《锦瑟》是唐代诗人李商隐的诗作。作者在诗中追忆青春年华,伤感自己不幸的遭遇,大量借用庄生梦蝶、杜鹃啼血等典故,采用比兴手法,运用联想与想象,寄托了悲慨、愤懑的心情。全诗词藻华美,含蓄深沉,情真意长,感人至深。这里附上五版英译(John A. Turner、许渊冲、刘若愚、Witter Bynner,以及戴乃迭和杨宪益),供大家阅读学习。
(朗读者:喜马拉雅用户 柠檬陆陆)
The Sad Zither
许渊冲 译
Why should the zither sad have fifty strings?
Each string, each strain evokes but vanished springs:
Dim morning dream to be a butterfly;
Amorous heart poured out in cuckoo’s cry.
In moonlit pearls see tears in mermaid’s eyes;
With sunburnt mirth let blue jade vapour rise!
Such feeling cannot be recalled again;
It seemed long lost e’en when it was felt then.
Jewelled Zither
John A. Turner 译
Vain are the jeweled zither’s fifty strings:
Each string, each stop, bears thought of vanished things.
The sage of his loved butterflies day - dreaming:
The King that sighed his soul into a bird:
Tears that are pearls, in ocean moonlight streaming:
Jade mists the sun distils from Sapphire Sword:
What need their memory to recall today?
A day was theirs, which is now passed away.
The Richly Painted Zither
刘若愚 译
The richly painted zither, for no reason, has fifty strings,
Each string, each bridge recalls a burgeoning year;
Master Chuang, dreaming at dawn, was confused with butterfly,
Emperor Wang consigned his amorous heart in spring to the cuckoo.
By the vast sea, the moon brightens pearls’ tears,
At indigo field, the sun warms jade that engenders smoke.
This feeling might have become a memory to be cherished,
But for that, even then, it already seemed an illusion.
The Inlaid Harp
Witter Bynner 译
I wonder why my inlaid harp has fifty strings,
Each with its flower-like fret an interval of youth.
...The sage Chuang-tze is day-dreaming bewildered by butterflies.
The spring heart of Emperor Wang is crying in cuckoo,
Mermen weep their pearly tears down a moon-green sea,
Blue fields are breathing their jade to the sun...
And a moment that ought to have lasted for ever
Has come and gone before I know.
The Gorgeous Zither
戴乃迭、杨宪益 译
For no reason the gorgeous zither has fifty strings,
Each string, each fret, recalls a youthful year.
Master Zhuang woke from a dream puzzled by a butterfly,
Emperor Wang reposed his amorous heart to the cuckoo.
The moon shines on the sea, pearls look like tears,
The sun is warm at Lantian, the jade emits mist.
This feeling might have become a memory to recall,
But, even then, it was already suggestive of sorrows.
张若梦 整理