
双语 | 超火脱口秀主持人崔娃吐槽新冠疫情!如何学会崔娃机智辩论话术?强势又无敌意



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崔娃还讲述过博拉病毒肆虐时受歧视的辛酸往事。他全程神模仿各地口音,美国、中东、英国... 各种幽默段子层出不穷,笑得观众完全停不下来。


Thank you, thank you very much, thank you. Hello! Hello everyone, or as we say in South Africa, hello! It"s really wonderful to be here, this is my first time working with Comic Relief. When they asked me to join, they said "Trevor we"d really love you to join Comic Relief" and I said "I"d love to do it, do I have to come to the UK?"

谢谢,非常感谢,哈喽大家好,或者用我们南非人问好的方式: 哈喽。真的很高兴来到这里,这是我与喜剧救济的首次合作。当初接到主办方的邀请: "崔娃,我们诚邀你参演喜剧救济。" 我回复说: "那敢情好啊,但我是不是得去英国?"

But then I found out that they"re actually projects in South Africa that I got to take part in which is really wonderful for me for two reasons. One, because obviously it"s close to my heart. I grew up in a township. But more importantly I didn"t have to fly which is really great, because flying has been particularly stressful for me in the recent months, mostly because of the ebola crisis.


As a South African traveller, flying anywhere in the world has been extremely stressful, because it has been extra stringent measures that have been placed on us. You know, flying to America particularly has been the worst. You go through different lines, there"s extra checks you know, especially if you come from what they consider a high-risk ebola region, which is apparently the whole continent, cause we"re all coughing on each other in one big hut.


I don"t really blame them cause look, the truth is most Americans don"t know much about South Africa. So well they don"t know much about Africa as a whole, well most of them don"t know much about anything, but still like... It"s just weird because you would land America and the questions they would ask you at the border control would be so interesting. Like you"d get there, and a man would look at me and as soon as he"d see I was from South Africa he"d be like, "Sir, South Africa, have you been in contact with ebola?" Like my answer would be "yes, next stop Disney World!"

我不怪他们这么想,因为毕竟大多数美国人都不了解南非,他们对整个非洲都不了解。嗯... 其实他们对啥都不了解。真的很奇怪,飞机落地美国后,边境检查人员会问一些特别有意思的问题。走到窗口,那人盯着我,一看到我来自南非立刻发问 [美国口音] : "先生,你来自南非,那你接触过埃博拉病毒吗?" 像是我会老实交代: "有接触过哦,下一站我就去迪斯尼。"

Would I really still be traveling had I been in contact with one of the most deadly diseases on the planet? Is that what type of person do you - "ahh I paid for that trip. I"m going, even if it kills everybody." Like why would I do something like that? And the way they would ask it as well made it sound like ebola was a distant relative of mine, like a cousin, "have you been in contact with ebola?" "Yeah, I spoke to him last week! He"s doing well, thanks for asking."

要是我真感染了这全世界最致命的病毒,我还会到处跑去旅行啊?"啊,我买票钱都花了,就算害死全人类,我也要去!" 我是这种人么?我干嘛要做这么二的事儿?最搞笑的是边境人员问话的口气,说得就像是"埃博拉"是我表哥之类的远房亲戚 [美国口音]: "你接触过埃博拉吗?" "接触过哦,上周我还跟他聊天来着。他挺好的,谢谢关心!"

Such a strange world. It was honestly one of the worst trips I ever took, because what happened is we flew in, so I was flying to Los Angeles, and because of that, we have to stop over in Atlanta and change planes, and when we got off our plane, we went off and we got into another plane. And when we did, they made an announcement as we got onto the plane, they told other passengers that we were from a South African plane. And so they were going to be spraying the cabin for their safety.


But they said this as we walked on the air hostess came on and she was like "ladies and gentlemen, please note we"ve got some passengers joining us from a South African flight. And due to the ebola crisis right now, we"re just gonna spray the cabin. Shouldn"t be too harmful, you can cover your eyes and a nose if you think it"ll harm you. But it should be okay and we"ll be on our way shortly. Thank you very much."

他们播报的时候,我们还在陆续登机。空姐说 [美国口音]: "女士们先生们,请注意,现在正在登机的是来自南非航班的乘客。由于当前埃博拉疫情严峻,我们将对客舱进行消毒,应该不会对身体有害;若担心消毒喷雾有害,请自行遮住眼口鼻,但应该对身体无害。飞机很快就会起飞,非常感谢。"

We walked on to that, that"s our introduction. As we"re walking on a place, hello hello. It was like a scene from Forrest Gump, everyone was like, Can"t sit here! Can"t sit here! It was honestly one of the worst flights I"ve ever taken in my life.

这就是在我们登机时对我们的介绍词。我们走在过道上,打着招呼: "哈喽,大家好。" 就像是《阿甘正传》里的情节,所有人对我们嗤之以鼻 [美国口音]: "走开!别坐这儿。" 讲真,这是我人生经历过最糟糕的一次旅程。

Like, it was so tense. I coughed once. The plane shook, there was this one guy who couldn"t even hold it, I couldn"t hold it any longer and he couldn"t hold it, it was like...and he was like "ebola! Ebola!" I was like "calm down, calm down. It"s just AIDs, calm down, you"re safe for now." The stress! Everybody.

气氛简直紧张到极点,我咳嗽了一下,全飞机的人都坐不住了。我憋了很久,一下没忍住咳了出来,一位大兄弟也没忍住高声喊出来: "埃博拉!埃博拉!" 我安慰他: "冷静,别激动。放心,只是艾滋而已,你现在很安全。" 压力山大!所有人都是。

We landed finally in Los Angeles, but still we weren"t allowed to disembark. The air hostess came back on to make another announcement. She said, "Ladies and gentleme,n please stay in your seats. Before we can disembark the plane, we"re just gonna have a quick safety procedure checking. Health and safety officials coming on board to make sure everything is up to standard, and we should be on our way shortly. Thank you very much."

最后飞机在洛杉矶降落,但还不允许我们下飞机,空姐又开始播报广播 [美国口音]: "女士们先生们,请您在座位上坐好。下飞机之前,我们要快速做一下安全程序检查。为确保一切符合标准,健康安全部门的官员将登机检查,很快就会结束,非常感谢。"

So we have to sit there while the health and safety official came on board the plane and his job was using a list of African passengers he was gonna go around and then scan each passenger and make sure they were healthy. And what he had, he had a laser thermometer and he"d go to each African, point it at our heads. And then basically the way it worked on the thermometer is, if you"re very hot, then you"ve got ebola, I think that"s how it works.


So he walked down, scanned the people, walked down, scanned the people, and I don"t know why he did this. He came down to my row, walked all the way to me, scanned the people around me, looked at me and then just shook his head and walked away, like almost like I wasn"t African enough or something... He was just like, "oh no..."

那人就这么走着,查一下体温,再往前走,查下一个人,但他接下来做的事我就不懂了。他走到我这排,一路走到我面前,测了我周围其他人的体温,看了我一眼,摇了摇头,就这么离开了。啥意思,难道觉得我长得不够非洲么... 他就嘟囔了句: "哦不是。"

When he scanned the people around me and he moved on. So because of this, a few rows later, he was short one name on the list which was mine. And so he calls the air hostess over and he"s like "I got a name. I don"t know", and she"s like "are you sure you just checked..." and he"s like "yeah I don"t know who it is. I can"t see..."

测完我身边其他人的体温,他就这么走了。又排查完几排乘客后,名单上有个名字没划掉,那就是我了。他把空姐叫过来: "漏了一个人,不知道在哪。" 空姐说: "你确定检查了所有..." 那人说: "不知道是哪个,没看到..."

And this commotion and it"s growing and it"s growing and now I think they"re talking about me. I"m pretty certain but I"m not gonna be the guy was like " excuse me I think I"m... I"m the ebola threat!" I"m not gonna say that. So I"m just listening while this is, and the commotions growing, keeps growing. So the whole plane starts listening, everyone gets involved.

其他空乘也加入讨论,大家议论纷纷。我意识到他们说的是我,我非常确定,但我总归不会主动找他们: "不好意思,我就是那个... 埃博拉病毒本毒!" 我才不要这样。所以我就坐那儿听着,雪球越滚越大,乘客们开始窃窃私语,飞机上所有人都参与进来。

And then at its height, there was a man three rows behind us of Middle Eastern descent, he had a big beard, very traditional regalia on. And I"ll never forget this. He leaned into the middle of their conversation, with no hint of irony whatsoever. He just leaned in and was like "excuse me, pardon me, ah, you probably want to check the gentleman over there something suspicious about him I notice. You want to check in there. That guy was coughing."

然后,故事高潮来了。在我座位后面三排有个中东男人,留着大胡子,穿着传统服饰。我永远不会忘记,他打断官员和空乘的对话——我这表述不带任何讽刺意味,他直接插话喊道 [中东口音]: "不好意思,听我说,你们可得查一下那边那男人。我注意到此人非常可疑,你们最好查一下,他刚才还咳嗽了。"

I was like "really?! Et tu Ahmed?" How the wheel has turned, my friend? You forget there was a time when Muslims were the black people of the skies. And yet, now you have turned on me. I thought he would be on my side. I thought he would relate, I thought he would be like, "don"t worry, I know how it feels, I got you." Instead he was like, "enjoy being under the bus!" It was a stressful time.

我都惊了: "啥?!是你么,艾哈迈德?" 大兄弟,风水轮流转了是吧?你忘了当年穆斯林像黑人一样被歧视、被针对的事情了么?结果现在转头就把我卖了?我以为他会为我撑腰,我以为他能感同身受,我以为他会对我说: "别担心,我知道被歧视的感受,我理解你。" 但他毫不犹豫抓我背黑锅: "玩得开心哟!" 这段经历太糟心。

But coming into the UK has been a bit nicer, you know. I guess people are a bit more informed - not that it"s easy, don"t get me wrong, flying to the UK is a lot of stress. You have one of the most stressful border controls I have ever come into in my life, like they ask you so many questions, question upon question upon question. I"ve got the right paperwork, I"ve got the visa. "Comic Relief", the guy looks at me and he"s like "so you"re a comedian", I said "yeah", he"s like "you don"t look funny". I just woke up and what does that even mean?!

不过,来英国倒是好一点,我猜是因为英国人比较见多识广。别误会,我不是说入境英国很轻松啊,其实特别麻烦——你们的边境管制是我人生中经历过最麻烦的。他们会质问你无数的问题,一个接着一个。我有相关文件,我也有签证,那官员看着我说 [英国口音]: "喜剧救济,所以你是喜剧演员?" 我说: "是的。" 他回了句 [英国口音]: "但你长得并不好笑。" 拜托,我当时刚睡醒好么!还有这话到底啥意思?!

And he kept asking me questions and at one point I stopped and then I said, "look man, look man, I"ve given you the paperwork, I"ve told you why I"m here, why don"t you believe me?" He said, "well look the truth is we can"t just believe everybody that comes into the UK, we can"t just believe that you gonna do what you say you here to do that doesn"t make sense you might do something totally different." I was like, "yeah fair enough, that makes sense."

他就这么一直问我问题,问得我实在受不了,就说了句: "兄弟,听着,所有文件我都给你了,我也明白告诉你,我来英国是干嘛的,为啥就不相信我呢?" 他回道[英国口音] : "现实就是这样,我们无法完全相信所有想要入境英国的人。你嘴上说来这儿是干嘛的,但并不可信。因为入境之后,你可能又干别的事儿去了。" 我说: "很好很好,非常有道理。"

I just wish as Africans we"d thought of that when the British arrived. Would"ve served us well. "Hey buddy! What is that flag for?" "Oh, just going to wave it in your country." "Ahh, come on in!"

作为非洲人,我多么希望当年英国人来非洲的时候,我们也能想到这一点,那会对我们大有好处啊。[非洲口音]: "大兄弟,你带个旗子来干嘛?" [英国口音]: "没啥,就在你们国家挥舞一下。" [非洲口音]: "这样啊,那快进来吧!"

You guys have been fantastic, thanks so much for having me. Have a great night.




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Sometimes arguments can get heated and spiral out of control and while we all want to win our arguments not making an enemy in the process can be even more important, which is why today we're going to be looking at Trevor Noah.很多时候,当争论持续升温,局面就会失控。尽管人人都想“吵”赢,但在辩论过程中,不与人为敌才更重要。所以下面一起来围观崔娃 And what you can learn from him about coming out of verbal scruffs and not only on tops but looking cool calm and collected. First off Trevor has a simple but effective habit to prevent emotions from getting too heated, his sub communications indicate that he isn't there for a fight.学习一下他的机智话术,强势辩论同时,又泰然自若。首先,小崔有个看似简单,却强有力的套路,有效防止情绪上头,局面失控。他的言语不断暗示自己不是来吵架的。As people get more frustrated, they have a tendency to raise their voices and talk faster, the first order of business is simply to slow things down and indicate that fighting isn't necessary.当人们感到不悦时,就会高扯嗓门,加快语速。所以第一步,我们需要放缓语气,暗示对方无需争吵。So as Trevor gains control, you can see him deliberately pause in these situations which reduces the tension and opens the other person up to his perspective.你可以看到,当小崔赢回主动权。他故意停顿了一下,缓解紧张气氛,让对方更好地聆听自己的观点。-I have that color, but I wouldn't say that -I have this when I grew up when I grew up I believed that all people with chocolates...-我也拥有这种肤色,但我不会这么说。 -我也生来如此,长大后,我坚信所有巧克力肤色的人们...  A very basic but tried-and-true method when this starts to happen to you is simply to take a deep breath as you are about to speak. It helps to slow things down tremendously.这就用上了很基本,但屡试不爽的技巧。如果你也遇上类似情况,记得深呼吸,慢慢说出你的观点,这招能瞬间缓和气氛。Now another key element that indicates Trevor isn't looking to fight is his inflection. In fact, upward inflections are excellent for de-escalating conflict.另一个暗示小崔并非在吵架的基本点,就是改变语调。上扬的语调能有效化解冲突。Because it reassures others that you're not commanding them, or trying to control them, which is what gets most people upset in arguments in the first place.因为这样对方就不会觉得你在命令他们,或试图控制他们,这种控制感就是辩论过程中最恼人的部分。The last key piece you see from Trevor about sub communicating that you're not there for a fight is simply the ability to crack a joke. It might seem counterintuitive to slow down the flow of debate with moments of levity.最后一个,崔娃暗示自己并非在吵架的潜在话术是通过讲笑话缓解紧张氛围。在争辩过程中,偶尔轻松说笑下,或许显得有些反常。But this actually makes you more persuasive since your sub communicating that you are on the same side as someone when you can laugh with them.但实际上,这会让你更具说服力。因为这一潜在话术,让你暂时与对方统一战线,一起放声大笑。But the literal words that you use are important too and that's why the next point is that whenever possible ask questions instead of making statements.另外,措辞也极其重要。所以第二个要点就是,无论何时,提问胜过陈述。  The reason this is so significant is that questions tend to come across as less confrontational than statements provided that they're not provocative accusatory questions.这点之所以重要,是因为陈述要比提问更具对抗性,更易挑起冲突。只要别问过度刁难的问题即可。Now here's two general kinds of questions that Trevor uses first you see genuine questions aimed at better understanding the other person's viewpoint, again note the upward inflection in this next clip that indicates he's seriously curious.以下是小崔常用的两大提问方式。第一个,真诚发问,目的是能更好理解对方立场。观察下一段对话中,他通过语气升调表现了自己的浓厚兴趣。  And now I would like to know from your side genuinely as someone who's one. Do you believe that Donald Trump will follow through on his promises.下面的问题,我想真诚从你的角度出发,你作为独立个体,你认为特朗普会实现他的诺言吗?  The goal of these types of questions is to fully understand the opposing position. 这一系列发问的目的是充分了解对方的立场。So many people get into debates with the straw man of the person that they're debating assuming, that they believe things that the Democrats believe or Republicans believe or Christians believe or atheists believe or whatever.很多人在辩论时,都会给对方扣上帽子。认为只要他们属于民主党、共和党、基督徒、无神论者,他们就一定坚信某种立场。你得明白,你仅仅知道他们属于某一派别。You must recognize that you do not know any individual's beliefs, simply by knowing one of their affiliations. You need to get to what they believe as an individual, and genuine questions are the only way there.这不代表你了解他们的所有立场。对方是独立个体,你得从他们个人观点出发,所以这时候真诚发问至关重要。  To make sure that you're actually understanding someone correctly a fantastic tool is to try to state back to them their own beliefs in your words and to not proceed until they confirm that you've actually got it.为确保正确理解对方观点,尝试用自己的话复述对方观点是个小妙招,直到对方肯定你的描述,你再继续说下去。  Once you have a good grasp of someone's beliefs you can begin to ask the second main type of question. Questions that probe for inconsistencies and beliefs in a non accusatory way.一旦你恰到好处地领会了对方立场,你就可以继续追问第二类问题啦!非指控性地委婉发问,指出对方立场中的不合理之处。A very recent interview with the Republican Senator Rand Paul has a few great examples of this from Trevor. You can do a bad thing does it cancel each other out then在对共和党议员兰德·保罗的最新采访里。小崔就做了很好的示范,你可以做一件坏事来互相抵消。 I'm saying that most people...people go look at what happened in Venezuela socialism then I go does the corruption not count at all.我指的是大多数人...人们说,看看委内瑞拉的社会主义啊!我说,难道就不考虑腐败问题吗。  You know credit default swaps that's capitalism running rampant. That's people going you can buy a thing that doesn't exist and nobody understands it and you don't have to regulate it.比如信用违约掉期问题,资本主义助长了它的气焰,大家一窝蜂涌去购买不存在的东西,人们无知跟风,也无需调控监管。  And then all of a sudden the markets crash people lose their houses isn't that also capitalism? This questioning style of conversation is known as the Socratic method.然后市场瞬间崩盘,人们连房子都没了,这难道不是资本主义吗?这种提问方式被称作苏格拉底问答法。  And it's the reason that Socrates is the most famous philosopher ever. So use it, it works incredibly well. 这也是苏格拉底成为伟大哲学家的原因,所以使用它吧!效果绝佳。  Ensure your first attempting to understand people's positions as best as you can, and then frame your disagreements in the form of questions that gives the other person a chance to respond without feeling cornered and it makes them much less likely to be offended.尽你所能,第一时间去领会对方立场。再通过设计问题,来进一步辩驳。这也给了对方一个台阶下,让他有机会回答,同时也不会太受冒犯。  Moving on to the next point. Let's have a look at what to do when the positions are reversed and you're the one who is having your beliefs challenged.下面来说另一个要点,来看看当角色颠倒时会发生啥?假设是你的观点遭到驳斥。  But let's say it's in a way that you feel is unfair, your main goal here is to confidently defend yourself without coming across as antagonistic.比如,你认为对方的驳斥毫无道理。你的首要目标是,既要避免充满敌意的反抗。  And there is a surprisingly effective way to achieve both at the same time. And it's something that I like to call "yes, but..."也要强势保卫自己的立场,要同时达到这两个目标,有一个高能技巧,那就是善用“是这样,但...”模式。  You've probably heard of "yes, and..." where you agree and then build upon someone's statement in order to develop on a joke like an improv comedy.你可能听过“是的,而且...”模式,这一模式适用于认同对方观点,并顺着思路往下说,就像即兴喜剧中爆笑料的过程。  In an argument the same principle of finding agreement is very important. The only difference is that you're gonna follow your agreement up by showing where you disagree, that's the but part.在辩论中,寻求认同也很重要。唯一区别是,辩论过程中,你需要利用某些认同点,进而用"但是"这个词,表达你的不认同。  In order to do this technique effectively you need to know specifically where you agree with someone and specifically where you don't. And there are three keys.为更有效地使用这个技巧,首先得清楚认知,你们的观点有哪些明确的异同之处,这里有三个窍门。  First off, in every argument, you are not necessarily right and this is especially true if you've never amended your belief system be a political, religious or otherwise in those cases, chances are you're operating from conditioning.第一点,每场辩论,你不一定总是正确的。尤其是下面这种情况,你从未改变过自己的政治、宗教或其他信仰。因为以上情形中,你一直受到某一特定价值观的熏陶。  So genuinely trying to understand other perspectives can help you towards a more accurate view of the world. Now this is obviously very hard to do, because your ego gets involved.所以试着理解其他角度,这能帮你更精准地判断世界,显然这很难做到,因为你的自我意识被牵连其中。  So the second key mindset is that adjusting your beliefs, changing your mind in the heat of an argument does not diminish you at all. 所以第二种思维模式是,不断调整你的信念,辩论过程中调整立场并不会让你变弱。As my freshman year philosophy teacher said, the goal of argument is not to be right, it is to get it right, so be proud of yourself, when you change your beliefs in accordance with new evidence, even if you technically lost an argument for it happen.我大一的哲学老师曾说过,辩论的目标不是吵赢,而是如何接近真理。所以,当你基于新论据,而更改立场时,即便你看似输了一场辩论,也会对自己感到自豪。   Now third, if in fact you've taken the time to understand the other person and they're still wrong, it's almost never because they are evil, it's because they are somehow ignorant.第三点,如果你花了很长时间去理解对方的观点,但仍觉得观点不成立,那绝不是对方无理,可能只是有些无知。  Dialogue can help to lift that ignorant but only if you don't trigger their defense mechanisms by attacking them as people. Now Trevor summarizes this well on hot ones I don't want to destroy you, I want to engage with you.交谈可以帮助化解愚昧,前提是不要攻击对方人格,触发对方的防御机制。下面这段,小崔很好地诠释了这点。  And I think a lot of the time as people. If you have ideas you believe in, you should be willing to engage or you should be willing to test those ideas against somebody that you don't agree with.我不想把你击垮驳倒,我想跟你交流。很多时候,作为一个人,你有自己坚信的理念,你会心甘情愿与人交流。或者当你不赞同某些观点时,你会通过反驳的方式,以测试自己的想法。 If you allow these mindsets to sink in everything from the sub communications to asking the Socratic questions to the "yes but" technique will come much more naturally as you jointly work with the people you're talking to, to find solid and true common ground.如果你能完全领悟这种思维模式,从潜在交流到苏格拉底问答法,再到"是的,但..."。这三大技巧就能被掌握得炉火纯青,因为在跟对方沟通过程中,你找到了确实存在的共同点。  

Sub-communicate that you are not here for a fight.


当人们感觉“不爽”时,很容易就开始高扯嗓门,越说越快。所以首先,我们要放缓语速(slow things down),暗示对方无需争吵。




用上扬的语调(upward inflection),能有效化解冲突。因为这样对方就不会觉得你在命令或试图控制他们。


崔娃还擅长通过讲笑话(crack a joke )、开玩笑来缓解紧张气氛。一般辩论时大家都很严肃,但偶尔幽默说笑一下,并不会不妥,反而让你更有说服力。因为这能让你暂时与对方统一战线。

Ask questions instead of making statements

陈述要比提问更容易挑起冲突,当然,只要别问过度刁难的问题就行~ 崔娃有两大提问技巧。


真诚提问(genuine questions),才能充分了解、更好理解对方的立场和观点。不要一上来就给对方扣帽子、贴标签。




崔娃屡试不爽的一种提问方式,被称作“苏格拉底问答法”(the Socratic method)。


以上都是辩论中你占主导时的方法。 但假如是你的观点遭到反驳,且你觉得对方说的毫无道理,这时该怎么办?

Confidently defend yourself without coming across as antagonistic






I don’t want to destroy you, I want to engage with you.







