
双语 | 苹果CEO库克杜兰大学2019毕业演讲实录(视频+全文)









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      美国当地时间5月18日,苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)在梅赛德斯-奔驰穹顶体育馆向杜兰大学(Tulane University)的毕业生发表主题演讲。



Hello Tulane! Thank you President Fitts, Provost Forman, distinguished faculty, other faculty [laughs], and the entire Tulane family, including the workers, ushers, [and] volunteers who prepared this beautiful space. And I feel duty-bound to also recognize the hard-working bartenders at The Boot. Though they're not here with us this morning, I'm sure some of you are reflecting on their contributions as well. [The Boot is a popular college bar right next to Tulane's campus which has been around for decades.]

你好,杜兰大学!感谢校长菲茨(Fitts),普罗沃斯特·福尔曼(Provost Forman),杰出的教职人员和其他人员,感谢杜兰的大家庭,包括所有出现在这里的工作人员、接待人员和志愿者们。我也觉得十分有必要在此一并感谢The Boot里辛勤工作的调酒师。虽然他们今天早晨没有出现在这里,但我相信在座的各位中一定有不少人,也像我一样,乐意感谢他们的付出(The Boot为杜兰大学附近一家已有数十年历史的大学酒吧,极受欢迎。)

And just as many of you have New Orleans in your veins, and perhaps your livers, some of us at Apple have New Orleans in our blood as well. When I was a student at Auburn, the Big Easy was our favorite getaway. It's amazing how quickly those 363 miles fly by when you're driving toward a weekend of beignets and beer. And how slowly they go in the opposite direction. Apple's own Lisa Jackson is a proud Tulane alum. Yes. She brought the Green Wave all the way to Cupertino where she heads our environment and public policy work. We're thrilled to have her talent and leadership on our team.

就像你们中大多数都是新奥尔良的儿女,苹果公司也有不少来自新奥尔良的员工。我还在杜兰大学读书的时候,Big Easy是我们最爱的休闲胜地。在周末与三五好友驱车前往,一边吃着煎饼一边喝着酒,哪怕前面还有363公里的路,时间也似乎一晃而过,而回去的路程总是看上去那么遥远。苹果的员工丽莎·杰克逊(Lisa Jackson)也是杜兰的杰出校友。她在公司担任环境与公共政策主管,是她把Green Wave一路带到库比蒂诺。她的才华和领导力,是苹果的一大财富。

OK, enough about us. Let's talk about you. At moments like this, it always humbles me to watch a community come together to teach, mentor, advise, and finally say with one voice, congratulations to the class of 2019!


Now there's another very important group: your family and friends. The people who, more than anyone else, loved, supported, and even sacrificed greatly to help you reach this moment. Let's give them a round of applause. This will be my first piece of advice. You might not appreciate until much later in your life how much this moment means to them. Or how that bond of obligation, love, and duty between you matters more than anything else.


In fact, that's what I really want to talk to you about today. In a world where we obsessively document our own lives, most of us don't pay nearly enough attention to what we owe one another. Now this isn't just about calling your parents more, although I'm sure they'd be grateful if you did that. It's about recognizing that human civilization began when we realized that we could do more together. That the threats and danger outside the flickering firelight got smaller when we got bigger. And that we could create more — more prosperity, more beauty, more wisdom, and a better life — when we acknowledge certain shared truths and acted collectively.


Maybe I'm biased, but I've always thought the South, and the Gulf Coast in particular, have hung on to this wisdom better than most. [Tim Cook grew up in Robertsdale, Alabama, which is about an hour from New Orleans and is similarly close to the Gulf of Mexico.] In this part of the country, your neighbors check up on you if they haven't heard from you in a while. Good news travels fast because your victories are their victories too. And you can't make it through someone's front door before they offer you a home-cooked meal.


Maybe you haven't thought about it very much, but these values have informed your Tulane education too. Just look at the motto: not for one's self, but for one's own. You've been fortunate to live, learn, and grow in a city where human currents blend into something magical and unexpected. Where unmatched beauty, natural beauty, literary beauty, musical beauty, cultural beauty, seem to spring unexpectedly from the bayou. The people of New Orleans use two tools to build this city: the unlikely and the impossible. Wherever you go, don't forget the lessons of this place. Life will always find lots of ways to tell you no, that you can't, that you shouldn't, that you'd be better off if you didn't try. But New Orleans teaches us there is nothing more beautiful or more worthwhile than trying. Especially when we do it not in the service of one's self, but one's own.


For me, it was that search for greater purpose that brought me to Apple in the first place. I had a comfortable job at a company called Compaq that at the time looked like it was going to be on top forever. As it turns out, most of you are probably too young to even remember its name. But in 1998, Steve Jobs convinced me to leave Compaq behind to join a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy. They made computers, but at that moment at least, people weren't interested in buying them. Steve had a plan to change things. And I wanted to be a part of it.

对我而言,是寻找更大的目标,引我来到了苹果,带到了今天的位置。我曾在康柏(Compaq)有一份舒适的工作,当时看来,这份工作或许将伴随我到退休。但如今,像你们这一代年轻人或许都没听说过这家公司。但是在1998年,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)说服我离开康柏,加入一家几近破产边缘的公司。这家快破产的公司也生产电脑,但至少在那个时候,人们对这些电脑并不感兴趣,更别说购买了。史蒂夫有一个改变一切的计划。而我,愿意加入到他的计划中去。

It wasn't just about the iMac, or the iPod, or everything that came after. It was about the values that brought these inventions to life. The idea that putting powerful tools in the hands of everyday people helps unleash creativity and move humanity forward. That we can build things that help us imagine a better world and then make it real.


There's a saying that if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. At Apple, I learned that's a total crock. You'll work harder than you ever thought possible, but the tools will feel light in your hands. As you go out into the world, don't waste time on problems that have been solved. Don't get hung up on what other people say is practical. Instead, steer your ship into the choppy seas. Look for the rough spots, the problems that seem too big, the complexities that other people are content to work around. It's in those places that you will find your purpose. It's there that you can make your greatest contribution. Whatever you do, don't make the mistake of being too cautious. Don't assume that by staying put, the ground won't move beneath your feet. The status quo simply won't last. So get to work on building something better.

俗话说,“选择你喜欢的工作,那你就不会把它当做工作”(If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life)。但在苹果公司我发现,这句话完全是一派胡言。相反,当你找到一份你所热爱的工作,你会努力工作,但你不会介意这样做。你会比想象中更努力地工作,只不过这种工具在你手中会感觉很轻松。当你走入社会之时,不要把时间浪费在已经解决的问题上。不要徘徊于人们口中的实用东西上。相反,你应该扬帆走向波涛汹涌的大海,去征服不完美,去解决看似艰涩的问题,去直面其他人不愿面对的复杂事务。只有在这些地方,你才会找到你一生的真正意义,做出最大的贡献。无论你做什么,不要犯下“小心谨慎”的错误。不要以为站在原地不动,地球就不会转动。现状在下一秒就不是现状了。所以,行动起来,一起创造更美好的未来。

In some important ways, my generation has failed you in this regard. We spent too much time debating. We've been too focused on the fight and not focused enough on progress. And you don't need to look far to find an example of that failure. Here today, in this very place, in an arena where thousands once found desperate shelter from a 100-year disaster, the kind that seem to be happening more and more frequently, I don't think we can talk about who we are as people and what we owe to one another without talking about climate change.


Thank you. Thank you.


This problem doesn't get any easier based on whose side wins or loses an election. It's about who has won life's lottery and has the luxury of ignoring this issue and who stands to lose everything. The coastal communities, including some right here in Louisiana, that are already making plans to leave behind the places they've called home for generations and head for higher ground. The fishermen whose nets come up empty. The wildlife preserves with less wildlife to preserve. The marginalized, for whom a natural disaster can mean enduring poverty.


Just ask Tulane's own Molly Keogh, who's getting her Ph.D. this weekend. Her important new research shows that rising sea levels are devastating areas of Southern Louisiana more dramatically than anyone expected. Tulane graduates, these are people's homes. Their livelihoods. The land where their grandparents were born, lived, and died.

只消问问我们杜兰大学的莫莉·基奥(Molly Keogh),她这周刚拿到了自己的博士学位。她的重要新研究表明,海平面的上升给路易斯安那州南部地区造成的破坏远远超出了任何人的预期。杜兰的毕业生们,这些都是人们的家园,是他们的生计,他们的祖祖辈辈在这里出生、生活,又在这片土地上终去。

When we talk about climate change or any issue with human costs, and there are many, I challenge you to look for those who have the most to lose and find the real, true empathy that comes from something shared. That is really what we owe one another. When you do that, the political noise dies down, and you can feel your feet firmly planted on solid ground. After all, we don't build monuments to trolls, and we're not going to start now.


If you find yourself spending more time fighting than getting to work, stop and ask yourself who benefits from all the chaos. There are some who would like you to believe that the only way that you can be strong is by bulldozing those who disagree or never giving them a chance to say their peace in the first place. That the only way you can build your own accomplishments is by tearing down the other side.


We forget sometimes that our preexisting beliefs have their own force of gravity. Today, certain algorithms pull toward you the things you already know, believe, or like, and they push away everything else. Push back. It shouldn't be this way. But in 2019, opening your eyes and seeing things in a new way can be a revolutionary act. Summon the courage not just to hear but to listen. Not just to act, but to act together.


It can sometimes feel like the odds are stacked against you, that it isn't worth it, that the critics are too persistent and the problems are too great. But the solutions to our problems begin on a human scale with building a shared understanding of the work ahead and with undertaking it together. At the very least, we owe it to each other to try.


It's worked before. In 1932, the American economy was in a free-fall. Twelve million people were unemployed, and conventional wisdom said the only thing to do was to ride it out, wait, and hope that things would turn around. But the governor of New York, a rising star named Franklin Roosevelt, refused to wait. He challenged the status quo and called for action. He needed people to stop their rosy thinking, face the facts, pull together, and help themselves out of a jam. He said: "The country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it and try another. But above all, try something."

这样的团结曾经有过。1932年,美国经济急速下坠。1200万人失业,经验智慧说,我们现在唯一能做的就是经受住考验,耐心等待,寄希望于事情终将会慢慢好转。但是当时纽约州的州长,一位名叫富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)的后起之秀拒绝等待。他向旧有的体制发起挑战,呼吁人们行动起来。他告诉人们,停止那些不切实际的幻想,直面现实,团结起来,互相扶持走出困境。他说:“我们的国家需要大胆持久的试验。采取措施、放胆实践是常识。如果失败,那就承认失败,换个法子继续尝试。只是无论如何,一定要去尝试。”

This was a speech to college students fearful about their future in an uncertain world. He said: "Yours is not the task of making your way in the world, but the task of remaking the world." The audacious empathy of young people, the spirit that says we should live not just for ourselves, but for our own. That's the way forward. From climate change to immigration, from criminal justice reform to economic opportunity, be motivated by your duty to build a better world. Young people have changed the course of history time and time again. And now it's time to change it once more.


I know, I know the urgency of that truth is with you today. Feel big because no one can make you feel strong. Feel brave because the challenges we face are great but you are greater. And feel grateful because someone sacrificed to make this moment possible for you. You have clear eyes and a long life to use them. And here in this stadium, I can feel your courage.


Call upon your grit. Try something. You may succeed. You may fail. But make it your life's work to remake the world because there is nothing more beautiful or more worthwhile than working to leave something better for humanity.


Thank you very much, and congratulations class of 2019!


苹果CEO库克杜克大学演讲:无所畏惧做最不愿接受现状的人The time is always right to do right




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