
用经济学打开历史|早稻田大学研讨会Business History in China


承接【全球研究论坛】之前活动主题《如何用政治学、经济学、哲学打开历史》(参见在北大高等人文研究院进行的 全球学术前沿:人文与社会科学的范式突破与再理论化(2023)回顾 | 3月28日·「未来记忆」特别专场(一):人文与社科的轻与重:如何用政治学、经济学、哲学打开历史),【全球研究论坛】的【用经济学打开历史】栏目将分享相关经济史、经济学及其交叉学科的专题、会议、讲座、笔谈。



Business History in China: Global and Comparative Perspectives






中国的企业史发展虽已有一段时间,在理论和方法上都在不断深化,我们和美国、日本不同,在没有美国的Chandler model和日本的“社史”传统影响下,中国企业史会怎样走自己的路?目前中国企业史的最大驱动是甚么,很值得深究。中国企业史和传统中国经济史或社会经济史的界限仍不十分清楚,中国企业史是否需要讲求自己的方法和理论?档案资料的不足仍然困扰大部分的企业史研究者,中国绝大部分的大企业都是国营企业,企业档案资料的不开放,会否造成研究的障碍,如何可以克服?除国营企业档案可以利用外,是否还有其他可以促进中国企业史研究的数据存在,如何可以进一步开发?近年全球史备受瞩目,对中国企业史研究会有哪方面的促进?中国企业史如何可以吸收新兴学科的营养而壮大实力?全球史视野下的中国企业史会是一个怎样的局面?在目前中国企业史研究范围内,如何讨论中国企业的“全球关与”?从比较角度来进行的中国企业史成果向来缺乏,不管是国与国、行业与行业,个案与个案,甚至跨学科和研究方法上的比较都不算多,今后可如何开展,对于以上提出的各问题,都可成为是次工作坊的讨论话题。是次一系列的企业史研究活动由华侨大学华侨华人与区域国别研究院李培德、清华大学华商研究中心龙登高、中央大学李廷江共同发起,并得到早稻田大学商学术院、中央大学日中关系发展研究中心、财团法人中日创新中心、清华大学日本研究中心、清华大学华商研究中心支持协办。

1) 从中外国际比较角度来看的中国企业史;

2) 从行业比较角度来看的中国企业史;

3) 从企业家比较角度来看的中国企业史;

4) 从个别企业比较角度来看的中国企业史;

5) 从市场比较角度来看的中国企业史;

6) 如何使用跨学科的个案研究;

7) 怎样重视研究方法创新和档案资料的分析;

8) 有关图像、统计图表的应用,以达丰富企业史研究和写作效果的目的。




徐 琳(上海社会科学院经济研究所):中国企业史研究中的国有企业——现状、地位与作用

吴 静(上海大学历史系):日本“在华纺”与近代中国民营棉纺织业的发展(1920-1937)





3)2023年10月3日(星期二):晚上,恳亲会,地点于早稻田大学南门右侧Takata Bukusya。

4)2023年10月4日(星期三):下午,于早稻田大学11号馆504号室举行英语分场报告会,报告者包括:Lee Pui Tak;Long Denggao; Leslie Hannah; David Sicilia; Pierre van de Eng。讨论者:Kasuya Makoto;Motono Ei'ichi;Yago Kazuhiko(日程将另行通知)。



Business History in China: Global and Comparative Perspectives

A Workshop

Date/Time: 4 Oct 2023, Wednesday, 16:30-18:00 (Japan time),

Venue: Room 504, #11 Bldg., School of Commerce, Waseda University(#2 Exit, Waseda, Metro Tozai Line)

Hybrid, Zoom + physical

Please complete the form before Oct 1, 2023:


Unlike United States, China doesn’t have the Harvard Business School and the Chandler model. Actually, there are no specified institutions to promote business history research in China. Chinese business history is regarded as a subfield to Chinese economic history more than an independent discipline. Unlike Japan, China doesn’t have the tradition of making shashi (company history). Chinese historians wrote histories of industries and firms that were comparable to the best studies of political institutions, and so do the biographies that were equal to the best political biographies. The boundary between business history research and general history research is not clear. China did make progress in its research of business history since it adopted the economic reform and open door policy in the late 1970s, but as a discipline, Chinese business history is still in its infancy particularly in theoretical framework, methodology and use of sources.
There are a number of reasons China made a different path for its business history research when compared with the west. Firstly, Chinese enterprises are mostly national owned, availability of source of materials are limited. Secondly, the late industrialization process hindered the growth of a driving force for the research of business history. Thirdly, the unavailability of economic data and business archives provided insufficient conclusive account of how Chinese business functional. 
The aim of this workshop is to debate on the ways in which Chinese business history could develop. The debate on research methods and the cross-fertilization with other disciplines in social sciences will inspire further research in Chinese business history. Chinese business history should have more intellectual exchanges with economics, sociology, anthropology and management studies. Chinese business historians are encouraged to engage in comparative studies, but that assumes understanding of business history of a comparator country. We hope that the workshop will generate new ideas and directions for new research. We welcome papers to compare Chinese business history across nations, disciplinary boundaries, and methodological case researches. We would like to address but not limited to the following questions in the workshop:
1) What are the merits and shortcomings of the current research of Chinese business history? Do we lack a more sophisticated theoretical framework?
2) What would be the central paradigm that facilitated the development of the business history as a discipline as compared of business history research in America, Britain, China, Japan and Southeast Asia?
3) How business linked China and the world from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century, and how Chinese and foreign enterprises interacted with one another?
4) What necessary sources can help to reconstruct the business world of China? How these materials can help to frame higher-level analyses?
5) What would be the impact made by the global history to Chinese business history? 

We aimed to produce the presented papers in a published volume. Details of the publication plan will be announced at the workshop.

Featured speakers in alphabetical order of family names:

Leslie Hannah, Department of Economic History, London School of Economics and Political Science; currently Visiting Scholar, CIRJE, University of Tokyo.Specialization: Economic and business history of Britain and the world in comparative perspective.

URL:http://www.lse.ac.uk/Economic-History/People/Visiting Academics/Leslie-Hann ah/Leslie-Hannah

Lee Pui-Tak, Research Institute of Global Chinese and Area Studies, Huaqiao University; currently Visiting Scholar, School of Commerce, Waseda University. Specialization: Economic and business history of China, Hong Kong and Japan with focus on foreign banks in China and Sino-foreign business rivalry. 


Long Denggao, Institute of Economics, School of Social Science, Tsinghua University. Specialization: Economic history of China and overseas Chinese merchants; land ownership, quantitative history analyses. URL:https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%BE%99%E7%99%BB%E9%AB%98/9835589

David Sicilia, Department of History and Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. Specialization: Economic history; global interaction and exchange; technology, science, and environment of United States. URL:https://history.umd.edu/directory/david-sicilia

Pierre van der Eng, College of Business & Economics, Australian National University. Specialization: Business history, international business and  developing economics. URL:https://researchers.anu.edu.au/researchers/van-der-eng-pj


Makoto Kasuya, Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo. Specialization: Japanese business history. URL:https://www.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/fservice/faculty/kasuya/kasuyae/kasuya01-e.html

Ei’ichi Motono, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University. Specialization: Modern Chinese history; Study of the treaty port society in China;Foreign trade and finance in China. URLhttps://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100000427_en.html

Kazuhiko Yago, School of Commerce, Waseda University. Specialization: International financial history. URL:https://w-rdb.waseda.jp/html/100001069_en.html


16:30 Welcome address
16:30-16:45 Leslie Hannah, The Rockefeller Foundation and Harvard's Research Center in Entrepreneurial History 1948- 1958: Source of Mistakes in Internationally Comparative Business History?... And Lessons for China?
16:45-17:00 David Sicilia, Business History in China: A U.S. Perspective
17:00-17:15 Pierre van der Eng, Adaptation and Cloaking: Risk Mitigation in Chinese Firms in Indonesia, 1890s-1960s
17:15-17:30 Pui-Tak Lee, Why Shanghai and Hong Kong but not Tokyo: How C.V. Starr started his insurance business during 1919-49?
17:30-17:45 Denggao Long, The Role of Foreign Engineer-in-Chief in Modern China: Focus on the Introduction of Foreign Hydraulic Dredging Technology and River Conservancy into China
17:45-17:55 Break
18:00-18:10 Comment by Makoto Kasuya
18:10-18:20 Comment by Kazuhiko Yago
18:20-18:25 Comment by Ei’ichi Motono
18:25-Open floor
Dinner at Quatre Fontaines, https://quatrefontaines.com/

Other invited participants:

Gao Chaoqun, Research Fellow and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Chinese Economic History, Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Ito Mariko, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Tokyo Seito University

Kubo Toru, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Letters, Shinshu University; Research Fellow, Toyo Bunko.

Lan Rixu, Professor, School of Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics

Li Bangxi, Associate Professor, Institute of Economics, Tsinghua University

Wu Jing, Associate Professor, Department of History, Shanghai University

Xu Lin, Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences



全球江南·大分流 | 邱澎生王启元分享明晚期白银经济和信仰世界


【亚当·斯密 & 马克斯·韦伯】


亚当·斯密诞辰 300 周年:来自九个国家的经济学家谈亚当·斯密的重要性


亚当·斯密专题(二) | 普林斯顿大学出版社斯密研究书单

亚当·斯密专题(三) | 张正萍:格拉斯哥与亚当·斯密研究的兴起

七夕谈经济|亚当·斯密专题(四) | 《当中国遇见〈国富论〉》线上研读会











回顾 | 全球学术前沿:人文与社会科学的范式突破与再理论化(2023)——“未来记忆”国际青年学者讲座系列·特别专场

Events | Global Session@Future Memory Series 2023

回顾 | 3月28日·「未来记忆」特别专场(一):人文与社科的轻与重:如何用政治学、经济学、哲学打开历史

Sign up: Levitas and Gravitas in Humanities and Social Sciences

会议回顾 | 跨学科视野中的唐宋变革(圆桌会议)

唐宋变革圆桌笔谈/包伟民 刘后滨主编《唐宋历史评论》第9辑

笔谈 | 张泰苏:唐宋变革与经济转型


----The End----

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