
TED演讲 | 你的最大动力来自哪里?The Physcology of Self-motivation



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Scott Geller:the physcology of self-motivation


Question number one: Can you do it?Albert Bandura calls itself self-efficacy. Do you believe you can do it? Do you have the time, the knowledge and the training to do what we're asking you to do? If he answers yes, good.
第一个问题:你能做到吗?艾伯特·班杜拉(Albert Bandura)把这称作“自我效能”,你相信你能做到吗?你有时间、知识和足够的训练做到我们要求你做的事吗?如果答案是肯定的,非常好。

Second question: Will it work? Do you believe that we’re asking you to do the process will work? Albert Bandura calls that response efficacy — believing that the behavior will lead the ultimate outcome. By the way, that takes education, right? We have to show them the data. We might show them some theory. We show them, teach them, why this might work. 

Third question. Is it worth it? So we’ve had a training question. We’ve had an educational question. This is the motivational question. Do you believe the consequences? This is about consequences. B.F. Skinner taught us this: selection by consequences. Dale Carnegie quoted B.F. Skinner and said from the day you were born, everything you did was because you wanted something for doing it. Consequences. Is it worth it?
第三个问题是:这件事值得做吗?我们已经讨论过训练问题和教育问题,这是个关乎动机的问题。你是否相信结果?这件事和结果息息相关。心理学大师B.F. 斯金纳(Skinner)告诉我们:“人因结果而选择”,戴尔·卡耐基还引用了斯金纳的言论,他说从每个人出生的那天起,你所做的每件事都是因为你想从中获得些什么。结果,它到底值不值得?

So you have to convince people that it’s worth it. By the way if you answer yes to those three questions, you feel competent. Am I right? You feel competent at doing worthwhile work. You’ve all been there. When you feel competent at doing worthwhile work, you’re more likely to be self-motivated.

Okay. I got one more – that’s a C word. Choice. Your common sense will tell you. When you believe you have a sense of autonomy, a sense of choice in what you’re doing, you’ll feel more self motivated. 

I've got a fourth C word: Community. Powerful word. Psychologists know that social support is critical. People who perceive a sense of relatedness, a sense of connection with other people, they feel motivated and they are happier.

There's a lesson there. We can always learn from each other. We need to have the humility to accept feedback and the courage to speak up. And we need to help each other, feels self-motivated. How? Given the perception of Competence. Teach them about consequences drive us, you know let them perceive choice and let them know it's community. We’re all in this together. And we need each other. Thank you.






