
外研版九上英语Module 10 Australia 教案(教学设计)

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Module 1 Wonders of the world 教案
Module 2 Public holidays 教案
Module 3 Heroes 教案(教学设计)
Module 4 Home alone 教案设计
Module 5 Museums 教案设计
Module 6 Problems 教案设计

Module 7 Great books 教案设计

Module 8 Sports life 教案设计


Module 9 Great inventions 教案

Module 10 Australia 知识精讲

Module 10Australia


本模块以去澳大利亚旅游为话题。Units 1 -3中的对话与文章均是锻炼学生运用英语表述在澳大利亚旅游。通过本单元的听说活动,给学生提供充足的体验和运用语言的机会。




Ihave some photos that I took inAustralialast year.【版权所有:21教育】



To master some words and expressions aboutAustralia.  

Ability objective

1. To make a posterabout a country.

2. To understand aconversation about visiting a country.

3. To know moreaboutAustralia.


1. To learn some words andexpressions

magical, height, sailing, sailingboat, sheep, wool, ant, fly, hat, scissors, diary, keep a diary, central, hate,according to, keep sb./sth. away, cut off, brush, brush sth. off sth., at thetime.

2. To learn some expressions about describing a country.


PWP method, task-based methodand interactive approach


Multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1  Warming up   

 Using some pictures, answer the questions:

1. Where were the Olympic Games held in 2000?

2. What is the largest English-speakingcountry in the southern part of the world?

3. What famous things can you see there?

Now listen andcheck.

  Listen again and complete thesentences.

1. The country that Tony would like to visit is _________.21世纪教育网版权所有

2. In Tony’s opinion,Australiais famous for __________.

3. Ayers Rock is a huge rock in ___________Australia.

4. Australia is ___________ English-speakingcountry in the southern part of the world.

Step 2  Consolidate newwords

Look at the pictures and say new words.

Step 3  Listen and read, then complete the table. 【来源:21·世纪·教育·网】

Facts aboutAustralia


Ayers Rock

Sydney Opera  House

Great Barrier Reef





northeast  coast ofAustralia


a special  huge rock

like a huge  sailing boat

2,600  kilometres long


Step 4  Reading

Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

1. What is Tony going to write about?

2. Why does Tony’s dad show his photos ofAustraliato Tony?【出处:21教育名师】

3. Who are the people in some of the photos?

4. Why do many Australians speak English?

5. What did Tony’s dad not like aboutAustralia?

Step 5  Complete thepassage with the correct form of the words and expression in the box.


according to    ant        brush     central

diary       hat    hate    height    scissors


Tony is going to write a letter aboutAustralia. Hisdad helps him. He shows Tony some photos. Tony sees a photo of Ayers Rock in_________Australia.Ayers Rock has a(n) _______ of 348 metres, and _____________ the local people,it is a magical place. Tony also sees some photos of some sheep farmers withspecial _____ to keep away flies. The farmers use ________ to cut the wool offsheep. Tony’s dad says Tony can read his ______. He also says he ________ the_________ that he had to ________ off his clothes!21cnjy.com

Step6  Language points

1. 1. They may help you. Here we go.

    here we go意思是我们这就看看

    e.g. Right, Here we go!  , 我们这就去看看!

2. This is a rock called Ayers Rock, in centralAustralia.

 central  adj. 中心的; 在中间的

 central 在句中可用作定语或表语

e.g. The capital is in the central part of the state.        用作定语


             My house is very central.                       用作表语


3. According to the local people, it’s a special and magical place.

    according to 意思是根据; 按照”, 主要用来表示根据某学说、某书刊、某文件、某人


e.g. According to Ben, they arenot getting on very well at the moment.


        Youwill be paid according to the amount of work you do.


  4. Doesit lie off the northeast coast ofAustralia?


   northeast   adj.   在东北的


               adv向东北; 来自东北

5. They wear special hats that keep the fliesaway.

        keepsb./sth. away (from sth.)   (使)避开; (使)不靠近

    e.g. You must keep away from the dog.   你千万别靠近那条狗。

6. The scissors that they’reholding are used to cut the wool off the sheep.

        cutoff 切断(水、电); 中断; 关掉; 切下来; 剪下来

e.g. He cut off the branches from the trunk.


      The heavy wind cut off the wire.


7. I hated the ants that were all over the place.

   hate   v. 憎恨; 讨厌

    hatedoing sth. 讨厌做某事

    e.g. Jill hates Monday mornings.


        Ihate doing housework.


8. I had to brush them off my clothes, especially my trousers!

        brush   v. (用刷子)

            n. 刷子

        brush sth. off sth.  把某物从某物上刷掉

     e.g.She brushed the dust off the tablecloth.


9. It wasn’t funny at the time!

    atthe time  那时; 在那段时间

e.g. In 1969 the first men landed on the moon-I was twelveat the time.  21*cnjy*com



at times 有时; 不时  

e.g. She visits me at times. 


at a time 一次,每次讲,常用于数词 + at a time”的结构中。

e.g. Enter two at a time.  每次进来两人。

Step 7  Pronunciationand speaking

Say the sentences aloud.

  1. Here we     go.

2. Yes, of course!  

3. That’s really funny!

Now listen and repeat.

Step 8  Think about it

Thinkof a placeyou have visited. Make notes about the best things you have seen there.

Step 9  Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the place. Say:2·1·c·n·j·y

Ø      what iscalled

Ø      where it is

Ø      what isspecial about it  

--What’s the name of the place that you have visited?

--It’s called Mount Tai.

Step 10 Homework

Write a passage about a place you have visited.


Thegame that they like most is Australian football.



To master somewords and expressions.

surf, kangaroo, ride, riding, lazy, ham,salad, grape, period, relationship, relative, be surprised at

Ability objective

Enable students to read about some famous places inAustraliaand learn to describe them.

Moral objective

1. To be glad totake part in the group work.

2. To know moreaboutAustralia.


To learn how to describe avisit to a place


1. To get information fromthe article.

2. To write a compositionabout asking the way and giving directions.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimediaand some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1  Warming up

Australia is a beautifulcountry. Let’s enjoy the charming scenery.

What do you know aboutAustralia?Do you know about Australian football? Let’s watch a video about Australian.

Step 2 Consolidate new words

Look at the pictures and say the new words.

surf   v.冲浪

kangaroo  n. 袋鼠

ride    n.骑马; 乘车

riding  n.骑马(运动)

lazy    adj.懒惰的; 懒散的

ham     n.火腿

salad    n.色拉

grape    n.葡萄

Step 3 Reading

Look at the pictures and describe them.

Now guess what Tony is going to say in hisletter.

Read the letter and find out what the picturesshow.

Keys: Ayers Rock and an Aborigine

a kangaroo


fields, hills and sheep

Step 4 Read the letter in Activity 2 again and find:21·cn·jy·com

1. five colours: purple, red …

2. three animals:

3. four kinds of food:

4. four sports:

Keys: purple, red, dark blue, yellow, green

sheep, kangaroos, horses

ham, beef, salad, grapes

Australian football, swimming, surfing, horse riding2-1-c-n-j-y

Step 5 Complete the table.

Notes aboutAustralia

Ayers Rock

The Aborigines

Australian way of life



Keys: 3.6 kilometres long and348 metres high; a centre of local Aboriginal culture

havelived inAustraliafrom the earliest times

hamand beef with lots of salad, Australian football,going to the beachwww-2-1-cnjy-com


English,special expressions: G’day! No worries. 

Step 6 Language points

1.     On the first day,we took a plane tour over the rock, and I was surprised at how big it was …

   besurprised at + n. (v. + ing) 


   e.g. Iwas surprised at the news about his death.


be surprised 后还可接不定式和 that 引导的从句。

e.g. I’m surprised that he should have been so foolish.



surprise     n. 吃惊

to one’s surprise “让某人吃惊的是”, 常位于句首, 作状语, 表示行为的结果。

e.g. To her surprise, she failed in the examination.21·世纪*教育网

       让她吃惊的是, 她考试没及格。

2. During differentperiods of the day, the colours of the rock turn dark blue, purple, yellow andred.

  period    n. 阶段; 时期

e.g. The students’ lunch period is from 11:30 to 12:30.

       学生们的午餐时间是从11点半到     12点半。

       We lived in Beijing for a period.


3. The Australians have a close relationshipwith the British.

   relationship    n. 关系

    e.g.Is there any relationship between them?


       Wehave a working relationship.


4. Many have British relatives, and they arelike us in many ways.

  relative      n. 亲戚

  e.g.These are the gifts to relatives.



  relative & relation

   两者都指根据血统或婚姻关系的远近来说, 较近的亲戚用relation, 较远的亲戚用relative

5. For example, when they say“G’day” and “No worries”, they mean “Hello” and “Don’t worry about it. It’s nota problem!”

  G’day No worries 是澳大利亚人的常用语。

e.g. “G’day!” he said in a loud voice.


      — Can you deliver on Thursday? 你能周四送货吗?

      — Noworries. 可以, 没问题。

Step 7 Complete the sentenceswith the correct form of the words in the box.

1.We can eat _________ or drink their juice.

2.________ is made of cold vegetables that you do not need to cook.

3.________ is made from pork.

4.I have some _________ inAustralia—mymother’s brother and his family live there.

5.The Aborigines havemany stories about the ________ that created the world.

6.The Aborigines lived inAustraliafor a long ________ oftime before the Europeans arrived.

7.We were ________ on the beach in the sun yesterday afternoon.

8.The close ____________ between the two countries has a long history.

Keys:grapes  Salad   Ham   relatives   spirits  period  lying  relationship

Step 8 Learning to learn

Increase your writing vocabulary by noting downexample sentences with the words you want to use in your compositions. Then tryto write your own sentences after the examples.

Step 9 Writing

Write a letter about a visit to a place inChina.

Ø     Choose a place you have visited inChina.

Ø      Make a listof things you are going to write about.

1. people             2. food   

3. ways of life         4.events during the trip

Now write a letterto a relative or a friend and tell them about your visit. Begin and end theletter like Tony’s.

Step 10 Homework

Finish your writing.

Unit3 Language in use



To practice the use of that introducing attributive clauses 21*cnjy*com

Ability objective

Making a poster about a country

Moral objective

1. To be glad totake part in the group work.

2. To know about howto review the knowledge.


To practice the use of that introducing attributive clauses


PWP method,task-based method


Multimedia and somepictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Language practice

I have some photos that I took inAustralialastyear.

They wear special hats that keep the fliesaway.

The horse that I rode was lazy.

The game that they like most is Australianfootball.

Step 2 Read the passage and underline all the sentences with that.

Australia has morebeaches than any other country — more than 10,000! It has one of the mostfamous beaches in the world, called Bondi Beach. Bondi Beachis the most beautiful beach that I have ever seen. It is a huge, wide beachthat is very popular for swimming and other water sports. It is a great placeto visit and to spend some time at. It is easy to get there by bus or trainfrom the centre of Sydney.The hotel that we stayed in was right on the beach. It was perfect!

Keys:Bondi Beach is the most beautiful beach that Ihave ever seen.

It is a huge, wide beachthat is very popular for swimming and other water sports.

     The hotel that we stayed in was right onthe beach.

Now work inpairs. Discuss the meaning of the sentences with that.

Step 3 that 引导定语从句

that 为定语从句的引导词, 放在先行词及定于从句之间起连接作用, 同时在定语从句中充当句子成分。 that 引导的定语从句既可以修饰无生命的事物, 也可以修饰有生命的动物或人, that 在从句中作主语或宾语(作宾语时可以省略)【来源:21cnj*y.co*m


(1) 如果先行词是 all, much, anything, something, nothing,everything, little, none 等不定代词, 关系代词一般只用that, 不用which。例如:

All the people that are present burst into tears.

Is there anything that I can do for you? 

(2) 如果先行词被 the only, the very, the same, the last, the best 等词修饰, 关系代词常用that (指人时, 可以用who)


This is the very book that I want to find.

That is the best film that we have seen.

I was the only person in my office that/who was invited. 

(3) 当先行词被 all, every, no, some, any,little, much 所修饰时。例如:

You can take any seat that is free.

(4) 当先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰时。例如:

It is the first foreign book that I have ever seen.

This is the most beautiful flower that I have seen.

(5) there be句型中, 常用that

There is a man that lives in that village.

(6) 先行词有两个, 一个指人, 一个指物, 关系代词应该用that。例如:

The boy and the dog that are in the picture are very lovely.


1. All ____ is needed is a supply of oil.

  1. the     thing               B. that

C. what                   D.which 


   先行词是不定代词all, 其限定性定语从句应由关系代词that引导, 在该定语从句中充当主语。

2. The student_____ won the first prize is the monitor who works hard.

A. the thing               B.that

C. what                  D.which 


   指人时有时只用who不宜用that。但是一个句子中带有两个定语从句, 其中一个定语从句的关系代词是that, 另一个宜用who, 以免重复。 

Step 4 Complete the conversations. Use that.

A: Do you want to see my photos?

B: What photos?

A: The photos that I took inAustralia.

1. — What surprised you most inAustralia?

  — The thing_________________ most was the weather!

2. — What do you call that famous Australiananimal? The one ______________.

  — Oh, youmean the kangaroo.

3. — What is the most popular sport inAustralia?

  — The sport _____________________ inAustraliaisAustralian football.

4. — What do the ancient Aboriginal storiesdescribe?www.21-cn-jy.com

  — Theydescribe the spirits ___________________.

5. — What is the food like inAustralia?

  — Oh, great!It is the best food ________________________.

Keys:that surprised me,that is the most popular, that can jump, that created the world, that I haveever eaten

Step 5 Think of an animal and write some sentencesabout it, starting with This is an animal that

Now read your sentencesto your partner. How quickly can your partner guess what it is?

Step 6 Put the words into thecorrect column.


Australian    beef        diary    farmer    

grape        ham        hat        horse    

kangaroo      letter         relative    

salad          scissors        trousers






















Now work inpairs. Choose one topic and talk about it. 21教育名师原创作品


all over        at the time

brush … off     over there


Step 7 Complete the conversation with theexpressions in the box.


Sarah:Hi, John. Where have you been?

John:I’ve been toAustralia.

Sarah:How long were you (1)_________?

John:For a few weeks.

Sarah:Was the weather nice?

John:Yeah, the weather was fantastic!

Sarah:Where did you go inAustralia?

John:I went to theGreat Barrier Reef in the northeast, Sydney in the south and Ayers Rock in thecentre – (2) _________, really.

Sarah:Was there anything that you didn’t like?

John:Well. I didget some ants in my clothes when we were camping. I had to (3)________ them______ all the time. I can laugh about it now, but it wasn’t funny(4)___________.

Sarah:Poor you. But you did have a wonderful holiday.

John:That’s true.

Keys:over there, all over, brush off, all the time

Step 8 Listen andnumber the pictures.

Keys:3, 2, 4, 1

Step 9 Read the passage and check () the true sentences.

1. The writer’s family had picnics in their garden.

2. The writer’s family had hot food to eat attheir picnics.

3. The ants were a problem in centralAustralia.

4. The weather was very hot in centralAustralia.

5. The writer’s mother thinks the sun is badfor the children.

6. The writer likes flies better than ants.

Keys: 1, 3, 4, 5

Step 10 Around the world

Cathy Freeman, Aboriginal hero ofAustralia

    Oneof the great heroes that competed at the 2000Sydney Olympic Games was an Aboriginal runner called Cathy Freeman. She hasalways been very proud to be an Aborigine. At the Commonwealth Games in 1990,she was the first Aboriginal runner to win a gold medal. When she won the goldmedal for the 400-metre race in the 2000 Olympics, she carried both anAustralian flag and an Aboriginal flag. She has become a symbol of howdifferent cultures inAustraliacan get along.

Step 11 Module task: Making aposter about a country

Work in groups. Talk about what you would like toinclude in your poster       and how topresent it.

Ø      Choose acountry you would like to make the poster about.

Ø     Think about the kinds of thingsyou want to know: location, capital, famous places, famous people, customs andtraditions, etc.

Ø      Think about how you wouldpresent your information: photos, leaflets, descriptions, maps, etc.

Step 12 Collect and present your information.

Look up information on the Internet or ask peoplewho have visited the country if they have any material for you to use.

Present your information in an interesting way.

Display your poster to the class.






