Neural Regen Res 综述︱小胶质细胞的极化及与其他细胞的对话在阿尔茨海默病治疗中的作用及潜能
编辑︱夏 叶
AD是CNS退行性疾病,以认知功能和行为障碍为主要临床特征,在现代社会日益受到重视[1]。小胶质细胞作为CNS的固有免疫细胞,可以通过激活炎症信号通路,参与神经退行性变的发生和进展,从而影响AD患者的预后[2]。根据特定的特征,被激活的小胶质细胞可分为两大类:M1和M2 [3-9]。
小胶质细胞以生理状态驻留在CNS中,被称为静息小胶质细胞。它们具有胞质体较小、细长的突起和表面有较多的分支等特点,是CNS的守门人[23]。小胶质细胞不断运动,能感知周围环境的变化,维持机体的稳态。然而,AD等病理状态下的小胶质细胞是由多种因素和表面相关的各种受体激活的,如TREM2和toll样受体(TLRs),它们可以与Aβ和载脂蛋白E (ApoE)相互结合,然后定向迁移到损伤部位[24,25]。
小胶质细胞可直接吞噬AD毒性产物如Aβ和tau蛋白,在AD治疗中具有优势。然而,最近的研究表明,小胶质细胞吞噬并不总是有益的,在一定程度上与特定的临床阶段有关[31]。在只有AD病理生理变化但没有或只有轻微临床症状的患者中,增强的小胶质细胞吞噬作用降低了Aβ水平,减缓了SP的形成,并防止了神经纤维缠结(NFT)的产生,这些都有助于阻止AD的发病,延缓AD的临床进展[32]。由于溶酶体较少,小胶质细胞在吞噬Aβ和tau蛋白后吞噬能力下降[33]。更重要的是,发挥吞噬作用后,细胞代谢产生的炎性囊泡级联(如NLRP3)和炎性细胞因子(如TNF- α、IL-1)的存在会导致小胶质细胞反过来向促炎方向极化,从而诱导促炎细胞因子的分泌,使炎症反应加剧、对Aβ吞噬的减少和对tau蛋白病理反应的促进[34]。同时,小胶质细胞吞噬能力会随着年龄增长或长时间暴露在Aβ负荷增加的环境中而下降[35]。
图2. 阿尔茨海默病中的小胶质细胞和其他细胞之间的串扰
(图源:Wu Y, et al., Neural Regen Res, 2022)
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【1】Mol Neurobiol︱朱立新/郭家松团队揭示基底膜蛋白Perlecan在脊髓损伤后血脊髓屏障功能恢复中的重要作用
【2】Transl Psychiatry︱杨勋团队揭示精神分裂症在奖励预期和奖励结果阶段的不同神经机制
【4】Front Cell Neurosci︱利用文献计量学分析星形胶质细胞与脑卒中的研究趋势
【5】Cereb Cortex︱刘涛团队揭示高龄老人白质结构加速退化模式
【6】Biophys J︱徐光魁教授课题组揭示细胞皮层非线性幂律松弛的网络动力学
【8】J Neuroinflammation 综述︱倪文飞/周凯亮团队聚焦STING通路在CNS损伤后神经炎症及细胞死亡中的重要作用
【9】Sci Adv︱盛能印/毛炳宇/丁玉强团队合作发现AMPA受体泛素化在兴奋性突触功能调控中的新机制
优质科研培训课程推荐【1】单细胞测序与空间转录组学数据分析研讨会(10月29-30日 腾讯在线会议)会议/论坛/研讨会预告【1】Immune Zoom Seminar︱B细胞在免疫和神经系统中的筛选(徐和平教授)
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参考文献(上下滑动阅读) [1] Tublin JM, Adelstein JM, Del Monte F, Combs CK, Wold LE (2019) Getting to the heart of Alzheimer disease. Circ Res 124:142-149.
[2] Doust YV, King AE, Ziebell JM (2021) Implications for microglial sex differences in tau-related neurodegenerative diseases. Neurobiol Aging 105:340-348.
[3] Franco R, Lillo A, Rivas-Santisteban R, Reyes-Resina I, Navarro G (2021) Microglial adenosine receptors: from preconditioning to modulating the M1/M2 balance in activated cells. Cells 10:1124.
[4] Ransohoff RM (2016) A polarizing question: do M1 and M2 microglia exist? Nat Neurosci 19:987-991.
[5] Devanney NA, Stewart AN, Gensel JC (2020) Microglia and macrophage metabolism in CNS injury and disease: The role of immunometabolism in neurodegeneration and neurotrauma. Exp Neurol 329:113310.
[6] Wright-Jin EC, Gutmann DH (2019) Microglia as dynamic cellular mediators of brain function. Trends Mol Med 25:967-979.
[7] Cornell J, Salinas S, Huang HY, Zhou M (2022) Microglia regulation of synaptic plasticity and learning and memory. Neural Regen Res 17(4):705-716.
[8] Chhor V, Le Charpentier T, Lebon S, Oré MV, Celador IL, Josserand J, Degos V, Jacotot E, Hagberg H, Sävman K, Mallard C, Gressens P, Fleiss B. Characterization of phenotype markers and neuronotoxic potential of polarised primary microglia in vitro (2013) Brain Behav Immun 32:70-85.
[9] Sarlus H, Heneka MT (2017) Microglia in Alzheimer's disease 127:3240-3249.
[10] Yao K, Zu HB (2019) Microglial polarization: novel therapeutic mechanism against Alzheimer's disease. Inflammopharmacology 28:95-110.
[11] Koh YC, Yang G, Lai CS, Weerawatanakorn M, Pan MH (2018) Chemopreventive effects of phytochemicals and medicines on M1/M2 polarized macrophage role in inflammation-related diseases. Int J Mol Sci 19:2208.
[12] McQuade A, Blurton-Jones M (2019) Microglia in Alzheimer’s disease: exploring how genetics and phenotype influence risk. J Mol Biol 431:1805-1817.
[13] Ozben T, Ozben S (2019) Neuro-inflammation and anti-inflammatory treatment options for Alzheimer's disease. Clin Biochem 72:87-89.
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[15] Weinhard L, di Bartolomei G, Bolasco G, Machado P, Schieber NL, Neniskyte U, Exiga M, Vadisiute A, Raggioli A, Schertel A, Schwab Y, Gross CT (2018) Microglia remodel synapses by presynaptic trogocytosis and spine head filopodia induction. Nat Commun 9:1228.
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[20] Zhang X, Ye P, Wang D, Liu Y, Cao L, Wang Y, Xu Y, Zhu C (2019) Involvement of rhoa/rock signaling in aβ-induced chemotaxis, cytotoxicity and inflammatory response of microglial BV2 cells. Cell Mol Neurobiol 39:637-650.
[21] Yu T, Lin Y, Xu Y, Dou Y, Wang F, Quan H, Zhao Y, Liu X (2020) Repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor (REST) governs microglia-like BV2 cell migration via progranulin (PGRN). Neural Plast 2020:8855822.
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[1] Tublin JM, Adelstein JM, Del Monte F, Combs CK, Wold LE (2019) Getting to the heart of Alzheimer disease. Circ Res 124:142-149.
[2] Doust YV, King AE, Ziebell JM (2021) Implications for microglial sex differences in tau-related neurodegenerative diseases. Neurobiol Aging 105:340-348.
[3] Franco R, Lillo A, Rivas-Santisteban R, Reyes-Resina I, Navarro G (2021) Microglial adenosine receptors: from preconditioning to modulating the M1/M2 balance in activated cells. Cells 10:1124.
[4] Ransohoff RM (2016) A polarizing question: do M1 and M2 microglia exist? Nat Neurosci 19:987-991.
[5] Devanney NA, Stewart AN, Gensel JC (2020) Microglia and macrophage metabolism in CNS injury and disease: The role of immunometabolism in neurodegeneration and neurotrauma. Exp Neurol 329:113310.
[6] Wright-Jin EC, Gutmann DH (2019) Microglia as dynamic cellular mediators of brain function. Trends Mol Med 25:967-979.
[7] Cornell J, Salinas S, Huang HY, Zhou M (2022) Microglia regulation of synaptic plasticity and learning and memory. Neural Regen Res 17(4):705-716.
[8] Chhor V, Le Charpentier T, Lebon S, Oré MV, Celador IL, Josserand J, Degos V, Jacotot E, Hagberg H, Sävman K, Mallard C, Gressens P, Fleiss B. Characterization of phenotype markers and neuronotoxic potential of polarised primary microglia in vitro (2013) Brain Behav Immun 32:70-85.
[9] Sarlus H, Heneka MT (2017) Microglia in Alzheimer's disease 127:3240-3249.
[10] Yao K, Zu HB (2019) Microglial polarization: novel therapeutic mechanism against Alzheimer's disease. Inflammopharmacology 28:95-110.
[11] Koh YC, Yang G, Lai CS, Weerawatanakorn M, Pan MH (2018) Chemopreventive effects of phytochemicals and medicines on M1/M2 polarized macrophage role in inflammation-related diseases. Int J Mol Sci 19:2208.
[12] McQuade A, Blurton-Jones M (2019) Microglia in Alzheimer’s disease: exploring how genetics and phenotype influence risk. J Mol Biol 431:1805-1817.
[13] Ozben T, Ozben S (2019) Neuro-inflammation and anti-inflammatory treatment options for Alzheimer's disease. Clin Biochem 72:87-89.
[14] Guillot-Sestier MV, Doty KR, Gate D, Rodriguez J Jr, Leung BP, Rezai-Zadeh K, Town T (2015) Il10 deficiency rebalances innate immunity to mitigate Alzheimer-like pathology. Neuron 85:534-548.
[15] Weinhard L, di Bartolomei G, Bolasco G, Machado P, Schieber NL, Neniskyte U, Exiga M, Vadisiute A, Raggioli A, Schertel A, Schwab Y, Gross CT (2018) Microglia remodel synapses by presynaptic trogocytosis and spine head filopodia induction. Nat Commun 9:1228.
[16] Li Q, Barres BA (2018) Microglia and macrophages in brain homeostasis and disease. Nat Rev Immunol 18:225-242.
[17] Lau SF, Fu AKY, Ip NY (2021) Cytokine signaling convergence regulates the microglial state transition in Alzheimer's disease. Cell Mol Life Sci 78:4703-4712.
[18] Das R, Chinnathambi S (2020) Actin-mediated microglial chemotaxis via g-protein coupled purinergic receptor in Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroscience 448:325-336.
[19] Huang Y, Happonen KE, Burrola PG, O'Connor C, Hah N, Huang L, Nimmerjahn A, Lemke G (2021) Microglia use TAM receptors to detect and engulf amyloid β plaques. Nat Immunol 22:586-594.
[20] Zhang X, Ye P, Wang D, Liu Y, Cao L, Wang Y, Xu Y, Zhu C (2019) Involvement of rhoa/rock signaling in aβ-induced chemotaxis, cytotoxicity and inflammatory response of microglial BV2 cells. Cell Mol Neurobiol 39:637-650.
[21] Yu T, Lin Y, Xu Y, Dou Y, Wang F, Quan H, Zhao Y, Liu X (2020) Repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor (REST) governs microglia-like BV2 cell migration via progranulin (PGRN). Neural Plast 2020:8855822.
[22] Chidambaram H, Das R, Chinnathambi S (2022) G-protein coupled purinergic P2Y12 receptor interacts and internalizes TauRD-mediated by membrane-associated actin cytoskeleton remodeling in microglia. Eur J Cell Biol 101:151201.
[23] Kreutzberg GW (1996) Microglia: a sensor for pathological events in the CNS. Trends Neurosci 19:312-318.
[24] Ulrich JD, Ulland TK, Mahan TE, Nyström S, Nilsson KP, Song WM, Zhou Y, Reinartz M, Choi S, Jiang H, Stewart FR, Anderson E, Wang Y, Colonna M, Holtzman DM (2018) ApoE facilitates the microglial response to amyloid plaque pathology. J Exp Med 215:1047-1058.
[25] Salcman B, Affleck K, Bulfone-Paus S (2021) P2X receptor-dependent modulation of mast cell and glial cell activities in neuroinflammation. Cells 10:2282.
[26] Domingues C, da Cruz E Silva OAB, Henriques AG (2017) Impact of cytokines and chemokines on Alzheimer’s disease neuropathological hallmarks. Curr Alzheimer Res 14:870-882.
[27] Keren-Shaul H, Spinrad A, Weiner A, Matcovitch-Natan O, Dvir-Szternfeld R, Ulland TK, David E, Baruch K, Lara-Astaiso D, Toth B, Itzkovitz S, Colonna M, Schwartz M, Amit I (2017) A unique microglia type associated with restricting development of Alzheimer’s disease. Cell 169:1276-1290.e17.
[28] Podleśny-Drabiniok A, Marcora E, Goate AM (2020) Microglial phagocytosis: a disease-associated process emerging from Alzheimer’s disease genetics. Trends Neurosci 43:965-979
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