

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集


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That woman was a demon!” cried Wukong. “And she kidnapped the Tang Monk!” He leaped into the air, and Bajie and Wujing followed. In the distance the monkey

saw a dark cloud speeding toward a mountain.

“That must be her,” said Wukong. 

“Quickly!” said Wujing. “We must catch her!”

They raced after the cloud, which disappeared when it reached the mountain.

They soon arrived at the mountain and found a cave. Its door was closed.

Wukong pounded on the cave door. “Open up!” he yelled.

The door flew open, and the woman came out.

“Who are you?” demanded the woman.

“Why are you pounding on my door?”

“Release our master!” shouted Wukong, ignoring her questions.

The woman laughed. “Don’t tell me what to do!”

The monkey attacked. The woman spun around fast, blocking his iron bar and striking

back with fury.

“You shouldn’t have come here!” she shouted as she fought. “Even Buddha is

afraid of me!”

Bajie tried to hit her with his rake but missed. The woman was now spinning faster and faster.

“She’s faster than a tornado!” cried the pig.

Wukong leaped at the woman. Suddenly he felt a stabbing pain.

“Ahh!” cried the monkey, grabbing his head. “It hurts! It hurts!” He ran down the


Bajie and Wujing stared after Wukong in shock. The woman went back into her cave.

“What happened to Wukong?” asked the pig. “Nothing hurts him except for the Tight

Headband spell.”

“I don’t know,” said Wujing, scratching his head.

They went down the mountain and found the monkey crouching by a stream. He was still holding his head.

“Are you all right?” asked Wujing.

“That woman stabbed me in the head,” moaned Wukong. “The pain is horrible!”

Bajie snorted. “You’re always bragging about how tough you are. Now you’re crying about getting stabbed in the head?”

“It hurts!” shouted the monkey.

Wujing moved closer. “Let me see where she stabbed you.”

Wukong lowered his hands. There was no injury.

Bajie laughed. “He’s fine. He just wants us to feel bad for him.”

The monkey glared at the pig. “I’m telling you, it hurts!” He took a deep breath.

“The pain is going away now though. Let’s go back up there and fight her again.”

The three companions returned to the cave.

“Wukong, you stand back,” said Bajie, laughing. “I don’t want you getting hurt


Wukong clenched his teeth.

The pig hit the door with his rake. Smash! The door exploded.

The woman ran outside. “You smashed my door!” she shouted.

“Release our master!” shouted the pig. “Or we’ll smash your entire mountain!”

The woman spun around, faster and faster. Bajie and Wujing tried to strike her with their weapons. But the woman was too fast. Wukong raised his iron bar, waiting for a good moment to strike.

Suddenly Bajie cried out, “Ahh!” He covered his nose and ran back down the mountain.

The woman spun toward Wukong and Wujing. They turned and ran back down the mountain.

Bajie was huddled on the ground, tears streaming from his eyes. “It hurts so badly!”

Wukong laughed. “Don’t laugh at me!” cried Bajie. “She stabbed my nose!”

“You deserved it!” said the monkey. “You didn’t believe me when I got hurt.”

“Stop arguing,” said Wujing. “We still have to save the Tang Monk.”

“You’re right,” said Wukong. “Let’s go back up there.”

A voice called out, “Wait!” It was Guanyin.

The bodhisattva was walking toward the group. “Beware of that scorpion spirit!” 


1.tornado [tɔːrˈneɪdoʊ]  n.龙卷风;旋风
tor〔= tour=turn转〕+ nado  → 转的风 → 龙卷风
Technology's impact will fed like a tornado, hitting the rich world first, but eventually sweeping through poorer countries too.
2.stab [stæb]  v.(用刀等锐器)刺,戳,捅;(用手指或尖物)戳,刺 n.刺;戳;捅;刺(或戳、捅)的伤口;突然一阵剧痛(或难受的感觉);尝试;企图
He was stabbed to death in a racist attack.
3.clench [klentʃ]  v.(通常表示愤怒、决心或不安时)捏紧,攥紧(拳头等),咬紧(牙齿等);握紧;抓牢;攥住
Through clenched teeth she told him to leave.
4.huddle [ˈhʌdl]  v.(通常因寒冷或害怕)挤在一起;(通常因寒冷或害怕)蜷缩,缩成一团 n.(尤指杂乱地)挤在一起的人(或物品、建筑);队员靠拢(磋商战术)
She huddled inside the porch as she rang the bell...
5. beware of [bɪˈwer əv] 对……小心;谨防……
Motorists have been warned to beware of icy roads.



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