

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近期,频繁上热搜的热播剧《三十而已》(Nothing but thirty),终于迎来大结局了,你看了吗?


Hermès vs Chanel cat fight on TV show underscores hierarchy of handbags and cements the Birkin bag as holy grail of luxury


The handbag wars are heating up in China, the world’s largest luxury market, and one particular runaway-hit TV show, Nothing But Thirty, pits the two most prestigious luxury brands in the world, Chanel and Hermès, against each other.

In a pivotal moment of the series, which has gone viral on Chinese social media, one of the main characters carries a Chanel 2.55 bag at a social event with fellow tai-tais (socialites or ladies who lunch), who are all sporting much more expensive and luxurious Hermès Birkin bags.

The group of fashionable ladies document their gathering with a commemorative photo-op but when they share it on social media, they crop the friend’s Chanel bag from the picture.

Her poor choice of handbag, according to the rarefied gang of sophisticated ladies, disqualifies her from being front and centre in the photo. Chanel 2.55 bags cost around €4,000 (US$4,750) while Hermès Birkin bags start at €10,000.

The slight weighs heavily on the woman, who goes on a frantic search for a Birkin bag in order to make up for her fashion faux pas and to fit in with her Hermès-loving friends.

Since the episode aired last month, the topic has been trending on social media channels such as Weibo and Little Red Book, highlighting the hierarchy and prestige associated with luxury bags in China, and around the world for that matter.

Chanel and Hermès are considered the top luxury brands in the world. Both privately owned and operated and with a focus on sophisticated luxury, the brands have fared much better than their competitors during the coronavirus pandemic and global economic downturn.

However, while both make ultra-expensive items, such as tweed jackets in the case of Chanel and crocodile leather bags in the case of Hermès, Chanel has always been more approachable than its main competitor, with a wider selection of entry-level products, ranging from nail polishes to skincare.

Hermès has also dipped its toes in beauty, with a line of lipsticks that debuted earlier this year – and also does brisk business selling accessible items such as men’s ties and fragrances – but the brand’s broad offerings still come with a sense of exclusivity, enhanced by the scarcity of those Birkin and Kelly bags that have become collector’s items and are much harder to get than Chanel handbags.

The TV show episode, which has resonated with fashion fans in China and cemented the status of the Birkin as the holy grail of luxury handbags, is an accurate reflection of a long-standing rivalry between the most prestigious brands in the fashion world.

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Why is Hermes so expensive? From: Alux.com



Hermès vs Chanel cat fight on TV show underscores hierarchy of handbags and cements the Birkin bag as holy grail of luxury


The handbag wars are heating up in China, the world’s largest luxury market, and one particular runaway-hit TV show, Nothing But Thirty, pits the two most prestigious luxury brands in the world, Chanel and Hermès, against each other.

在中国这个全球最大的奢侈品市场,手提包大战正在升温,其中有一部特别火爆的电视剧《三十而立》(Nothing But Thirty),让世界上最负盛名的两个奢侈品牌--香奈儿(Chanel)和爱马仕(Hermès)--相互对立。


表示“突出显示强调”,英文解释为“If something such as an action or an event underscores another, it draws attention to the other thing and emphasizes its importance.举个🌰:

The figures underscore the state of the economic recovery.


🎬电影《笔下求生》(Stranger Than Fiction)中的台词提到:lts desperate attempts to escape... only underscore the hopelessness of its plight. 它绝望的挣扎 只能强调它无望的处境。


表示“巩固 (关系、协约)”,英文解释为“Something that cements a relationship or agreement makes it stronger.”举个🌰:

Nothing cements a friendship between countries so much as it.



📍柏金包(Birkin)诞生于1984年,以长期居住在法国的英国女星Jane Birkin命名,是Jane Birkin与爱马仕(Hermès)首席执行官Jean-Louis Dumas在飞机上偶然相遇后推出的。Jane Birkin曾抱怨说,她找不到一个足够大的袋子来装她女儿Lou的奶瓶。Jane Birkin提了一个建议,可以设计一个比Kelly包大点的包款。Jean-Louis Dumas先生于这个巧合,设计了一个能满足她需求的休闲包就有了这个风靡全球的Birkin包包了。(百度百科)

📍凯莉包(Kelly的原型是从1892年一款安装马鞍的皮包(Hautacourroies)而来的灵感。1935年35公分规格的凯莉包上市,1956年因摩纳哥王妃葛丽丝·凯莉喜爱使用,爱马仕总裁Robert Dumas正式将其更名为凯莉包。(百度百科)

grail /ɡreɪl/

表示“努力追求的目标;渴望之物”,英文解释为“If you describe something as a grail or a holy grail, you mean that someone is trying very hard to obtain or achieve it.”举个🌰:

The discovery is being hailed as the Holy Grail of astronomy.



📍The Grail or the Holy Grail is the cup that was used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. In medieval times, many people tried to find the Grail without success.



1)作形容词,表示“迅猛发展而难以控制的”,英文解释为“You use runaway to describe a situation in which something increases or develops very quickly and cannot be controlled.”举个🌰:

Our June sale was a runaway success.


2)作名词,表示“离家出走者”,英文解释为“A runaway is someone, especially a child, who leaves home without telling anyone or without permission.”如:a teenage runaway名十来岁的离家出走者。

3)作形容词,表示“(车辆或动物)失控的”,英文解释为“A runaway vehicle or animal is moving forward quickly, and its driver or rider has lost control of it.”举个🌰:

The runaway car careered into a bench, hitting an elderly couple.



表示“(唱片、电影或戏剧的)成功;很受欢迎的人(或事物)”,英文解释为“If a CD, film, or play is a hit, it is very popular and successful.举个🌰:

The song became a massive hit in 2019.



表示“使竞争;使较量;使经受考验”,英文解释为“to test sb or their strength, intelligence, etc. in a struggle or contest against sb/sth else”举个🌰:

Lawyers and accountants felt that they were being pitted against each other.


📍此前,霉霉新歌MV与水果姐拥抱 重归于好文中就提到:It also reiterates that while fans might be out there trying to pit females stars against one another,


prestigious /prɛˈstɪdʒəs/表示“有威望的,有声望的,有威信的”,英文解释为“A prestigious institution, job, or activity is respected and admired by people.”举个🌰:

It's one of the best equipped and most prestigious schools in the country.


In a pivotal moment of the series, which has gone viral on Chinese social media, one of the main characters carries a Chanel 2.55 bag at a social event with fellow tai-tais (socialites or ladies who lunch), who are all sporting much more expensive and luxurious Hermès Birkin bags.



pivotal /ˈpɪvətəl/表示“关键的;核心的”,英文解释为“A pivotal role, point, or figure in something is one that is very important and affects the success of that thing.”如:a pivotal role in European affairs 在欧洲事务中的关键作用。

ladies who lunch

可以从句中猜一下这里的ladies who lunch是什么意思?socialites or ladies who lunch,很有可能ladies who lunch的含义就等同于socialites(交际名流,上流社会人士),事实上就是这样,英文解释为“Women who spend a lot of time socializing (e.g., going to lunch together) because they are wealthy and have a large amount of free time.”

Ladies who lunch is a phrase often used to describe well-off, well-dressed women who meet for social luncheons, usually during the working week. Typically, the women involved are married and non-working. Normally the lunch is in a high-class restaurant, but could also take place in a department store during a shopping trip. Sometimes the lunch takes place under the pretext of raising money for charity.

🎵有一首歌就叫《Ladies Who Lunch》。


熟词僻义,sport作动词,表示“穿戴;装点”,英文解释为“to wear or be decorated with something”举个🌰:

She was sporting a T-shirt with the company's logo on it.


📍另外也有“炫耀某物,卖弄某物”的含义(to be wearing something or have something on your body and show it to people in a proud way)。

📍最近一次在80岁也能很时尚!这对洗衣店老夫妻火了文中出现:one image sees the pair sporting Adidas tops and bucket hats. 其中一张照片中,两人穿着阿迪达斯上衣,戴着渔夫帽。

The group of fashionable ladies document their gathering with a commemorative photo-op but when they share it on social media, they crop the friend's Chanel bag from the picture.



commemorative /kəˈmɛmərətɪv/ 表示“纪念性的”,英文解释为“A commemorative object or event is intended to make people remember a particular event or person.”举个🌰:

A commemorative stamp will be issued October 15.



photo opportunity的缩写,表示“拍照的机会;为名人拍照的时机;(为宣传)拍照名人的时间”,英文解释为“an occasion when a famous person arranges to be photographed doing sth that will impress the public”。


表示“裁切”,英文解释为“If you crop a photograph, you cut part of it off, in order to get rid of part of the picture or to be able to frame it.”举个🌰:

I decided to crop the picture just above the water line.


📺美剧《破产姐妹》(2 Broke Girls)中的台词提到:I'll just crop that, and we'll be good to go. 我把那里去掉 一切就搞定了。

Her poor choice of handbag, according to the rarefied gang of sophisticated ladies, disqualifies her from being front and centre in the photo. Chanel 2.55 bags cost around €4,000 (US$4,750) while Hermès Birkin bags start at €10,000.


rarefied /ˈrɛərɪˌfaɪd/

1)表示“高深精妙的;曲高和寡的;高高在上的;过于高贵的;脱离现实生活的”,英文解释为“(often disapproving) understood or experienced by only a very small group of people who share a particular area of knowledge or activity”如:the rarefied atmosphere of academic life 阳春白雪的学术生活氛围,举个🌰:

She moves in rarefied circles.


2)表示“(空气)稀薄的;含氧量少的”,英文解释为“Rarefied air is air that does not contain much oxygen, for example in mountain areas.”如:living at very high altitudes where the atmosphere is rarefied 生活在空气稀薄的高海拔地区。


sophisticated /səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtɪd/ 1)表示“老练的;久经世故的”,英文解释为“Someone who is sophisticated is comfortable in social situations and knows about culture, fashion, and other matters that are considered socially important.”举个🌰:

He was a charming, sophisticated companion


2)表示“干练的”,英文解释为“A sophisticated person is intelligent and knows a lot, so that they are able to understand complicated situations.”举个🌰:

These people are very sophisticated observers of the foreign policy scene.


3)表示“高级的;复杂的”,英文解释为“A sophisticated machine, device, or method is more advanced or complex than others.”举个🌰:

Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect.



disqualify /dɪsˈkwɒlɪˌfaɪ/ 表示“使不合格;使不适合;取消(某人)的资格”,英文解释为“to prevent sb from doing sth because they have broken a rule or are not suitable”举个🌰:

You could be disqualified from driving for up to three years.


The slight weighs heavily on the woman, who goes on a frantic search for a Birkin bag in order to make up for her fashion faux pas and to fit in with her Hermès-loving friends.



表示“侮慢;冷落;轻视”,英文解释为“an act or a remark that criticizes sth or offends sb”举个🌰:

Nick took her comment as a slight on his abilities as a manager.


weigh heavily on

表示“加重…的思想负担;使焦虑不安;使担忧”,英文解释为“to make sb anxious or worried”举个🌰:

The responsibilities weigh heavily on him.


📺纪录片《家园》(Home)中的台词提到:The uncertainties of nature weigh on daily life. 不确定的自然界加重了生活的负担。

frantic /ˈfræntɪk/

1)表示“(因恐惧或忧虑而)发狂似的”,英文解释为“If you are frantic, you are behaving in a wild and uncontrolled way because you are frightened or worried.”举个🌰:

A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic.


2)表示“忙乱的”,英文解释为“If an activity is frantic, things are done quickly and in an energetic but disorganized way, because there is very little time.”举个🌰:

A busy night in the restaurant can be frantic in the kitchen.


faux pas

faux pas /ˌfəʊ ˈpɑː/表示“失礼;有失检点;失态;失言”,英文解释为“A faux pas is a socially embarrassing action or mistake.”举个🌰:

It was not long before I realized the enormity of my faux pas.


Since the episode aired last month, the topic has been trending on social media channels such as Weibo and Little Red Book, highlighting the hierarchy and prestige associated with luxury bags in China, and around the world for that matter.



表示“播放”,英文解释为“If a broadcasting company airs a television or radio programme, they show it on television or broadcast it on the radio.”举个🌰:

Tonight CGTN will air a documentary called "LearnAndRecord". 



非常高频的一个词。trend作动词,表示(某一时刻在社交媒体或网站上)被提及最多的词语(主题或名字)”,英文解释为“to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time举个🌰:

Within minutes of the incident her name was trending on Twitter.


Click here for a list of trending topics.


📍trend原意有“趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向”(a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing);

📍trending hashtags/ 或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“热门话题”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。


prestige /prɛˈstiːʒ/表示“威信;声望;威望”,英文解释为“the respect and admiration that sb/sth has because of their social position, or what they have done”举个🌰:

There is a lot of prestige attached to owning a car like this.


Chanel and Hermès are considered the top luxury brands in the world. Both privately owned and operated and with a focus on sophisticated luxury, the brands have fared much better than their competitors during the coronavirus pandemic and global economic downturn.



表示“进展”,英文解释为“If you say that someone or something fares well or badly, you are referring to the degree of success they achieve in a particular situation or activity.”直白地解释就是,xxx做得好/做得不好,表现得好/表现不好,后面可接well或者是badly(文中为比较级better),举个🌰:

How did you fare in your exams?


It is unlikely that the marine industry will fare any better in September. 


🎬电影《总统杀局》(The Ides of March)中的台词提到:And you wouldn't fare too well in federal prison.你在联邦监狱也不会好过。

However, while both make ultra-expensive items, such as tweed jackets in the case of Chanel and crocodile leather bags in the case of Hermès, Chanel has always been more approachable than its main competitor, with a wider selection of entry-level products, ranging from nail polishes to skincare.


crocodile leather 鳄鱼皮

entry-level products 入门级产品


tweed /twiːd/表示“(杂色)粗花呢”,英文解释为“a type of thick rough cloth made of wool that has small spots of different coloured thread in it”如:a tweed jacket 粗花呢短上衣。

nail polish

表示“指甲油;趾甲油”,英文解释为“clear or coloured liquid that you paint on your nails to make them look attractive”。


Hermès has also dipped its toes in beauty, with a line of lipsticks that debuted earlier this year – and also does brisk business selling accessible items such as men's ties and fragrances – but the brand's broad offerings still come with a sense of exclusivity, enhanced by the scarcity of those Birkin and Kelly bags that have become collector's items and are much harder to get than Chanel handbags.


dip a toe in/into sth

表示“涉足试试;试做”,英文解释为“to start doing sth very carefully to see if it will be successful or not”。


表示“(买卖、生意)兴隆的”,英文解释为“If trade or business is brisk, things are being sold very quickly and a lot of money is being made.”举个🌰:

Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs.



表示“排他性;专有权;独特性”,英文解释为“the quality of being exclusive”举个🌰:

The resort still preserves a feeling of exclusivity.


The TV show episode, which has resonated with fashion fans in China and cemented the status of the Birkin as the holy grail of luxury handbags, is an accurate reflection of a long-standing rivalry between the most prestigious brands in the fashion world.



表示“使产生联想;引起共鸣;和…的想法(或观念)类似”,英文解释为“to remind sb of sth; to be similar to what sb thinks or believes”,举个🌰:

These issues resonated with the voters.



rivalry /ˈraɪvəlrɪ/ 表示“竞争;竞赛;较量”,英文解释为“a state in which two people, companies, etc. are competing for the same thing”举个🌰:

There is a certain amount of friendly rivalry between the teams.







- 推荐阅读 -

《爱的迫降》  《少年的你》

《攀登者》  《黑豹》  《信条》

《流浪地球》  《深夜食堂》

《庆余年》  《寄生虫》

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