
​看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(69-70集)【前70集限时下载】

英语学习 2023-03-09

《西游记》(Journey to the West)家喻户晓。暑假已至,一起看看英语动画片版本的吧。回顾故事的同时,学习英语,一举多得。



He ran down the mountain.

Bajie and Wujing stared after Wukong in shock.

The woman went back into her cave.

"What happened to Wukong?" asked the pig.

"Nothing hurts him except for the Tight Headband spell."

"I don't know," said Wujing, scratching his head.

They went down the mountain and found the monkey crouching by a stream.

He was still holding his head.

"Are you all right?" asked Wujing.

"That woman stabbed me in the head," moaned Wukong.

"The pain is horrible!"

Bajie snorted.

"You're always bragging about how tough you are.

Now you're crying about getting stabbed in the head?"

"It hurts!" shouted the monkey.

Wujing moved closer.

"Let me see where she stabbed you."

Wukong lowered his hands.

There was no injury.

Bajie laughed. "He's fine.

He just wants us to feel bad for him."

The monkey glared at the pig.

"I'm telling you, it hurts!"

He took a deep breath.

"The pain is going away now though.

Let's go back up there and fight her again."

The three companions returned to the cave.

"Wukong, you stand back," said Bajie, laughing.

"I don't want you getting hurt again."

Wukong clenched his teeth.

The pig hit the door with his rake. Smash!

The door exploded.

The woman ran outside.

"You smashed my door!" she shouted.

"Release our master!" shouted the pig.

"Or we'll smash your entire mountain!"

The woman spun around, faster and faster.

Bajie and Wujing tried to strike her with their weapons.

But the woman was too fast.

Wukong raised his iron bar, waiting for a good moment to strike.

Suddenly Bajie cried out, "Ahh!"

He covered his nose and ran back down the mountain.

The woman spun toward Wukong and Wujing.

They turned and ran back down the mountain.

Bajie was huddled on the ground, tears streaming from his eyes.

"It hurts so badly!"

Wukong laughed.

"Don't laugh at me!" cried Bajie.

"She stabbed my nose!"

"You deserved it!" said the monkey.

"You didn't believe me when I got hurt."

"Stop arguing," said Wujing.

"We still have to save the Tang Monk."

"You're right," said Wukong. "Let's go back up there."

A voice called out, "Wait!"

It was Guanyin.

The bodhisattva was walking toward the group.

"Beware of that scorpion spirit!"



"You cannot go back to that cave," said Guanyin.

"But we must go back!" said Wukong.

"That woman kidnapped the Tang Monk."

Guanyin shook her head.

"That woman is a scorpion spirit.

She is very dangerous."

"She sure is!" cried Bajie.

"What did she stab us with anyway?"

"It was her stinger that stabbed you," said Guanyin.

Wukong shuddered, thinking about the pain he'd felt.

"I won't go near her," said Guanyin.

"Even Buddha is afraid of her.

He was teaching his students one day and saw that scorpion creeping toward him.

He tried to move it away, but it stung him.

The pain was horrible!

He told his guards to capture the scorpion.

But it escaped to Earth."

Wukong started pacing.

"What are we going to do then?

We must save the Tang Monk."

"Go to Heaven and ask the Star Lord for help," said Guanyin.

The bodhisattva then disappeared in a flash of light.

A little while later, Wukong stood at the southern gate of Heaven.

"Greetings, Wukong," said the guard.

"I must speak with the Star Lord," said the monkey.

The guard told Wukong the way to the Star Lord's palace.

A few minutes later, the monkey knocked on the palace door.

"Wukong," said the Star Lord. "What can I do for you?"

"I need your help," said Wukong.

"I'm traveling to the Western Paradise with the Tang Monk.

But he was captured by a demon.

Guanyin said you can help me."

The Star Lord looked confused.

"I don't know why you need my help.

I've heard you're quite strong.

What kind of demon is it?"

"It's a scorpion spirit," said the monkey.

"Oh," said the Star Lord, nodding. "I understand now.

Lead the way. We must hurry!"

Wukong led the Star Lord out of Heaven and down to Earth.

They landed on the mountain, where Bajie was still rubbing his nose.

"The Star Lord is here to help us," said Wukong.

The Star Lord looked at Bajie's nose.

"I can heal that for you."

Bajie walked over to the Star Lord, who then blew on the pig's nose.

The injury healed instantly.

"Thank you," said the pig, smiling.

"I was stabbed too," said Wukong.

"But the stinger didn't leave a mark on me."

He grinned at Bajie.

"I'm much more powerful than the pig."

Bajie frowned.

"I have special magic that I'll use to defeat the scorpion," said the Star Lord.

"You just need to get her to come outside."

Everyone went up to the cave.

Bajie and Wujing hid behind some rocks.

Wukong stood in front of the cave entrance and shouted, 

"Release our master right now!"

Then he ran as fast as he could away from the cave.

The woman rushed out of the cave, spinning wildly.

Suddenly the Star Lord turned into an enormous rooster.

The rooster crowed, and the sound echoed through the mountains.

The woman screamed and held her hands over her ears.

The rooster crowed again, and the woman disappeared in a puff of smoke.

In her place was a dead scorpion.

Wukong ran into the cave.

He found the Tang Monk sitting at a table.

The monk's eyes lit up.

"Wukong! Thank you for saving me!"

The monkey smiled.

"As long as I'm protecting you, no demon will ever harm you."

The Tang Monk shook his head.

"That woman didn't want to harm me—she wanted to marry me!"

The monk sighed.

"But I told her that I'm a Buddhist monk and I will never marry.

My only goal is to reach the Western Paradise."


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看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(7-9集)

看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(10-12集)

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看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(63-64集)
看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(65-66集)
看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(67-68集)


