
Jetstack:被Venafi并购 布局虚拟化

【200518 HelpnetSecurity】Venafi, the inventor and leading provider of machine identity protection, announced a definitive agreement to acquire Jetstack, a global leader in open source machine identity protection software for Kubernetes and cloud native ecosystems. This acquisition is an industry first that will transform the way modern applications required by digital transformation are secured.

【谷歌翻译 未经校对】Venafi是机器身份保护的发明者和领先提供商,宣布了一项最终协议,以收购Jetstack,后者是Kubernetes和云原生生态系统的开源机器身份保护软件的全球领导者。此次收购是行业首创,将改变确保数字转换所需的现代应用程序的方式。

“In the race to virtualize everything, businesses need faster application innovation and better security; both are mandatory,” said Jeff Hudson, CEO of Venafi.

“在虚拟化一切的竞赛中,企业需要更快的应用程序创新和更好的安全性;两者都是强制性的。” Venafi首席执行官Jeff Hudson说。

“Most people see these requirements as opposing forces, but we don’t. We see a massive opportunity for innovation. This acquisition brings together two leaders who are already working together to accelerate the development process while simultaneously securing applications against attack, and there’s a lot more to do. Our mutual customers are urgently asking for more help to solve this problem because they know that speed wins, as long as you don’t crash.”


Digital transformation has completely disrupted application development and deployment. Cloud native platforms are making it possible for organizations to take advantage of all the cloud has to offer.


Application development decisions and power have shifted to developers. Developers are now creating a tidal wave of new machines across business units, clouds and continents in seconds, including:


Every machine requires a unique identity to connect, communicate, and execute securely. Developers demand the fastest, easiest and most agile ways to build with TLS, SSH, and code signing certificates, all of which serve as machine identities.


Security teams using manual operations are overwhelmed by the tsunami of new machines unleashed by developers and are struggling to keep up.


“The move to cloud-native platforms has shifted the way applications are developed and deployed,” said Tim Callahan, senior vice president and global chief security officer for Aflac, and Venafi customer advisory board member.

Aflac高级副总裁兼全球首席安全官,Venafi客户顾问委员会成员Tim Callahan说:“向云原生平台的迁移已经改变了应用程序的开发和部署方式。”

“This shift is a major disruption in the way we secure digitally transformed organizations. Every organization needs the right tools and training to make it easy for developers to use machine identities correctly while, at the same time, providing InfoSec teams with the information they need to keep the organization secure.”


Venafi and Jetstack are uniquely positioned to deliver this solution. Venafi’s innovative solutions protect TLS, SSH and code signing machine identities for the largest, most security-conscious organizations and government agencies in the world.


Jetstack supports and advises enterprises using Kubernetes in mission-critical infrastructure. Leveraging real-life, operational experience, Jetstack fostered the cert-manager open source community, which has hundreds of code contributors and millions of downloads.


Jetstack and Venafi have been working closely together over the last two years to dramatically accelerate the speed of innovation for next generation machine identity protection in Kubernetes, multi-cloud, service mesh and microservices ecosystems. They share a vision of how to deliver machine identity protection to developers in modern, cloud native infrastructures.


Cert-manager, Jetstack’s most popular open source software, is an example of this new breed of solutions; it is the fastest and easiest way for developers to create, connect and consume certificates with Kubernetes and cloud native tools.


It is used in production Kubernetes and OpenShift multi-cloud infrastructure by many of the largest banks, retailers, airlines, and media companies, powering some of the world’s most popular consumer web and mobile applications.


“At Jetstack we help customers realize the benefits of Kubernetes and cloud native infrastructure, and we see transformative results to businesses firsthand,” said Matt Bates, CTO and co-founder of Jetstack.

“在Jetstack,我们帮助客户实现Kubernetes和云原生基础架构的优势,我们直接看到了对企业的变革性结果,” Jetstack的首席技术官兼创始人Matt Bates说。

“We developed cert-manager to make it easy for developers to scale Kubernetes with consistent, secure, and declared-as-code machine identity protection. The project has been a huge hit with the community and has been adopted far beyond our expectations.


“Our team is thrilled to join Venafi so we can accelerate our plans to bring machine identity protection to the cloud native stack, grow the community and contribute to a wider range of projects across the ecosystem.”


“Nowadays, business success depends on how quickly you can respond to the market,” said Matt Barker, CEO and co-founder of Jetstack. “This reality led us to re-think how software is built and Kubernetes has given us the ideal platform to work from.

Jetstack首席执行官兼联合创始人马特·巴克(Matt Barker)说:“如今,业务的成功取决于您对市场的反应速度。“这种现实促使我们重新考虑软件的构建方式,而Kubernetes为我们提供了理想的工作平台。

“However, putting speed before security is risky. By joining Venafi, Jetstack will give our customers a chance to build fast while acting securely.”


“InfoSec teams are struggling to keep up with cloud-native application development teams,” said Troels Oerting, head of Global Centre for Cybersecurity at the World Economic Forum.

世界经济论坛全球网络安全中心负责人Troels Oerting说:“ InfoSec团队正在努力跟上云原生应用程序开发团队的步伐。”

“Developers are deciding how to use machine identities without understanding how they affect enterprise security. This shift has created a real tension between enterprise security teams and developer teams. We must find a way to keep modern applications secure without disrupting development teams focused on innovation.”


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【工业网安】欧依安盾:获¥千万融资 工业网安
【网安培训】Living安全:获融$5M 安全意识培训
【云安全】Cato Networks:获融$77M 网安SD-WAN
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【云安全】Horangi:获融$20M 云安全与合规
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【代码安全】StackHawk:获融$2.5M 代码漏洞修复
【业务安全】Axis:获融$17M 权限管理
【业务安全】ZeroNorth:获融$10M 流程编排
【业务安全】Right-Hand:获融$1M 员工行为监控
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【云安全】Perimeter 81:获融$4.5M 零信任
【身份认证】Youverify:获融$1.5M 致力非洲
【物联网】Ordr:获融$6M 物联网安全
【车联网】银基安全:获融¥亿元 汽车数字钥匙 
【云安全】易安联:获融近¥亿元 云加密网关


【数字货币】链安科技:三月内两获融 数字货币安全
【数字货币】CoolBitX:获融$16.7M 数字货币安全
【安全媒体】斗象科技:获融近亿元 安全媒体与网安方案
【安全合规】OneTrust:获融$210M 隐私合规
【代码安全】Polyverse:获融$8M 开源代码加扰
【数据安全】Enveil:获融$10M 同态加密
【数字货币】Harbor:被BitGo并购 数字货币安全
【安全服务】Praetorian:获融$10M 麦肯锡伙伴
【威胁情报】Sixgill:获融$15M 暗网威胁情报
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【身份认证】PlainID:获SAP投资 访问控制
【整体并购】Cloudvisory:被火眼并购 强化云安全
【身份认证】VGS:获VISA投资 访问权限
【整体并购】S2:被Cloudflare收购 强化浏览器安全
【风控】数美:获融$73M AI驱动风控
【数据安全】数篷科技:获融$13M 零信任


【网络攻防】博智安全:获融¥1.5亿 网络靶场
【公共安全】RunSafe:获融$6.3M 关基网安
【合规风控】Osano:获融$5.4M 隐私保护
【整体并购】RiskRecon:被万事达卡并购 强化网安
【整体并购】Shape Sec.:被F5以$1B收购 布局反欺诈
【工业网安】Seeq:获融$24M 工业网分析
【整体并购】CyberSponse:被飞塔并购 布局SOAR
【合规风控】CyberGRX:获融$40M 第三方风控
【威胁防护】默安科技:获融近¥两亿 欺骗防御
【代码检测】Secure Code Warrior:获融$47.6M
【整体并购】5nine:被Acronis收购 布局云安全
【数据安全】Zebu:获融CA$5.2M 企业数安
【数据安全】GitGuardian:获融$12M 数据防泄漏
【数据安全】日志易:获融¥8000万 日志分析
【二级市场】三六零:定增¥100亿 发力关保
【安全检测】Cyberhaven:获融$13M 行为安全分析
【安全检测】GitGuardian:获融$12M 代码漏洞检测
【安全管理】Panorays:获融$15M 第三方安管
【反欺诈】Buguroo:获融$11M 基于AI的反欺诈


【反欺诈】Buguroo:获融$11M 反欺诈
【智能安防】极视角:获B轮融资 视频智能监控
【智能安防】渊亭科技:获融¥近亿 认知智能
【物联网】睿赛德:获融¥近亿 物联网操作系统
【安全检测】Perimeter 81:获融$1M 零信任安全
【安全培训】Privacy Core® e-learning:被OneTrust收购 GDPR培训
【合规风控】TRM:获融$4.2M 虚拟币合规风控

【反欺诈】Cheq:获融$16M 广告反欺诈

【威胁情报】InSights:获融$30M 数据库


【数据安全】Nightfall:获融$20.3M 云数据防丢失
【网安教育】Immersive:获融$40M 网安培训
【安全检测】丁牛:获融¥数千万 攻防
【反欺诈】Riskified:获融$165M 电商反欺诈
【网络攻防】Picus:获融$5M 攻防平台
【二级市场】安恒信息:科创板IPO 获融¥7.6亿
【物联网】Foundries.io:获融$3.5M IoT安全OS


【整体并购】九州云腾:阿里云全资收购 身份认证

【业务安全】Duality:获融$16M 隐私与数字IP保护


【身份认证】IDnow:获融€36M AI驱动身份认证

【数据安全】VGS:获高盛$35M 0数据




【风险控制】维择科技:获融$数千万 AI驱动风控



【工业网安】长扬科技:获融近¥亿元 工业网安

【智能安防】MyGate:获融$50M 智能安保系统

【身份认证】Hypr:获融$18.3M 免密登录


【二级市场】南洋股份:拟斥资¥1000万 设立成都天融信

【整体并购】Carbon Black:被VMware收购 强化网安能力

【工业网安】SparkCognition:获融$100M AI驱动安全



【二级市场】山石网科:9月30日 科创板IPO

【反欺诈】Verafin:获融$515M 金融犯罪防控

【安全检测】Cycode:获融$4.6M 代码检测

【安全保险】Arceo.ai:获融$37M 助力网安保险

【物联网】Crypto:获融$8M 物联网安全

【数据安全】Acronis:获融$147M 数据恢复
【物联网】青莲云:获琥珀¥30M 物联网安全
【二级市场】Ping:IPO纽交所上市 计划融资$187M
【安全测评】HackerOne:获融36.4M 众测平台
【业务安全】PerimeterX:获融$91.5M 网站与应用防护
【开源安全】Snyk:获融$70M 开源安全平台
【整体并购】Zingbox:被平底锅$75M并购 布局工控安全


【终端安全】网思科平:获琥珀投资 加码EDR

【身份认证】Yubico:获融$25M 身份认证与加密硬件

【终端安全】CrowdStrike:设立$20M基金 布局平台应用

【安全管理】Remediant:获融$15M 特权访问管理

【反欺诈】Cofense:获BlackRock投资 加码防钓鱼平台

【整体并购】PageSeal:被PerimeterX并购 强化终端威胁防护

【整体并购】Veriflow:被VMware并购 强化网络维护

【数据安全】Kasten:获融$14M 数据备份与恢复

【身份认证】AU10TIX:获融$60M 云身份认证

【云安全 】CloudCheckr:获融$15M 多云管理平台

【数据安全 】Clumio:获融$51M 云灾备

【数据安全】Securiti.ai:获融$31M 合规与隐私安全
【终端安全】Cybereason:获融$200M 大数据驱动终端防护


【业务安全】New Knowledge:获融$3M 在线商誉保护
【边界安全】Trinity Cyber:获融$23M 提前拦截外网威胁
【业务安全】富数科技:宣布获融 基于隐私保护的多方计算平台
【边界安全】Vectra:获融$100M 威胁监测与处置AI
【整体并购】BlueTalon:被微软并购 数据权限管理
【数据安全】BigID:获融$50M 数据合规管理
【业务安全】安全派:获融¥20M 关键业务安全
【网安AI】瑞数信息:获融¥1亿 动态安全与自动化防护
【智能安防】WatchGuard:被Moto系统并购 强化视频安防
【终端安全】enSilo:获融$23M 实时与预先终端防护
【业务安全】英方:完成B+轮融资 数据保护与业务安全
【业务安全】Digital Shadows:获融$10M 专注DRP
【整体并购】SkyFormation:被Exabeam并购 加码云安全


【数据安全】Druva:获融$130M 数据安全SaaS
【动态防御】卫达安全:获融¥数千万 智能动态防御
【工业网安】融安网络:获融¥数千万 工控安全
【安全运维】Expel:获融$40M 专注MSS
【车联网】Edge Case:获融$7M 自动驾驶安全
【网安AI】墨云科技:获融¥千万 AI模拟网络攻击
【安全培训】KnowBe4:获融$300M 安全意识培训
【二级市场】CrowdStrike: IPO首日涨幅65% 估值超过$10B
【车联网】GuardKnox:获融$21M 车联网安全
【整体并购】Insight Partners:领投SentinelOne 并购Recorded Future


【IoT】智普信:获融¥过亿 物联网安全

【威胁情报】BlueVoyant:获融$82.5M 安全托管及威胁情报
【整体并购】Appsulate:被Zscaler并购 布局浏览器安全
【整体并购】Verodin:被FireEye以$250M并购 布局安全测评
【安全运维】Siemplify:获融$30M 加码安全运维
【智能安防】蓝光安科:获融¥10M 社区智能安防
【安全管理】Exabeam:获融$75M AI驱动SIEM革新
【威胁情报】ID Agent:被Kaseya并购 布局暗网监控与威胁情报


【业务安全】Expanse:获融$70M 连接设备追踪    
【身份认证】Cambridge区块链:获融$3.5M 身份认证与合规管理
【安全管理】Sqreen:获融$14M 应用程序安全管理
【身份认证】Onfido:获融$50M AI驱动身份认证
【整体并购】NetFort:被Rapid7并购 强化流量分析

