thetwo piano performers who move her most). And yet, many papers, magazines andInternet ressources are still calling her the female "Lang Lang". Ofcourse, her technique and finesse, as well as her biography in between the Eastand the West make these comparisons as understandable as they are easy to draw. 


And yet, the public's response to her toneand to the nuances she is capable of bringing to a piece warrant and demand amore personal appraisal. And it is sure to come. Yuja has had to jump in forrenowned colleagues on a couple of occasions on the past and after initalscepticism, has always managed to win over the entire room. Her tour scheduleis packed well into 2008 and will bring her to countries like Canada andRussia. With this in mind, it looks like there is some justice in the worldafter all.


Hi! How are you? Where are you?

Hi, I am in Philly now, just got back fromGermany. 



What’s on your schedule right now?

I have to play Schumann quintet in twodays, then Mozart c minor concerto, Mendelssohn concerto in g minor, ProkofievNo.3, Grieg and Tchaikovsky no.1 in the fall.



If you hadn’t chosen for music, what do youthink you would do right now?

There are lots of possibilities, somethingcompletely different from music, maybe athletics or acting? 



What or who was your biggest influence asan artist?

There are so many musicians who influenceme when I am not even conscious of it. One can learn so much by listening torecordings nowadays, and Cortot and Rachmaninoff moved me most. 


答04:成长的过程中有过很多影响我的音乐家。听录音也能够让我学到很多,科尔托和拉赫玛尼诺夫是最能打动我的两位音乐家。 ——朱伟丨纪念科尔托

What’s the hardest part about being amusician and what’s the best?

Being a soloist I have to travel aroundalone, besides being lonely I have to carry my gowns and try not to lose mypassport…but the best part is the fun during rehearsal, during performance,these experiences are so valuable that it can't be replaced and it makes itimpossible for me to complain about other trivial hardships.  



What’s your view on the classical musicscene at present? Is there a crisis?

I don't see classical music is so muchdifferent from other genre of music, and of course, in China, classical musicis flourishing. I think as long as music speaks to another human being's heart,it doesn't matter the quantity, it serve its purpose. 



Some feel there is no need to recordclassical music any more, that it’s all been done before. What do you tellthem?

Stop reading the book, it has been readbefore... or stop going to the same restaurant, you've eaten there before...thedish might be the same, but the chef is different, even with a same chef, hisdish is his personal creation at the moment, it can never reproduce the sameagain. Same with recordings, each artist is not just playing what is on thescore, but brings his personal view and experience into it that is unique andinimitable. 


答07:  这就好比让人别再读一本被人读过的书,或者不要去别人去过的一家餐厅一样,菜品或许一样,但烹制的厨师是不同的,即使是同一个厨师所制,那这个菜品也只属于那个瞬间,它无法再被复制了。和录音一样,每个艺术家不仅仅只是把乐谱弹出来,而是将个人观点和生平经历带入其中,使其独特并难以模仿。 

What constitutes a good live performance inyour opinion? What’s your approach to performing on stage?

For a recital, I should say ‘bon voyage’before I sit down; for concertos, ‘fasten the seatbelt,’ of course, all theorchestra members too hopefully.  



What does the word “interpretation” mean toyou?

Interpretation is what the piece meant forme. Something personal, something I can say through the music about my ownlife.  



How do you balance the need to put yourpersonal emotions into the music you play and the intentions of the composer?

It isall integrated in the process. It happens in practicing, in rehearsing, inconcerts - if one is concentrated and innovative.



True or false: People need to be educatedabout classical music, before they can really appreciate it.

Very false, music doesn't categorize ingenres, it is either good or bad: good music always moves people, directlytouching the heart. If one doesn't appreciate classical music, he/she might notappreciate music altogether. The more one listens to music, the more sensitiveto what they hear, the more they'll appreciate.



You are given the position of artisticdirector of a concert hall. What would be on your program for this season?

All piano concertos ever written, limitMozart to only 5.



How would you describe the relationshipwith your instrument?

Love/hate relationship, very promiscuous.



Have you ever tried playing a differentinstrument? If yes, how good were you at it?

No, just my vocal cord maybe.




往期拉赫主题:1、音乐短札丨拉赫《钟声》的意象分析丨“如果我能成功地在作品中用钟声表现人类的感情,那是因为我的生命时时处于莫斯科钟声的包围之中。” 2、聆听拉赫玛尼诺夫丨他用乐调弹奏悲剧人生,呼唤美好命运到来丨论拉赫音乐中的民族性和悲剧性丨他何以能与同时代作品的单调乏味截然不同;3、【主题】阿什肯纳齐演绎拉赫《前奏曲》( Rachmaninov 24 Preludes);4、【点评】张烨凯尼诺夫:阿什肯纳齐的钢琴艺术;5、拉赫玛尼诺夫《悲歌》(《幻想小品集》);6、《拉赫玛尼诺夫钢琴独奏小品集》;7、虾米乐友朴云的拉赫玛尼诺夫自选集;8、勋伯格丨音乐是来自俄国的大师丨纪念拉赫玛尼诺夫丨“钢铁是拉赫的手臂,黄金是他的心。想到他的神圣庄严我就无法抑制眼中的泪水。” 9、【荐书】林育:《怎样弹好拉赫玛尼诺夫24首前奏曲》;10、拉赫玛尼诺夫丨每天五个小时不间断练习,《车尔尼740》、《哈农》是他最为钟爱的练习曲集;11、古典音乐会丨霍洛维茨演奏拉赫《第三钢琴协奏曲》丨“高潮部分的错音不绝于耳,但这恰恰是其亮点所在,因为他将情绪的表达放在了首要!”

