SSCI一区期刊The Modern Language Journal 招聘主编团队
The ideal candidate will have a background in applied linguistics, foreign language education, second language acquisition, second language learning and development; a strong scholarly record; familiarity with quantitative and qualitative research paradigms; openness to a range of theoretical perspectives; and experience in carrying out research on the learning or teaching of languages other than English and/or English as a second language. Prior editorial experience is preferred.
二、Application procedure
Qualified applicants should submit as an electronic attachment in one PDF file:
(a) a letter expressing interest, qualifications, and proposed policies and plans for The Modern Language Journal,
(b) an up-to-date curriculum vitae,
(c) a statement of support from the applicant’s dean and/or department chair outlining the institutional support that would be guaranteed the editor (e.g., release time, a part-time assistant). Finalists may be asked for additional information including references.。
The Editor-in-Chief receives a quarterly stipend along with a travel allowance to participate in conferences in support of the journal as well as support for office expenses.
If you need additional information, wish to apply for the position, or recommend a colleague, please send all inquiries, nominations, and application materials to
Applications are open until close of business on September 1, 2024, or until the position is filled.往期回顾
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