

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集


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Wukong stared at the cave door, shocked. “I don’t believe it. One-Horned Buffalo stole our weapons again!”

“What will we do now?” asked the fire god.

“This demon’s powers are stronger than any I’ve seen before,” said Wukong. “I know one person who can definitely defeat him—Buddha. I’ll be back soon.”

The monkey leaped onto a cloud and soared toward the west. He arrived at the Thunderclap Monastery. A guard at the gate stopped him.

“I need to ask Buddha for help,” Wukong told the guard. “It’s about the Tang Monk’s journey.”

The guard waved the monkey through.

Wukong entered the monastery and bowed before Buddha.

“Greetings, Buddha,” said the monkey. “I need—”

Buddha held up a hand. “I know why you’re here, Wukong. I also know who the demon is. You must go to Laozi for help.”

“Oh, okay,” said the monkey, a bit surprised. “Thank you.”

Wukong flew toward Heaven.

“Laozi doesn’t like me much,” thought the monkey. “He won’t be happy to see me.”

When Wukong arrived at Laozi’s house, the sage frowned.

“What do you want, Wukong?” asked Laozi.

“Buddha told me to come here,” said Wukong. “The Tang Monk was captured by a demon called One-Horned Buffalo.”

“Oh dear!” said Laozi.

“Do you know him?” asked the monkey.

Laozi nodded. “He’s my green buffalo. I didn’t realize he’d escaped.”

“Well, he did,” said Wukong, getting annoyed. “And he’s planning to eat the Tang Monk. Your buffalo also has a metal ring.

Every time we try to fight him, the ring sucks in our weapons!”

Laozi held up his hands. “Okay, okay. I can capture the buffalo. Don’t worry.”

The sage went into another room. When he came back, he was holding a fan. “Let’s go.”

Wukong and Laozi returned to the mountain.

“Buffalo!” shouted Laozi. “Get out here right now!”

The door flew open, and One-Horned Buffalo stepped outside. His face fell when he saw Laozi.

Laozi raised the fan and brought it down fast. A fierce wind nearly knocked over One-Horned Buffalo. The demon pulled off the metal ring and flung it at Laozi. The sage caught it and brought the fan down once more. The wind knocked over the demon, and he turned into a large, green buffalo. The buffalo stood up and snorted.

Laozi tucked the fan and the ring into his robe. Then he climbed onto the buffalo and rode up into the sky.

Wukong went into the cave, and the warrior and two gods followed. They soon found their weapons.

“The gods and I will return to Heaven now,” said the warrior. “Good luck with your journey, Wukong.”

“Thank you,” said the monkey.

Wukong found his companions deep in the cave.

“What took you so long?” cried Bajie.

“I was busy fighting a demon,” said Wukong, untying the Tang Monk.

“Thank you, Wukong,” said the monk.

“You’re welcome,” said the monkey.

“But next time I tell you to stay away from a place, please listen!”

A few weeks later, the travelers arrived at a busy city. The streets were filled with people selling vegetables, spices, and other goods. An old woman was stirring a large pot of soup. Other food sizzled over fires. 

Bajie breathed deep. “Ah! That smells wonderful!”

Suddenly a young woman rushed out of the crowd. “The Tang Monk!” she cried. She threw her arms around the monk.

A fierce wind swirled, and a second later they were both gone!


1.definitely [ˈdefɪnətli]  adv.肯定;没问题;当然;确实;确切地;明确地;清楚地
比较级:more definitely最高级:most definitely
definite 明确的 + ly 副词后缀 → 明确地
Some old people want help; others most definitely do not.
2.thunderclap [ˈθʌndərklæp]  n.雷声;霹雳
And now, like a thunderclap, had come this horrible news.
3.fling [flɪŋ]  v.(尤指生气地)扔,掷,抛,丢;猛动(身体或身体部位);粗暴地(向某人)说;气势汹汹地(对某人)说 n.一阵尽情欢乐;一时的放纵;短暂的风流韵事
fling off 发出,甩掉,挫败
Someone had flung a brick through the window.
4.tuck [tʌk]  v.(把衣服、纸张等的边缘)塞进,折叠,卷起;把…塞进狭窄的空间;把…藏入;收藏;用…盖住;用…围紧;用…裹严 n.(衣服或织物的)褶,打褶;去赘皮手术;减肥手术;食物,零食(尤指儿童在学校吃的糖果等)
同源词:duct, tug
She tucked up her skirt and waded into the river.
5.swirl [swɜːrl]  v.(使)打旋,旋动,起旋涡 n.打旋;旋动;旋涡;螺旋形;旋涡状(物体)
The water swirled down the drain.



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