
会长致辞 || 第九届文学伦理学批评国际学术研讨会

秘书处 文学伦理学批评研究 2022-04-24







IAELC President’s 

Opening Remarks

In their important account of the history and significance of Ethical Criticism, "Fruitful Collaborations", in the TLS in 2015, William Baker and Shang Biwu describe how Professor Nie Zhenzhao inaugurated his project with a cardinal principle. This was to reverse the tendency in Western literary pedagogy of replacing the study of literary texts by theoretical discourses that bypassed attention to the texts themselves. Since the 1970s, this tendency has resulted in an increasing habit in Western universities to practice literary studies by almost any method other than the reading of books and the promotion of historical knowledge about them.

     Ethical Criticism has sought since 2004 to reverse this trend, by restoring the centrality of the literary text as distinct from theoretical lucubrations about what it might be like to read them if one tried, or in the pursuit of diversionary disciplines which bypass the text in favour of abstract political, or economic or psychological, or other systems, in which the literary scholar is often unlikely to possess specialist expertise, while evading the specialist challenge of the discipline of reading books in which he or she is presumed to be expert. The true ethics of Ethical Criticism does not reside in any simple programmatic doctrine but in a full human confrontation with the totality of the text. Good criticism is ethical in so far as it transcends paraphrasable ethical doctrines, even those which might be enunciated by the work in question, and seeks to capture a larger unparaphrasable human totality. It is very difficult to do, and this is why the modern academy has often preferred to do almost anything with a book other than read it.

     The noblest mission of IAELC, as formulated in Nie Zhengzhou's teachings, is to restore the critical discipline to its proper suppleness and subtlety, its engagement with central human purposes, undoctrinaire, faithful to its documents, respectful of historical knowledge, and in short empirical in the best and most sensitive readerly way.

     It is my privilege to welcome you all to an annual conference in which I am sure that this mission will continue to be carried out. It is my regret that I am prevented by circumstances from attending in person, but my good wishes go out to all of you.

Claude RawsonProfessor of English, Yale UniversityFellow of American Academy of Arts and SciencesPresident of IAELC









责任编辑 | 汤轶丽

审校 | 任洁


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文学伦理学批评与跨学科研究:第九届文学伦理学批评国际学术研讨会通知(更新版)组委会欢迎词 || 第九届文学伦理学批评国际学术研讨会
主旨发言预告(一)|| 傅修延:人与物的伦理关系主旨发言预告(二)|| 殷企平:Eudaimonistic Ethics and Community Building ...主旨发言预告(三)|| Vladimir Biti:Positional Outsiders and the Ethics...
主旨发言预告(四)|| Wolfgang G. Müller:The Happy Ending in Shakespeare..主旨发言预告(五)|| 聂珍钊:从自然选择到伦理选择:文学伦理学批评的基本理论
主旨发言预告(六)|| Lucia Boldrini: Biofiction, Heterobiography...
主旨发言预告(七)|| Seán Hand: Levinas in the Anthropocene
主旨发言预告(八)|| Rodolphe Gasché: Doubly Parricidal...
主旨发言预告(九)|| 吴笛:论文学作品中的科技伦理与科学选择 ——以布尔加科夫“魔幻三部曲”和玛丽•雪莱《弗兰肯斯坦》为例
主旨发言预告(十)|| 尚必武:科学选择与伦理选择的冲突:麦克尤恩《像我这样的机器》中的人工智能与脑文本
分论坛介绍(一)|| 苏晖:文学伦理学批评的理论资源研究
分论坛介绍(二)|| 罗良功:族裔文学的伦理视角
分论坛介绍(三)||  申富英:西方现代主义文学的伦理批评
分论坛介绍(四)|| 陈红薇:中外文学中的科技伦理
分论坛介绍(五)|| 李建中&樊星:风俗为王VS伦理至上:文学伦理学批评古今对谈
分论坛介绍(六)|| 金冰:后现代历史叙事与伦理批评
分论坛介绍(七)|| 朱振武:非洲英语文学的伦理选择
号外||国际比较文学学会第二十二届大会在深澳两地举办 文学伦理学批评备受关注

