

M君 MTI资料与资讯 2022-10-02






一、汉译英 (翻译划线部分,70分)









































二、英译汉 (翻译划线部分,80分)

 Stress really is killing us

 By Daniel Keating  

Updated 2123 GMT (0523 HKT) April 2, 2017

Daniel Keating is a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan and author of "Born Anxious: The Lifelong Impact of Early Life Adversity -- and How to Break the Cycle," due to be published in April from St. Martin's Press. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own.    

(CNN)There are new clues that the high levels of stress many people endure every day are taking a deadly toll.   

White, working-class Americans are dying in middle age at a rapidly increasing pace, reversing a long-standing trend toward greater life expectancy across all races and social classes, according to a new report from economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton.    

Much of this alarming trend comes from "deaths of despair," especially opioid addictions and overdoses, suicide, and alcohol-related diseases. To stem this epidemic, they argue that we need to understand the underlying reasons why this is happening. Case and Deaton make a plausible case that "slow moving and cumulative" social forces -- lack of labor market opportunities and fraying of the accustomed social fabric -- are key explanations. They reject arguments that attribute this trend to income alone or to a decline in virtue.

But an even more basic cause lies hidden at the intersection of psychology and biology -- a widespread stress epidemic that is affecting this group dramatically at the present but threatens all of us unless we soon understand the source of this trend and take steps to address it.         

Stress-related disorders and diseases have been on the rise in the whole population for decades, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including those leading to these deaths of despair, but also to heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.    

National surveys by the American Psychological Association that also capture how stressed, anxious and overwhelmed we feel show a similar increasing pattern. And it shows up in our bodies, even before we get sick or start down the many roads to self-harm.   

A recent study by the Hamilton Project looked at the "physiological stress load" in the US using biological markers tied to cardiovascular, kidney and liver function to create a stress load index. This physical stress load, a precursor to many diseases, has increased in striking fashion since the late 1970s, and it is getting worse as each new age group enters adulthood.

We should see this increase in mortality for what it is -- a leading indicator of what could be in store for many of us. What social forces are producing the broader stress epidemic, and how do they "get under the skin" to cause long-term damage? One major clue comes from a closer look at the stress load index.  

It has increased for everyone, but with marked inequality -- it has risen more sharply for those with fewer social and economic resources but also more for the middle class compared to the well off. There is a clear line that connects increasing inequality in income and opportunities, to increases in stress and mortality that hits some groups earlier than others.  

A central biological pathway is from excess cortisol -- the fight-or-flight hormone -- that characterizes being over-stressed for long periods of time. This "stress dysregulation" leads to risky health decisions, like addiction or overeating, and directly to many health problems linked to excess cortisol.  

Why are white, working-class Americans showing the earliest effects? Surely African-Americans and Hispanics have been experiencing inequality at equal or higher levels over these same decades. The key lies in different starting points in perceptions of control -- stress is largely a psychosocial phenomenon, though, of course, material deprivation also plays a role.    

Minorities have gained some ground materially, in relative terms, over recent decades, but they also did not start with an assumption of being in control in the wider society. Losing a sense of control that you believed you had, whether real or not, justified or not, creates stressful dislocations. 

We have seen this pattern before. In the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, the group that saw itself as having substantial control -- middle-aged Russian men in particular -- experienced a similar loss of control, economically and in terms of cultural identity as the "socialist vanguard." They also died younger, suffering dramatic increases in early mortality.  

If we understand what is actually happening -- socially, psychologically and biologically -- we can see that this effect is not going to be limited to just one group in the future. My colleagues and I have reported a pattern of increasing inequality being tied to worsening population outcomes -- not for mortality, but for the health, achievement and social engagement of adolescents in rich Western countries. But what we also found was that this was not inevitable.

Countries (Austria, Denmark, France, Sweden and others) that controlled income inequality and maintained investments in human development -- such as early childhood and parenting support, education, and social safety nets in health care and unemployment -- did not experience these increasing problems in adolescent and youth development.  

Slow-moving and cumulative social forces "get under the skin" early in life and can show up decades later in morbidity and mortality. The risk is magnified in light of very recent research showing that high levels of stress experienced by expectant mothers or by babies can make fundamental biological changes in infancy -- through what are known as epigenetic changes, which alter how genes work -- that can endure over a lifetime.  

This burden of stress dysregulation in young Americans from early life adversity amplifies the stress epidemic by making more of us vulnerable, and by increasing the total amount of ambient stress we all experience everyday in our schools, our workplaces, our social media, on our highways, in our malls -- in effect, throughout our communities.  

Increasing inequality and decreasing investment in human development place all of us at risk -- a stressful recognition itself in the current political environment where there is the potential for going even further in the risky direction. Resisting these trends is essential to health, because the consequences will show up for all of us for decades to come.

448 汉语百科知识与写作

一、百科题简答论述题 100分

1. 四大名著选一篇,介绍作者,写作背景,意义。30分   

2. 几大工业革命的意义和简介。30分    


二、写作 50分  



阅读 一篇 (哲学类,5页长度,四个问题,40分)

题目为:Barney's case for the history of philosophy

内容:主要讲的是两个小伙伴的paper,关于philosophical process,最后author评价了一下她俩的paper做得如何。


1. What are the reasons Barney cite for the study of history by three groups of people?

2. According to the passage, what are Martin Lin's interpretation about philosophers?

3. How does the author comment on the men's innate thirst for knowledge?

4. Sum up how the author writes about Barney and Martin Lin's discussion on philosophical progress.

作文  (800 words,60分)

Digital Humanities in the New Era. 



一、汉译英 (翻译部分,以下为全文,70分)

       开幕式第三项,上海国际问题研究院学术委员会主任、研究员,上海市人民政府参事杨洁勉教授发表了题为“Systemic Designing and Methodological Exploring: My Understanding of China Study in China”的主旨演讲。杨教授在发言中提到尽管在很长的时间里中国都在做关于自身的研究,但真正将学科体系框架构建起来,仍需付出巨大努力。如何通过国际对话而非仅仅内部交流表达中国的思维与认知是亟待我们去变革的。

二、英译汉 (翻译部分,以下为全文,80分)

The whole course of man's life up to adolescence is a period of weakness; yet there comes a time during these early years when the child's strength overtakes the demands upon it, when the growing creature, though absolutely weak, is relatively strong. His needs are not fully developed and his present strength is more than enough for them. He would be a very feeble man, but he is a strong child.

What is the cause of man's weakness? It is to be found in the disproportion between his strength and his desires. It is our passions that make us weak, for our natural strength is not enough for their satisfaction. To limit our desires comes to the same thing, therefore, as to increase our strength. When we can do more than we want, we have strength enough and to spare, we are really strong. This is the third stage of childhood, the stage with which I am about to deal. I still speak of childhood for want of a better word; for our scholar is approaching adolescence, though he has not yet reached the age of puberty.

About twelve or thirteen the child's strength increases far more rapidly than his needs. The strongest and fiercest of the passions is still unknown, his physical development is still imperfect and seems to await the call of the will. He is scarcely aware of extremes of heat and cold and braves them with impunity. He needs no coat, his blood is warm; no spices, hunger is his sauce, no food comes amiss at this age; if he is sleepy he stretches himself on the ground and goes to sleep; he finds all he needs within his reach; he is not tormented by any imaginary wants; he cares nothing what others think; his desires are not beyond his grasp; not only is he self-sufficing, but for the first and last time in his life he has more strength than he needs.

I know beforehand what you will say. You will not assert that the child has more needs than I attribute to him, but you will deny his strength. You forget that I am speaking of my own pupil, not of those puppets who walk with difficulty from one room to another, who toil indoors and carry bundles of paper. Manly strength, you say, appears only with manhood; the vital spirits, distilled in their proper vessels and spreading through the whole body, can alone make the muscles firm, sensitive, tense, and springy, can alone cause real strength. This is the philosophy of the study; I appeal to that of experience. In the country districts, I see big lads hoeing, digging, guiding the plough, filling the wine-cask, driving the cart, like their fathers; you would take them for grown men if their voices did not betray them. Even in our towns, iron-workers', tool makers', and blacksmiths' lads are almost as strong as their masters and would be scarcely less skilful had their training begun earlier. If there is a difference, and I do not deny that there is, it is, I repeat, much less than the difference between the stormy passions of the man and the few wants of the child. Moreover, it is not merely a question of bodily strength, but more especially of strength of mind, which reinforces and directs the bodily strength.

This interval in which the strength of the individual is in excess of his wants is, as I have said, relatively though not absolutely the time of greatest strength. It is the most precious time in his life; it comes but once; it is very short, all too short, as you will see when you consider the importance of using it aright.

He has, therefore, a surplus of strength and capacity which he will never have again. What use shall he make of it? He will strive to use it in tasks which will help at need. He will, so to speak, cast his present surplus into the storehouse of the future; the vigorous child will make provision for the feeble man; but he will not store his goods where thieves may break in, nor in barns which are not his own. To store them aright, they must be in the hands and the head, they must be stored within himself. This is the time for work, instruction, and inquiry. And note that this is no arbitrary choice of mine, it is the way of nature herself.

Human intelligence is finite, and not only can no man know everything, he cannot even acquire all the scanty knowledge of others. Since the contrary of every false proposition is a truth, there are as many truths as falsehoods. We must, therefore, choose what to teach as well as when to teach it. Some of the information within our reach is false, some is useless, some merely serves to puff up its possessor. The small store which really contributes to our welfare alone deserves the study of a wise man, and therefore of a child whom one would have wise. He must know not merely what is, but what is useful.

From this small stock we must also deduct those truths which require a full grown mind for their understanding, those which suppose a knowledge of man's relations to his fellow-men--a knowledge which no child can acquire; these things, although in themselves true, lead an inexperienced mind into mistakes with regard to other matters.

We are now confined to a circle, small indeed compared with the whole of human thought, but this circle is still a vast sphere when measured by the child's mind. Dark places of the human understanding, what rash hand shall dare to raise your veil? What pitfalls does our so-called science prepare for the miserable child. Would you guide him along this dangerous path and draw the veil from the face of nature? Stay your hand. First make sure that neither he nor you will become dizzy. Beware of the specious charms of error and the intoxicating fumes of pride. Keep this truth ever before you--Ignorance never did any one any harm, error alone is fatal, and we do not lose our way through ignorance but through self-confidence.

His progress in geometry may serve as a test and a true measure of the growth of his intelligence, but as soon as he can distinguish between what is useful and what is useless, much skill and discretion are required to lead him towards theoretical studies. For example, would you have him find a mean proportional between two lines, contrive that he should require to find a square equal to a given rectangle; if two mean proportionals are required, you must first contrive to interest him in the doubling of the cube. See how we are gradually approaching the moral ideas which distinguish between good and evil. Hitherto we have known no law but necessity, now we are considering what is useful; we shall soon come to what is fitting and right.

Man's diverse powers are stirred by the same instinct. The bodily activity, which seeks an outlet for its energies, is succeeded by the mental activity which seeks for knowledge. Children are first restless, then curious; and this curiosity, rightly directed, is the means of development for the age with which we are dealing. Always distinguish between natural and acquired tendencies. There is a zeal for learning which has no other foundation than a wish to appear learned, and there is another which springs from man's natural curiosity about all things far or near which may affect himself. The innate desire for comfort and the impossibility of its complete satisfaction impel him to the endless search for fresh means of contributing to its satisfaction. This is the first principle of curiosity; a principle natural to the human heart, though its growth is proportional to the development of our feeling and knowledge. If a man of science were left on a desert island with his books and instruments and knowing that he must spend the rest of his life there, he would scarcely trouble himself about the solar system, the laws of attraction, or the differential calculus. He might never even open a book again; but he would never rest till he had explored the furthest corner of his island, however large it might be. Let us therefore omit from our early studies such knowledge as has no natural attraction for us, and confine ourselves to such things as instinct impels us to study.

448 汉语百科知识与写作

一、百科题简答论述题 80分


二、写作 70分  



阅读 一篇 (5页半长度,四个问题,60分)

题目为:A Safe Heaven in a Heartless World


1. According to the author, was Gould right or wrong in her account of Hegel with regard to liberating women by paying her proportionately? Cite details in the passage to support your answer.
2. Does the author agree that marriages should be contractual? How do you draw your conclusion?
3. What does the author think of Hegel?
4. How does the author find Gould?

作文  (800-1000words,40分)

In what ways did the ancient Greek political ideas influence the current western countries? Broad reflections would suffice, so long as properly justified. 



一、汉译英 70分




“9·11”事件以来,恐怖主义消耗了人类的大量精力,发达社会包括很多发展中社会的反恐成本急剧增加。然而恐怖主义像癌细胞一样继续扩散,“基地”组织被重创,更凶残的极端组织 IS 却“应运而生”。西方世界陷入了隔一段时间就发生一起轰动性恐袭的节奏,在一些动荡的发展中国家,恐怖袭击成为极端反政府力量的日常斗争手段。中国新疆也有极少数年轻人受极端主义蛊惑,走上暴力恐怖主义道路,使得新疆成为世界反恐的前沿之一。





IS 能在中东快速崛起,这当中被普遍认为有美欧想利用它打击阿萨德政权的因素,美国在是否剿灭 IS 或投入多大力量打击它的问题上三心二意。



二、英译汉 80分

Why the term 'sharing economy' needs to die

Alex Hern

The "sharing economy" is a meaningless term that was only coined in the first place because of the tech industry’s desire to pretend everything it does is new and groundbreaking.

Now, almost a decade after it started seeing use, it's worse than simply being meaningless: it's actively obfuscatory, lumping together a hugely disparate bunch of companies, many of which push the definition to its limits, and the biggest examples of which have nothing to do with "sharing" atall.

The term grew out of the open-source community, where coders contribute to programs released to the world free-of-charge. The push for a similar model to be applied to the real world dates back to the early 2000s, but it took the financial crisis for it to grow from a niche idea to one taken seriously.

By the 2010s, the focus had narrowed from a nebulous attempt to bring the open source ethos out of the coding world to a more specific look at how to use technology to enable more efficient use of scarce resources. At the same time, the buzzwords had also stabilised, with a number of academic-sounding terms such as "commons-based peer production" (as coined by NYU law professor Yochai Benkler) to two main contenders: "the sharing economy", and "collaborative consumption".

The time was ripe for both ideas to take off. With unemployment in the west still high, and ideas of "post-growth capitalism" floating in the ether, groups that could articulate an alternative view of the world were popular. And the archetypal collaborative consumption models were seemingly win-win. A typical analogy for the sort of model people wanted to build was focused on household tools: if you own a drill, you likely don’t use it 364 days of the year; why not let others use it in the meantime?

In its purest sense, that is the sharing economy. But it very quickly ran into an issue: while some people act out of altruism, most don’t. My drill is mine. Why should I share it with you? 

Some sites, such as Freecycle, still focus on acting out of the goodness of one's heart, but the success stories of the sharing economy solved the problem by looking to the old economy. And so "sharing" became "renting". Even today, one report finds 20 companies in the sharing economy whose offering can be summed up as "you can borrow stuff you don't want to buy". Nine of them have a name beginning with "rent".

Once money started changing hands in earnest, business really started booming. In 2011, the same year Time magazine named the "sharing society" one of the Ten Ideas That Will Change The World, Air Bn B raised $120m in VC funding. The company was mentioned in Time's piece, which still emphasised the feel-good backdrop to the story: "There's a green element here, of course: sharing and renting more stuff means producing and wasting less stuff, which is good for the planet and even better for one’s self-image."

While renting out a spare room in a flat (or even renting out a flat) may be close enough to "sharing" to be hair-splitting, it's a different case for hiring a driver to take you across a city. And yet Uber is one of the most famous examples of the sharing economy in the world – and certainly the highest capitalised, worth well north of $50bn.

The company's defenders argue that it justifies that label because of the similarity to AirBnB: Uber drivers have an asset lying unused, which they want to monetise with the power of the internet. The difference, of course, is that an Uber driver's labour is an integral part of the whole shebang. You aren't renting their car: you're renting their car and them.

If that's still not clear-cut enough, consider Task Rabbit, the last member of the holy trinity of the Sharing Economy. The company allows customers to hire temporary labour to cook, clean, assemble furniture or queue for the latest i Phone. It's a far cry from "collaborative consumption".

Instead, the companies lumped together as examples of the sharing economy have come to be typified by something altogether different: a dependence on tenuous labour, particularly that provided by individuals working as third-party contractors rather than full employees.

For that reason, I've been using another term to describe these companies: "gig economy". It’s not as well-known as "sharing economy", which means it sounds weird to some ears ("do you mean Uber only hires musicians?"). But it emphasises the unifying aspect is short-term, tenuous "gigs" – often more than one juggled at the same time.

But there are other popular alternatives as well. In the US, "1099 economy" is often used, referring to the American tax code for independent contractors, while in the UK, similar emphasis is placed on "zero-hour contracts": terms of employment which provide no fixed hours and don't even guarantee work will be provided at all.

Are those terms better term than "gig economy"? Is there a better phrase still? Let me know in the comments below.

448 汉语百科知识与写作


1. 新文化运动的核心刊物是()。

2. 中国历史上由女真族建立的朝代(国)()和() 。

3. 编钟是一种()。

4. 唐代诗人杜牧在()中描述了秦王朝统治者大兴土木的情景。

5. 中国五岳是()、()、()、()、()。

6. 汉字历史悠久,其主要构造方法象形、指事、假借、会意和()。

7. 被称作“元曲四大家”的元杂剧作者是()、()、()和()。


1. 满腹经纶

2. 卧薪尝胆

3. 白驹过隙

4. 暴殄天物

5. 首当其冲










I.Cloze. Fill in each blank with a proper word.

The American century will survive the rise of China

By Joseph Nye

In 1941 Time editor Henry Luce proclaimed "the American century". Some now see this coming to an end (1) the nation’s economic and political decline. Many point to the example of US failure to convince its allies to stay out of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Beijing's rival to the World Bank; but this was (2) an example of a faulty decision than evidence of decline, which raises the question of what is the natural life cycle of a nation.

A century is generally the limit for a human organism but countries are social constructs. Rome did not collapse until more than three centuries after it reached its apogee of power in 117AD. After American independence in 1776 Horace Walpole, the British politician, lamented that his nation had been reduced to the level of Sardinia, just as Britain was about to enter the industrial revolution that (3) its second century as a global power.

Any effort at assessing American power in the coming decades should (4) how many earlier efforts have been wide of the mark. It is chastening to remember how wildly (5) US estimates of Soviet power in the 1970s and of Japanese power in the 1980s were. Today some see the Chinese as 10ft tall and proclaim this "the Chinese century".

China's size and relatively rapid economic growth will bring it closer to the US in terms of its power resources in the next few decades. But this does not necessarily mean it will surpass the US in military, economic and soft power. (6) China suffers no big domestic political setback, many projections are simple linear extrapolations of growth rates that are likely to slow in the future. (7), economic projections are one dimensional. They ignore US military and soft power advantages, such as the desire of students around the world to attend US universities. They also overlook China's geopolitical (8) in the Asian balance of power, compared with America's relations with Europe, Japan and India, which are likely to remain more favourable.

It is not impossible that a challenger such as China, Europe, Russia, India or Brazil will surpass the US in the first half of this century but it is but not likely. On the question of absolute rather than (9) American decline, the US faces serious problems in areas such as debt, secondary education, income in-equality and political gridlock but these are only part of the picture. On the positive side of the ledger are favourable trends in demography, technology and energy as well as abiding factors such as geography and entrepreneurial culture.The scenarios that could (10) decline include ones in which the US overreacts to terrorist attacks by turning inwards and thus cuts itself off from the strength it obtains from openness. Alternatively it could react by overcommitting itself, and wasting blood and treasure as it did in Vietnam and Iraq.

As an overall assessment, describing the 21st century as one of American decline is inaccurate and misleading. (11) the US has problems it is not in absolute decline, unlike ancient Rome, and it is likely to remain more powerful than any single state in coming decades. The real problem is not that it will be overtaken by China or another contender but rather that it faces a rise in the power resources of many others — both states and non-state actors such as transnational corporations, terrorist groups and cyber criminals. And it will face an increasing number of global problems that will (12) our ability to organise alliances and networks. (13) to the views of those who proclaim that this the Chinese century, we have not entered a post-American world. But the American century of the future will not look the same as in previous decades. The US (14) of the world economy will be smaller than it was in the middle of the past century. Furthermore, the complexity created by the rise of other countries, as well as the increased role of non-state actors, will make it harder for even America, the biggest power, to (15) influence and organise action. Entropy is a greater challenge than China. At the same time, even when the US had its greatest preponderance of power resources, it often failed to secure what it wanted. Those who argue that the disorder of today's world is much worse than in the past should remember a year such as 1956, when the US was unable to prevent Soviet repression of a revolt in Hungary; or the Suez invasion by our allies Britain, France and Israel. We must not view the past through rose-tinted glasses. Now, with slightly less preponderance and a much more complex world, the American century will continue for at least a few decades, but it will look very different from when Luce first articulated it.


(1) What aspects are often ignored by many people when accessing American power?

(2) Did Britain decline after the American independence in 1776?

(3) Please give an example of American decline.

(4)According to the author, what are the real problems that the US is now facing?

(5) What will be the future of an American century like?


Is damage to the environment an inevitable consequence of improving people’s standards of living? More than 400 words.










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