

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集

《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集


Seasons of China 《四季中国》全24集


94 / 95 / 96 / 97 / 98 / 99 / 100

“This is ridiculous,” said the Tang Monk. “Why are we under arrest?”

Soldiers were bringing the travelers back to the town.

“You robbed Squire Kou’s house last night,” said one of the soldiers.

“What!” cried Bajie. “We would never rob somebody. Especially not the squire—he was kind to us!” 

“You had all the stolen items,” replied the soldier. “You also had the two horses that were stolen from his stable.”

“We got everything from the real robbers,” said the Tang Monk. “We were going to return it all to Squire Kou!”

The soldier laughed. “Oh? You got everything from the real robbers? Tell me, where are the real robbers now? Hmm?”

Wukong sighed. “I let them go.”

The soldier laughed again. “Oh, that was very kind of you!”

Wukong could tell that the soldier didn’t believe him.

By now they had reached the town. A crowd of people had gathered to watch.

The soldiers brought the travelers into the courthouse.

The judge frowned at the monk and the others. “Lock them up!”

“This is a mistake,” the Tang Monk pleaded. “We can’t go to jail. We’re making an important journey to visit Buddha.”

The judge shook his head. “Buddha doesn’t allow killers in the Western Paradise.”

“Killers?” said Wujing. “What are you talking about?”

“You killed Squire Kou,” said the judge.

The Tang Monk’s face went pale. “The squire is dead?”

The judge narrowed his eyes at the monk. “Yes. And Lady Kou saw you do it.”

The travelers were shoved into a jail cell, and the door was slammed shut.

The Tang Monk started to cry. “This is terrible!”

Bajie made a fist. “Lady Kou framed us!”

“Yes,” said Wujing, nodding. “But why?”

“I’ll find out tonight,” promised Wukong.

“Thank you, Wukong.” The Tang Monk looked grateful. “We must prove our innocence!”

That night Wukong turned into a bee and flew out of the jail and to Squire Kou’s house. He found Lady Kou mourning over a coffin. The monkey changed back into himself and hid behind a curtain.

Imitating the squire’s voice, he said, “My lady! It’s me, your husband.”

Lady Kou’s eyes went wide. “Husband? Is it really you?”

“Yes,” said Wukong. “Why did you tell the judge that the Tang Monk and his companions killed me?”

Lady Kou hesitated. “I . . . I was angry with them. You wanted them to stay here, but they insisted on leaving. That was an insult to us.”

“You have done a terrible thing!” thundered Wukong.

The walls of the house shook, and Lady Kou trembled.

The monkey continued. “Tomorrow you must tell the judge that the Tang Monk and his companions are innocent. If you don’t, I will haunt you for the rest of your life!”

Tears poured from the woman’s eyes. “I will talk to the judge tomorrow, I promise. Please don’t haunt me!

Wukong flew back to the courthouse. He saw the judge sitting at a desk, reading some papers.

Wukong flew over the roof. Then he turned into an enormous spirit body and lowered one foot.

When the judge saw the giant foot, he gasped. The papers fell from his hands.

Wukong’s voice boomed. “I am the Wandering Spirit, and I was sent here by Buddha. Lady Kou lied to you—the Tang Monk didn’t kill Squire Kou. The monk is on an important journey. If you don’t free him and his companions, I will lower my other foot. Then I will stomp all over this town until there is nothing left!”
1.ridiculous [rɪˈdɪkjələs]  adj.愚蠢的;荒谬的;荒唐的
ridicul〔e〕嘲笑 + ous 形容词后缀,ridicule的形容词 → 可笑的
ridicule [ˈrɪdɪkjuːl] n.嘲笑;奚落;讥笑v.嘲笑;奚落;讥笑
rid 笑 + i + cu + le 表反复,连续 → 笑个不停 → 嘲笑
Her explanation was patently ridiculous.
2.stable [ˈsteɪbl]  adj.稳定的;稳固的;牢固的;稳重的;沉稳的;持重的;(化学状态或原子状态)稳定的 n.马厩;(养马作特定用途的)养马场;马房;统称某人拥有(或训练的)赛马 v.使(马)入厩;把(马)拴在马厩
st 站,立 + able形容词后缀 → 能站住的 → 稳定的
This ladder doesn't seem very stable.
3.shove [ʃʌv]  v.猛推;乱挤;推撞;乱放;随便放;胡乱丢;随手扔 n.猛推
The door wouldn't open no matter how hard she shoved.
4.innocent [ˈɪnəsnt]  adj.无辜的;清白的;无罪的;无辜受害的;成为牺牲品的;无恶意的;无冒犯之意的 n.无辜者,单纯的人(尤指天真无邪的孩子)
in 无 + noc 伤害;毒 + ent 形容词或名词后缀 → 单纯无害人之心的 → 无害的;天真的
He was the innocent party (= person) in the breakdown of the marriage.
5.haunt [hɔːnt]  v.(鬼魂)出没;(不快的事情)萦绕于脑际,难以忘却;长期不断地缠扰(某人) n.常去的场所;消磨时光的去处
A headless rider haunts the country lanes.



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