
外刊精读| 《经济学人》:Fan fare for the common man

成都策马 成都策马翻译 2022-10-02



Fan fare for the common man


1. fan


先来看看文章正文第一段提到的“fan”是怎么用的吧:“electric fan”,结合上下文我们可以得知,朴市长的妻子因为“electric fan”的到来而欣喜。所以标题和正文里的“fan”理解为“风扇”最合适。

由此一来,标题中的“Fan fare”就好理解了,因为本文讲述的是首尔市长体验贫民区没有空调的生活,而对于这些普通人来说,支付风扇的费用在夏天是很常见的。因此标题可以翻译为“普通人的风扇费用”。


“My wife can barely contain her happiness, " Park Won-soon, the mayor of Seoul, South Korea's capital, wrote on his Facebook page on July 27th. The occasion for her ecstasy was that an electric fan had arrived in the household. In the circumstances, the excitement was understandable. Five days earlier the couple had moved into a rooftop shack in Samyang-dong, a dilapidated neighborhood on the northern fringes of the megalopolis. The shack is not air-conditioned, and in the sweltering recent weather-South Korea's hottest on record-temperatures inside topped 50°C. Plus, the fan came with a message of solidarity from the president, Moon Jae-in, a political ally.


1. barely contain one’s happiness

如果想要表示“喜悦之情难以掩盖”,该怎么说呢?这里经济学人用了一个既恰当又生动的表达方式:“barely contain her happiness”。

在这个短语中,每个词大家都应该很熟悉,但却没想过可以放在一起组成这样的短语。“barely”有“仅仅、几乎不”的意思,是一个表示否定的副词,而“contain”意为“容纳”。于是“barely contain one’s happiness”能给人一种想象的空间,似乎把“happiness”给物化成了具体的内容物,给人一种满满当当,即将溢出的情形。

2. ecstasy

① n. [U, C] a feeling or state of very great happiness. 狂喜;陶醉;入迷。e.g.: It seems that he could rest for a while to enjoy the ecstasy of victory. 似乎他可以休息一下,去享受胜利的狂喜。

② n. [U] an illegal drug, taken especially by young people at parties, clubs, etc. 摇头丸;迷幻药


3. in the circumstances


e.g.: In the circumstances, the choice of a soft-spoken, civilian lawyer seemed a palm of peace. 在这种情况下,选择一位善于言辞的民事律师当总统似乎能为国家带来和平。


In all the circumstances 在任何情况下;

In the circumstances forced 在被逼的情况下;

In the current/present circumstances 在目前情况下

4. dilapidated

adj. ( of furniture and buildings 通常形容家具和建筑物 ) old and in very bad condition. 破旧的;破烂的;年久失修的

e.g.: The walls of the dilapidated shed lean outward. 那座破棚屋的墙向外倾。


n. dilapidation 破旧 

e.g.: in a state of dilapidation 处于破旧状态 

v. dilapidate 毁坏;荒废 

(SYN. 近义词) adj. ramshackle 摇摇欲坠的;破烂不堪的


5. fringes of the megalopolis

是不是有很多小伙伴想知道除了“outskirt” 和 “suburb”,“郊区”还有没有别的英文表示方法?这不,经济学人给出了另一个,特指大都市郊区的表达方法:“fringes of the megalopolis”。“Fringes”一词除了“边缘”,还有“刘海儿;流苏;穗”的意思,而“a fringe of…”也有“一条;一排”的意思。“megalopolis”特指大都会,大都市。所以短语“fringes of the megalopolis”可以用来表示大都市边缘地带、郊区哦~

6. solidarity

n. [U] support by one person or group of people for another because they share feelings, opinions, aims, etc. 团结;齐心协力;同心同德;支持

e.g.: Demonstrations were held as a gesture of solidarity with the hunger strikers. 人们举行示威游行,以表示对绝食抗议者的支持。



这句话值得注意的地方是它使用了两个连接符“-”来代替连接词“and”,这主要是避免了过量使用“and”导致的句子结构混乱。当我们把句子拆开分析不难发现,这句话的主干部分是“the shack is not air-conditioned, and temperatures inside topped 50°C”。而其中的“in the sweltering recent weather-South Korea's hottest on record”修饰了“temperatures inside topped 50°C”。并且要注意“top”的作为动词的用法,意为“达到顶峰”。


“Seoul”首尔,全称首尔特别市,旧称汉城。大韩民国首都,是世界第十大城市、朝鲜半岛最大的城市,亚洲主要金融城市之一,因此可以称作“megalopolis”(中文意为“特大都市;人口稠密带”);也是韩国的政治、经济、科技、教育、文化中心。首尔全市下辖25区,面积约605.25 平方公里,是世界上人口密度极高城市之一。其中本文提到的“Samyang-dong”位于首尔的江北区(Gangbuk District),属于首尔城郊地区,经济较为落后。




7月27日,韩国首都首尔市市长朴元淳在他的脸书(Facebook)上写道: “我妻子心中的喜悦难以掩盖”。而她之所以这般狂喜,是因为家里购买的电扇到了。其实,在这种情况下,这种兴奋是可以理解的。五天前,朴市长夫妇搬进了三阳洞(Samyang-dong)一间屋顶上的棚屋中。三阳洞是这个大都市北部的一个破旧社区。小屋没有空调,在最近酷热的天气里,小屋里的温度超过了50摄氏度——达到了韩国有记录以来最热的天气。随之而来的,还有其政治盟友文在寅(Moon Jae-in)对他们的做法表示支持的好消息。

Mr. Park, who in June was elected to his third term as mayor, says that by spending a month in Samyang-dong he will learn first-hand about the difficulties that Seoul’s poorer residents face. The stunt has earned him a fair amount of mockery. When City Hall workers delivered ready-made rice porridge to him over the weekend, onlookers questioned the seriousness of Mr. Park's quest to experience "ordinary life". (City Hall said the porridge was for a breakfast meeting with neighbors.) Ha Tae-kyung, from the conservative opposition, described the move to the roof as a "comedy”. If the mayor really wanted to know about ordinary life, he said, "he should live in the neighborhood for his entire term.”


1. first-hand

adj. obtained or experienced yourself 第一手的;直接的

e.g.: We've been through Germany and seen first-hand what's happening there. 我们曾走遍德国,亲眼目睹了那里发生的事。


2. stunt

n. ① a dangerous and difficult action that sb does to entertain people, especially as part of a film/movie.(尤指电影中的)特技表演

e.g.: At nearly the same time Chan was in Yugoslavia, filming a dangerous stunt. 也就是在那个时间,成龙正在南斯拉夫拍摄一个危险的特技。

② something that is done in order to attract people's attention. 意在引人注意的花招;噱头 (即文章所指意思)

e.g.: The new blog may turn out to be no more than a clever public-relations stunt. 新的博客可能只不过是一个聪明的公关噱头。

③ a stupid or dangerous act 愚蠢行为;危险举动

e.g.: I've had enough of her childish stunts. 她那些幼稚的愚蠢行为我受够了。

v. to prevent sb/sth from growing or developing as much as they/it should 阻碍生长;妨碍发展;遏制

e.g.: His illness had not stunted his creativity. 疾病没有扼杀他的创造力。


pull a stunt 耍花招,表演特技,逞能;

publicity stunt 做秀;炒作

3. a fair amount of

如果让大家说出“大量的;相当多”的英文,大家第一反应是不是都是“a lot of,quite an amount of”,而“a fair amount of”是本文提到的另一种“相当多”的说法,大家快拿小本本记下来呀~这里的“fair”并不是我们熟悉的“公平的,合理的”的意思 ,而是“相当大的”的意思。

e.g.: a fair-sized town 一座不小的市镇。

4. quest

n. a long search for sth, especially for some quality such as happiness. 探索,寻找,追求(幸福等)

e.g.: I have not faltered in my quest for a new future. 我对崭新未来的追求未曾犹豫过。

v. to search for sth that is difficult to find. 探索;探求

e.g.: They are using a new prospecting method to quest for oil. 他们正在采用一种新的勘探方法寻找石油。



① quest for 追求;探索,设法找到 

② in quest of 探寻,寻求;为了追求……



首先,本句的主句部分是“Mr. Park says that…”。开头出现的“who in June was elected to ... ”是who引导的定语从句,修饰前面的“Mr. Park”,来告诉大家“Mr. Park”是个什么样的人。

says后紧跟的“that”引导宾语从句,而宾语从句中的“by spending a month in Samyang-dong”属于状语成分,修饰整个宾语从句。而最后的“that”引导的是一个定语从句,修饰前面的“difficulties”。



今年6月第三次当选市长的朴先生说,在三阳洞待上一个月,他将亲身了解首尔贫困居民面临的困难。这一噱头使他受到了不少嘲弄。当市政府工作人员在周末给朴市长送去现成的白粥时,旁观者便开始质疑朴元淳寻求体验“普通生活”的严肃性。(市政厅说这粥是给邻居们的早餐会用的。) 来自保守派反对党的河泰庆(Ha Tae-kyung)将搬上屋顶的举动形容为一场“喜剧”。他说,如果市长真的想了解普通人的生活,“他应该整个任期内都住在附近。”

Mr. Park will leave his Samyang-dong shack later this month, to return to his air-conditioned apartment. However, the mayor's stint of living like common folk is a reminder that beyond the city's glitzy center many Seoulites still live in flimsy, barely legal dwellings similar to Mr. Park's temporary lodging. These people cannot afford the capital's sky-high property prices. In many areas, particularly north of the Han river, houses are poorly equipped for Seoul's steamy summers and biting winters.


1. stint

n. a period of time that you spend working somewhere or doing a particular activity. 从事某项工作(或活动)的时间


He did a stint abroad early in his career. 他早先在国外干过一段时间。

Macau became a Special Administrative Region of China in 1999, ending its stint as the first and last European colony in China. 澳门于1999年成为中国的特别行政区,结束了作为欧洲在华第一块也是最后一块殖民地的历史。

v. to provide or use only a small amount of sth. 节省;吝惜

e.g.: ① She never stints on the food at her parties. 她举办聚会吃的东西从不小气。We don't need to stint ourselves—have some more! 我们没要节省再吃点!

PS: 大家是不是觉得“stint”这个词用法很多很复杂呢?一时记不下来没关系,好记性不如烂笔头,大家可以把例句中出现的固定用法记在小本本上哦~

2. glitzy

adj. exciting and attractive in a showy way. 浮华的;夺目的

e.g.: I don't think any of the gulf states would be very impressed if you were to see a high profile glitzy glamorous player fail in this way. 我不认为在看着这样一个金融史上的瑰丽奇迹分崩离析时会让其他海湾国家铭记教训。

3. flimsy

adj. ① badly made and not strong enough for the purpose for which it is used. 劣质的;不结实的 (即文中所指意思)

e.g.: In Tal, as many as 12 people are crammed into flimsy shelters patched together from reeds and plastic sheets. 在塔尔,多达12人挤在用芦苇和塑料布拼凑而成的简陋棚子里。

② thin and easily torn. 薄而易损坏的(特指形容某种材料)

e.g.: a flimsy piece of paper. 薄薄的一张纸

③ difficult to believe. 不足信的

e.g.: The evidence against him is pretty flimsy. 对他不利的证据很难站住脚。

PS: “flimsy”的意思也太多了吧!快和你的小伙伴互相抽背一下,看看记住了多少~

4. property price  房价

5. steamy summers and biting winters


在这里,经济学人给了我们两个很好的例子:“steamy summer” 充满热水汽的夏天;“biting winter” 刺骨的冬天。关于春天和秋天,我们可以这样形容:“moist spring” 潮湿的春天;“crisp autumn” 凉爽的秋天。


这句话主句是“the mayor’s stint of living is a reminder”,“like common folk”在这里做定语修饰“living”,而表语reminder后面的“that”引导同位语从句,补充说明a reminder。在同位语从句中“beyond the city’s glitzy center”是这个从句的状语成分,最后的“similar to Mr. Park's temporary lodging”是修饰“dwellings”的定语从句,省略了引导词。









关注 “成都策马翻译”



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