
中英对照 | 最高人民检察院第三十五批指导性案例译文上线!

北大法宝 北大法律信息网 2023-02-10

来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库


[CLI Code] CLI.3.5114780(EN)





Civil Public Interest Litigation Case Filed by the People's Procuratorate of Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province against Beijing xx Company for Infringement on Children's Personal Information Rights and Interests

Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case Where the People's Procuratorate of Beijing Municipality Urged Protection of Children's Personal Information Rights and Interests



Civil Public Interest Litigation Case Filed by the People's Procuratorate of Suqian City, Jiangsu Province against Zhang for Marking Tattoos for Minors



Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case Where the People's Procuratorate of Fuqing City, Fujian Province Urged Elimination of Safety Hazards of Kindergartens



Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case Where the People's Procuratorate of Yanhe Tujia Autonomous County, Guizhou Province Urged the Performance of Food Safety Regulatory Duties



Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case Where the People's Procuratorate of Liyang City, Jiangsu Province Urged Internet Cafés to Correct Illegal Reception of Minors


Notice by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of Issuing the Thirty-Fifth Group of Guiding Cases of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate

检例第141号 (SPP Case No. 141)
Civil Public Interest Litigation Case Filed by the People's Procuratorate of Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province against Beijing xx Company for Infringement on Children's Personal Information Rights and Interests
Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case Where the People's Procuratorate of Beijing Municipality Urged Protection of Children's Personal Information Rights and Interests
关键词 [Keywords]
civil public interest litigation; administrative public interest litigation; infringement on children's personal information rights and interests; comprehensive judicial protection; jurisdiction of a case
要旨 [Key Points]
In the handling of a criminal case involving minors, the procuratorial authority should focus on identifying clues to the public interest litigation case and by maximizing procuratorial functions for minors, promote social governance in the protection of minors. Where a network operator fails to perform the cyber protection obligations and the relevant administrative agencies provide inadequate regulation, infringing on children's personal information rights and interests, the procuratorial authority may legally and comprehensively file a civil public interest lawsuit and an administrative public interest lawsuit. When several procuratorial authorities have jurisdiction over a public interest litigation case regarding cyber protection, the civil public interest litigation case should be under jurisdiction designated by the common superior procuratorial authority after report level by level and the administrative public interest litigation case should generally be under jurisdiction of the procuratorial authority at the place of registration of the Internet enterprise.
检例第142(SPP Case No. 142)
Civil Public Interest Litigation Case Filed by the People's Procuratorate of Suqian City, Jiangsu Province against Zhang for Marking Tattoos for Minors
关键词 [Keywords]
civil public interest litigation; governance of tattoos of minors; principle of "best for minors"; public interests
要旨 [Key Points]
Providing minors with tattoo service harms the physical and mental health of minors, affects their growth and development, and infringes the public interests. The procuratorial authority may, under the principle of "best for minors," file a public interest lawsuit. On the basis of handling an individual case, for blind spots in regulation of similar problems, the procuratorial authority may raise procuratorial proposals on improvement of administration, promote solution of absence of regulation, improve systems, and advance social governance.
检例第143(SPP Case No. 143)
Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case Where the People's Procuratorate of Fuqing City, Fujian Province Urged Elimination of Safety Hazards of Kindergartens
关键词 [Keywords]
administrative public interest litigation; kindergarten-running without a license; procuratorial proposal on filing a public interest lawsuit; procuratorial proposal on social governance
要旨 [Key Points]
Where there are safety hazards in education service places, but administrative regulation is inadequate and the lawful rights and interests of minors are infringed, the procuratorial authority may carry out administrative public interest litigation and urge the administrative agency to legally and fully perform its duties. In the handling of public interest litigation cases involving protection of minors, the procuratorial authority may comprehensively apply procuratorial proposals of various types and promote source treatment and comprehensive treatment in the protection of rights and interests of minors. In the process of urging an administrative agency to legally and fully perform its duties, the procuratorial authority should drive the administrative agency to select a duty performance way best for the protection of lawful rights and interests of minors.
检例第144(SPP Case No. 144)
Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case Where the People's Procuratorate of Yanhe Tujia Autonomous County, Guizhou Province Urged the Performance of Food Safety Regulatory Duties
关键词 [Keywords]
administrative public interest litigation; food safety in and around schools; identification of clues; follow-up supervision; filing of a lawsuit
要旨 [Key Points]
In the performance of its duties, the procuratorial authority may identify clues to public interest litigation cases involving protection of minors through multiple channels. Eliminating food safety hazards in and around schools and regulating order in and around schools are major fields in the procuratorial work of public interest litigation for the protection of minors. For persistent problems in the protection of minors that are prone to occur, may occur repeatedly, and are prone to rebound, the procuratorial authority should continuously conduct follow-up supervision after issuing procuratorial proposals before litigation. Where an administrative agency fails to perform its duties in a legal, comprehensive, and full manner, the procuratorial authority should file a lawsuit in accordance with the law, so as to implement protection of public interests.
检例第145(SPP Case No. 145)
Administrative Public Interest Litigation Case Where the People's Procuratorate of Liyang City, Jiangsu Province Urged Internet Cafés to Correct Illegal Reception of Minors
关键词 [Keywords]
administrative public interest litigation; business premise unsuitable for minors; social support system; comprehensive governance
要旨 [Key Points]
Reception of minors in business premises unsuitable for minors in violation of regulations may harm the minors' physical and mental health and is easy to breed illegal or criminal conduct and infringe on public interests. The procuratorial authority should legally perform its duties of public interest litigation and advance administrative agencies to implement regulatory measures. The roles of the social support system for procuratorial work for minors should be maximized and comprehensive social governance should be promoted, so as to form joint efforts for the protection of minors.















责任编辑 | 金梦洋

审核人员 | 董帅 曲鹏翔

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