
CGTN 视频 | 悦辩悦明:大国挑战,负重前行 | 病毒来袭,神州应战 | 病毒无国界,偏见更伤人



双语 | 刘欣评论 | 至暗时刻,至善人心 | 英国50所大学为武汉送祝福


It has been a month since Wuhan was locked down because of the coronavirus. Like a big push on a swing, the epidemic tips the balance in the world, and China is making efforts to keep standing.
The challenge lies in the country's size. China is a big country with a large span, and the virus hit the center, literally. The epicenter is a metropolis of 16 million people in the middle of the country. To make matters worse, it is surrounded by many cities, also with millions of inhabitants. Wuhan is a transport hub, and the virus is threatening to infect the whole surrounding are. The size of the country is a significant obstacle.
But that's only half the story. Because of its continental size, all the parts feed off each other. When Wuhan fell, the other provinces came to its aid. As we speak, one-tenth of the intensive care doctors of the entire country is in Wuhan. A total of 40,000 medical staff moved to the center in a wartime fashion. China plans to take the virus full on.
Structure matters. Another weight on scale is messaging. China has two-way traffic of communication: top-down and bottom-up.
中国需要改善信息自下而上的传导。武汉的八名医生于新型病毒爆发之初便发出警示,然而他们的声音却没有被重视, 国家监委调查组仍在调查事件真相。但是有一点是肯定的:汇报层级过多,手续繁杂,缺乏信息上报动力。
China needs to do better bottom-up. When doctors in Wuhan sounded alarms of the new virus, the message got lost. An investigation is still ongoing on why. But one reason is obvious: there are too many layers,too much red tape, and too little incentives to send the messages up.

但是保持平衡实非易事。每个决定的背后都有取舍,它会影响百姓生计,甚至攸关生死。我们需要减缓疫情传播速度。中国许多地区都在执行严格的检疫隔离。建立广泛的检疫隔离网络,减少违规行为固然是个好办法 问题是我们仍然不知道确切的疫情扩散范围。在不侵犯人们的权利和尊严的情况下有效隔离感染者困难重重。
But keeping the balance is hard. Every decision is a trade-off when it affects the lives of thousands and the livelihood of millions. We need to slow the spread. Draconian quarantines are being enforced in many parts of the country. Maintain a large network of isolation and a low rate of rogue behavior is the answer; the question is that we still don’t know the exact extent of the infection. Isolating the infected while not infringing on people’s rights and decency is not an easy task.


But the hardest decision is when to draw the line. With so little information on an adversary like the virus and so few weapons at our disposal, without treatment or vaccines, we are not able to answer the public's question: when does it end?
Before the end of the Second World War, Winston Churchill described the war like this: victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.

悦辩悦明 | 病毒无国界,偏见更伤人

First a city with a population of 11 million was shut down and then a country of 1.4 billion people came to a halt. Most people have shown concern and understanding. Whenever there is a public health concern, people tend to react strongly, however some have allowed the fear to turn into bias.  
But sometimes the reaction is over the top. People have effectively closed borders, shouted hateful words and drive others away indiscriminately. Some have called the novel coronavirus the China Virus. We wrongly called the 1918 pandemic the Spanish Flu and with better knowledge and conscience we never call AIDS or Ebola an African virus because we don't want people to associate a pathogen with a place or people, and we shouldn't. Coronavirus is feeding bias and discrimination against people, people from Wuhan and China, people across the aisle and in the neighborhood.
It is understandable that people are panicking in the face of a big unknown. But we have a rough idea about this virus; it is highly infectious, and not as deadly as SARS. We wash hands, wear masks, keep our hygiene and keep ourselves happy to let the immune system do its work. 

Draconian isolation policy during the 14-day incubation will help us identify more cases and hopefully the virus will burn out eventually or its impact will be mitigated when our immune systems with the help of supportive care will win out at last.
But discrimination will take its toll. The disregard of AIDS patients during the 1970s drove them underground and undetected, resulting in a larger outbreak. And similar messaging on Ebola made matters worse in 2014 in Africa. In history we have treated leprosy, AIDS and even flu patients like outcasts partly because we were unable to deal with the disease, but largely because we could not understand the threat.  
But now we do. Virus know no boundaries, be it AIDS, the flu, SARS or 2019-nCoV. An epidemic of global scale demands the sharing of information, resources and moral support. Quarantines might work for a while, but it won't last and it won't solve all problems. We are now in a gigantic prisoner's dilemma, the incentive to turn against each other is so strong even though banding together works better. Bias hurts your interests, you just don't know yet.
In our modern, borderless world. We aren't living in villages anymore. Even though we may pay a price dealing with strangers, we still do and we are better off because of it.
"This is the time for facts, not fear.
This is the time for science, not rumors.
This is the time for solidarity, not stigma.
We are all in this together."          


It has been a challenging week for China.

The threat came from a virus, a new coronavirus strain. It has already killed dozens of people and infected thousands. And worse still, we still don't know the scope of the outbreak.

The epicenter, Wuhan, is now on lockdown. It's a hub of industry and commerce in central China and home to 12 million people. Residents there are advised to stay put but millions more are nervous about further spread.

The price of lockdown will go higher as it will affect commerce, transport and finally economy. But most people agree this is the price we have to pay because the stakes are too high and otherwise the cost would be even greater.

The most concerning thing is the lack of information. The virus is new, and despite round-the-clock research, we still don't know much about the pathogen, like where it originated, how it jumped species, how it evolved and how lethal it could be.

Humans rely so much on communication and viruses weaponize human communication. That is why the battle is so painful in a populous country like China.

The news of the virus is everywhere, and people are watching, reading and hearing it in heavy doses every single day. The modern human networks of information have also created challenges for epidemic control. On the one hand, people could easily be scared and spread misinformation or make impulsive choices. On the other, people are better informed and are more ready to take precautions like wearing masks and following procedures. 

Epidemics are nothing new. The Black Death in the 14th century killed a third of humanity and the annual flu also claims thousands of lives around the world. The major killers throughout recent human history — smallpox, flu, tuberculosis, malaria, plague, measles, and cholera — are infectious diseases that evolved from animals.

But thanks to science and human cooperation, we are in a better place to deal with epidemics like never before. History gives us perspectives and probably also provides solace.

We have been there and we have seen it before.

The SARS epidemic, which broke out in China in 2002 eventually killed more than 800 people worldwide. Seventeen years later, the entire health system is better off, our knowledge is deeper and awareness sharper. We are better informed and equipped, but of course we still have to be very humble.

Wuhan patients are still struggling to get medical attention and people all over the country are still edgy facing the unknown. An epidemic of this kind will finally test not only the healthcare but the entire social system.

But this time China has established a daily bulletin system on infection cases and promises to punish government officials who fail to provide prompt and transparent information updates.

Wuhan plans to build two special hospitals in 10 days that can treat more than 2,000 patients. This is key, because that means the virus patients won't mingle with common cold or fever patients to make matters worse.

In the meantime, hundreds of medical staff from all over the country have been joining their Wuhan colleagues who are physically and professionally strained.

China's centralized system is at work in the sense that once it has the political will, it can pool the best resources and make the strongest efforts. This is a China that has learned its lessons and this is a community that is determined not to repeat the same mistakes.

But we have to be cool-headed. This is a battle between man and nature. The only tool we can use is the science of medicine. And the only way is to use it with humility and patience.






