
外研版九上英语Module 11 Photos 教案(教学设计)

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10





Module 1 Wonders of the world 教案
Module 2 Public holidays 教案
Module 3 Heroes 教案(教学设计)
Module 4 Home alone 教案设计
Module 5 Museums 教案设计
Module 6 Problems 教案设计

Module 7 Great books 教案设计

Module 8 Sports life 教案设计


Module 9 Great inventions 教案

Module 10 Australia 教案设计

Module 11 Photos教案

dule 11 P【教学内容分析】
UHe\\\\\\\\'s the boy who wlast year!
    【教学目标】wledge objective
    To mawords and exAbility objective
    To understand a conversation abouubalobjective
    To know more abou

【教学重点】To learn andreview some words and ex:
    You bet, The thing is, general,standard, feeling, difficulty, subject, addly, be in with a chau … 
    2. To learn how to describ【教学方法】
    PWP method, task-based method andinteractive approa【教学手段】
    A tader, multimedia andu【教学过程】
    Teaching Procedures:Warming ulookaures and answer the qu2 Listening and vocabulary
    Wairs. Look aure and say what ishappeningListen and complThe boy _________guitar pla2. The boy __________gTheboy __________druListen and readlidate new words
    Look and say. Look auw words andluday as quickly as possiblReading
    Read the dialogue and answer thequWhat did He Zhong do last year?
    2. Which subject does Daming suggestTony should choose?WTony’s realwn?What does Daming suggest Tony should do?Whatdoes TDaming’s suggestion?veryday Englu bet!
    The thing is, …
    It doesn’t mau’re in with achance!LanguagDaming: Are you goingTony?
     Tony: You bet!
    bet v. 打赌;下赌注
    bet + on / against 打赌某事不会发生g. I betagainst your winning.
    you bet! 意为“的确; 当然; 一定”。g. — Will youtelluth? 你会告诉她真相吗?
     — You bet. 当然会啦。 
     — Are you comingarty? 你来参加晚会吗?
     — You bet. 当然来。
    2. The thing is, he’s really goodg is意为“答案是;问题是”, 用来解释或者阐述一件事情。g. The thing is, I have plans on Saturday nig问题是, 我星期六晚上有计划了。Andthe general standarduch higar.
    general adj. 整体的; 普遍的一般g. Thegeneralgood for us. 普遍的舆论对我们有利。 
     In general, woman lives longer thanman. 一般来说, 女性比男性长寿。
    standard n. 标准; 水准
    standard 指事先制定出来的一种或一套客观、公正的规则。g.Tabsolute standard for beauty. 美是没有绝对的标准。
     The standard of length in Fra法国的长度标准是米。Ihave a feeling that we can solvlittle difficulling n. 感觉; 知觉; 直觉看法
    e.g. I’ve lost all feelingands. 我的双手失去了知觉。
     The peasant child has a naturalfeeling for mu那位农民的小孩对音乐具有一种天然的感受力。 
    difficulty n. 困难; 困境
    have difficulty in doing sth. 在……有困难
    e.g. He faced the difficulty withcourag他勇敢地面对困难。 
     I had difficulty in getting我很难把衬衣上的墨水洗掉。Whataubat they’var’?
     sub主题; 话题; 科目ubject 着重指文章、书籍、画或谈话等所涉及对象的题目或主题。g.This is a bublove. 这是一部以爱情为主题的书。 
     Whaub? 这首诗的题目是什么?TaBeijing andaddambridge that youladd v. 添加g. The drink will be too swu add more suga如果你再加糖,这杯饮料就太甜了。
     add把……加到……上g. She added sugaa. 她在茶里加了糖。lyadv. 最近; 近g. The book was published recently. 这本书刚出版。 
     I havquly. 我最近见过他。I’m sure you’re inwith a chance!
    be in with a chance 是非正式英式英语, 意为“有……的可能,有机会”。若表达 “有可能/机会做某事”, 则用 be in with a chance to dg. I think I’m in with achance of getting the job我认为我有可能获得这份工作。
     I think I am with a chaa我认为我能通过这次测试。
    He said he_______________________________ go broadxFind the wordbox in Activadddifficulty general standardTaBeijing and addambridge that youl2. I have afeeling that we can solvlittle difficulAnd the general standarduch higar.
    Nowansw“The general standard…” means_________.
    a)the skilllb)the levell2. “…solvlittle difficulties.” This means to __________.
    a) deal wblb)a“… addambridge …” Thismeans to _____.
    a) pub) taawaPronunciation andspeaking 
     Listen and mark the words wakerlTaBeijing and addambridge that youl2. What about thausin flying kites wdummerPalace?Andading auambridge?
    Now listen again and repea0WaDescriband guudent A:abook and describudent Budent B: Ludent A’s dGuess w/sheis describingHomewRemembw words and useful phraview unit 2.

Unit 2 Twhich we liked best was taken by Zha

    To mawords and exAbility objectivablestudw about some dub【教学重点】To learn the words and ex2. To leaading method.
    PWP method, task-based method 
    A tader, multimedia andu【教学过程】
    Teaching Procedures:Warming up
    Look aure and say out the sub2Consolidate new words
    Look auw words and ludents say newwordReading 
    Look aure and the subWhich subject dbelong to?
     City and People  Mu Home and Away  Nature
    Read the passage andur answer toActivity 1. Find out wlable.
    Winner SubjectWhaws
    Li WeiNatuXiangshan Padloull
    ZhaHe Zhong
    TLanguagTonight I aan haad out thewght adv. (在)今晚;(在)今夜
    e.g. Ileep bg我希望今夜睡个好觉。
    read out 朗读; 宣读
    e.g. The headmaster read out thenalayers bgame bega比赛开始前,校长宣读了运动员的名字。 
    2. Compared wars, we received maaredwith 在句中作状语, 意思是“和……相比”。
    e.g. Compared with sila和丝相比, 棉花更便宜。aredwith last year, we have had more sua和去年相比, 今年我们取得了更大的成就。ven though allareexcellent, we aay that we cannot givvven though/if 表示 “即使; 尽管”, 用来引导状语从句。
    e.g. Even though it rawill即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。 
     We’ll go eva即使下雨我们也要去。It is abeautiful girl who is wearing a blouse andand wg her books agawaga保护……; 使……不受g.Pldren against violence. 保护儿童免遭暴力。Hws aushing across aa windy evening.
    【例句】Tlushed a2. They made a rudu’dbetter get to work bush hour.
    根据例句1. Tlushed at him.中rush在句中所作成分可知,它是动词,意思是“冲;奔”。从例句2.They made a rudoor.中的made a rush可知,rush在此的词性为_____,意思是“冲;跑”。例句3. You’d betterget to work bush hour.
    中的rush hour意为“(上下班时的)交通高峰期”。gratulaurwinners and thaveryone wdgratulab. (on sth.) 表示“(因某事)向某人表示祝贺”。g. Congratulau onwinning祝贺你获得一等奖。Now let’s welcome our headmawinners!v. 授予; 呈递
    e.g. Ta beautiful sig船舶呈现一派美丽的景致。deavery clearl她把自己的观点表达得十分清楚。xlassage wwordbox.
    blought windy wThe headmaster ___________________________.Li Wei wubject Nature. Iand People group, Zhao Min won a prize with aa girl whowears a ________ andushing aad, on a ________ eveningain. He Zhong wusic group,and Twubject Home and AwaWriting 
    Bring a photo and make a photo displaadisplay.Answer the quWhat dw?
    2. Where was it taken?Where agsand/or peopl?Why do you like it?HomewWrite a passage abouUse the answers inActivlp you.

Unit 3 Language in use
    【教学目标】wledge objective
    To prause of which/wducingattributive clauAbility objectivable studleaabout develgraal objective 
    To know about how to reviewwledge.
    To use which/wducing attributive clau【教学方法】
    PWP method, task-based method 
    A tader, multimedia andu【教学过程】
    Teaching Procedures:Language praHe’sthe boy who wlast year!
    Twhich we liked band People group wastaken by ZhaA grouww Beijing and Cambridge in England have w2 ComplUse that,wwho. There may ban one answPd us youand win a new camera!
     We need_______ show daily life atschool.
     Youuld recordg things _______ happenat school, inside the clautside.
     T______ you take should be active,beautiful and true.
     T______ you send should include somewords abou T_______ you take should be 9cm×Students _______uld be between 10and 16 years old.
     The last date _______ you shouldsend you0th Novemb The lu______ wwill receive a new camera.
    Get your camera and start takingyouw!: that /which that /which that /which that /which that /wwho / that whichwho / thaLearning to leaIn many English-speaking couuse twasurement: imperial(ard, mile, pound) and(millllogram). You also needg(d, ml, lb;g)定语从句
    在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。引导从句的关系代词有who(人-主格), whom(人-宾客), whose(人-所有格), which(物), that(人/物)。引导从句的关系副词有where(地点), when(时间), why(原因)。 
     The man who lives next to us is a tea You must do everything that I do.
     We will never forget the day when wevisited our headma从句的谓语动词和先行词的关系。 
     He asked the man (作从句主语) who/thatwag. 
    b. 动宾关系?
     The noodles (作从句宾语) that/which Icooked were deliciouwhich 引导的定语从句 
    which 引导的定语从句修饰的是无生命物体, which 在从句中可以作主语,也可以作宾语。
    a. 关系代词前有介词。 
     Tuse in which we lived last yeab. 先行词本身是that。 
     The clat which I bougda非限制性定语从句。 
     His English, which used to be vwexcellwho引导的定语从句
    如果先行词指人 那么定语从句的引导词就可以用who。如果先行词指人, 引导词在从句中充当宾语,那么引导词就要用who的宾格形式whom, 口语中也可以用who代替。as two bwho are both dThe man whom I saw iscalled定语从句中引导词的省略
     不管定语从句修饰的是人还是物, 如果引导词在从句中作宾语, 通常就可以省略。
    e.g. Did you galk (that/ which) thefamougave at your school?
    Isthat the car (that/which) you bought la?
    A friend is a(who/whom) you know verywell and l朋友是你十分了解并且喜欢的人。
    引导词作宾语时可以省略是因为省略后的从句仍然有主语和谓语,我们仍然可以分辨出哪部分是定语从句。但是, 引导词在从句中作主语时就不能省略, 否则会造成结构混乱。
    e.g.I’d lave a teacher who is good at speaking我想拥有一位擅长演讲的老师。
     He can make lat are usually boringg.
    以上两句中的引导词who 和 that 在从句中作主语, 不能省略。此外, 需要注意的是, 虽然在定语从句中作宾语的引导词在口语中往往被省略, 但在正式文体中则常常被保留。中考真题
    1.“What do youl uniforms?”“Very good. I like clothes ______malable.”【2012贵州贵阳】 
     A. that B. what C. who
     考查定语从句引导词的用法。定语从句的先行词clothes是“物”, 所以, 定语从句的引导词用which或that引导。根据句意:你觉得校服怎么样呀? 很好, 我喜欢让我穿着舒服的衣服。
    2.It’g thaare many people ________ speak Fanada. 【2012四川成都】
    A. which B. wwI can never forg______my grandma told me. 【2012绵阳市】
    A. what B. wD. thaPlease paartoonbook _______ has auver. 【2012天津】
    A. whom B. wwho D. wxlat they aretruuI lwriter who ________________________________.
    2. I would like to visit a place that________________I go to a school which ____________________avourite bandat_______________________I have neva doctor who ____________________I want totake a photo which ____________________ur teaan who ____________________:wHarry Potter bas lunny bealy audents who are good at Englwe saw alastwweaating theawat playing in a cardboard boxwearing a purplWaTalk about the twIlwhich … 
    I don’t lwhich …
    Twhich … is …
    Then talk aboulThe girl who …
    Now ask quabouand write down youransw— W…?
    —The one …
    Look around the class and describg toyour paan your partner guess who or what you are describing?a girl who hasglasses and long haIg that you use to paulversation wxbox.
    by the way even though fausand… ou:Hi, how are you? I haven’u for a long time … Wow, is that a new camera,___________?
    Tina: Yes. I dropped my old one, andit was too expensivair. So I bought a new one. Tuch better. It’s so muchlighter and eause than the old one. I’ve learnt how to work it already,____________ I’ve only hada couple of days. And I don’t have to worry aboutgettingall— I ca_____________uter!: Wow, that’s great! I’g of getting a cameratoo. Do you mind if I ________ it ________?
    Tina: Of couLet’s glake. It’s not___________ here. The lake would make a really good: by the way even thoughthousandut faReading
    Read the passage and complable.
    WhenWhat happened
    In 1827
    In the early 1830s
    Bdu: Nvented a camera anduccessfulphotograph was produced.
    A new kind of camera was invented.
    People could take pictuving things.
    People could buy film in smallboxPhotography became a kind of a0 Listen and complTuccessful photo wasproduced in _________.
    2. Becaua longake ale in earldid not___________Tgraded to know how to __________ and ___________dak introduced acamera that could be used by ev____________dak’s camera was ____________ and__________ than aarlier cameraameras wulogy wduced in ______________: 1827 smile   ta;develaller; lig0Around the world
    A famouThe pictuaace was taken byWilliam AndApolla2 Module task: Making a photo displaur favouanddescribu like b Write a passagabout it. Say what/wandwauWork in grouTalk about youUassagu have wActivlp youw the group youTell themwhy you land wau.
    Answer quur group may have.
    Lbur group talk abouw yougrouwholeclass and talk abouHomewur favouand give a bduction




