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Article 154 Time periods referred to in the Civil Law shall be calculated by the Gregorian calendar in years, months, days and hours.
Article 154: The time period referred to in the Civil Code shall be calculated in years, months, days, and hours according to the Gregorian calendar.
Article 154 Civil Law stipulates that time periods in civil law shall be calculated in years, months, days, and hours according to the Gregorian calendar.
(输入 prompt,润色译文)
The periods mentioned in the Civil Code are calculated in years, months, days and hours according to the Gregorian calendar. The first day of the period is not counted for periods in days, months, or years, and the period begins from the following day. If the last day of a period falls on a Sunday or legal holiday, the last day is the day after the holiday. The deadline for the last day is the day after the holiday. The deadline for the last day of the period is 24:00, or the end of business activity if applicable.
(第三份测试译文的数据及其它测试的 prompt)
(python 指令,如选择使用 python 测试,可使用该指令)
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